Death Note Redemption - doughnut_mind_if_I_do (2025)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Prologue Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 2: Chapter One - A second chance. A missed opportunity Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 3: Chapter Two - Kira Reborn Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 4: Chapter Three - A deal with a Shinigami Chapter Text Chapter 5: Chapter Four - A fateful bus ride Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 6: Chapter Five - Saving Raye Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 7: Chapter Six - L returns Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 8: Chapter Seven - Against fate. Against time Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Chapter Eight - An investigation and a funeral Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 10: Chapter Nine - A second encounter Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 11: Chapter Ten - Stress is a killer Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 12: Chapter Eleven - Damnit Misa Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 13: Chapter Twelve - Joining the Task Force Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Chapter Thirteen - Misa and Light Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 15: Chapter Fourteen - May the best Kira win Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 16: Chapter Fifteen - Failed seduction, thy name is Kira Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 17: Chapter Sixteen - Memory Loss Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 18: Chapter Seventeen - Last ditch effort Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Chapter Eighteen - Mitsuko Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 20: Chapter Nineteen - The Yotsaba arc Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty - Matsuda, you idiot Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 22: Chapter Twenty One _ Inside the meeting room Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 23: Chapter twenty two - Rem returns Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty three - Rem returns part 2 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 25: Chapter Twenty Four - Take down the devil Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 26: Chapter Twenty Five - Crash and Burn Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Chapter Twenty Six - Memories Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty seven - Goodbye Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Chapter Twenty Eight - Time goes on Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 30: Chapter Twenty Nine - Years later Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 31: Chapter Thirty - So close and yet so far Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 32: Chapter Thirty One - Saving Light (Part One) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 33: Chapter Thirty Two - Saving Light (Part Two) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 34: Chapter Thirty Three - A moment of peace Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 35: Chapter Thirty Four - Out of the frying pan and into the fire Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 36: Chapter Thirty Five - Convictions Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 37: Chapter Thirty Six - It Begins... Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 38: Chapter Thirty Seven - The Last Straw Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 39: Chapter Thirty Eight - Loss Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 40: Chapter Thirty Nine - Teru's last stand Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 41: Chapter Forty - Light's decision Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 42: Chapter Forty One - The Confrontation Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 43: Chapter Forty Two - Epilogue Summary: Notes: Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Prologue


Raging Storm: The Legends of Endonia is the first of a series I'm writing that is now available on Kindle and Paperback on Amazon. If you want to check it out, please do xxx

Chapter Text

When he thought about it, it was quite poetic for Light to die from a heart attack. Over the few years he had been Kira he had killed so many by the same means that it felt just. Light laid on the metal staircase of the abandoned warehouse, the life slowly draining from his weak and bloody body. He knew this was the end. He was going to die.

They say that death puts everything in perspective and Light could at last see clearly for the first time in years. When he had fled the task force he had seen, just for a split second, a younger version of himself. Back when he was just Light Yagami, a gifted student with the world ahead of him. Back when the thought of killing someone was something he found horrendous and not a means to an end.

Light didn’t even recognize himself from the person he once was. He’d realised only then when his body grew heavy just how deranged he had truly become. His intentions had been good at first, but those intentions were quickly forgotten when he tasted the power the Death Note gave him. Light would laugh at his own stupidity if he had the strength. All the Death Note did was ruin his life and awaken something monstrous.

His breathing began to slow as he thought back on his actions. He remembered Sayu, mentally broken from her ordeal. He remembered his mother, a widow too soon. He remembered his father, dying while still thinking Light was innocent. They didn’t deserve it. No one deserved his twisted version of justice.

Amber brown eyes began to slip shut but before they did, Light saw standing before him a ghostly image of Ryuzaki. If Light was being honest, he had missed the detective. Ryuzaki had been the only person Light ever felt equal to. Maybe in another world they could have been real friends. Hadn’t it been his dream from years ago to work alongside L?

As his eyes slid shut, all Light could feel was regret. Regret for everything he had did. Regret for the countless lives Kira had took regret for ever writing down that first name. With his last breath, Light wished he had never picked up Ryuk’s Death Note

There Kira died, defeated and forgotten.

There Light Yagami died, remorseful and all alone.


The next thing Light knew, he was waking up to loud thumping. “Light!” he heard his sister call for him “Mom said it’s time for breakfast!”

Light raised his head off his pillow tiredly, his bleary eyes landing on his bedside alarm clock. He groaned pulling the comforter over his head and snuggled back down. “Sayu, it’s Sunday. It’s too early...” he settled back down, more than happy to go back to sleep, when his eyes snapped open with realisation. Wait, Sayu!? He shot up in bed, tiredness completely forgotten. Wide eyes scanned the room. He was in his childhood bedroom. Everything was just like before, down to the last detail. He was even wearing his old set of pyjamas, a t-shirt and lounge pants like he used to. Light scrambled out of his bed nearly falling in the process and ran to the mirror on the inside of his closet door.

Staring back at him was his younger self. Next to the mirror hung his high school uniform neatly folded and clean for the next day. “What... the hell...?” he whispered unable to take his eyes off his reflection. What the hell is happening!? I – I died! I remember dying. How the hell am I back here!?

Sayu knocked on his door again “Uh, Light? You ok in there?”

Moments later Light yanked the door open. To his infinite disbelief, there stood Sayu as a preteen, looking up at him with her big brown eyes in confusion. Oh my god, it’s her. It's really her... He felt tears begin to prick at the corners of his eyes seeing his sister once more. He had almost forgotten how young she used to be. Before he became Kira. “Are you... crying? She asked now concerned. He didn’t answer. Instead, Light knelt down and swept her into a tight, desperate hug, relief and guilt washing over him in waves. He couldn’t stop thinking about the last time he saw Sayu. How she was nothing but a broken shell of who she once was. Never again. Never again.

“Ok, now you’re freaking me out” she said jokingly but was actually worried. She couldn’t remember the last time her brother had been so affectionate and now here he was hugging her so tight like he was afraid she’d disappear if he let go.

He eventually did with his eyes shining and smiling brightly “Sorry. You just – you just have no idea how happy I am to see you”

Sayu was very confused at this point “Um, okay... I’ll tell Mom you’ll be down soon” she quickly made her way back down the stairs still very confused at her older brother’s actions. Once she was out of sight, Light went back inside, locked the door, and proceeded to have the biggest freak out of his life.

What the fuck!? I mean – seriously!? What the actually hell is going on!? He inwardly panicked, hands fisting his hair as his mind raced a mile a minuet. This is impossible. I died. I remember being shot at by Matsuda. What is happening to me?! Light’s eyes fell on his computer. He hurried over and turned it on, seeing the date on the lower corner of the screen. Exactly three days before he found the Notebook. Breathing heavily, Light searched the internet for any information on the Kira case. He found nothing as it hadn’t happened yet.

Now he was truly freaking out. He paced his old bedroom back and forth trying to figure out just what was going on. Nothing made sense. It was impossible for him to be back in time. Even if it was, there was no way Kira would ever be given a second chance. That’s when Light noticed a message alert blinking on his computer. He opened it and read the following.

Light Yagami
You have been granted a second chance
Do not waste this opportunity
Good luck

Light stared as the message vanished, blinking back his disbelief. “Ok... I guess I really am back... Oh god, what the hell?”


After finally getting dressed Light made his way downstairs. At the foot of the staircase he could hear his Mom and sister chatting over breakfast. Suddenly Light stopped unable to breath, his heart clenching in his chest. Mom... I never got to see her after Dad died. How... What do I even say to her?

“Light? You coming? I made your favourite” she called from the kitchen

Light gulped “Coming Mom” he replied, taking a deep breath before going in. How many times had he took this scene for granted. His mother serving up breakfast while Sayu went on about her latest obsession, some celebrity if Light recalled correctly. He paused at the threshold unable to keep the smile off his face. They look so happy. And I ruined it for them.

“There you are. Come on or your breakfast will get cold” his mom smiled ushering him to sit. Light did so and she handed him his breakfast. Instead of a traditional breakfast she had gone out of her way to make his favourite pancakes topped with sugar, blueberries and syrup. “You’ve been working so hard at your studies I figured you deserved a treat”

“Hey!” Sayu gasped playfully “Why don’t I get a special breakfast?”

Sachiko rolled her eyes affectionately “Get an A on your next test and we’ll talk”

Light felt a lump form in his throat at the sight of his meal. Again, he was overcome with the overwhelming guilt of his past actions. The first bite was incredible. He had forgotten how much he had enjoyed his mother’s cooking. He ate like it was his first meal in weeks, savouring every mouth full. His mother laughed “I’m glad you’re enjoying it so much” Light hummed mouth full. “So, what are you two's plans for the day?”

Sayu shrugged “Not much. Finished all my homework so I’ll probably just hang out here today”

It occurred to Light that he couldn’t remember the last time he had spent time with his little sister. Even before he became Kira, he hardly spent anytime with his family due to his obsession with studying. How many times had he turned down Sayu’s offers to spend time with him till she eventually stopped asking. Don’t waste this opportunity. “I’ll hang out with you” he offered

Both she and their mother paused staring at him “What?” Sayu questioned

“I could use the break. We’ll make a day of it, my treat”

Sayu let out a shocked laugh “Now you’re really acting weird”

“I’m serious. Where do you want to go?”

She thought for a moment “Anywhere I want? You pay?” he nodded “Okay. How about... The arcades in Akihabara”

“Deal” he agreed without question

“Really?” she grinned “Light, you’re the best! I’m gonna get ready. Thanks for breakfast Mom” she hurried off to get ready.

Sachiko looked at her son with confusion but fondness “That’s awfully nice of you, Light. You really don’t have to though”

He shook his head “No, I do. I’ve realised I haven’t been the best brother lately, or son if I’m being honest. So I’m going to make it up to you all. Starting with Sayu” he stood up but before he left he placed a kiss on her cheek “Love you Mom”

She beamed “Love you too, Light”

When it was time for them to go Sayu was a ball of excitement. Sachiko handed Light some spending money before they left. “Now have fun you two and be back by eight, ok? And Light, don’t let your sister spend it all on the claw machines” by then Sayu had dragged him halfway down the street. They waved goodbye and headed for the train station.


The siblings spent the day at the arcades and had lunch at a nearby restaurant. When it was time to come home Sayu was the proud owner of three new plush toys over half her size and Light’s wallet was a lot less heavy. Though Light couldn’t bring himself to care. He’d made Sayu happy and that was all that mattered. On the train home Sayu leaned against him, eyes closed with a soft smile. In her arms two plush toys while he held the other under his arm.

“Thanks for today, Light. I had a lot of fun”

“Don’t worry about it”

She smiled brighter “No, really. It was nice to just hang out with you. We haven’t done that in forever. I’ve missed you”

Light was glad her eyes were shut. That way she couldn’t see him start to tear up “Yeah. Me too. We’ll hang out more often from now on, I promise”

“I’d like that. I love you big bro” Sayu whispered gently drifting off into sleep. Light choked up, his cheeks wet with tears. He looked down at his sleeping sister, wondering how he had ever gave this up in his previous life.

I promise Sayu. I won’t let anything happen to you. This time, I’ll fight like hell to keep you safe. I’ll be the brother you deserve. I swear it.

They got home just shy of their appointed curfew. Sachiko glanced at the toys Sayu happily carried upstairs then at Light knowingly. Light shrugged. “What? You try saying no to that face” she shook her head fondly.

“I don’t know why I expected any different. Did you two have fun?” she asked as Light toed off his shoes.

“Yeah. It was a lot of fun. Is Dad home yet?” he said hoping he didn’t sound nervous.

She nodded “Yes, he came home not too long ago. Dinner will be ready soon so go wash up”

While in the bathroom Light splashed water on his face willing himself to stay calm. Just breath. You can handle this... I can’t handle this. How was he ever going to look his Dad in the eye knowing what he did. The last time he saw his father, his father was on his death bed because Light put him there. Even till the bitter end, Soichiro Yagami believed in his innocence. Light shuddered a breath at the memory. Knowing it was him that caused his father’s death made him almost throw up what he ate that day.

Keep it together Light. This is your second chance. You can’t blow this. You can’t loose them again.

Composing himself, Light made his way downstairs to join his family for dinner. Seeing his father alive and well was jarring. He looked so much younger, his hair still black and the stress lines much less visible. It felt like he was seeing a ghost. “Ah, Light” he greeted setting down his tea “I heard you took Sayu out for the day. That was very nice of you”

Light swallowed the lump in his throat “Yeah. Figured we both could do with a break from studying” he responded taking a seat across from him. Underneath the table Light fisted the fabric of his trousers out of nerves.

The detective chuckled “I should say so. You’ve been working on stop preparing for those entrance exams. Don’t worry, I’ll reimburse you for today. I don’t doubt Sayu spent more than enough on those silly crane machines”

Light breathed a smile “How was work? Any interesting cases lately?” Please don’t say Kira. Please don’t say Kira.

“Thankfully nothing we can’t handle. You still planning on becoming a detective?”

“That’s the plan” Light joked

He nodded approvingly “Good lad. Who knows. Soon enough you may have my job"

The following dinner was a calm affair save for Sayu yammering on about how much fun she had. “You should have seen Light’s face when we went on this Virtual Reality ride. I thought he was gonna throw up”

“Hey, it’s not my fault I get motion sick” he defended using his chopsticks to steal a piece of meat from her bowl. She responded by plucking some of his kimchi off his own bowl.
When it was time for them to turn in for the night as they both had school in the morning, Sayu wrapped her arms around his waist hugging him. “Thanks again for today. We better do it again sometime” she then went into her bedroom and Light went into his.

He locked the door, turned off the lights, and sat down on the floor with his back leaning against the door. He then proceeded to sob as quietly as he could. So many emotions were swirling around it made him dizzy. He couldn’t even begin to understand his past self. How could he had given up such a perfect life to become Kira? What the hell was I thinking? I – I was a killer. I killed so many people. I hurt so many others. And for what? What did I even achieve? Mom. Dad. Sayu. I swear. I’ll never become that monster. I’ll kill myself before that ever happens.

Light eventually picked himself up and got ready for bed. He would need his sleep if he was to face being a High School student once more. As he drifted off into a fitful sleep, two thoughts repeated in his head.

Please don’t let this be a dream.

I wonder if I’ll ever meet Ryuzaki again.

Light awoke to his alarm going off at an ungodly 6:30 in the morning. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found himself still in his bedroom. Ok. This is real. I’m really back in the past. That means I have two more days before Ryuk drops that damn Notebook.

He needed a plan. Some way to dispose of the Notebook without touching it and without damaging it. Even though he wanted nothing to do with it this time around, he didn’t exactly want anything bad to happen to Ryuk should the Notebook get damaged. The Shinigami had grown on him over the years they had known each other and Light wasn’t a monster. Not this time around anyway. At school, which was yet another jarring experience in itself, Light pondered over the best course of action. It wasn’t long before the fateful day was upon him. The day where his life and the world changed for the worse. Light stood at the crossroads. One path leading to his inevitable doom. The other a path unknown but a path he could walk with his head held high.

All he needed was a second chance, after all.

To be continued...

Chapter 2: Chapter One - A second chance. A missed opportunity


Light's attempt at rewriting history fails at the first hurdle.

Chapter Text

In the Shinigami Realm, a tall wiry God of Death stared across the barren landscape board out of his mind. Other than taking the lives of humans to add onto his already expansive lifespan, there was little to do which left him itching for excitement. All around him his fellow Shinigami were just the same. Lazing about with nothing to occupy their time and Shinigami’s lived for a very long time.

Ryuk himself had watched the human world for longer than most, having seen humanity grow since the Roman Empire was still a thing. He was both fascinated and intrigued by humans at how they could fit so much into such short lifespans. Even the humans who lost everything still had a life left to live. He had always been curious as to what would happen should he ever drop his Death Note in the human world.

Shinigami in the past had done some by accident and the results had always varied. Most times an unwitting human would find it binding said Shinigami to the human world till the human gave up ownership. Every single time the human would be compelled to try it at least once just to see if the Death Note really did work. Often they would write the name of a hated ex lover or a family member they couldn’t care less about. The results Ryuk always found amusing. When the sorry humans discovered that the Death Note worked, they would either be horrified at what they had done or become drunk on its power.

Many notable tragedies in human history were caused by these particular set of humans who revelled in causing as much chaos as they could. Too many to count. Despite the harm it did to humanity, Ryuk still wanted to drop his own notebook just to see what would happen. He was incredibly board after all and the human world held such promise. Also apples.
Unseen by his fellow Shinigami, Ryuk went to the portal that connected their worlds a dark swirling cavern with steps leading to a ledge where a Shinigami would take flight. There he dropped his notebook and waited in anticipation for what was to come. No matter what human found it, it was guarantied to be interesting at the very least.


Light hardly slept the night before. This was it. The day he was to find that accursed notebook and Light still had no idea on how to get rid of it. He didn’t dare bring it home for fear that he might be compelled to use it once again. He also knew he couldn’t just leave it where it would land. Some poor unsuspecting student might find it and Light didn’t want to think of the possible ramifications.

Tired from lack of sleep and a stomach full of butterflies, Light turned down breakfast in favour of a large cup of coffee. Black with two sugars. He leaned against the counter sipping from his mug while his sister ate at the table.

“Since when do you drink coffee? I thought you hated the stuff” she commented between mouthfuls of rice and fish.

Light drank more before responding “When you have college entrance exams, you’ll understand” he downed the rest and put the empty cup in the sink “Plus I have a pop quiz in Physics today and I hardly slept so I need the caffeine” that was a lie of course. There was no quiz set for that day but Sayu didn’t know that.

She snorted “Oh please. You could take that test with your eyes shut and still get an A. There’s a reason you’re an honour student, you know. Also, could you help me with my math homework?”

“I knew you were buttering me up for a reason” he laughed “Fine, I’ll help you. But you’re on you’re own with that Science project”

Sayu pouted but agreed “Fine” she glanced at the clock “Oh shoot, I’m gonna be late. See you later. Bye Mom!”

“Goodbye Sayu. Have a good day”

“I better get going to. I’ll see you after school Mom” Light said heading for the doorway

Sachiko smiled “Take care Light. I’ll get your clothes ready for cram school tonight”


Ok. Just over six hours to go before the Death Note lands in the Courtyard. Light checked his watch counting down the minuets as he reached the gates of his high school. Once I get rid of it, I can finally relax. Kira will never be the terror it once was. I’ll make sure of that.

The day dragged on for what felt like forever. Light must have checked the time at least a dozen times that first hour alone. He found himself becoming more and more anxious as the dreaded hour drew ever closer. When the time came, Light took his normal seat by the window giving off an air of calmness when in reality he was nervous beyond measure. He spent most of the lesson glancing upwards to the sky, hardly paying attention to the teacher’s monotone voice at the front of the classroom.

Then finally, at exactly quarter to the hour, Light saw the all too familiar black notebook fall from the sky and land in the courtyard. Light let out a breath, hazel eyes locked on the notebook lying on the nearly trimmed grass. There you are.

The minuets felt like hours, his eyes never leaving where the notebook lay. Finally the bell rang signalling the end of school. Light hurriedly packed up his things but before he could leave the teacher called his name “Mr Yagami? Could you stay behind for a second?”

Crap, not now. Light inwardly groaned at the poor timing “Sorry sir, I’m in a bit of a rush today”

“No, please. It will only take a moment” he said gesturing Light to come to his desk. Unable to say no, Light walked towards the teacher’s desk. “I wanted to congratulate you on your latest test scores. These are the highest this school has ever had”

Light felt a nerve in his forehead throb with annoyance. Seriously? You kept me behind for this? “What can I say, I aim to please. But I really must get going” Light said already backing out of the classroom.

The teacher nodded “Very well. I will see you tomorrow”

Light was already running down the hallway, his panic growing the closer he got to the exit. He had wasted valuable time and could only hope the notebook was still there. His heart sank when he reached the spot where the notebook had landed and found it empty. Someone had beaten him to it and whomever it was, they were long gone. Light stared at the ground, dread creeping up his spine like a spider.


At home Light was back in his room sitting on his bed, head in his hands and feeling like a failure. He had failed to do the one thing that he set out to do. Now the Death Note was in the hands of who knows who with Light powerless to stop them. For all he knew, this was the beginning of another Kira’s reign of terror. What am I supposed to do now? Meanwhile his TV played in the background. His stomach dropped when he saw the breaking news story about a day-care being held hostage in Shinjuku. How could Light have forgotten? Kurou Otoharada. His first murder.

Again, Light felt the crippling weight of guilt on his shoulders. He might have been a criminal but who was I to deem him unworthy? What right did I have to play God?

Suddenly there was commotion coming from inside the day-care. Light watched the staff and children run out in a panic and the police barge their way inside. The teen’s breath began to quicken, his pulse begin to race. No... No, it can’t be...

“... We are getting confirmation that suspect has been declared dead!” the news anchor announced. Light went numb. No, it can’t be. It can’t be! The same person? Oh god, it’s happening again. What the hell have I done!?

“Light?” his Mom called from the foot of the stairs “Its almost 6:30. You’re going to be late for cram school”

Light responded quickly “Y-Yeah. I’ll be down in a minuet”

Alright, just calm down. Panicking is going to get you nowhere. It wasn’t your fault this time. You didn’t write that name down. You just... Failed to stop it from happening.

Hours later, Light was on his way back home from Cram School having retained absolutely nothing from the lesson. His mind was too focused on what had happened only a few hours previously. His whole body was riddled with anxiety because of it. He could hardly think of anything else. That man died just like before. It was a live news broadcast so anyone could have been watching it. Where the hell do I even start looking? Was it even a student who took the notebook? A teacher? Light sighed pressing fingers against his temples. This is giving me such a headache...

Light entered the nearby convenience store to get himself a snack, preferably something unhealthy and deep fried. After the day he had, he needed it. As he walked inside a familiar sight played out outside the store. A gang of bikers lead by a hot-headed blonde appeared and surrounded a young woman dressed in a long brown coat. Light watched closely from the window as one had her pinned while another started to grab at her clothing in an obvious attempt to undress her.

"Help me!!" She screamed trying to push his hands off her

Don’t just stand there, you idiot! Do something!

Unable to watch another life be forever altered, Light bolted out of the store. “Hey! Get away from her!” he yelled running towards them. Before he knew it he had socked the blonde in the jaw causing him to loose his hold on the woman. In the confusion Light grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the fray. “Run!” he ordered pulling her along. He heard the revving of an engine realising the biker was going to give chase. Light got them across the street just as a massive truck came barrelling down the street. It slammed into the biker killing him instantly. Light and the girl fell onto the ground hard with her screaming as they did.

“Oh my god!” she wept once she saw what had happened “Oh my god, you saved my life!”

Light just stared at what was left of the biker. Oh God. Not again...


“Well now,” Ryuk announced, voice deep and raspy “I better get going”


It had been five long days since Light had lost the Death Note. Five days since criminals of all walks of life began dying of unexpected heart attacks. All Light could do was watch helplessly as the news reports kept coming in. It seemed this Kira was going down the same path he had which Light found truly unnerving. It had also been five days since Light saved the girl from being attacked. Her name was Mitsuko and she turned out to be the same age as Light. She attended another school but went to the same Cram school though until then the pair had never spoken before. She had thanked him over and over again, hugging him and crying from relief. She then gave him her number to keep in touch.

At least I did something right. Light pondered to himself looking out of his bedroom window at the rain hitting the glass. Downstairs his Mom was on the phone bragging to her friends about Light’s Nation wide exam results. He still managed to get the best marks despite everything against him. Light continued to gaze out into the rainy evening, wondering if he’d ever get the chance to see a certain Shinigami again.

The rules said that only those who touch the Death Note can see the Shinigami attached to it. Since Light never got chance to even get near it, did that mean he wouldn’t meet Ryuk this time around? Is that really such a bad thing? He wasn’t exactly friendly company. Still, I have to admit he did grow on me. Light let out a weary sigh. “Now what am I going to do?”


Across the city, Ryuk had tracked down his Death Note to a newly built apartment building. He phased through the walls and into one of the apartments. The notebook’s new owner was hunched over his desk furiously writing in the Death Note. Several pages already filled to the brim with hundreds of names.

“So, how’s it going?” Ryuk asked revealing himself. As expected, the man as the desk let out a shout toppling out of his chair upon seeing the Shinigami towering above him.

“W-What are you?” the human asked voice shaking

Ryuk chuckled “Greetings human. I am Ryuk. A Shinigami”

The human gasped “A god of Death! I knew it. I’ve been expecting you” he got back to his feet, his expression changed from fear to excitement

“Oh? And why is that?”

“Because I wished for it!” he proclaimed “This world; it’s rotten and filled with more lowlife scum than anyone would care to admit. It’s a disgusting cesspool of hate, fear and crime. But somehow...” he grinned “Somehow an Angel appeared before me. He’s too pure, too perfect for this blighted world. His purity gave me the drive to cleanse this world and God answered my prayers in giving me the perfect tool to do so” he went back to his desk and grabbed the notebook “With this, I am unstoppable. Nothing can stop me from ridding this world of its filth in the name of my love. Soon he will see. Soon I will be worthy of his love. I... Will be the god of this new world!”

It’s just as I thought. Humans are so interesting!

To be continued...

Chapter 3: Chapter Two - Kira Reborn


Kira is revealed and L makes his appearance, much to Light's relief.

Chapter Text

To those who saw Teru Mikami, he was a hard working, mild mannered individual who kept his office in pristine condition and kept mostly to himself. He was taller than average with narrow dark eyes, pale skin and dark feathered hair. His co-workers, both male and female, found him attractive and alluring yet Teru turned down every romantic offer. It was speculated amongst the firm he worked at that he had a lover waiting for him at home. They didn’t believe someone like him was alone.

Teru was indeed alone and had been for many years. He had never found that spark, that fire that made people mad with desire for another. Well, until he found Light that is. While at his desk appearing to be working hard on his paperwork, Teru was writing down the names of criminals while daydreaming about his beloved Light Yagami. The Death Note before him his most treasured possession, a gift to make the world a better place for his love.

What had started out as an infatuation had become a full blown obsession. Seeing Light Yagami on that fateful day had changed the course of Teru’s life. Why else would his beloved’s name be Light if not to be his light in darkness?

With every name I write down, the world becomes a little less filthy. I know Light will appreciate my efforts. After all. He is the son of a detective. He of all people would understand.

His desk clock chimed five o’clock signalling the end of his work day. While Teru packed his things Ryuk stood up strait stretching out his long limbs with a huff. “How do you stay at a desk all day? It’s so boring. Hey, where are you going?” Ryuk questioned when Teru ignored him. “Hey. Come on Teru, talk to me”

“Will you be quiet?” the human whispered quietly “Unlike you, people can still hear me if I talk out loud”

Ryuk huffed “Well, aren’t you boring”

When passing the water cooler on the way to the elevator, a fellow lawyer called for him. “Oh, he Teru” the newly hired lawyer greeted him “We were wondering if you wanted to –”

“Sorry, I’m in a rush. Maybe next time’

Behind him, Ryuk chuckled “You don’t have any plans. Aren’t you just going to hang out in your apartment all by yourself as usual?”

Teru smirked to himself “What are you talking about? Of course I have something to do” Yes. Something very important to do.

Back in his apartment, Teru was back to writing in the Death Note while Ryuk lounged on the nearby sofa, noisily chomping on an apple. Teru had his flat screen TV playing the news while he wrote down each criminal name that was announced. For once he was glad the news stations were so diligent with releasing information like they did. The names and faces of those he deemed unworthy couldn’t be easier for him to access. Ryuk watched in almost fascination at Teru’s actions. He’d never seen a Death Note owner so diligent in writing down names. All in the name of love for someone who probably didn’t even know Teru existed. Ryuk knew his jaunt in the human world would be interesting but this was beyond anything he could have anticipated. The human before him had killed more in the last few days than most previous combined. Humans are so interesting.

“Hey, Teru” Ryuk spoke through a mouthful of apple “Why are you working so hard anyway?”

Teru responded “I can’t afford to waste any time. Between my work as a Prosecutor and my need for sleep I only have a small window of time to write names down. I also can’t afford to deviate from my schedule lest I cause suspicion. If I’m serious of creating the ideal world for Light then I need to make the most of my time”

“Oh, yeah. You’re doing all this for that kid. Aren’t you a little... Old for him?” asked Ryuk finishing off his apple. Teru snapped his neck to glare at the Shinigami, eyes burning with unabashed rage.

“My love for Light Yagami is pure! How dare you compare me to one of those filthy men who pray on the young and vulnerable. I know I am older than him by several years but in the grand scheme of things, what’s a few years against true love? Besides, Light will be of age soon enough” he went back to writing, leaving Ryuk sat there with a surprised expression.

Ooh boy. Poor kid has no idea the crazy heading his way.


At the Yagami house, Light was helping Sayu with her homework. For once he was downstairs at the kitchen table instead of being up in his room all the time. Lately he couldn’t stand to be in there other than to sleep. Memories of how many people’s lives he took in that very room made his skin crawl. Plus it meant more time with his family and this time around, Light was going to treasure every moment of it.

“Ok, do you get it now?” he asked after helping Sayu with the question

“Um... Not really?” she forced a smile “I’m sorry. I know I’m wasting your time...”

Light shook his head “No, you’re not wasting my time. You know you can come to me for anything. So let’s try again. Tell me what are you stuck on?”

From the living room Sachiko smiled, touched at the scene of her children interacting. Whatever had gotten into Light, it certainly was for the better. Moments like this had been few and far between since Light went to High School. She only hoped things would stay that way.


At the International Criminal Police Organisation or ICPO for short, delegates from around the world had gathered to discuss the growing number of criminals dying of unexplained circumstances. At first the deaths went unnoticed when only a handful of imprisoned criminals died. But as the numbers grew to an unprecedented amount, it was clear they were dealing with more than just simple heart attacks. The talks began at the ICPO building in Japan where things didn’t get off to a great start. Tension hung heavy in the air as the shocking amount of deaths was read out.

“There have been fifty three confirmed deaths and that’s this week alone” the fist announcer spoke

“And every single one of them involved a heart attack” said the second announcer

“They were all known criminals either being held in prison or wanted by the police for outstanding crimes. I think it’s safe to say that there are numerous criminal deaths unaccounted for”
“Which means the real death toll could be well over a hundred” chimed in the Russian delegate. This caused a stir amongst the crowd. This was unlike any case they had ever encountered.

Representing Japan in the talks was Detective Chief Yagami and his subordinate Detective Matsuda. Matsuda was relatively knew to this area of investigation after only being made a detective a year previously. A little fish in a pig pond as it were. Still, the twenty seven year old was anxious and eager to prove himself to his long-time mentor Yagami and the other people in the auditorium. While the gathered delegates still murdered amongst themselves, Yagami returned to his seat after having to take a phone call.

“Good morning Chief. They started the talks without you”

“It’s alright. I had to take an urgent call from head quarters” Yagami replied. The last few weeks had been trying to say the least for the older man. Being the Chief of the NPA had many perks but at that point he was already exhausted.

One of the delegates from Spain spoke “Look, we know several of these criminals were already on death row as it was. Why should we care that these people died?”

“What does it matter if they were a criminal or not? As far as I know, murder is still murder!”

“Can we even claim these as homicides? After all they were all heart attacks, something any one of us could suffer at any given time” spoke the delegate from Argentina with a shrug

“Then how can all those people die of heart attacks at the same time? That’s not coincidence, it’s murder!”

The Argentinian shook his head “You think it’s possible for someone to kill all those people at the same time in different locations?”

“We should be treating this as an elaborate murder plot at the hands of a secret organisation” someone in the back declared

“if it is a secret organisation then I’m sure I’m not alone in suspecting the FBI or the CIA”

The American delegate jumped to his feet “I dare you to say that again!”

“Now, now!” one desperate delegate tried to interject “First we have to confirm that these are intact murders and not simply heart attacks”

“And how? All the autopsy reports state that they died of heart attacks. Investigating a series of heart attacks would be useless. If they had been shot or stabbed then at least we’d have something to go on”

From his seat, Matsuda watched the room slowly descend into chaos with numerous voices arguing over each other. This was getting nowhere fast and Matsuda, still unsure of what to say, kept his mouth shut.

“If that’s the case then we have no choice to send in L” at that, the room went deathly silent. Matsuda didn’t know who or what L was but the very mention of it was enough to silence the entire room.

“Uh, Chief? Who’s this L their talking about?” he asked quietly

“Oh right. I forgot this was your first time here at this conference. The thing is, we don’t know who L is. Is real name, whereabouts and appearance have been kept to absolute secrecy to everyone who knows about him. What we do know is that he’s the best of the best. He’s managed to solve every case he’s ever taken on and he’s tackled some of the greatest mysteries this world has ever known. He’s our trump card. Whoever is responsible for these murders, they don’t stand a chance against L” explained Yagami, recalling some of the most difficult cases L took on and solved within a matter of days. If there was anyone who could solve this mystery, he believed it was L.

“But I’ve heard this L is extremely arrogant only takes cases he’s personally interested in. Who’s to say he’ll even agree to help”

“Exactly! Plus we don’t even have a way to properly contact him”

Then, another voice cut in “L is already on the move” all attention was suddenly on the new voice at the front of the auditorium. In walked a man donned head to toe in black. Every part of him was obscured by clothing or shadows. “Gentleman. L has already begun his investigation”

“Who is that?” asked Matsuda

“That’s Watari. He’s the only person known to be able to contact L. No one knows his true identity either” Yagami responded

“Please, be silent” Watari spoke “L would like to address the delegates” with that he hooked up a laptop to connect the ICPO to L. The massive projection screen now showed the letter L in gothic font.

In a scrambled computer like voice, L spoke “Greetings to you all at the ICPO. I, am L”


In a dilapidated and ruined house on the outskirts of the city, Teru Mikami was hard at work deciding a way to keep the Death Note from being discovered. He had learnt from Ryuk that if anyone else was to touch the Notebook, they too would be able to see Ryuk thus exposing Teru as a killer. As much as it pained him to hide such a gift, he needed to be careful. He couldn’t risk being found out. Not when he had only just begun.

“I don’t get it. Why are we hiding here in this dump?” asked Ryuk in an annoyed tone

Teru sighed placing down the chemicals he had stolen from the crime lab a few days previous. “Because it was you who told me that anyone who touches the Death Note can see you. That means I can’t afford to carry it around with me anymore” he sighed “If it was found by my colleagues then I would have lied and said I was keeping records on the deaths. But if I’m not careful, I am may end up killing everyone I work with” Teru then smiled ruefully “And I sincerely doubt Light would appreciate that”

He’s doing all this for the love of another human. A human who doesn’t even know this guy exists. I wonder though. What kind of human is this Light kid? To drive another human to such devotion he must be something.


“The difficulty of this case lies in its unprecedented scope and make no mistake. We are witnessing an atrocious act of mass murder. One that is unforgivable. However this case can not be solved without the full co-operation of the ICPO and the full support of the nation’s you represent throughout the world. You need to make the decision to fully support the investigation at this meeting. Also, I require additional support from Japan’s National Police Agency”

That caught Matsuda and Yagami’s attention. They weren’t expecting L to call on them specifically. They both rose from their seats and Yagami spoke “What? Why Japan in particular?”
“Whoever the guilty party, individual or group, there is a strong possibility that they are Japanese. And even if they are not, we can be sure that they are hiding in Japan” L explained to the shocked men.

“And what is all this based on?” questioned the Chief still reeling from what he had just heard.

“Why Japan, you ask? I think I’ll be able to provide proof of my theory after I directly confront the culprit. At any rate, I would like to set up headquarters in Japan”


Back in his apartment, Teru closed the draw to his desk looking quite pleased with himself. “Well that was easier than I thought it would be. Hidden right in plain sight”

Ryuk had to agree “You can say that again. You even left the key in the lock. Doesn’t that defeat the purpose?”

“Well that’s the point. I intentionally left the key in the most obvious place I could think of” he opened the drawer once more, showing that inside was not the Death Note but instead several brown manila files from his office.

“Isn’t that just stuff from your job?” the Shinigami asked

Teru nodded “That’s what anyone who looked inside would think. However, I added a secret bottom and the real key, is this” he picked up a ballpoint pen from his desk “Just an ordinary object you’d expect to find on my desk. The inkwell fits in the small hole on the underside of the drawer which also acts as an insulator to stop the flow of electricity in the first surrounding the Death Note. If anyone were to force the drawer open from the top, all the evidence will be set ablaze” he sat back confidently “If anyone questions it, I’ll just say they were confidential files from work that needed to be kept safe. The filing system at work is such a mess that I doubt anyone would think twice about it”

Ryuk hummed “You know, the biggest problem humans have when they find the Death Note is hiding it. Though I think you’re the first to give it this much thought” he turned to the booby trapped desk “Though it’s a pretty risky set up. If you were to make the slightest mistake, you could be badly burnt”

“Risky?” Teru repeated “Of course it’s risky. Everything I’ve done since being given the Death Note has been a risk. And everything is worth the risk so long as Light is happy” Teru smiled fondly “I’ve made a pretty good start so far but I’m nowhere near finished. Light will surely appreciate my efforts, I’m sure of it”

Ryuk stared at him with unblinking eyes. Teru. Seriously. Just get him flowers. Or apples. Apple’s are much better.


The increasing amount of heart attack victims had finally reached the media and now it was all anyone could talk about. Just like before, Light watched as the public kept their opinions to themselves but behind their computer screens and phones, supported Kira by the thousands. Kira, derived from the English word Killer. That was the title Light once wore with pride and now another was following the same dark path. Light was already struggling with the fact that the Kira websites were popping up again by the dozens. What really caught him off guard was when he caught Sayu on her phone on one of the Kira messaging boards. He had been passing through the living room when he saw what was on Sayu’s phone screen. He didn’t mean to but Light flipped out seeing the name Kira pop up on her phone.

“Sayu! What the hell!?” he shouted snatching the pink flip phone off her. He quickly scrolled down the page, relieved to find Sayu hadn’t posted anything herself. “The legend of Kira the Saviour? You can’t go on these sites, Sayu. They’re dangerous”

“I was just looking” she defended “All my friends were talking about it at school so –”

Light shook his head “Sayu, Dad’s a cop. He’ll loose his mind if he found out you were on sites like this. Don’t ever let me catch you doing this again. Do you hear me?” Light knew he was being harsh but the thought of Sayu, his sweet innocent sister, talking to those people was just too much at the moment.

Sniffing back tears, Sayu ran out of the living room and upstairs. He had never scolded her before so it was quite an upsetting shock for her. “Sayu. Sayu, wait. I’m –” Light winced when he heard her bedroom door slam shut. Great job, Light. Just great. Light sank down onto the sofa hands running through his hair. At least she didn’t post anything yet. Silver linings in all that.
It was only then Light noticed that the living room TV was on. The programme Sayu was watching was interrupted by a blue screen with an impending emergency announcement. Light’s pulse began to race. This is it... The news presenter appeared flustered, shuffling papers while people ran back and forth the studio in a panic. “We’d like to apologise for the interruption. As of now we are bringing you a live worldwide broadcast from Interpol’s ICPO”

In his apartment, Teru frowned at his TV. “Now what do we have here?”

The scene changed to that of a man dressed in a suit sat in a leather office chair with the NPA symbol behind him. He sat tall with shoulder length black hair, pale skin and piercing blue eyes. “I head up an international Police taskforce which includes all member nations. I am Lind. L. Tailor. Otherwise known as L”

Light started biting his fingernails knowing exactly what was going to happen next. Despite knowing, he prayed that this other Kira wouldn’t fall for the same trick. Lind. L. Tailor didn’t deserve to die just to satisfy a killer’s ego.

In one of the offices of the NPA, gathered detectives packed the room to watch the broadcast. No one knew what to expect now that L had revealed his identity to Kira. Matsuda watched in frightful confusion. Wasn’t L supposed to keep his identity a secret from everyone? “Why would he choose to do it now? I thought he never showed his face to anyone”

“It must mean that he’s serious about this” answered Chief Yagami feeling equally as uneasy. L. We’ve followed every single one of your orders. Now it’s time for you to prove what you promised at the ICPO

“Criminals around the world are being murdered by a serial killer. I consider this to be the most atrocious act of murder in history. I will not rest until the person or persons responsible are brought to justice. Kira, I will hunt you down. I will find you” Lind spoke with great determination

Ryuk chuckled “He seems certain he’ll catch you”

At that Teru smirked “That fool. He’ll never catch me. He’ll have to get the Death Note first and without it, he has no evidence to convict me. Which means catching me will be nigh impossible” he relaxed back into his chair “I anticipated the police getting involved, it’s only natural given the circumstances but they’re powerless to stop me. I bet Light is laughing right along with me”

“Kira. I think I’ve got a pretty good idea what your motivation might be and I can guess what you hope to achieve. However, what you are doing right now is evil. And I’m most certain those you might care about feel the same way”

Hearing that, Teru rose from his seat. Fists clenched and cheeks scarlet with rage “You dare claim he feels the same way as you? That Light would consider my efforts evil?” Mikami didn’t snap. He exploded “How dare you!? I am Light’s protector! His guard and his executioner! His bringer of justice to this blighted world! I am the only one who can make this world a perfect place for my love and I will not let you or anyone else stand in my way!” in a fury, Teru threw open the Death Note and grabbed a pen. “I doubt you’ve committed any crime to justify your name in this notebook, but I assure you, Lind L Tailor that nothing stands in the way of true love”

Teru took great pleasure in writing out every last letter of his opponent’s name. With a crazed grin he sat back and waited, counting down the seconds till the man on the screen met his end. Exactly forty seconds later, Lind. L. Tailor clutched at his chest before collapsing headfirst into the desk before him. He was dead. Teru began laughing like a madman as the dead man was carried off screen limp and unmoving.

Light on the other hand, had his head in his hands nearly crying with frustration. He killed him. He killed him! Damn it Kira! Light could hardly think given the guilt crashing down upon him. This is all my fault. Why couldn’t I have found it sooner? None of this would have happened if it weren’t for me. I don’t – I don’t deserve a second chance!

“I – I had to test this just in case but I never thought it would actually happen” spoke a familiar computerized voice. Light’s head snapped up seeing the scene now filled with a gothic letter L on a bright white background. “Kira. It seems you can kill people without having to be there in person. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t just witnessed it”

A choked laugh escaped Light “Ryuzaki...” he whispered in almost reverence. Yes. Ryuzaki. He can stop this. He can help me. God, I never thought I’d be so happy to see that letter again.

Meanwhile Teru was in disbelief. “What the hell?”

“Listen to me Kira. The man you just saw die was not in fact me. In truth he was an inmate who’s execution was scheduled for today. The police arrested him in absolute secrecy so you wouldn’t have heard about him through TV or the internet” L continued to explain “It appears that not even you have access to these kind of criminals”

Beside Teru, Ryuk laughed “He got you there”

“But I assure you L is real. I do exist. Now, try to kill me!” he taunted.

Of course Teru had no way of killing him. He needed a name and a face to kill and without either, L was completely protected even from him. “You... You bastard...” he muttered as L continued to taunt him, goading him to kill him, much to the shock of the gathered detectives and citizens of Japan.

“So it appears you can’t kill me after all. So are the some people you can’t kill. You’ve given me a useful hint. Let me return the favour. I’ll tell you something I think you’ll find interesting. Although this was publicized as a world wide broadcast, we are actually only broadcasting in the Kanto region of Japan. I was planning to replay this message until I found you but it appears I need not bother. I now know where you are”

Ryuk was impressed “Hey, this L guy is pretty good”

“I have also deduced this much. I know that your first murder was that of a man in Shinjuku which the police treated as an unrelated incident. His crime was also only reported inside Japan so this I know. You are in Japan and your first kill was nothing but an experiment which means you haven’t been killing for very long. I never expected for this to work so well but it won’t be long before I sentence you to death. I must admit I’m very curious as to how you kill but you can answer me when I catch you. Let’s meet again soon, Kira”

Sayu appeared in the living room deeply upset “I saw... I saw that man die...” Sayu whimpered, tears falling down her cheeks “Kira – Kira killed him...” she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’ll never go on those sites again, I swear!”

Light’s face softened as he hugged her back “No, I’m sorry. I never should have yelled at you. I was just trying to keep you safe” I swear to you, Sayu. I’ll stop him, I promise. Kira will never harm you. Not like last time. I’ll make sure of it.


The screen turned to static, leaving Teru standing in his apartment shaking with rage. “Oh really? He’s going to sentence me to death? Sounds interesting. L, you hide under the guise of justice but I know what you’re really after. No mere man would make an enemy out of me unless he wanted the same thing I did. L. You just want my precious Light all to yourself, you home wrecking bastard. Then I accept your challenge L and may the best man win”

Each has to hunt the other without knowing the other’s name or face. And the first who’s identity is revealed will die. Humans are so much fun!”



“I will hunt you down wherever you are hiding and I will eliminate you”

“I am-”

“I am-”


To be continued...

Chapter 4: Chapter Three - A deal with a Shinigami

Chapter Text

It had long since gone dark but for some their work was only just beginning. With Kira now a recognised and very real threat, the top detectives of Japan dove headfirst into investigating the seemingly impossible murders. The fact that Kira could kill on a whim and almost anyone was a potential target, the detectives took no chances.

They gathered in one of the larger offices of the NPA headquarters where the windows were covered and access only granted by ID and key card. The death of Lind L Tailor was still fresh in their minds. It put everyone on edge knowing that anyone of them could be next.

Inside the office, now dubbed the ‘Serial Murder Special Investigations Headquarters’, Chief Yagami headed the team. The best of the best that Japan had to offer was in that room, all hoping to put an end to the Kira killings. “Alright. Let’s start with the tip line reports”

“Yes Sir” an officer responded, standing from his seat to read from his report “Up until this point we’ve received 3029 responses sent by phone or email. Most of these were curious citizens or prank calls but there were fourteen who claimed to know Kira or who have seen him. All reports were followed up on but none could provide evidence that wasn’t already made public by the media. And also, there were an additional twenty two people who called in claiming to be Kira. These reports were also followed up on but again lead to nothing substantial”

Yagami nodded “Alright. Onto the victim reports”

“Yes Sir” another officer spoke and stood up to read off his own report “Upon further investigation, we have confirmed that the information on the heart attack victims were made available in Japan and immediately prior to their deaths. Also...” he side eyed the man sat in the back of the room next to a laptop showing L’s logo “Concerning the time of death that L asked us to investigate, we found that all of them occurred between the hours of 4pm and 2am on weekdays with 68% occurring between 8 and 12pm. The weekends and holidays appear to be the exception to this rule as the time of deaths vary much more widely”

“That information is extremely relevant to us” L’s computerised voice came from the laptop “It suggests that given the time of death, our suspect could very well be a student”

A chill went down Chief Yagami’s spine hearing L’s theory. For a brief moment, he pictured his son Light back home. His son, a talented and gifted student who loved his family more than anything. The very thought of Light being a killer made his stomach churn. The idea was ludicrous of course. There was no possible way Light was involved with anything like the Kira case.

“Judging by the fact that he’s only killing criminals, it’s safe to assume Kira has a very idealistic version of justice. It’s highly likely that he sees himself as a sort of God like figure. I believe we are dealing with a person who has a very childlike perception of right and wrong” the room was silent save for a few shocked whispers “This is however just a suspicion. Though we must consider every possibility no matter how absurd the notion may be. I believe this is the fastest way to catching and arresting Kira. Please, continue with your report”

Yagami nodded “Right. Does anyone else have anything to add?”

It was Matsuda who raised his hand. When Yagami called on him, Matsuda spoke with a nervous disposition. “Well... I don’t want to sound like I’m condoning Kira’s actions but... We can’t deny that in the last few days, crime rates have dropped significantly across the world but especially here in Japan” that was an unfortunate hard truth for the detective to hear. As terrible as Kira’s actions were, they were causing crime rates from violent to petty to drop at a drastic rate. In a disturbing twist of fate, Kira was helping in his own twisted way and it left the detectives both dejected and infuriated. Matsuda realised his faux pas and quickly sat back down with his head hung low.

Yagami coughed “Well, I suppose that is to be expected given the circumstances. I believe that concludes our repot for the day. L?”

“Thank you everyone. I believe we are one step closer to catching Kira. Before I go, I have one last request to make. This is directed to the team investigating the various media outlets that broadcasted the victims identities to the public. I would like you to go back and take a closer look at the exact way they were made available. Be as thorough as possible. Particularly I want to know if photos were available to the public in Japan. I’ll leave it to you”


Done for the day, Chief Yagami was eager to get back home to his family. He stretched out the muscles in his back looking forward to seeing his wife and children. Matsuda walked up to him with two Styrofoam coffee cups in hand. “I figured you could use this. Sleeping much?”

He took the offered drink “Ah, thank you. I think these late nights are starting to take their toll” he sipped at the coffee “Though, to be honest, I’m more concerned about my son’s sleeping patterns”

Matsuda frowned “Your son?”

“Yes, my son Light. He doesn’t know it but on nights I’ve come home late after everyone’s gone to bed, I’ve caught him sleeping on the couch instead of his room. I’ve noticed he sets his alarm so he can go back upstairs before anyone catches him” he drank the rest of his coffee “He’s not sneaking out or anything, he’s just sleeping there for some reason”

Matsuda didn’t have an answer or a suggestion. He had no siblings or children so he was unable to give his superior any advice. Other than that Light probably needs a new mattress which earned a small laugh from the Chief.

“About what I said at the meeting. I wanted to apologise. I didn’t mean to bring everyone down with what I said”

The older nodded “Its alright. No one said it would be easy to speak the truth. It wasn’t like you were condoning the murders”

Matsuda spluttered “No! Nothing like that!”


“Thanks for helping me with my homework again Light. I’d never figure it out without you” Sayu said smiling at him.

Light smiled back “Hey, don’t worry about it”

She looked up at him “Hey, you look tired. You feeling ok?” she asked noticing the bags under his eyes.

The truth was Light could no longer sleep in his room. It wasn’t so bad at first but now he found himself unable to catch even a few winks. It was the bedroom where Kira killed countless lives. Where Kira began his twisted quest on criminals. When Light did manage to drift off in his bed, that’s when the nightmares would hit full force. Every time without fail, he’d have the worst nightmares of his life. Only they weren’t just nightmares, they were memories. Light would wait until everyone else was asleep before heading downstairs with his pillow and blanket to sleep on the sofa. No one had questioned him about it yet so he figured no one had noticed. He also couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched by a pair of eyes no one else could see. He was still sleeping, just not as much as someone his age probably should. Light shook his head “I’m fine. I guess I’ve just been pulling too many all nighters”

“Oh yeah. You got entrance exams in a few weeks, right? Well, you’re gonna ace them for sure” she grinned brightly. That’s when the pair heard the front door open. “Oh! Dad’s home early”

“Sayu” Light scolded gently “At least clean up your homework before you run off” he sighed packing up the homework for her and placing it on the living room coffee table. He looked up to see his Dad walking in looking as tired as Light felt. “Hey Dad. Glad you could join us for dinner. You hungry?”

“Yeah. It’s been a long day”

Dinner with the family of four was relatively quiet. Sachiko had prepared a lovely dinner as usual. Everyone in the family loved her cooking. While eating their father spoke. “So Light. Tell me how are your studies going?”

Light swallowed his food before responding “Everything’s ok, I guess”

“You mean you’re at the top of your class. My big brother’s a genius” Sayu bragged proudly

Sachiko smiled “That’s my son. We’re all proud of you Light”

Soichiro noticed his son was a bit sluggish in his movements and heavy around the eyes. He hasn’t been sleeping well. I hope he’s not pushing himself too hard. “You ok, dad? You look tired” asked Light with concern. To think Kira may be someone Light’s age. Hmm, I wonder...

“Light,” he began “This may sound odd but have you noticed anyone at your school acting strangely lately?”

Light shook his head “No, not that I’m aware of. Why?”

“It’s nothing. Just something to do with the case I’m working on. I can’t say much more than that”

Dinner continued on, the family unaware of the presence standing not to far away that was staring into the back of Light’s head. So this is the kid Teru is so obsessed with. Well, he’s interesting, I’ll give him that. Didn’t think I’d be made to watch this kid though. Teru better come through with those apples for me.


After dinner Light went upstairs to his room. Like before, he hacked into his dad’s files on his computer using the home network. Of course Light knew fully well what was on those files but it didn’t hurt to refresh his memory. If he was correct in his timing then the police were already starting to suspect Kira was a student. That explains dad’s question at dinner. Given the timing of the killings, its no surprise they were so quick to suspect a student. Or rather, Ryuzaki was quick enough. It appears this Kira is following the same pattern I did. What an idiot.

Light logged out of everything before turning off his monitor. “That means he’s going to start changing the timing in order to eliminate suspicion. That is, if he has access to the same information I do. If he does then that means Kira... Must have a connection to the police or justice system in some way” Light furrowed his brow thoughtfully. The only person I can think of is Mikami but he didn’t get a Death Note till several years from now, well after Ryuzaki -... Well, I’m pretty sure I can cross him off the list. I doubt we’ll even meet this time round. Hopefully. That guy was a little too crazy for my taste and I dated Misa. He shuddered. Yeah. Let’s not do that again.


“That’s what he said?” Teru asked Ryuk worriedly

“Yeah. He said it’s likely that Kira has a connection to the police and the timing of the murders is making them think it’s a student responsible” Ryuk responded, chuckling at Teru’s face.

Teru swore to himself. “Of course. My damn schedule. I never thought to consider my workday was similar to that of Light’s school day” he began to pace the floor, arms crossed as he thought on how to remedy the situation. “If they believe it’s a student then they might start to think Light is Kira. I can’t let them think that. I have to fix this somehow...” he suddenly stopped pacing, an idea forming in his head. “Wait a minuet... the Death Note states that if I only write the person’s name then that person will die of a heart attack forty seconds later, right?”

“Yeah? What’s your point?”

“So realistically, I could write the cause and time of death before hand and write down the name at a later date”

Ryuk grinned giving the apple in his hand a massive bite “Ohh. I see where you’re going”

Teru sighed in relief. “Don’t worry Light. I’ll fix this, I promise” and I’ll show L just who he is messing with. My dear Light. You could sense Ryuk was there, that’s why you said that. To warn me of what was to come. Oh, how I love you so.


It worked like a charm. The detectives got word that in the last two days, forty six criminals died of heart attacks at exactly one hour intervals. This sent the detectives into a tailspin. Yes, any student could miss two days of school but to be able to kill two days strait was unthinkable. “You’re missing the point” L snapped from the laptop gaining everyone’s attention. “It does appear less likely now that Kira is a student but that’s not the message he’s sending by doing this. Ask yourselves, why every hour and why are all these victims in prisons where they are sure to be discovered immediately? I believe that Kira is not only showing us that not only can he kill from a distance but also that he can determine the time of death”

The room went quiet as the detectives tried to grasp what L had just deduced. Meanwhile, Matsuda turned to look at Chief Yagami feeling great fear for the older man. He knew about the Chief’s son and his sudden erratic sleeping patterns. Given L believed Kira could very well be a student, even a novice like Matsuda could put two and two together. But he dismissed this thought outright. He knew Light personally having met him on several occasions in the past. Light was anything but a killer. There was just no way he could imagine Light as Kira.

“But something doesn’t add up” L continued seemingly oblivious he had startled the detectives to their core. “As soon as we began to suspect Kira may be a student, the pacing of the killings changed as if to contradict the theory. Too convenient if you ask me. This can only mean that Kira has access to police information. This is obvious now. It’s a direct challenge to me”

So Kira has found a way to obtain information from the Task Force headquarters. This is one fact that can’t be ignored. But what does he get out of this? What is he trying to achieve in the end?


On his way home from work, Teru smiled to himself as Ryuk followed behind him “I’d say L is starting to sweat a little by now. If L is as good as they say then he’s already beginning to suspect Kira has connections to the police”

“Or a Shinigami stalking your little boyfriend by proxy” Ryuk huffed a laugh “But there’s one thing I don’t get. Isn’t showing you have connections to the police mean he’s even more likely to be made a suspect? His dad is a cop after all”

Teru smiled again “You still don’t understand human beings, do you? The thing is there are very few people you can safely trust and it’s no different for the police. Think about it. The police have no idea what L even looks like so how could they trust him. Plus, when L figures out Kira has connections to the police, he’ll be obligated to investigate them to find the leak. After that, it’s only a matter of time before the police start resenting L”

Hearing that, Ryuk grinned even wider “I get it. Both L and the police will be so focused on investigating each other that the son of a detective is going to slip right under the radar. But what about you? It doesn’t sound like you’ve thought about your own safety”

“I have nothing to worry about” he responded confidently “After all, I officially have nothing to do with the Kira case or have access to any key information. To L, I’m nothing more than humble prosecutor and that belief will be his downfall”


During the next task force meeting, Chief Yagami was met with three resignation letters on his desk. “With all due respect Chief, we’re resigning” one of the three men announced “We demand you assign us to a different case or else, you can have our badges right here and now”

The Chief was stunned “Why? You’re good cops!”

“Isn’t is clear? It’s because we value our lives” the other man continued “If what L said is true then Kira has some sort of ESP power that allows him to kill indirectly from anywhere. I’m sorry but we refuse to work a case where we don’t even have the means to survive catching him”

“It’s not like donning a bullet proof vest. How are we supposed to stop someone who can kill simply by thinking about it?” another of the resigning detectives spoke “I have a baby on the way, sir. I can’t take that risk knowing I might not be there to see her grow up”

“We all saw how Kira killed Lind L Tailor thinking it was L. While it was very impressive at the time, L never had to show his face or reveal his name for that matter. Unlike some people, we’re running out and about with our I.Ds that have both our names and faces on them. Anyone with a computer could look us up”

“Which is why we’re resigning from the case entirely. Excuse us Chief” the three men then walked out of the room ignoring Yagami’s shouts. Watching this all unfold, L could see things were starting to fall apart faster than he anticipated. Fear was sweeping through the detectives and L had to think of something soon before the case fell apart entirely.


Well, this is boring. Ryuk thought, letting out a sigh as he sat at the front of the classroom. Teru had instructed him to follow Light again that night in exchange for more apples. Ryuk really should have said no but the promise of many more apples to come made him much more willing. Ryuk had followed Light to his Cram School session which Ryuk found incredibly dull. The teacher went on about some complicated math problem that Ryuk had no hope of understanding. Wow, does this kid do anything fun? He wondered, his unblinking yellow and red eyes falling on said human.

While his fellow students were following what the teacher said along with writing down notes for later study, Light was barely able to keep his eyes open. He had hardly slept a wink over the last two days due to his nightmares getting worse. Even sleeping on the sofa was no longer helping as the nightmares came regardless.

He rested his tired head on his hand, his eyes slowly drifting shut. Only for a moment... moments later, the teacher was interrupted by a loud thud. All attention was now on Light who, in his half awake state, hit his face on the desk. “... Ow...” was all he said. Well, that woke me up.

Ouch. That had to hurt.

“Mr Yagami! Are you alright?” asked the teacher concerned.

Light sat back up, hand over his bleeding nose. “I’m ok” he responded, voice distorted from his hand over his face.

“Oh dear” the teacher turned to a student at the front of the classroom who ended up being none other than Mitsuko “Miss, please escort Mr Yagami to the toilet so he can clean up”

Ryuk would have followed the pair out the door but something outside the building caught his attention. Ryuk walked over to the back windows to see what it was that made his senses perk up. Hiding behind a wall was a man spying on the school. In the bathroom Mitsuko dabbed a wet tissue on his face while Light winced. The pair had kept sporadic contact through texting since the night Light saved her life but hadn’t properly talked “You think it’s broken?”

She shook her head “I don’t think so. It’s gonna be bruised up pretty badly tomorrow”

Light sighed pressing a now dry tissue at his nostrils “Great. Just what I needed”

“You ok, though? I’ve never seen anyone face plant a desk like that before. You’re lucky you didn’t hurt your head”

“I’m fine. Just... Haven’t been sleeping well lately” Light admitted not telling why he wasn’t sleeping

Mitsuko nodded “I can tell. No offence but you’re starting to look more panda than person” she joked “Maybe tell people you got into a fight instead. Sounds way cooler” their conversation was interrupted by Mitsuko’s phone ringing from her bag. “Oh, hang on” she pulled it from her bag, sighing at the contact “It’s my sister. Sorry, I got to take this. Hope you get some sleep” she then left the bathroom leaving Light to finish cleaning himself up.

What a mess. Falling asleep at my desk. I haven’t done that since elementary school. He sighed rubbing his tired eyes. I need to sleep. I’m never going to catch Kira if I can’t stay awake.

His phone beeping caught his attention.

From Mitsuko:

I forgot to say, try a cup of black tea with honey before bed (:

Light smiled at the message. It was nice that Mitsuko cared. He didn’t have many friends, if any if he was being honest. So it made him smile to know someone outside of his family at least cared enough to send a message. He messaged back a quick thank you before gathering his things from the bathroom floor.

He decided to cut cram school early as he was in no shape to go back to class. Plus, he had things to do. Tonight was the night he first realised he was being followed by Raye Pember. Out of all the deaths Light had caused, his and his fiancée were among those he regretted the most. Now able to see the forest for the trees, Light was disgusted at his previous self for what he did to Raye. He had not only killed the man but made him into a weapon to kill his colleagues. Never to be reunited with Naomi in the afterlife. I’m sorry Raye. I’ll make sure you live this time. I promise.


“We brought the FBI to Japan four days ago. They’re fully operational and, as requested, they’ve already began investigating the NPA” Watari explained to L through the computer monitor

L began looking through the files. Each detective had a file and in said file were the names of their family members, important details, work credentials and many more gathered intel. There are one hundred and forty one people on the police force that have access to classified information regarding the investigation. I’m sure somewhere in these files we will find our suspect.

He let the files scatter on the floor. One file in particular caught his attention. It was that of Chief Yagami and his family members. One of which stuck out to L who picked the file up to look closer. The Chief was married and had two children. One of which was a seventeen year old high school student.


Light tried his best to appear normal on his walk back home. He couldn’t afford Raye to notice something was off with him. He made sure to keep at a distance but not too much to alert the FBI agent that he knew Raye was there. It was moments like this Light wished Ryuk was around. He was unaware that Ryuk was following Light from a distance. Ryuk had grown curious to the stranger that started tailing Light when he left for home.

This is the second weirdo to be following this kid. First Teru, now this guy. What is it about Light Yagami that makes him so special?

Light made a stop at a small corner store to pick up a box of black tea and honey. He wasn’t lying, he was so tired he’d try anything to get some sleep. Preferably nightmare free. He loathed to take sleeping pills so herbal remedies it was. Hopefully Mitsuko’s advice would work.

Outside the store, Raye made a note in his pocket notebook that Ryuk caught sight of. He also saw a flash of silver from a badge in his coat pocket. Oh. So he’s an FBI agent. Ooh, Teru is not gonna like this.

When Light got home, his mom and sister had already gone to bed because of the late hour. He made himself the tea Mitsuko suggested before trudging upstairs to his room. He realised on the way home that the nightmares were going to happen regardless but at least this way Light was on an actual comfy bed and not breaking his back on the couch.

So Raye’s following me yet again. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. My father is the head of the NPA so it would be natural for L to investigate my family. It pissed me off to no end last time but now I’m kind of relieved. If Raye is following me then he’s not tailing Kira. So long as Kira and he don’t cross paths then I think I’m in the clear. Light supper at his tea as he sat on his bed. Not bad. A little sweet for my taste but if it works, I’ll take it. I wonder though... If I do manage to change things this time around, then does that mean there’s a chance I won’t meet Ryuzaki? He only came into my life because I was his top suspect. If I remain suspicion free then he and I will never meet. Though considering what happened last time... Light shook his head before finishing off his tea. I can’t think about that now.

The tea seemed to do it’s job as Light felt himself grow more tired. Not even bothering to change he simply lied down on his pillow and softly drifted off into a deep and much needed sleep. Ryuk, who had been watching from the corner of the bedroom, walked over and turned off the bedside lamp. With the bedroom now dark Raye set off into the night. Back inside, Ryuk stared at the sleeping teen with his head tilted in contemplation. There was something about Light that made him curious.


In Teru’s apartment, Ryuk was greeted by an overly eager human. “You’re back! Tell me, how is Light? I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time to go see h m myself”

Ryuk laughed “Well let’s see... It turns out there’s an FBI agent following him. I guess your plan didn’t go as planned now did it?”

Teru’s face lost all its colour. “What? But – But I fixed everything! I made sure he wouldn’t be suspected anymore –” he realised what he did wrong “I moved to quickly. I should have waited longer to change the timings. Now Light’s even more if a suspect and it’s all my fault!” Teru collapsed onto the sofa nearly tearing his hair out in frustration. “Damn it. What am I going to do now?”

The Shinigami thought for a moment before speaking “Hey, Teru. Have you ever wondered the difference between a Shinigami and a Death Note user?”

“What’s that got to do with anything?” Teru sighed

“You see, there are two main differences between the human who uses the Death Note and a Shinigami. The first being that that when a Shinigami writes a human’s name down, the years that human would have lived are added to our lifespan. Meaning that no matter what, we can’t be killed so long as we stay on top of our lifespans. In contrast, no matter how many lives you take, your lifespan will remain unchanged”

Teru raised an eyebrow “I see. So my lifespan remains unaltered”

“The second difference is our eyes” Ryuk continued “Though a Shinigami’s eyes we can see a person’s name just by looking at their face instantly. Being the owner of the Death Note means that you have the ability to gain the eyes of a Shinigami. For a price of course”

That certainly caught Teru’s attention “What?”

“However, the price of the Shinigami eyes, is half your remaining lifespan” Ryuk grinned at his shocked gasp “For instance, if you were to live another fifty years it would be twenty five. If it was one year then it would six months”

Teru let out an excited breath “I don’t suppose you would let me borrow this power?”

“Not at all. That’s the deal. Half your lifespan for the Shinigami eyes”

With that kind of power, the Death Note would be even easier to use!

“So then, Teru Mikami. Do we have a deal?

To be continued...

Chapter 5: Chapter Four - A fateful bus ride


Teru decides to test the Death Note while Light makes a mad dash for the bus.


I made myself laugh writing this. Hope you all find equally as funny xx

Chapter Text

“So what will it be, Teru Mikami? Do we have a deal?”

The Shinigami held out his hand for Teru to shake, to seal the deal between human and Death God. To say Teru was tempted was an understatement. It would make using the Death Note so much easier in the long run. He’d never have to rely on the news or the internet again. He could just see a person’s face and know who they were in an instant. He was sorely tempted but something stopped him. The price.

While the Shinigami Eyes would be an invaluable asset for him to possess, half his lifespan meant his would only have a drastically shortened time left to spend with his precious Light. After he dealt with L and took his place as God of the new world, he wanted to live as long as possible with Light by his side. Surely Light would want him to live for as long as fate intended. Not give away half for a power vastly overpriced. Teru was in good shape and healthy but all that could change over time.

As tempting as this is, I can’t risk it. I could live until I’m a hundred or until the end of the year. I can’t afford to give up any future time with Light. Even if it means making my mission harder.

Teru shook his head “No deal. You are well aware of my mission. I plan on ruling this new world for as long as I can with Light by my side so giving up half my lifespan is out of the question” he said with crossed arms.

“Yeah. I figured you wouldn’t take the deal. I just figured you should know about the deal early on”

Teru raised an eyebrow at the Shinigami “You call this telling me early on? Why not write the deal down in the notebook? Or tell me when you first appeared in my apartment?”

He seems to be completely undaunted by the fact I’m a Shinigami or that he has no problem giving me a hard time.

“Then again, if you had offered me wings instead of eyes I might have seriously considered it” Teru spoke moving to lie down on his bed. “The idea of flying with wings sounds particularly god-like. Not to mention I can already imagine Light’s reaction if he saw me with wings of a god” Teru smiled dreamily, imagining he and Light spring through the skies of the new world and Light gazing at him with such devotion. Teru closed his eyes getting lost in the fantasy.


“This is amazing!” Light gasped holding onto Teru as they flew across the golden sky. The sun was setting and the skies were clear making the moment even more beautiful. “You can see everything from up here”

Teru smiled “I’ll show you everything this new world has to offer” he promised, wings of ivory and gold spring them ever higher. “Everything I’ve done has been for you. I am the god of this new world but this god bows only to you. I will grant any wish, any desire, want. Just say the word and it’s yours”

“Teru...” Light said bashfully. Teru spun them around so now the pair were face to face with Teru holding Light firmly in his arms. The colours of the setting sun made Light’s hair almost glow with a golden hue like an angel made only for him.

“I’ve wanted so long to do this...” Teru admitted a bit shyly

Light smiled at him with adoring eyes “Me too. I’m so glad to be with you at last. Teru...”

Teru’s heart began racing when Light began leaning in. How often had he dreamed of this moment? How many lonely days had he spent with his dream as his only reason to continue on. He leaned too, desperate to know what it felt like to finally kiss his dear Light. Ever slowly he moved forward, one hand coming up to cradle Light’s perfect face.



That’s when Teru opened his eyes to a face full of Shinigami, Teru’s lips puckered up for a kiss. Teru all but fell off the bed to get away from Ryuk while Ryuk collapsed to the floor in hysterical laughter. The human spluttered, franticly wiping his mouth in disgust. “That... Never happened” he declared firmly

Ryuk was still howling “Oh man! That was too rich! What will poor Light think? You stepping out on him with a Shinigami?” He laughed even more at Teru’s expense while Teru was just glad Ryuk couldn’t be heard by the neighbors. Sighing, Teru turned his attention back to the Death Note. He flipped back to the inner cover where the rules were written down when an idea formed in his head. Ignoring the still laughing Shinigami, Teru went to his computer to get to work. He had just come up with a way to figure out the FBI agent’s name. All without the use of Shinigami eyes.

“Alright, that’s enough Ryuk. I need to think”

Ryuk panted “Ok. Ok. I’m done” he was not done and burst into more laughter yet again.


The next morning at the NPA headquarters, Chief Yagami received a startling phone call. It was to inform him of another six inmates dying of heart attacks. Only it was what was said next that startled him.

“What? Bizarre behavior before they died? Could you be more specific?”

“Well that’s just it,” said the voice on the other end “They all died of heart attacks but they all acted erratically before they died. One had drawn the words ‘Help Me’ in his own blood on his cell wall. Another wrote a letter but it doesn’t seem to be a Will or anything. As for the third victim, he escaped his cell and made it all the way to the warden’s office before he died”

Watari contacted L to update him on the newest heart attack victims along with the bizarre events before they died. L looked over the new evidence, his attention on the letter one of the inmates wrote. It looks like he was afraid that Kira might find him. While it’s natural for him to fear Kira might kill him but we know Kira can control the times of death. Is it possible he can also control the circumstances leading up to death?

“Chief” L spoke through the microphone “We can’t let this information get out to the public. As far as they’re concerned, these are just heart attacks. I have reason to believe that Kira was using these particular criminals as test subjects. If that’s the case then we’ll only be giving him the information he wants”

Chief Yagami shook his head “He’s playing with all these people’s lives as if this were all a game. It’s unforgivable”

L continued to ponder. If Kira is truly using criminals as test subjects, what is he trying to achieve?


Teru inwardly preened at the success of his experiment. As luck would have it, his firm had been given the contract to prosecute Kira when the time came that he was arrested. While Teru was not chosen as the Prosecuting Attorney for the case, the man that was chosen was woefully inept at his job which lead to him asking Teru to help. The fool had given Teru full access to the classified files for the Kira investigation. Now Teru could see his work unfold before his very eyes and oh, wasn’t it beautiful.

“Just as I suspected” he smirked at his computer screen “I have no doubt the Death note will work for what I have planned”

Ryuk questioned, “What do you mean by that?”

“I wrote the names of six inmates with varying conditions they had to complete before they died. Three of whom did everything as I wrote down, right to the last letter. For the other three, the conditions were impossible to complete so they only died of heart attacks. For example. One I wrote that he was to die in the Shanghai captial one hour after I wrote his name down. It’s impossible to get from here to Shanghai in one hour so he died in his cell. This means that even the Death Note can’t do the impossible but, so long as the conditions are realistic to what the person might do, I can control them till the moment they die”

“Wow. Even I didn’t know that” Ryuk hummed “So how does all this lead to you knowing that agent’s name?”

“It doesn’t. Not yet. I need to run one more test to make sure this will work” Teru brought up a news site on the computer. “Yesterday, this drug addict tried to rob a bank but was unsuccessful” Teru jotted down the man’s name while looking at the picture attached to the article. Teru had no patience for addicts of any kind. He’d seen first hand what addiction did not only to the addict but to the families and innocent bystanders as well. Good people were brought to ruin when a junkie was desperate for their next fix. Yes, this man will make the perfect sacrifice.

When he was finished writing down everything, Teru stood from his desk. “I best start getting ready. I have a bus to catch”


L continued to pour over the new information. There had to be something hidden within that he wasn't seeing. That's when he caught it. within the note was a message. *L, do you know"


It was almost eleven in the morning when Light awoke from his deep slumber. For the first time in days he actually felt well-rested which was a miracle in itself. Light let out a long yawn stretching out his muscles for good measure. It was a Saturday so Light didn’t have anywhere to be but he still decided to get out of bed. He got dressed in a comfy jumper and brown slacks before heading downstairs. “Morning Mom” he greeted entering the kitchen.

Sachiko gasped “Light! What happened to your nose? Did you get into a fight last night?”

That’s when Light remembered his unexpected face plant on his desk. “No. Nothing like that. Just me not looking where I was going Light responded while the kettle boiled. While he may have slept well he was still in need of a caffeine fix if he was to be productive for the day. Light looked around “Where’s Sayu? She still in bed too?”

She shook her head “No, she left not too long ago. She’s meeting up with her friends for the day”

“Oh. Did she say where she was going?” Light asked taking a long drink of his coffee

“She said she was going to spend the day at Spaceland” Light instantly spat out his coffee. The word brought a tidal wave of memories back in full force. The date on the wall calendar almost mocked him as they did so. “Light what’s wrong?” Sachiko asked as Light coughed harshly.

“Spaceland? The theme park across the city?” he questioned and she nodded “Tell me someone picked her up by car”

She frowned confused “No. Sayu was adamant she was old enough to take the bus by herself. I said it was ok as long as she texted me when she got there”

Cold fear shot up Light’s spine as all the colour drained from his face. The bus ride. That criminal. Sayu! Oh shit! Without another word, Light ran. Rushing to get his shoes and coat on, Light threw the door open and began bolting down the street as fast as his legs could carry him. Sachiko tried to tell after him, asking what on earth was the matter but he wasn’t listening. His little sister was in danger and nothing was getting in his way. Please let me be wrong! Please let me be wrong! Not Sayu. Not her!

Seeing him run, Raye rushed after him while staying out of sight as best he could. He only saw Light’s face for a moment but it was one of pure terror. Whatever Light was running to or from, Raye knew he had to find out. Light Yagami. Your typical high school student. He’s been acting so normal so far. What set him off?

Ahead of him, Light kept running and didn’t stop till he reached the bus stop he and Sayu routinely used. By some miracle, he got there just as Sayu was getting on board. With one last bout of energy, Light pushed himself forward and jumped onto the bus, slamming his bus pass on the reader as he did so. Out of breath and slightly sweaty, Light scanned the bus till he saw Sayu sitting on one of the seats staring at him in confusion. The relief he felt was palpable when he saw her.

“Uhh... Hey, Light” she said as Light all but collapsed onto the seat next to her, still panting and eyes shut. He didn’t see Raye get on after him, nor did he spot Teru Mikami sitting on the farthest back seat. “What are you doing here?”

Light swallowed while still catching his breath. “Sorry. I didn’t feel comfortable with you going across the city by yourself”

At that Sayu pouted “What? But Mom said it was ok”

“Hey, I’m your big brother. I’m supposed to be overprotective”

She harrumphed “Seriously, you’re worse than Dad, I swear... What happened to your face?”

“Long story”

Behind them, Raye frowned. That’s it? He was just worried about his sister? From his earlier expression, you’d guess he was running into hell. I guess that’s older brothers for you. Raye was an only child so he had no experience with older siblings but if he had to guess, Light’s reaction was normal albeit over the top.

Meanwhile, in his seat, Teru was both ecstatic and overjoyed. Light was on the bus, so close he was in touching distance. Teru dared not announce himself. For one he was vastly underdressed, trading his usual well-pressed suit and tie for jeans, a white gym hoodie and sunglasses along with a surgical mask. Another was that Teru still felt unworthy. He had yet to rid himself of L and until he got rid of the competition for Light’s heart, he would remain unseen. For once, Light would see his abilities up close. He’d see just how powerful Teru had become. Teru was sure Light would be impressed, he just knew it.

The bus ride from then on was uneventful. Light kept a composure of calmness while on the inside his nerves were shot to hell. I’m probably wrong. I hope I’m wrong. There’s no way Kira would use the same idea I had. That would just be too much of a coincidence. Still... He glanced at Sayu who was contently looking out the window. I couldn’t take that chance. If anything was to happen to Sayu, I’d never forgive myself. I don’t care how suspicious this makes me look to Ryuzaki. This time, Sayu stays safe.

Unfortunately for Light, an all to familiar face got onto the bus. He unconsciously tensed as the man, Kiichiro Osordeda, made his way to the driver's cab. Light subtlety put his arm atop the seat so he could force Sayu to duck should anything happen. Kiichiro pulled out a gun and aimed at the driver. “Stay in your seats unless you wanna die!” the criminal threatened the passengers. No, no, no, no! You can’t be serious!? Light panicked as Kiichiro threatened to shoot them if they didn’t keep quiet.

“Stay low” Light instructed, making Sayu duck out of the criminal’s line of sight. Think, Light, think! You have to get Sayu off this bus. Unlike last time when Light watched everything unfold without care, this time Light franticly scanned the bus for any form of escape while their gunman made his demands over the bus’s radio to Spaceland. There was no rear exit door so that meant the only way he was getting Sayu out was through the front. His eyes narrowed in determination. “Sayu” he whispered “Just stay calm. I’ll get us out of here”

Sayu trembled in her seat “I – I’m really scared, Light” she whimpered “I don’t wanna die”

“You’re not gonna die, I promise. Just stay calm. I’ll think of something” he said softly, wiping away her tears.

“... If you mess with me or try to get the police involved, I swear I’ll kill every one of these passengers!” Kiichiro yelled down the radio before yanking it out, severing contact between them and any help.

Light made his decision. “Sayu, listen to me. When his back is turned, I’ll go for the gun and you run for the exit”

Sayu’s eyes widened even further “No! He could kill you!” she whispered desperately

Raye knew he had to get involved. Light would be killed if he didn’t. “Don’t be stupid. That’s risky” he interjected getting their attention “If it comes to that, I’ll take care of it”

Raye Pember. I was so focused on Sayu I completely forgot he was following me. Light was relieved to see the agent once more but made himself appear suspicious of the older man. As of then he and Raye had never met so Light had to play the part. “How do we know we can trust you? You could be an accomplice for all we know”

That made Sayu even more worried “A-Accomplice? You think he’s with the guy upfront?”

“I don’t know. But I’m not taking any chances”

He was apparently a good enough actor as Raye presented him is FBI badge as proof he wasn’t part of the high jacking. Light looked at the I.D pretending to look surprised then nodded. “Raye Pember, huh? Fine. This is enough. Do you have a gun on you” Raye nodded “Good. If it comes down to it, just get my sister off the bus. Promise me”

He’s terrified. Raye realised. “I promise. I’ll get her out if anything goes down”

The gunman turned his attention to them. Stalking down the aisle, he came to a stop at Light and Sayu’s seat. Sayu cowered behind her brother while Light put himself between Sayu and Kiichiro as a human shield.

“Just stay away from her” Light pleaded with actual fear. He had no Death Note or Shinigami to protect him this time and this time he had a whole lot more to lose.

Kiichiro laughed in his face “Oh spare me. I bet you couldn’t hurt a fly even if you tried” it happened in a split second. One moment Light was sitting on his seat, the next he was on the floor with a blinding pain coming from the side of his head. He had just been hit with the butt of the gun. His sister let out a scream. “Look at you!” Kiichiro mocked “You’re already black and blue. Guess it takes more than one lesson to get the message through” he felt something tap the back of his head, hardly anything but it caught his attention. When he turned to see what it was, he was met with a terrifying monster stood on three feet away from him.

He let out a screech of terror before unloading his gun into the creature before him that only he could see. When his gun was emptied he ran for the exit with Raye hot on his heels. “Stop the bus! Let me off this damn thing!”

The bus driver slammed on the breaks allowing him to escape only to be hit by a speeding car that hadn’t been able to stop in time. He was dead before he could blink. On the bus, everyone looked on in horror at what just happened. All except Teru who hid his menacing smile behind his mask. 11:45 on the dot. Everything went just as planned. Well, everything except for one thing. Light had been injured, the one thing he had never wanted to happen. He’d never been happier for a criminal to die, especially one who would dare harm his Light. Teru felt terrible that he didn’t step up to save Light himself but at least Ryuk did the job for him.

And to top it all off, Teru had learned the FBI agent’s name thanks to overhearing their conversation. Thanks to Light, I now know that blasted agent’s name. I can get rid of one more rat in the nest. You will be next, Raye Pember.

To be continued...

Chapter 6: Chapter Five - Saving Raye


With Sayu safe, Light now turns his attention to Raye Pember who, if history repeats itself, is set to die in a week's time. Light refuses to let that happen.

Chapter Text

With Kiichiro dead, the nightmare was over. The police and ambulances had arrived shortly thereafter. The hijacker was taken away in a body bag in one ambulance while the police took statements. In the second ambulance, paramedics were tending to Light’s newest head wound with his worried sister sitting by his side. With everything that happened, she was bereft to leave him for a second. Raye watched from a distance as the medic patched the teen up by wrapping bandages around the teen’s head. A spot of blood already starting to form through the white gauze.

“No signs of a concussion or brain injury” the medic stated “Though if you get dizzy or feel sick, go straight to emergency care. Got it?”

“Got it. Thank you” Light replied through the pounding in his head

Sayu asked him “Are you sure you’re ok? He hit you really hard”

He forced a smile “I’m fine, Sayu. Really. I just need to take it easy for a while”

When the medic was out of earshot, Raye chose that moment to walk up to the pair. Without an introduction, he spoke “Listen to me. I came to Japan as part of a secret investigation so the local police can’t find out I was here”

Light nodded, expecting Raye to say this exact sentence “I understand. We won’t tell anyone that we met you and that includes our father. Right Sayu?”

She nodded in agreement “Thanks for helping us, by the way”

At that, Raye huffed a small smile “No problem. I better go, please excuse me” Raye then hurried off into the stalled traffic out of sight. Most likely back to his fiancée. Ok, so the bus jacking still happened. Which means Kira is most definitely following the same pattern as I did. Hopefully, that will make it easier to track him down. Light had been escorted off the bus by the medics still in a daze from the blow to the head which left him unable to look at the passengers in depth. He had missed his first chance in finding Kira. Though he wouldn’t miss the next one.

“Do you still want to go to Spaceland?” he asked

Sayu shook her head “No way. After the day we had, I just wanna go home”

Watching from across the street hidden by the gathered crowd, Teru never took his eyes off the pair of siblings. I’m so sorry, darling. I never intended for you to get injured. My greatest failure so far. I hope you can forgive me. But don’t worry. Thanks to you, I now know that agent’s name. Once I deal with him, I’ll be one step closer to our perfect world.


Raye returned to his hotel room as the sun was setting. Waiting for him was his Fiancée Naomi Misora, a fellow FBI agent like him. While he was here for the investigation, Naomi had tagged along so she could introduce Raye to her family back in Japan. She greeted him with a smile when he entered their room. “Hey. Welcome back”

“Urgh, what a day” Raye sighed tossing his jacket on the bed and settling into the armchair next to the window. He noticed the several shopping bags near the bed on Naomi’s side, all Japanese high department stores. “You’ve been out?”

“Yeah. I spent the day with my mom and sister. Honestly, I feel kind of bad I was away for so long. The last time I saw her, she was just about to start junior high. Now she’s got college entrance exams” Naomi sighed sadly “I guess that’s the price of the job. Not much time for family. Anyway, what about you? Something happened, didn’t it?”

Raye nodded loosening his tie “Yeah. The bus I was on got hijacked if you can believe it”

At the small kitchenette of the room, Naomi looked back at him surprised “A bus jacking?”

“Some junkie. Robbed a bank the other day and I guess he wanted to try taking on a bus today” explained Raye. “I didn’t think this kind of stuff happened here”

Naomi frowned “So you were already riding the bus when the hijacker got on?”

“Yeah. Then the guy freaked out and jumped off the bus then got hit by a car”

Hearing that, Naomi paused “Did he die?”

Raye nodded as she handed him a cup of coffee “Yeah. He was taken away in a body bag”

“You know,” she began “It’s a little hard to believe it was all a coincidence, don’t you think? Think about it. You were on that bus because you were investigating someone, right? And now you’re telling me this criminal is now dead. Doesn’t that suggest that –”

Raye vehemently shook his head “You weren’t there, Naomi. He was just a kid. A terrified kid who was just protecting his sister. He ended up with a blow to the head because of it. Does that sound like a calculating killer? Besides, you promised me you wouldn’t get involved with the Kira case”

“You’re right. I’m sorry. Was he ok, though? The kid that got injured?”

“I think so. He was pretty banged up but I think he’ll be ok” Raye paused to take a long sip of his coffee “Anyway, tell me how I can convince your dad I’m worthy of his daughter? Kira doesn’t scare me half as much as he does” Naomi let out a laugh


Teru found himself at a crossroads. He knew he had to deal with Raye Pember sooner rather than later but he was forced to hold off on killing him just yet. Raye’s interaction with Light could invoke more suspicion and Teru was trying his hardest not to let that happen. “I’ll have to hold off killing Pember for now. At least a week so Light doesn’t get suspected yet again. I’m not taking any chances this time”

“Oh? Then who’s name are you going to write down in the Death Note?” Ryuk asked curiously

Teru smirked “I’ve kept several inmates alive for just this reason. Time to make that L character sweat a little. No harm in giving a little entertainment to keep him occupied”


“L do you know? Gods of Death” L stared at the image of the latest victim’s suicide note in great thought. Is he trying to tell us that Gods of Death exist?

“Listen, Watari. Tell the police to monitor prison populations closely for the next few days. Kira may use other suicide notes as a way to communicate with us”


At his home, Light was laid up on the sofa with a bowl of soup, an ice pack on his head, and propped up with at least six pillows. Sachiko had been mother henning he and Sayu since they returned, him especially given his newfound head wound. When she had heard about the bus jacking she had been a nervous mess, only managing to breathe when they got home. He lay there while Sayu was sprawled on one of the armchairs as they both watched T.V. Sayu’s choice, of course, he had no say in the matter.

Thank goodness Sayu is ok. If anything had happened to her because of Kira, because of me... No, stop that. You protected her. You kept her safe. At least now, you know for certain Kira is following the same pattern. Light frowned to himself. Damn it, Kira. Why couldn’t you be smarter? Hell, why couldn’t you just be kinder?

“Hey, Light? You ok?”

“Huh?” he turned his head to Sayu “Oh, yeah. I’m fine. Guess I’m just not that hungry” he answered setting the mostly full bowl on the table.

Sayu looked at him in concern “You sure you’re ok? You’re not feeling sick or anything”

“Really, I’m fine” he insisted “Though I’m never taking the bus again”

At that Sayu laughed “Yeah. Next time, we’re taking the train” she settled back down to watch her show. It took a moment for it to click in Light’s aching head but when it did, his blood went cold. Wait a minute... Train. Kira. Raye. Oh no. If Kira is following the same pattern then – then Raye could still be in danger. He and Kira could have crossed paths and I wouldn’t even know! Why didn’t I think of this sooner?!


A week later, the dreaded day came. Light managed to convince his mom he had recovered enough to go out by himself. There was no promise his plan would work, as wild and slightly unhinged as it was. He could potentially wind up dead. It didn’t matter. He was going to stop Raye’s death, even if it cost him his own. Dresses in a dark grey hoodie with matching sweatpants, a black beanie, and sneakers, Light stood near the underground entrance and waited. Held under his arm was what he hoped would save Raye’s life.

After waiting for an agonizing ten minutes, Raye entered with a briefcase in hand. Light pulled the hood up to obscure his face further. Not wasting a moment, Light moved from his spot and followed after him at a close distance. “Agent Raye Pember” he spoke quietly, gaining the man’s attention. “Don’t turn around. I’m here to warn you. Your life is in danger”

That made Raye freeze in place, his body going cold “What?”

“I’m not here to hurt you. I’ve come to help you. I have reason to believe you’re Kira’s next target” Light told him, heart pounding in his chest.

What the hell? Who is this guy? That voice, I’ve heard it before. “How do you know this? Who are you?” out of the corner of his eye, Raye tried to get a glance at the person behind him. In the reflection of the nearby store windows, Raye saw the figure of someone much younger than him. Shorter and thinner with the hood obscuring his face. Who is that?

“Listen to me. I don’t have much time. I am not Kira but I know how Kira operates and I believe he knows about the FBI agents in Japan” now Raye was convinced. No one but L was aware of the FBI agents in Japan, even Naomi was kept in the dark. “Please, you have to believe me” Light pleaded “If you don’t listen to me, he’s going to kill you and your fiancée”

“Alright. I believe you. What do you know?”

Light sighed in relief “I know that including you, there are twelve FBI agents in Japan and if I’m right, Kira is going to get you to give him the names of those men. Take this” a brown envelope appeared in Raye’s line of sight. “Hide it in your briefcase until Kira gives you the same envelope. Switch them over and use this one when instructed. Then give him this one when it’s over. It’s imperative you do this. Do you understand?”

Raye nodded, opening his briefcase to slip the envelope inside “Ok. Anything else?”

“There’s a note inside with further instructions. Follow them exactly and you may just survive this. Remember, you never saw me” with that Light was gone, vanishing into the mid-day commuters. Leaving Raye to grasp what just happened. Who was that? And why would they warn me? That voice. I know it from somewhere... But where!?

Raye continued walking, putting on a mask of neutrality. What was in that envelope? Why risk the wrath of Kira for me? How did he even know who I was?

His thoughts were cut off when a second voice from behind whispered “Mr. Raye Pember. Move and you’re dead. I am Kira”


Teru was nothing short of meticulous. He was thorough in his actions and never took anything to chance. If he had thought for a moment his plan would fail, he wouldn’t be standing in the subway waiting for Raye Pember to arrive. However, he had uncovered some new information that had forced his hand sooner than anticipated. Raye was not the only agent. Teru had learned from his colleague, the loose-lipped man due to prosecute the Kira case, that there was more than just one FBI agent in Japan.

He and Ryuk stood by as the crowds surged. Teru dressed quite out of character, wanting to stay hidden and out of sight. He was in his black gym tracksuit with an attached hood and had traded his glasses for contacts for the day. He blended in quite well, so well that no one gave the taller-than-average man a second look.

“I don’t get it. Why are we just standing here?” Ryuk grumbled. Teru had said they were going to kill the agent but so far had done nothing but stand there and he was getting bored.

Teru quietly responded “Let's just say you’re about to see the results of my most recent experiments”


“Yeah. I’ve been using criminals to test the limits of what the Death Note can do. I’ve discovered that if I write down the cause and circumstances of death beforehand, I can write a person’s name in afterward”

Ooh. Even I didn’t know that.

“There he is” Teru spoke spotting Raye come into view. He pulled his hood up in preparation. Teru began to follow Raye at a close distance, keeping his head bowed and hands in his pockets. When he was close enough, Teru spoke “Mr. Raye Pember. Move and you’re dead. I am Kira”


Raye’s blood turned to ice, the briefcase in his grip suddenly ten times heavier. “That’s right. Don’t turn around or put your hands in your pockets or I won’t hesitate to kill you here” Teru warned genuinely enjoying the fear radiating from the agent.

It... It can’t be... That kid, he – he was telling the truth...

“But first, I’m going to prove to you that I’m Kira. Do you see that woman at the counter of the coffee shop?” Teru said pointing out the plain-faced dark-haired young woman in her work uniform “Yes, the one at the register, I’m going to kill her just for you”

Raye gulped “But how...?” he soon got his answer. Mere moments later the worker clutched at her chest before falling to the floor dead. Raye stood there in horror, his breath choking in his throat.

“I had no choice. That woman was a menace. She let her boyfriend abuse her daughter until she died but never saw prison due to a technicality. She got what she deserved. I figured I’d have to kill at least one person or else you wouldn’t believe me” Teru went on to say “I assume L has already told you I need a name and a face to kill which means I can kill everyone here if I wanted to”

That snapped Raye out of his stupor “No, please. I believe you. You’re Kira”

Teru smirked “I’m sure you care more about your loved ones than these people here. Imagine how you’d feel if one of them was killed because you refused to co-operate. You should start thinking of them as the real hostages”

“How do you know about her?” Raye asked

“You seem surprised. I’ve been investigating you. If you don’t do exactly as I say, she will die along with the rest of your family. Including you and that’s a promise”

There’s no way out of this. I have to play along. “I understand. Tell me what you need me to do”

“I see you have your laptop with you. I want the identities of all the FBI agents who came to Japan”

Crap, he was right. I don’t have a choice. “I do have my laptop with me but I don’t have the files you’re looking for”

Teru sighed “Alright. Then take this envelope” he held out an identical beige envelope like the one the other person had given him, only this one was much heavier. Raye held back his gasp of realisation. “First, put the earpiece of the transceiver in and await further instructions”

Now alone, Raye pulled out the transceiver from the envelope. They’ll be no record of this conversation anywhere and it can allow us to converse at a close distance even underground. He really thought this through. He glanced down at his briefcase that held the copy envelope. Whatever is in there, it better work.

With the earpiece in, Teru began speaking to Raye. “Alright. Now get on the Yamanote line. Inner or outer route, it doesn’t matter. I’ll be close by at all times so I’ll be watching you’re every move. When you get on the train, pick a spot in front of you and don’t look around. If I see you looking for me I will kill you. Once you’ve boarded, take the seat closest to the doors”

Raye did as instructed, taking the seat closest to the doors. He had placed Kira’s envelope in his briefcase alongside the copy while keeping them separated so as to not mix them up. Again, Teru spoke through the earpiece “Alright. Now if I even suspect you’re being dishonest, your girlfriend is as good as dead. Now tell me, how many agents are in Japan”

“I believe it’s four teams. Three in each including myself makes twelve” he responded quietly

“Ok. Now take the papers out of the envelope” Raye took a breath reaching into his briefcase and pulling out the copy envelope. Raye could only hope what was inside was identical to what Kira had made. Inside were several sheets of notebook paper with sections cut out for him to write in. Raye managed to slip the attached note out of sight where he read it quickly.


Kira is expecting you to receive files from your superior. Just pretend you received them then write down any names you can think of. Make them up, it doesn’t matter.

Once Kira lets you off the train, count to twenty then pretend that you’re having a heart attack. Make it believable. Once the train has left the station, leave the briefcase at the Sakura Cafe. It will be returned to you at the NPA building in three days with all its contents bar the envelope. I’m sorry but I can’t let that be taken by the police. Not yet. Trust me, I want Kira gone as much as you do but for now, just let me handle it.

I am on your side.

Yours, a friend

Raye blinked after reading the note as fast as he could so not to draw suspicion. He wants me to... what, play dead? I guess I really don’t have much choice.

“First, I want you to write down your name in the first window. Then, I want you to write down the name of your superior that’s heading the investigation in the window below” Raye was confused. Writing down names? That’s all Kira wants? Still, Raye played along, writing down his own name but making up a fake name for his boss back in America.

“Next, take out your laptop and turn in on. Any minute now you’ll receive a message from your boss with a file attachment. It contains the names and faces of all the FBI agents currently active in Japan” Raye faked shock giving off the impression that he did indeed receive said file when in reality he had gotten nothing. “Now, one by one, you’re going to look at these photos and then write down that agent’s name in the space provided. You’re going to this for each agent”

This doesn’t make sense. If he can get the names so easily then why use me at all? What is he planning? Finished, Raye closed down his laptop. “Good looks like your all done. Now put everything back in the envelope and place it on the rack above your head. Then, stay on the train for at least another thirty minutes. When you are absolutely certain no one will notice you leaving without the envelope, you can get off the train”

After pulling what was quite possibly the greater bait and switch in human history, Raye sat back down and waited. The next half hour crawled by with his anxiety through the roof. Above him the copy envelope given to him earlier.

Ok. Count to twenty and then put on the show of my life. You gotta make it believable. That kid’s been right so far. His voice though... I know it from somewhere. Where though?

After thirty long agonizing, the agent chose to get off the train. At 4:41 pm, Raye stepped off onto the platform and began to count down from twenty. When he reached one, Raye froze in place and clutched at his chest. Putting in the act of a dying man, Raye fell to his knees gasping for breath. His acting was a bit too good as several concerned passers by stopped to see if he was ok. Of course, Raye couldn’t just say he was acting. As the doors of the train shut, Raye swore he heard the voice of Kira one final time.

“Farewell, Raye Pember”


Afterward, when Raye had gotten back to his feet and convinced the crowd he was alright, he made his way to the Sakura Cafe. It was a blind spot for the cameras making it the perfect spot for a drop-off. Raye placed his briefcase down as he sat in the outdoor part of the cafe. What am I doing? I should be taking this straight to the police. L needs to know! But... That kid just saved my life, I’m sure of it. I can trust him. I’m certain of that much.

Deep in thought, Raye almost missed Light grab the briefcase mid-walk and speed off. Raye stood back up and was about to give chase... when he decided to sit back down. No. I’ll deal with the ramifications later. He knows what he’s doing. I hope. Raye pondered how such a young kid got mixed up in all of this and how they knew exactly what Kira had set out to do.

Raye pulled out his cellphone and contacted his superior back in America who was thankfully still alive. “This is agent Pember. We have a situation”


Teru was unaware that he had been tricked. He believed wholeheartedly that he had successfully gotten rid of Pember along with all the other Agents in Japan. He grinned to himself, laughing that the good agent had basically signed a death warrant for each of his colleagues. Meanwhile, Ryuk stood over his shoulder, biting back his shock.

That was no paper of the Death Note, that much he was certain of. However, he had seen Teru tear out the pages himself and place them in the envelope. There was no possible way the FBI agent could have known about the significance of the paper itself. Also, Ryuk had seen the man’s lifespan when he supposedly died of a heart attack. It had remained unchanged meaning Raye Pember was still alive.

Not that Ryuk was going to say anything to Teru about it. No, things just got far more interesting! So someone out there knows enough about the Death Note to fool Kira into thinking his murders were a success. They even wrote down the cause of death right down to the letter. This just got a lot more interesting. The only other Death Note in the human world he knew of belonged so someone completely unconnected to Teru or the Kira case. Ryuk doubted she was the one to swap the pages.

Meanwhile at the Yagami house, Light stared coldly at the fireplace which burned the envelope and all its contents. Raye’s briefcase hidden under his bed . I did it. Raye is safe. For now at least. I know I should probably have kept this hidden away instead of burning it but... I have to admit, this is therapeutic.

“Light?” Sachiko called from the Kitchen “Would you like some hot chocolate dear? It’s awfully cold out tonight”

Light smiled a genuine smile for the first time that day “Sure. Thanks, mom”


“L. You have a call from the director of the FBI” Watari announced before patching the call through”

“It’s me” he began “I’ve got a report in front of me that says Kira held one of our agents' hostage and was forced to give the identities of said agents to Kira. He also says that someone warned him of Kira’s intent which allowed him to give false information saving the agents. I’m sorry but it’s been decided. We’re pulling out our agents effective immediately”

“You said someone warned the agent of Kira’s plan” L spoke “Who was it”

“Agent Pember said he didn’t know. They kept their identity hidden from him. All he knows is that they were trying to help. Swears on his life that the guy saved him”

The head of the FBI hung up. Moments later, L received a rather angry call from Chief Yagami “L, I just got off the phone with the director of the FBI. Is it true that you arranged to have the FBI come to Japan and investigate all of us here connected to the Kira case?”

“... Yes, that is correct” L answered

Yagami doubled down “And is it true that those agents were nearly killed today by Kira?”

“That is also correct. However, it does not matter now. The FBI has chosen to withdraw its support after today’s incident”

“I find it unbelievable that you would spy on us. The very people working with you on this case” Yagami continued to scold L like he would his own children “Also, how is it that Kira failed to kill those FBI agents if he was able to hold one of them hostage?”

L answered “It appears someone knew of Kira’s intentions to kill the agents so they chose to warn them instead. It’s only thanks to this person that we actually have survivors of a Kira killing” That sent shockwaves through the room. On top of being lied to by L, the task force was now learning that Kira may not be working alone as earlier suspected. However, whispers began that they could no longer trust L by his word which overshadowed this new development.

As he listened to the whispers, he was informed of another victim who left a note. Written in the note was a message. Love apples.

L, do you know Gods of Death love apples?

Damn you, Kira.


He was instructed to return to America as soon as possible. The earliest flight they could catch back home was a few days away to which Raye was thankful as it meant he could retrieve his briefcase before they left. True, he could just write it off as a loss but Raye wanted to know if the person who saved his life would keep his word about this. Lying in the hotel bed with his sleeping Fiancée in his arms, Raye had never felt more grateful to be alive.


The next night, Chief Yagami held a family meeting. Light had been anticipating this. He was desperate to know if his crazy plan had been successful. He had checked the files and had found no sign of Kira going on a murder spree due out of vengeance so Light guessed it had worked. He had seen Raye alive and well at the café which had felt like a weight off his shoulders. No longer was Light taking lives, he was actively saving them.

“So, what’s with the family meeting dad?” Sayu asked confusedly

“I figured you’re going to find out sooner or later so I might as well tell you now” their father began “I’m sure you’ve heard of this Kira investigation. Well, the truth is that I’m in charge of it”

Sayu gasped “Wait, really? That’s totally awesome dad! You’re the best cop ever”

“That’s not the point I’m trying to make. The truth is that the FBI sent twelve of their agents to Japan to assist us. Yesterday, they were almost killed by Kira. If Kira tried to kill them then there’s a chance he could go after other members of law enforcement. Such as myself”

Sayu started to become a bit hysterical “Then quit! I don’t want you to die. What if he gets you?”

“That’s right. Your life is so much more important than some job” Sachiko pleaded with her husband

“I can’t. I could never forgive myself if I walked away from this. I will not sit back and let evil triumph” he responded firmly

Light had stayed quiet absorbing the conversation. The last time this happened, I told him to keep going. To keep investigating even though I knew what this was doing to him. Good grief, what was wrong with me? “They’re right dad. You should quit. Go back to being the Chief and forget about Kira”

“Light... I’m sorry but I can’t. When you’re older, you’ll understand”

Light shook his head “Don’t give me that excuse. IIs finding Kira more important than your family? Or your health?” he stood from his seat “You want to leave us without a dad? Leave mom a widow?” before he could respond, Light was walking away genuinely upset with his father’s stubbornness “Fine. Go ahead and risk your life. Just don’t expect me to watch” the door slammed shut behind him.


The next day, Chief Yagami gave a speech to the remaining detectives. While he understood the need for the investigation to continue no matter what, he also realised asking them to face an unknown killer who had the power to kill whoever and whenever he pleased was asking to much. He told them that they could quit the investigation if they pleased and if they did, their jobs would not be in jeopardy. In the end, what followed was a mass exodus of detectives leaving only six detectives, Yagami included.

Across the city, Naomi was out questioning the driver of the bus Raye had been on. They had theorized that the person who warned Raye about Kira must have been on that bus and in turn, so must have been Kira. Due to Raye technically being dead in Japan, he couldn’t go out and search for himself. Thus Naomi went in his stead asking for details about that day. The driver had little to add as he had been too scared for his life to really pay attention to the passengers.

I want to thank them. I would have lost Raye forever if it weren’t for them. Raye said he recognised the voice but couldn’t pinpoint it. If I’m right then they must have been on that bus. Was it that Light Yagami he was following? Raye described him as protective and self-sacrificing for his younger sister. But could a teenager really be involved in this? And to what extent?


With only six left of the task force, the room felt much larger. Those who were left were Yagami, Matsuda, Aizawa, Mogi, Ukita, and Ide. Good, honest detectives who didn’t bow down to fear. It wasn’t much compared to the amount they had started with, but it was enough to keep the investigation going. L spoke to the remaining men “The fact you have chosen to stay means you have a strong sense of justice. I trust all of you. I realise that I have done little to earn your trust in return. Therefore, to prove that I do trust the six of you, I think it’s time we meet in person”

Watari turned the laptop around for the remaining six to see. A message for them along with directions to meet L at one of the Region’s top hotels. While five of them were hopeful, Ide was skeptical of L’s intentions. From the beginning, he had distrusted L and with what happened with the FBI only furthered his doubt. In the end, before they left for the hotel, Ide decided to turn back inside the NPA, leaving only five remaining Taskforce members to meet the elusive L.

And so, the five traveled separately to the Tato hotel as to not arouse suspicion. L would be switching hotels every few days from then on but as of now, those hotel suites were the headquarters of the Kira task force. While the remaining members gathered, L gazed out of his hotel room window overlooking the city skyline.

Kira. It seems we’re getting closer to each other in equal steps. It won’t be long before we collide. So be it. I’m ready to show my face and make my first public appearance as L. If you ever managed to find out about these secret meetings then I’m sure you’d be compelled to move in. That’s what I’m counting on.


Dad’s meeting Ryuzaki for the first time tonight. I don’t doubt Raye included me in the report back to his boss but I’m sure he didn’t know it was me. Light’s eyes drifted to his bed where he was hiding the briefcase. Once I hand it in as lost property, they’ll be nothing connecting me to what happened. Raye’s safe. Naomi’s safe. For now, I can breathe. They’ll be safe in the US in a merger of days. Kira will never know I tricked him till it’s too late.

Light leaned back in his desk chair thinking back on his past life yet again. Knowing he had successfully saved Raye form death had eased his troubled soul. He still had Ryuk to worry about. Should the Shinigami realise what Light had done, he could still be in serious trouble. But that was a worry for tomorrow. Right now, Light could smile happily, grateful his crazy plan had actually worked.

“If they ever find out it was me, I better get a wedding invitation”

To be continued...

Chapter 7: Chapter Six - L returns


With Raye safe Light thinks he can relax for a moment. He is sorely mistaken.


Slightly shorter than usual but with more dialogue. Hope you all enjoy xxx

I also just clicked that it's Penber and not Pember but I'm too lazy to change it.

Chapter Text

Safe to say, L was... Not at all what they expected.

The person before them was a young man with prominent bags under his wide dark eyes. He stood tall despite his poor posture giving him a hunched like stance. Pale skin with a mop of thick messy black hair. He wore a set of baggy clothes, an oversized long sleeved white shirt, and blue trousers. He was also surprisingly barefoot, using one foot to rub against the other ankle.

“I am L” he introduced himself in a smooth yet monotone voice

This is him? Chief Yagami thought to himself. He doesn’t look that much older than Light.

“He’s nothing like I thought he’d be” Matsuda commented quietly while everyone else still looked on in surprise.

Deciding to take the initiative, Chief Yagami pulled out his police I.D and introduced himself. The others swiftly followed suit. That’s when L pointed his pale hand in a gun like pose and said, “Bang!” as if he was shooting them. L appeared disappointed at them “If I were Kira, you’d be dead by now. Chief Yagami of the NPA” that’s when the remaining Task force realised their mistake. “Kira needs a name and a face to kill but I’m sure you’ve pretty much figured that part out haven’t you. Please do not give out your name so carelessly. Instead, let’s value our lives”

Matsuda inwardly winced. He had hoped to make a good impression on L. Now he just felt silly for openly showing his I.D like that.

“Please turn off all your cellphones and any other communication devices and leave them on the table right there” L instructed

Aizawa frowned “What, you think we’re gonna use our cellphones to record our conversation?”

L shook his head taking a seat. He sat on the armchair with his knees up to his chin in a hunched position that didn’t look at all comfortable. “No, I just find them distracting. I can’t stand it when people’s phones are ringing when I’m trying to talk” he explained “Let me start by saying that no one is to take notes during these meetings. That means that anything said or information we need is committed to memory. Please, make yourselves comfortable”

Somewhat put off by L’s curious antics, the task force did indeed take their seats. The men were now gathered in the suite’s lounge and sat around a coffee table set with a pot of tea and tea set. For a while, L said nothing as he poured himself a cup of hot English tea. He tasted the brew but found it lacking in flavour, or rather, sweetness. He then added at least seven sugars to make it to his minimal preferred level of sweetness.

“Uh, excuse me? L?” Matsuda asked but the strange man cut him off

“From now on I ask that you stop calling me L. It’s Ryuzaki now, just to be safe” L, now Ryuzaki told him

Matsuda nodded “O-oh, ok. Ryuzaki. If Kira needs a name and a face to kill then wouldn’t we be able to cut down the potential victim pool by not releasing that information about criminals to the public?”

“It's a good strategy. However, doing that we will only be putting the general public at risk” Ryuzaki explained, making the task force look at him once more in surprise “Kira is childish and he hates to lose. He’s proven as much by targeting the twelve FBI agents the other day. And I too... Am childish and I hate to lose”

Chief Yagami huffed “Yes. About those agents. I believe given the circumstances, we should be told the full story. I was only informed that they had been nearly killed and nothing else”

Ryuzaki nodded “Very well. As you know, twelve agents were sent to Japan to investigate the members of the task force and their families. One of these agents, Raye Pember, was the one held hostage by Kira. I thought you should know, Chief Yagami, that Raye Pember was investigating your family in particular”

“What!?” the elder snapped “On what grounds? And why my family?”

“One of our earlier theories was that Kira could quite possibly be a student. Out of all the task force members that were investigated, only four had children or relatives in that age bracket” Ryuzaki said in a calm tone, much to the elder Yagami’s ire. “If it helps, Raye Pember found nothing suspicious on your son. He said so as much in his report. A hardworking, intelligent student”

“Of course he is. My son would never have anything to do with Kira” Yagami spoke defiantly

Ryuzaki tilted his head “I wouldn’t say that. As you all know, Raye was warned by another individual of Kira’s intention to kill him and the other agents. While agent Pember has no physical proof, he believes that Light Yagami was the person who saved his life”

If he hadn’t been sitting down, Chief Yagami’s legs would have given out on him. “W-What?”

“Here is my theory. First, Raye sent me the report of a bus jacking that he found himself on only after chasing Light onto said bus. Your son seemed to know beforehand the incoming danger and raced to save his sister from getting hurt. Then, there was the Kira incident on the train where Raye was given specific instructions on how to survive the encounter by someone matching Light’s height and body type. Raye insists he knew the voice. From this, I can attest to only one thing. Light Yagami has come into contact with Kira at some point and is trying to stop him all by himself”

Aizawa cut in “But he’s a kid! He should be worrying about college exams, not catching Kira.

“That’s why he said that...” Chief Yagami whispered in a shaky voice “That’s why – why he asked me to step down from the investigation. He knew what Kira was capable of so... Oh my poor boy” he hunched forward, hands covering his face as he mourned the loss of Light’s innocence.

Matsuda, ever the caring individual, asked Ryuzaki “What can we do? I mean, we can’t just let Light do this by himself”

“But we don’t even know if it really is Light who warned Pember. No offense but I can’t see a teenager risking their neck for something like this” Ukita added unconvinced

“They would if their dad was chief was the NPA” Mogi spoke. Though Mogi spoke little, when he did, his words hit home hard.

Ryuzaki continued “Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do. If Light and Kira are in contact then any hit of us knowing could lead to Light’s death” Yagami shuddered at the thought “I do have something of an idea that could help us watch over Light”

“Yes. Anything” Yagami all but pleaded staring at Ryuzaki with desperate eyes

“We make Light a suspect in the investigation” the detective announced.

The room went impossibly quiet “... That’s your plan?” Aizawa said in disbelief

“Think of it this way. If Kira were to find out we are aiding Light in his capture, Light is as good as dead. If Kira, who we suspect has connections to confidential information, learns that Light is a suspect, then it will work in our favour. Kira may get complacent. Sloppy even. All the while Light will be watched 24/7 for his own protection” They couldn’t argue with that logic. Kira had already proven himself to be willing to kill anyone who stood in his way. What’s to say he wouldn’t kill Light should he need to? “We’ll start off slow. Take a few weeks for the suspicion to seem legitimate on paper and then we’ll start phase two. Mr. Yagami?”


Ryuzaki spoke softly “I understand that as a father you want to protect Light from harm. But for now, you must not show any sign that you know. Light must be kept in the dark for the time being. We can’t risk Kira having any inclination that we know”

The room went quiet once more as the task force took in what they had just been told. Chief Yagami was shaken to the core, as any good father would be. The thought of Light dying because of Kira made him feel like he was about to pass out. The others were equally stunned into silence.

Then, Ukita said something that shifted the mood entirely “What if... Kira actually is Light?”

Yagami jumped from his seat, fists clenched ready for a fight “What did you just say!?”

“Look, I’m just saying. We have no proof Light is working against Kira other than the agent’s report. There’s got to be thousands of people fitting Light’s description. I’m not saying he is but what if Light is pulling a long con on us to trust him?” Ukita voiced his opinion.

The enraged father would have happily beaten Ukita if Ryuzaki hadn’t stepped in “Please calm yourself, Mr. Yagami. While Mr. Ukita could have expressed his point better, he does in fact have a point. While unlikely, there is still a chance Light could be Kira. Less than one percent at this point but still a chance” he explained “There is one way we can confirm Light was the person from the station” he glanced at Yagami “Agent Pember reported that his briefcase was taken by said person after the Kira incident. Find that in Light’s possession and we’ll have our proof”


He returned home past two in the morning, the house had long since gone dark with his family all asleep in their beds. He knew he should go straight to bed, and catch what little sleep he could before having to return to the investigation. However, he found himself pausing at Light’s door. As much as he didn’t want proof, he had to know. He wanted this all to be a bad dream. Wanted Light to be completely uninvolved with Kira and the investigation.

Slowly, Soichiro opened Light’s door. His son lay on his bed under the covers in a deep sleep. An empty cup on the bedside table. As quietly as he could, he knelt down and peeked under the bed. It was the only place Light had enough room to feasibly hide Raye’s briefcase in his room. His heart sank when he saw the brown leather bag lying in the floor, tucked behind some storage boxes and an old tennis racket.

It’s true... He was the one who saved those agents’ lives. He thought miserably looking back up to Light’s sleeping face. Light, my son. I’m so, so sorry...

If Sachiko woke up to hear her husband quietly crying into his pillow, she didn’t say anything.


“But mom!” Sayu whined “I promised I’d hang out with my friends today”

Sachiko held out the bag “Your father has been working on stop for days without a change of clothes. I need you to take them to him”

“But they’ll have gone by then”

Light entered just in time to hear the disagreement “I’ll go. I could use the break from studying”

“Thanks, Light! I totally owe you one”

Going back upstairs, Light got ready to go out to deliver the clothes to his dad. He also grabbed Raye’s briefcase and stuffed it inside his oversized white coat. His mom would just think he was wearing extra layers due to the cold temperature. Ok. Gotta drop this off at the lost and found in the adjacent building, then give the bag to the reception desk. Dad should be at the hotel with Ryuzaki by now so no one is going to notice me there.

Light didn’t even bother ringing his dad this time around. He knew his dad’s phone would be turned off during his meetings with Ryuzaki. Now out of the house and away from his mother’s prying gaze, Light now held the briefcase by his side along with the bag for his dad. On his way to the NPA building, he cut through one of the many parks in the area when he came across a familiar face. “Mitsuko?” he asked, surprised to see her out in the cold.

Mitsuko was laying down on one of the benches, arms behind her head which was bopping to the music coming from her headphones attached to her portable CD player. Shoulder length brown hair sprawled on the bench. She was dressed in a thick black coat which was opened, a teal jumper, jeans, and black knee high winter boots.

“Oh, hey Light!” she greeted sitting up and removing her headphones “Great to see you again. Are you sleeping better?”

“Yeah. I am, thanks. That tea really did the trick” he looked around, seeing no one else about in the area “You out here by yourself?”

She nodded “I like the quiet and needed to get out of the house. If I have to hear another argument about place settings, I might just lose it” she laughed at her own joke “Anyway, it’s supposed to snow today. Didn’t want to miss it. So where are you off to?”

“Just dropping some stuff off for my dad at work. Also need to give this into the lost and found” he said gesturing to the briefcase in his hand. All of a sudden the case was out of his hand and in hers. Mitsuko stared at it with a frown.

“Where’d you find this?” she asked looking in over

Light quickly made up a lie on the spot “I found it in the trash not too far back. I think it was dumped”

She opened it to look inside before he could protest. Suddenly, she gasped. “No way! I can’t believe you found it!”

“What?” Light frowned, confused

“This is my brother in law’s briefcase. Well, future brother in law. He said it was stolen when he was at the train station a few days ago” she said smiling “I can see his initials in the lining. Raye is gonna flip when I show him this”

Light’s mind went blank for a moment. “Raye...?”

“Reye Pember. He and my sister are getting married in a few months. Don’t tell anyone this but he works for the FBI. Isn’t that so cool?”

Raye Pember... She – she knows Raye Pember... “Mitsuko... It’s just occurred to me that I don’t know your last name”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. Guess I never did tell you that. It’s Misora” she said with a smile

All the blood drained from Light’s face “... And your sister’s name is...?”

“Naomi” she responded “We’re half American and half Japanese. She got the American first name and I got the Japanese one. I’m not sure which of us lucked out” her smile fell when she saw how pale he had become “Light, are you ok? You look awfully pale”

“... Please excuse me, Mitsuko. I have to get going” with that he turned and ran off

Mitsuko blinked “Ok. Thanks again for finding this!” she called after him

They’re sisters. They’re sisters! I completely forgot about Naomi! They look nothing alike so I didn’t even question if Mitsuko was related. Light ran as fast as he could to the NPA building, his mind running a mile a minute. Raye survived so maybe – maybe she’s not looking for whoever was on that bus. Please, for once, let that be the case.

He slowed to a brisk pace when he came to the NPA building. Light headed straight for the front desk and placed the bag down for the receptionist. “I’m Light Yagami. I’m here to deliver this to my father”

The receptionist smiled “Sure, I’ll give it to him when he gets back to the office”

“Thank you. Oh, quick question. No one else has come asking for my father, have they? Or anyone from the special investigation unit?”

She shook her head “No, not really. Except for that one woman. You just missed her”

“Her?” he questioned, stomach dropping

“Yeah. Pretty, dark hair, leather jacket. I told her no one was in the office so she left about a half hour ago. Why do you ask?”

Oh... God... DAMNIT!!

To be continued...

Image of Mitsuko

Death Note Redemption - doughnut_mind_if_I_do (1)

Chapter 8: Chapter Seven - Against fate. Against time


It's a race against time for Light to find Naomi before it's too late.


Fair warning, this is not my strongest chapter. May come back and rewrite this one. I hope you all enjoy it at least xxx

Also, shout out to KiRaKhasunny for their comment that sparked the best idea for this chapter xxx

Chapter Text

Naomi’s search had hit an unfortunate dead end. Her last option of getting anywhere in her search for the person who saved her fiancé’s life or Kira had led her to the NPA building where she hoped to speak with the task force. Sadly, no one was in the office leaving her right back where she started.

Naomi chose to head back to the hotel because there was no reason to stay, no way to contact the task force, and with Raye’s briefcase still not been given in to the NPA yet. It wouldn’t be long before she and Raye had to catch a plane back to America and she didn’t have time to waste on a seemingly wild goose chase. Now on her way back, Naomi lost herself in thought.

Raye is now positive it was Light Yagami who saved his life. But why would a teenager go to such lengths to protect a stranger? And how did he know exactly what was going to happen? He’s the son of the chief of the NPA so I guess it’s not totally unbelievable for him to want to help. But he’s so young... The same age as Mitsuko. Naomi shook her head. I’m glad she’s kept out of trouble while I was gone. I really haven’t been there for her like I should.

She smiled remembering reuniting with her sister. The age difference hadn’t given them much opportunity to grow a closer bond but they were still sisters and were still elated to see each other once more. Naomi had gasped seeing her baby sister, once barely reaching her knee, now all grown up and preparing for college. It was startling to see how much she had grown. How much Naomi had missed.

Once Raye and I have children, I know she’s going to make the best auntie to them. Maybe I can convince Raye to move here after the Kira investigation ends. It would be nice to live among family again.

The streets were surprisingly empty for that time of day. So much so that she only passed one other person walking the streets. A tall dark-haired man with glasses who appeared to be on his way to work. They made eye contact for a moment but did not speak to each other. Naomi couldn’t explain the shiver of dread that went down her spine.


Light burst out of the NPA building, franticly looking around for any sign of Naomi anywhere. Of course, there wouldn’t be. She already had a head start and could be anywhere in the surrounding area because of it. He let out a string of rather obscene curse words from frustration. Light pulled out his phone about to call Mitsuko but paused mid-type.

Damn it, I can’t call her. If I ask about Naomi then she gets involved too. Think, Light, think! While this Kira might be following the same pattern, there was no promise it was going to be exact. Light had found that this time around, subtle changes had made drastic differences that Light couldn’t anticipate. No other way about it. I’ll have to look for her the old-fashioned way... Light took off into another sprint, hoping he’d find Mitsuko’s sister before it was too late.

Meanwhile, completely oblivious to what was going on, Mitsuko had stopped to grab a cup of coffee from the park vendor before heading home altogether. In reality, she was stalling for time. While she was glad to be able to return Raye’s bag to him, she really was not looking forward to more of her mother’s constant wedding talk. She was excited for Naomi too but it was starting to become annoying.

“One medium matcha latte, please. Extra steam” she said to the seller handing him the money. While waiting for her drink, she took in the emptiness of the park which she found unusual. “Slow day?”

“Tell me about it. You’re my first customer all day” the seller remarked “Is there a holiday today or something?”

She shrugged “Not that I'm aware of. If there is then we both missed the memo”

A tall presence appeared beside her, seemingly out of nowhere “A large black coffee with two sugars, two shots of espresso, and one bag three bags of coffee beans, please” the man gave his order. Mitsuko looked up to see an older man with black feathered hair, glasses, and a somewhat stern expression on his face.

The seller nodded with a smile “Coming right up sir”

The man side-eyed the younger girl and Mitsuko, being taught to be polite since she was a toddler, introduced herself. Completely unaware of the danger she was mere inches from. “Good morning. I’m Mitsuko”

He gave a half-hearted smile “Teru” he replied simply. They were handed their drinks at the same time along with his bag of coffee beans. It was only then Teru caught sight of the briefcase she held in her left hand. A rather familiar briefcase if he recalled correctly. He looked her once over, seeing a rucksack on her back decorated with hanging anime charms and fabric stickers. That bag was obviously hers. The briefcase, most certainly not.

“Well, it was nice meeting you,” Mitsuko said turning to leave when Teru stopped her

“Excuse me” he spoke with politeness “Forgive me but where did you get that briefcase? I’ve been needing a new one for a while” he explained showing his own black but slightly worn briefcase.


Back in the hotel room, Chief Yagami recounted what he had found the night before “I found it. You were right. It was Light in that train station” he announced solemnly to the task force “I just can’t believe he would go to such lengths to save a stranger”

“Not necessarily a stranger” Ryuzaki commented “Perhaps agent Pember helped protect your daughter during the hijacking and Light felt he owed the older man. Though that’s just speculation on my part”

Yagami couldn’t help but chuckle “That does sound like him”

“Hey, Chief... I’m sorry about what I said last night” Ukita spoke awkwardly “I shouldn’t have suspected your son like that. I hope you can forgive me”

“It’s alright. I understand you had a right to be suspicious. This case has us all on edge. But don’t let me catch you saying stuff like that again”

Matsuda glanced at the Chief in deep sympathy. I can’t imagine what he’s going through right now. I’d be terrified for Light if I were in his shoes. And his son? Man... he must have been so brave! going up against Kira all by himself? That’s insane.

“At any rate, let’s get back to business. For now,it’s imperative that Light continue to stay in the dark about any of this. No pun intended. Though I don’t intend to leave him completely unprotected. You didn’t touch or move the briefcase in any manner, did you?”

Yagami shook his head “No. I left it exactly where I found it. Light would have noticed if it had been moved”

“Good. Now then, I believe there is someone you all should meet” the door opened and in walked Watari dressed in his usual shrouded get up. This time, however, Watari removed the disguise. Stood before them was an elderly gentleman with a kind weathered face, thin glasses, and wearing a simple black suit and tie. The task force was shocked to find that Watari was actually a relatively old man. Nothing like they had been expecting.

“Gentlemen, it is an honour to meet you. Ryuzaki hardly ever trusts anyone enough to reveal what I look like, much less himself”

Aizawa coughed “Please, the honor is all ours”

Watari turned to Ryuzaki sat in his chair in his usual hunched position “Ryuzaki, the undercover agents have been notified. They should be in operation by tomorrow morning at the earliest”

“Thank you, Watari”

Yagami frowned “Undercover agents?”

“Until we are able to set up a more permanent surveillance of your son, I’ve instructed two of my most trusted colleagues to watch him from afar. They will report at the end of each day on Light’s whereabouts and whom he comes into contact with”

The tired father sighed with relief “Thank you, Ryuzaki”

“I’ve also brought along those items you requested. I've got them all here” Ryuzaki nodded and gestured Watari to hand them out “Gentlemen, these are your new police badges with your new IDs”

“Since we’ve gathered Kira can kill with a name and a face, it’s best if you go out in public using these fake identities” “Ryuzaki explained “I also urge you to only use these fake identities when out and about. Other than your homes, these are the identities you should be using” he urged

“You also have these to wear” Watari then held out what appeared to be ordinary belts “The buckle here acts as an alarm system. Two presses lead to an instant call to my phone and an instant connection to Ryuzaki should you find yourself in any danger”

Matsuda was the first to try on his, grinning like a child on Christmas morning “This is so cool. I feel just like a secret agent on the hunt to catch Kira”

“Pipe down Matsuda!” Yagami scolded “And remember, my son doesn’t get to have this kind of protection and he’s out there risking his life as we speak. So, this is not the time to be fooling around”

“Yes sir...”


To say Teru had been shocked to see that briefcase once more was an understatement. He had thought it would end up in the morgue along with the body of Raye Pember, lost and forgotten. Now here it was with this girl he had no clue on how she was connected.

“Oh, this?” she asked “I’m not sure. Raye never told me where he got it from”

Ah. So, she does know him. This could spell trouble. “I see. No designer’s tag on the inside is there?”

“Let me check”


“Come to think of it, who’s at the police station right now?” Ryuzaki asked them

Yagami answered “Actually, no one’s there”

“That’s not good news. There should be at least one member of the task force there at all times”

Aizawa volunteered to go “I’ll take the helm for today. We'll work out a shift schedule tomorrow”


“Mm... sorry, no brand. I think it was mass-produced for his work” Mitsuko told him while closing up the briefcase.

“Oh? Where did he work?”

Without thinking, Mitsuko answered “The FBI. That’s where he met my sister-” her eyes widened “Crap. I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone that!”

Wait. Her sister’s an FBI agent too? Damn it. That’s one more loose end I have to tie up. Two if you include the girl. This is not good at all. Her sister could be looking for me as we speak. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, as they say. Teru put on a hearty laugh “It’s ok. I’m actually a Prosecuting Attorney. You have nothing to fear from me”

Mitsuko raised an eyebrow in suspicion “You are?” He showed her his ID from work showing his name, picture, and job title. Mitsuko’s shoulders loosened “Huh. Guess you are. Sorry about earlier. Confidentiality and all that nonsense”

“I completely understand”

A sharp ringing from her pocket interrupted them. She pulled out her phone, one of the newer models that had just come out. This model had the ability to show not just the caller’s name but the picture attached to said contact. Teru was close enough to see the screen and, wouldn't you know it, the contact's name was listed as ‘Sister’. The photo was small on the screen but Teru could easily make out the face clear as day.

“Hey Naomi” Mitsuko answered “How are you?... No, I'm just on my way home. You won’t believe what I found today... No, I’ll show you when I get back..." during this phone call, Teru took the opportunity to write on the folded page from the Death Note from inside his jacket pocket.

Naomi Misora – Suicide

Body found by family

At the same moment, Aizawa walked by completely unaware. If it were not for the rim of his umbrella obscuring his view, he would have seen Teru and Mitsuko both. However, he didn’t and carried on his merry way, quietly enjoying the soft snowfall.

“... Honestly, sometimes I don’t get why mom is so – hello? Hello? Naomi?” she pulled her phone away from her ear “Call disconnected? Guess she hung up” she returned her phone back to her pocket “I best be going. It was nice meeting you Mr Mikami

“You’re just going to let her go like that?” commented Ryuk once Mitsuko was out of hearing distance“I don’t get It. Won’t she be able to identify you one day?”

Teru grinned “That’s the beauty of it” he announced, holding out the page of the Death Note for Ryuk to read “She won’t remember a thing”

Ryuk read what was written and laughed “Ooohhh! You are bad. Only one problem. What’s Light going to think when he finds out you killed his friend?”

The human paused “...Friend?”

“You've got me following him around so often, I learned a thing or two about him. Mitsuko is one of his only friends. I doubt that will sit right with him, no matter what way you spin it”

Teru thought about the situation for a moment before shrugging, letting the tension drain from his shoulders “I wouldn’t worry. By the time she dies, Light will be mine. He won't care about some silly little girl when I'm all he needs” Silly girl indeed. Signed her sister's death warrant without even knowing it.

Talk about tying up loose ends. He just killed two people without even batting an eyelid. How deliciously vindictive. Ryuk laughed to himself. I can’t wait till he finds out Pember is alive. It's going to be so... interesting!


“I... really need... to take up... tennis again...” Light panted heavily. He had been searching the area surrounding the NPA building for the better part of two hours at this point but had found no sign of Naomi or any sight of her. He was exhausted but couldn’t stop. Not till he was sure of Naomi’s safety. “How big is this neighborhood anyway?” he grumbled to himself after getting his breath back. Then, a miracle. Walking towards him was none other than the woman he had been desperately searching for. “Oh, thank God. I’m not too late” he rushed up to her as she continued walking towards him “

Naomi answered, face void of emotion “There’s something I have to do”

Light's blood ran cold. Not taking his eyes off Naomi, he pulled out his phone for her “Wait. My dad should be available now. Didn’t you want to talk to him?”

“No, thank you. I have nothing to say to him” she replied in a cold voice

Light became desperate “What about your sister? I have Mitsuko’s number right here. Don’t you want to call her?”

Naomi kept walking “I have nothing to say to her either”

A lone tear fell down his face in realisation. There was no saving Naomi. Kira had gotten to her first somehow. Swallowing back his sorrow, Light uttered the same words he had spoken in another lifetime. Where they were once dripping with smugness and apathy, they now tasted like ash on his tongue. “Then goodbye... Naomi Misora. I’m so, so sorry”

To be continued...

Chapter 9: Chapter Eight - An investigation and a funeral


Light attends a funeral, is sure he's a suspect yet again and makes some rather odd purchases.

Chapter Text

Aizawa’s eyes were beginning to hurt after watching the security tapes from the train station for the umpteenth time. The hotel room was now filled to the brim with countless security tapes Ryuzaki had requested. The detective wanted to get a look at every possible angle from that day, hoping for even a glance of the elusive Kira. Raye Pember’s report stated that Kira was on the train beside him but due to circumstances, had been unable to see what his would be killer looked like.

They had been at it for days and had found no sign of the killer they were searching for. Matsuda did however uncover the tape that held the recording of Light warning Raye of the impending incident. While there was no sound, the camera angle was just enough for Chief Yagami to recognise the side profile of his son, further confirming Light’s involvement.

“Let’s go back to the scenes where Raye boards the train and the faked heart attack on the platform” Ryuzaki said before taking a bite of his mint ice cream. While Aizawa searched for said tape, Matsuda read out the report attached.

“By these reports, Raye Pember comes in through the west entrance at the Shinjuku station at 3:11 pm where Light appears and warns him about Kira. During that point and the time he boards the train a few minutes later, he must have come into contact with Kira. Though judging by these blurry images, we may not get a good enough visual. Then at exactly 4:42 pm, exits the train and fakes the heart attack”

“There’s no mention of the envelope in the report” commented Ryuzaki

They all looked at him curiously “Pardon? What envelope?” asked Matsuda

Ryuzaki rewound the tape till it reached the point of interest “Here. He’s holding what appears to be an envelope when he passes through the ticket gate”

“You’re right!” Aizawa gasped “And when he pretends to die on the platform, he doesn’t have it. I can’t believe you caught that”

“Perhaps he put it in his briefcase whilst on the train. Meaning that Light could be in possession of it” Ryuzaki hummed thoughtfully

Yagami shook his head “He doesn’t have it anymore. I checked and it was gone from under his bed. I don’t know whether he dumped it or hid it somewhere else but it’s gone” suddenly, he frowned “Huh... Actually, my wife said something strange the other day. She said Light lit a fire in the fireplace even though the heating was on full blast. Maybe he burnt it”

“But why would he do that? If he’s trying to stop Kira like us then why destroy potential evidence that could be used to convict him?” Aizawa said frustrated

“Perhaps Light discovered something inside the envelope and destroyed it so it couldn’t be used by anyone else. If it was connected to Kira, what would have happened if his younger sister had gotten to it?”

Yagami shivered at the thought “Ryuzaki, about Light’s actions. Is it possible... that Light could be convicted alongside Kira?”

“What are you talking about, Chief?” asked Matsuda

“I’ve just been thinking. My son is risking his life for this case but what if Kira manages to twist it so Light becomes implicated? Kira hasn’t hesitated in killing those who stand in his way. What’s to say he won’t use Light as a scapegoat?”

From his seat, Ryuzaki answered “I understand your worry. I would be the same in your shoes. However, judging by what we know so far, Light’s chances of conviction are nonexistent. The worst he could be charged with is tampering with evidence and even that would be a stretch since we don’t know what was in that envelope. For now, worry about Kira wanting to get into contact with your son”

The room was filled with a resounding gasp “What do you mean?” Yagami questioned

“Like you, I’ve been trying to figure out how Light and Kira crossed paths. I can’t help but feel as though Kira might try and contact Light in the near future if they already haven’t. To be able to successfully save twelve agents by himself while knowing exactly what Kira was going to me, makes me believe Kira is a lot closer to Light than we anticipated”

Before anyone could say anything, Watari walked into the room carrying a tray of tea and cookies “Ryuzaki, I just got off the phone with one of your agents. They have informed me that Light Yagami has gone to attend a funeral”

“A funeral?” Yagami said confused “Light didn’t mention anyone he knew dying”


No one enjoyed funerals, Light Yagami included. He felt incredibly awkward sitting in a room full of mourning strangers. Especially since he knew the real reason why Naomi committed suicide. Still, he showed up in support for Mitsuko. He remembered getting her phone call late that awful day. Her sobbing into the phone about how she had been the one to find Naomi dead.

“I just don’t understand! She was getting married. She was happy. Why on earth would she do this to herself!?”

Light’s heart broke for her. He had failed to protect Naomi and now her little sister was suffering for it. Like most Japanese funerals, Naomi had been cremated. The wake for her was held in a banquet hall filled with black ribbons and white flowers. Her smiling picture in the centre of the arrangement right above the urn that her ashes. Naomi’s parents and sister were obviously devastated by the loss.

Raye though? Light would have given anything to erase the image of the FBI agent breaking down into wailing sobs. Raye was a broken man, a husk of the man he once was without Naomi beside him. If Light could take any comfort from any of this, it was that when the time did come for Raye to die, he and Naomi would at least be together in eternity. At least that’s what Raye hoped. If Kira had gotten Naomi to use the Death Note without her knowing... Well, Light didn’t like to think of what if’s.

He paid his respects, whispering another apology to Naomi for his failure to stop her death. He gave his donation to her parents out of respect. The least he felt he could do. He held Mitsuko up as she cried into his shoulder, neither aware of the countdown on Mitsuko’s life ticking down ever so slowly.

Before Light left, Mitsuko thanked him “Thank you for being here. I know you didn’t know her but I’m glad you were here”

Light gave her a sad smile “It’s nothing. You’d do the same for me”

Mitsuko hugged him once more. “You’re a good friend, Light”

He spent the remainder of the day locked in his room curled up under the covers, tears near constantly falling as the guilt ate him alive. It’s all my fault. It’s all my fault... Damn you, Kira.


Meanwhile, Ryuk had noticed Teru had been writing in the Death Note constantly over the last few days. Since killing Naomi the rate Teru had been writing had skyrocketed. “What are you doing? I’ve never seen anyone write names down weeks in advance. What gives?”

Teru replied “I realised I needed to be more careful. If I were to end up in the hospital or incapacitated and criminals suddenly started dying then that would look pretty bad for me. Plus with my busy schedule, I only have a short amount of time to write down names each day”

“Well, aren’t you the life of the party” Ryuk looked at the clock “It’s about that time again. I take it you want me to play spy for you”

“If you want to eat your apples, you have to earn them” said Teru with a smirk “You know the drill. You’ll have your apples by the end of the day”

Ryuk huffed “You know, you’ve got some nerve ordering around a Shinigami like this. Just remember, you’re only Kira thanks to my Death Note and that can easily change should things turn sour for you. Don’t think I’ll be risking my neck for you if the police end up catching you”

“Do you want your apples or not?”

“... Yes”

“Then get going”


“Yes... Thank you, I’ll inform him at once” Watari said hanging up the phone “Ryuzaki, they have confirmed that the funeral Light attended was that of Naomi Misora. The fiancée of agent Raye Pember”

“Naomi Misora?” Ryuzaki repeated “I know that name...” yes, from the LA BB murder case. She was working under me. She must have come to Japan with her fiancé. And now she’s dead? That’s too much of a coincidence. “Watari, do they know how she died?”

“They confirm it was suicide. Her younger sister was the one to find her. She’s a friend of Light’s from school”

The task force fell into a somber kind of quiet “She killed herself?” Matsuda whispered, “But why?”

“We’ve gathered that it’s possible for Kira to kill with methods other than a heart attack. It could be possible that Kira can influence someone to end their own life, similar to the inmates who have left cryptic suicide notes” Yagami explained, “Do you think it could be connected?”

“Maybe Kira found out Raye Pember didn’t die and took it out on Naomi instead” Aizawa offered with a disturbed look “Poor kid. I can’t imagine finding a loved one in that state. Much less a sibling”

Ryuzaki began pacing as he thought out loud “The Naomi Misora I knew was strong and a brilliant FBI agent. She wouldn’t have ended her own life willingly. We must consider her another one of Kira’s victims” he turned his head to Yagami “Mr Yagami. Your son may be in danger”


“If Kira is aware that Raye Pember is alive then I don’t doubt he’ll be looking for the person who was able to save Raye’s life. Light is also personally connected to both Raye, Naomi and her sister, painting quite the target on his back. Should we delay any longer, we might be too late to protect him” he said to the older man “I suggest we install surveillance cameras within your home effective immediately”

Both Aizawa and Matsuda gasped at the very notion “Surveillance cameras? You can’t be serious!” yelled Matsuda

“He’s right. This is an incredible breach of privacy” Aizawa added “Besides, if anyone found out, we’d have a civil rights scandal on our hands”

“It's fine” Chief Yagami decided “Put them everywhere. I want my son protected, no matter the cost. Just promise me that this will aid in keeping my son safe”

Ryuzaki nodded “You have my word”

“Then do it. Install them when my family are out of the house. I want to know, no. I need to know what my son is doing to catch Kira. I’m... terrified that one day he won’t come home” the father admitted, voice trembling “My son, my boy, he’s my world. To know he’s risking everything to stop Kira, to prevent me from getting hurt... I have to know exactly what he’s doing I can protect him in return”

“Chief...” Aizawa whispered while Matsuda slyly wiped his eyes. The decision was made.


Ryuk grumbled to himself all the way from Teru’s apartment to Light’s house. Mostly about Teru’s attitude towards him and the fact he’d become something of a lackey because of his love for apples. His grumbling stopped mid-sentence when he saw something unusual. Men were walking in and out of the Yagami household carrying boxes. Curiosity peaked, Ryuk phased through the house to take a better look.

Ooh. They’re installing cameras inside the house. The police must still suspect Teru’s little boyfriend of being Kira. Hmm. I wonder what Teru will do now?


When Light returned home he found the door locked. Unusual as his mother always left it unlocked when he and Sayu were due home from school. Nobody’s home... Ah, the cameras. Right on schedule. Is it weird that I feel slightly relieved they’ve been installed?

Light let himself in, toeing his shoes off at the entrance in full view of the cameras. He let out a yawn, genuinely tired down to his bones over the recent events. I hope Mitsuko is ok. She wasn’t in cram school last night. I don’t blame her for taking time off.

Going into his room, he noted the piece of paper in-between the frame and the door still in place. He hid his small smile. Ryuzaki. Always so thorough. Inside his room Light laid down on his bed with his arms behind his head. No doubt he could be seen from every angle. There were over sixty cameras in his bedroom alone after all. While pretending to relax, Light thought about his next move. So, they still think I’m a suspect. Ok. I can work with this. At least this time around I’m completely innocent... In a sense.

He let out a sigh, sitting back upright. Ok. Time to get to work.

Light stood, grabbed his coat and left the room. Remembering to replace the paper before he left the house. Watching through the monitors sat Ryuzaki and Light’s father. The father shook his head, sighing sadly. “I didn’t even notice that paper was there before. Who knows what else he’s hiding to go through such measures.

“I doubt it’s anything nefarious. If anything, this is normal for a teenager to want to ensure their privacy was kept intact” falling silent, the pair watched as Light left the house yet again, out of view from the cameras. Ryuzaki then instructed his closest agent to follow Light.

His agent hung up after getting his instruction and began following Light. He found it rather easy to follow Light around. Other than his one friend from cram school, Light didn’t exactly have much of a social life. School, cram school, and then home. He wondered how Light even managed to meet Kira if he hardly did anything other than study. He followed Light to the town center where he watched Light checking periodically over his shoulder. Does he know someone’s following him? Or is he keeping an eye out for Kira?

Light looked around one last time before entering a store. A very particular store. The agent bit back a laugh before getting out his phone to call Ryuzaki.

“Yes?” Ryuzaki answered picking up the offered phone from Watari “... I see. Keep an eye on him till he returns home” Ryuzaki gave the phone back to Watari “Your son has entered a book store. Of the adult variety”

“Oh... Wait, what!?”


Like before, Light figured the best way to appear as an average teenage boy was to act like an average teenage boy. What better way to do that than to buy a dirty magazine. Unfortunately for Light, he had made an error. What he hadn’t known was that due to shelving mix-up and organizing restocking, Light had ended up buying a magazine filled with images of men. Men with hardly anything on or completely naked, gazing at the camera with lust filled expressions.

If the ground could swallow me up, I’d be very grateful right now. Light laid on his stomach on his bed, flipping the pages of his newfound reading material. You just keep making things worse for yourself, don’t you Light?

Yagami stared at the monitor in disbelief “I – I had no idea he was even interested in men like that”

“For someone Light’s age, it’s perfectly reasonable for him to dabble with his sexuality” Ryuzaki commented, a chocolate bar hanging from his fingers “I do hope this doesn’t bother you to learn this about your son”

“Of course, it doesn’t!” Yagami snapped “I don’t care who my son ends up with, so long as he’s happy”

Suddenly, Matsuda appeared “Here, Chief. I figured you could use a coffee – Oh!” He blushed seeing what was on the monitor, quickly averting his eyes “S-Sorry! I’m leaving!” he handed the Chief his cup before running off like his tail was on fire. Hearing the commotion, Aizawa walked over curiously.

“Hey, what’s up? I heard Matsuda shouting – Oh. Wow”

Yagami sighed exasperated “Do you mind?”

The other backed away “Sorry, Chief” Aizawa returned to his work hiding his smirk. Ooh boy. Can’t wait to hear how that conversation goes.

Light turned the page yet again, his eyes landing on a dark-haired model who bared quite a resemblance to Ryuzaki. The eyes were the wrong colour and the hair was too tidy but the body type and pale skin were right on the money. The model was even biting his thumb like Ryuzaki did, only much more sensual with a heated look.

The teen quickly closed the magazine, face ablaze and hot under the collar. What... The hell... Was that? No. It was nothing. Nothing at all.

From downstairs he heard his sister call for him “Light! Dinner’s ready!”

“Coming” he replied, getting off his bed and hiding the magazine within an empty biology textbook cover.

“This appears to be a new development for Light. Given he only owns one magazine. Though his internet history goes without saying”

Yagami looked away “Let's leave that for now. Give him some privacy at least”


“Cameras!? They put cameras in the house!?” Teru yelled to the Shinigami

Ryuk chomped down on one of his promised apples before responding “Yep. I guess your plan didn’t work out so well”

“God damn it” he sighed “Great. Just great. That blasted L now has eyes on Light all the time. That bastard will look for any excuse to get to Light. Well, I won’t let him. Light is mine and no ‘great detective’ is going to keep us separated” Teru took a breath to calm himself. He needed a clear head if he was to figure out how to get L to back off. Suddenly it hit him. “Wait a minute... That’s it!” he grinned triumphantly “Since Light is innocent, he has nothing to hide. If I continue killing as normal while he’s under surveillance, L will have no choice but to back off due to lack of evidence. Not so smart now, are you L? Perverted little shit”

Takes one to know one, Teru.


Downstairs Sachiko and her children age their dinner. Well, two out of three were eating their dinner. Sayu was too busy fawning over her newest obsession on the TV, a blonde actor named Hidaka Ryuga. It took everything Light had not to laugh when he heard the name, the same name Ryuzaki used as a fake identity. Why Ryuzaki chose that name of all things, Light couldn’t tell. Then again, using the name of a famous actor is actually a pretty smart idea. Kira might think of the actor instead. A failsafe of sorts.

“So Light?” Sayu asked with her little sister all-knowing smirk “What’s got you smiling like that?”

Light looked up from his bowl “Huh?”

Sachiko chuckled a bit “She’s right. You’ve had that smile on your face all throughout dinner”

“Is it a girl? I bet it’s a girl” Sayu joked “Or a guy. That’s cool too”

“S-Sayu!” Light gasped, face bright red yet again

She grinned “I knew it! Come on, who is it? What’s their name?”

Light was Thankfully saved by an emergency news bulletin on the TV. It was to state that 1500 investigators had arrived in Japan to help investigate the Kira killings. I guess Ryuzaki is trying to bait me like last time. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. It would be the perfect way to antagonize Kira into reacting. That and Lind L Tailor of course.

“There’s no point in making this announcement” Light spoke “If they’re going to send all these people to investigate Kira then they would keep it under wraps. I mean, those FBI agents were lucky to escape and they were here secretly. My guess it that it’s all a ruse to invoke a reaction from Kira”

Ryuzaki hid his smirk “Your son is clever. I can see why he outsmarted Kira at the train station”

“That he is” the father responded, half with pride and half with worry.

Back on the monitor, they watched as Light helped his mom with the dishes. “Thanks for dinner mom. I’m going to head up and study”

Sayu looked over at him “What? You’re getting a bag of chips already? Those good looks are gonna fade if you keep that up”

“It's a late-night snack for studying, Sayu. You should try it sometime”


Back in his bedroom, Light headed strait for his desk. “Better get to it” he spoke to himself. One bonus is that Ryuk isn’t going through withdrawal while I’m trying to study. That was annoying. Hope Kira’s feeding him well. The last thing you’d want is a hangry Shinigami.

Light threw himself into studying for his entrance exams. They were right around the corner and despite being confident he’d do well yet again, Light wanted to ensure he’d get the best score. He was a perfectionist after all. While doing so, he received a text from Mitsuko.

From Mitsuko

Thanks again for being there. If you ever need a favour, just ask

From Light

Don’t worry about it. Hope you’re doing ok

From Mitsuko

I’ve been better, not gonna lie

Studying to keep my mind off things

Good luck with the entrance exams btw!

From Light

Same to you


Ryuzaki and Light’s father watched Light study for several hours before eventually turning in for the night at about two in the morning. In that time, without Light having any access to the media, Kira killed five people. It all but solidified the case that Light had nothing to do with the killings. However, Ryuzaki still needed to know the connection Light had with Kira.

Could Light have known him well enough for Kira to trust him with his secret? Or did Light find out by accident? Either way, Light Yagami is the key to solving this case. I’m sure of it.

His train of thoughts was interrupted when from the monitor, they heard Light scream. All eyes fell on the teen who was now wide awake, clutching the bedding as he gasped for breath. Tears streamed down his cheeks as his face crumpled. Head now buried in his hands, they couldn’t make out the words over his quiet sobs.

“Oh Light” his father whispered, arms aching to hug his son right then and there

A Nightmare. A rather vivid one. Light is taking this harder than I anticipated.

To be continued...

Chapter 10: Chapter Nine - A second encounter


Light and Ryuzaki meet once again.

Chapter Text

The morning air was crisp and fresh, exactly what Light needed to wake himself up after the night he had. Beside him walked Mitsuko who in turn looked just as tired as he did. She didn’t get much sleep either.

“Thanks for coming out with me today. I really needed to get out of that house” she said with a sad smile

“It's ok. How are things at home?” he asked as they walked down the street.

She sighed “Not good. My mom hasn’t stopped crying and my dad hasn’t left his office in days. I just... I don’t get it” she spoke softly “Naomi had everything. A loving fiancé, a great job, a family. She was going to be married in less than two months. Why would she...?”

Poor Mitsuko. I can’t even imagine the pain she’s in right now. “I don’t know, Mitsuko. Sometimes... Sometimes we just don’t know”

“I can’t get that image out of my head. Every time I close my eyes, all I see is her. Lying there on the bathroom floor” tears began to well up in her bright brown eyes but she stubbornly wiped them away, refusing to cry “Can I... ask you something?”

“Sure. What is it?”

Mitsuko looked thoughtful for a moment “I’ve been thinking. About what happened leading up to Naomi’s death. You know how I said that her fiancé was an FBI agent? Well, so was Naomi, and a pretty good one at that”

“Really?” Light said feigning surprise

“What if – and this is just a crazy theory I have but... What if... Kira killed her”

They both came to a pause as Light asked “You think Kira killed her”

“I did some research last night about the Kira killings. I realised that not all of them died of heart attacks. Some were accidents while others were suicides. I know my sister. She never would have taken her own life like that. Not by her own whim. Maybe Kira figured out who she was and killed her because of it” Mitsuko explained her theory to Light, fists clenched in her pockets

Light was shocked. She figured it out, all by herself. “I think you’re right” she glanced at him surprised “Well, it’s like you said. You know your sister. If you believe she didn’t do it of her own free will then she didn’t. Maybe this way you can focus your grief and anger where it belongs”

Mitsuko smiled ever so slightly but it was enough for Light “I guess it does make me feel better. Thinking she didn’t leave us because she wanted to. Thanks, Light”

“How is Raye by the way?”

“Oh, he left. Went back to America. I honestly don’t blame him”


Chief Yagami was a deeply troubled man. The cameras had only been in his house for three days but in that time he had seen just how much Light had on his young shoulders. The nightmares, lack of sleep, cramming for entrance exams. All while hunting down Kira all by himself. He was amazed Light hadn’t spontaneously combusted due to the stress of it all. “Ryuzaki,” he began speaking “How much longer must Light be kept in the dark about the surveillance? Surely informing him will lessen the burden he’s carrying”

“Not until we discover the connection Light had with Kira. I’ve had all his closest acquaintances investigated and nothing suspicious has been discovered. This means Kira must be outside Light’s regular interactions. Whether it was a one time chance encounter or an extended amount of time, Light must have met Kira at some point. Until we figure that out, Light stays oblivious” The tired father sighed regrettably “Mr Yagami. I understand your parental need to protect Light but rest assured, I’m doing everything in my power to keep your son safe”


Days later, Ryuzaki had to admit defeat. He and the task force had been watching Light constantly for days and the teen had given them nothing. No clues, hints, or proof of anything to do with Kira. Other than his friendship with Naomi’s younger sister, there was no viable connection to the Kira case and even that was up for debate as Naomi’s death couldn’t be ruled as a Kira killing as of yet. In the end, Ryuzaki issued for the cameras to be removed entirely.

“What? But you said –”

“Understand, Mr Yagami. Light will still be under my protection. Unfortunately, since the cameras have given us absolutely nothing to work with, I see no reason to keep them within the Yagami household”

Matsuda spoke up “But what if that’s when Kira strikes? We should at least keep some cameras up for his well being if nothing else”

“Wait a second” Ukita spoke up “What if Kira knows about the cameras somehow?” The suggestion shocked all but Ryuzaki “If Kira had connections to classified information then maybe he somehow found out about the cameras too. A receipt for the cameras, a lone file left out. Hell, he could have seen the workmen installing them by where coincidence”

“Which means our efforts were for nothing. He’s toying with us” Yagami realised angrily “He’s toying with my son”

Then, Ryuzaki announced after a long period of silently thinking “We’ve been going at this the wrong way”

“Huh? What do you mean?” asked Aizawa

“It’s obvious Light values his family over anything, his actions speak that quite clearly. But he also values trust. If Light is going to shed any valuable information on this case, he’s going to need to trust us”


After what seemed like forever ago, Light found himself off once again to the testing centre for his college entrance exams after a heartfelt goodbye from his mom and sister. This time though, he was a little concerned about his performance. The lack of sleep over these last few weeks had really done a number on him. Still, he could be confident he would achieve a good score.

Though his mind was somewhere else. Today was the day he saw Ryuzaki for the first time and Light couldn’t settle the butterflies in his stomach. Am I going to see him again? What do I even say? Hey Ryuzaki. Sorry for killing you last time, can we be friends for real this time? Yeah, like that’ll ever happen.

Inside the testing centre, the bell tolled signaling the start of the test. The room filled with nothing but the sound of pencil lead against paper. Light got right to it, wanting to be done as soon as possible.

“Student 162. Sit properly in your chair” demanded the examiner. All the breath left Light’s lungs hearing that. Slowly, Light turned his head just enough to lock eyes with said student. Light had never forgotten that pale face, those wide dark eyes, the bird's nest of black hair. Ryuzaki stated back at him, unblinking and unmoving.

It’s him. It’s Ryuzaki...


By some miracle, Light had managed to get again achieve a perfect score on his entrance exam. His mother had bawled with pride when he got the phone call saying that he would be class representative. Honestly, Light wasn’t sure how he had done it but was happy nonetheless. He had forgotten the rush of excitement that came with such an achievement. He looked up at the entrance ceremony sign with a deep sense of pride in himself. He wore the same dark blue suit as before but with no watch. When his father tried to gift him said watch, Light immediately turned it down. Just seeing the watch that he had once used to house a scrap of paper from the Death Note was enough to send Light into a near panic attack. Instead, his father gifted him driving lessons with the promise that if he passed he'd help pay for a car in the future.

Mitsuko was right alongside him, happier than she’d been in a while “I can’t believe you beat me by five points. Not fair at all” she grumbled affectionately

“Would you want to give a speech in front of all these people?”

“Absolutely not. You could not pay me enough for that. Hey, you good?” She asked when she spotted Light rubbing his chest with one hand. “Heartburn?”

Light nodded, wincing slightly “Think so. Probably had too much coffee this morning”

After the opening speeches were done and the students welcomed, Light was called to the stage “Freshman representative, Light Yagami” Light stood from his seat and made his way to the stage “And Freshman representative, Hidaka Ryuga” which caused a stir among the new students. Again, Light’s stomach flipped seeing Ryuzaki once more. Despite everything, Light was sorely unprepared for actually meeting Ryuzaki properly. The last time they had seen each other, Ryuzaki had died in his arms and Light had enjoyed every moment of it. Now Light looked back on that moment with utter disgust and shame. No. Not again. Ryuzaki will not die. I’ll kill Kira with my bare hands before I let that happen.

The two gave their speeches, Light’s full of charm and Ryuzaki’s monotone as usual. Mitsuko whispered to a girl sitting next to her. “I knew he was giving a speech with someone else but I didn’t think it would be someone who dressed like that”

“I heard that they both got perfect scores on all subjects. Can you believe it?” the other girl said excitedly “You think the cute one is looking for a girlfriend?”

Mitsuko glanced up at the stage at Light, shaking her head “I don’t think you’re his type” I don’t think any girl is his type. Not with that much attention he gives to his hair.

“Light. Light Yagami” Ryuzaki whispered sending Light’s heart rate skyrocketing “You're the son of Chief Yagami, head of the NPA. Your respect for your father is only matched by your strong sense of justice” Ryuzaki. It doesn’t feel real. You sitting right next to me, alive and well. As if I hadn’t seen you die. Light tried to keep calm but being so close to Ryuzaki wasn’t helping at all “You plan to join the police force after you graduate and you already have experience with aiding your father during some tough cases. Now, you’re showing an interest in the Kira case. I am impressed by your abilities and sense of justice. If you promise not to tell anyone about this, I have certain information about the Kira case that you might find interesting”

“Oh, really? Like what?”

“I want to tell you that I’m L” Ryuzaki whispered waiting for a reaction

In that moment, a wave of relief crashed over Light. Ryuzaki. Good old Ryuzaki. I never thought I’d miss someone so much. What I wouldn’t give to apologise to you right now. But I can’t. You can’t know what I was. The monster I used to be. Catching Kira will be my redemption. I promise Ryuzaki. I won’t let anything happen to you. Not now, not ever.

“L? As in the detective L?” Light asked pretending to be nonchalant “If you are who you say you are then you have my respect and admiration” that was true at least. Light was mature enough to admit that Ryuzaki was the only person he truly and genuinely respected. It was L’s work that inspired him to go into law enforcement after all, not that he’d ever tell Ryuzaki that.

Light Yagami. You carry a great weight on your shoulders. Kira has stolen your innocence and your response is to hunt him down without help from anyone else. You have my respect. Only someone with a true sense of justice would go against a killer of Kira’s caliber. For some reason, I feel a sense of protectiveness over you. You remind me of someone I knew from long ago.

Eventually, the ceremony was over and the new students filed out to enjoy their various celebrations. Officially class wasn’t to start until the following Monday so Light was about to make his way home when Ryuzaki stopped him “It was nice meeting you Light Yagami. I’m sure I’ll see you on campus”

“Yeah. Take care Ryu – Ryuga” Light caught himself just in time.

As Ryuzaki was driven off in his black limousine, Mitsuko walked up to Light with an amused smile “So, how was your new friend?”

Light sighed “He’s not my friend”

“Really? Because you two were chatting up a storm. So tell me, is he really claiming to be L?”

The other teen gaped at her “You – You heard that!?”

“No, but I’m pretty good at lip-reading. Plus your reaction tells me I read right” she laughed at his exasperation “Well if he is who he says he is, I guess he wants you to help with the investigation?”

Unable to come up with a lie, Light told her the truth “In a matter of speaking”

“Nice” she patted him on the shoulder “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone what I heard. Cross my heart and hope to – well, you get the idea. Uh... You’re doing it again” she pointed out he was rubbing his chest yet again in the same spot. Right above his heart. “You sure you’re ok?”

“I’ll be fine. I’ll just take some medicine when I get home”

She frowned but relented “Alright”


In his apartment, Teru held a private celebration for Light’s acceptance into To-Oh. He grinned as the alert popped up on his phone. Light was officially a University student and, best of all, legally an adult. It was time for Teru Mikami to start the next part of his plan. After all, what was a God without a devoted follower?

To be continued...

Chapter 11: Chapter Ten - Stress is a killer


The stress of trying to redeem himself in his second chance catches up with Light.


Trigger warning! Description of heart conditions and hospital settings.

Chapter Text

“A tennis match?” Mitsuko questioned as she and Light walked towards the campus tennis courts. They had been attending university for a few days when Ryuzaki had contacted Light for a tennis match of all things. Mitsuko commented it was odd that despite getting a perfect score on his entrance exams, she hadn’t seen him at all around the school. “I didn’t even know you could play”

Light smiled at her “Well I used to play for my Junior High but haven’t played in a while. Ryuga said he wanted to get to know me better so we decided on a tennis match”

“Well, I hope you don’t mind if I stick around to watch. How are your classes by the way? I heard you’re majoring in criminology?” she asked at the threshold of the tennis courts

“Going good. Really interesting so far. What about you? I bet forensic science must be fascinating to learn”

She laughed “Oh it is. But I wouldn’t recommend it on a full stomach. The stuff they have us do it pretty disgusting sometimes. Well, you have fun now. I’m rooting for ya”

Waving each other goodbye, Light walked into the court where Ryuzaki was waiting for him. Unlike Light who wore a t-shirt and shorts for the match, Ryuzaki wore his usual oversized outfit. “I’m surprised, Ryuga. I never thought you’d ask me to play tennis as a way to get to know each other”

“Is it a problem for you?”

Light shook his head “No, not at all. But when you first invited me to play, did you know how good I was?”

“Yes. I’ll be fine though. It’s been a while but at one point I was the British junior champion”

That’s right. Ryuzaki isn’t Japanese like me. I wonder if Ryuzaki’s family is from there. Wait, does he have a family? “Ryuga, were you raised in the UK?”

“I lived in England for about five years when I was younger. Though that’s all I can say at this time” responded Ryuzaki “Since it’s our first match, how about we play a single set. First one to six?”

Light agreed “Fine by me. I’ll take that side of the court,” he said pointing to the other side of the court where Mitsuko stood behind the fencing. She gave them the thumbs up when they saw her.

I hope Light’s feeling better. Heartburn can be a real bitch to deal with. Though Mitsuko as the pair of players took their places. That Ryuga fellow is rather odd. For a guy that can afford to be driven around in a chauffeured limousine, it doesn’t seem like he owns any other clothes. Still, Light seems to like him well enough so I guess he’s alright.

Ryuzaki bounced the tennis ball for a moment. This is just a friendly tennis match. A way for Light and I to break the ice as it were. Though human interaction was never my strong suit. With a heaving whack of the ball, Ryuzaki hit the ball so hard Light missed it entirely, the ball hitting the court ground and then the fence which made Mitsuko nearly jump out of her skin. “Fifteen love”

“Whoa, Ryuga. You sure don’t mess around” remarked Light with a twinge of nostalgia

“He who strikes first wins”


Back at the NPA building, Chief Yagami was having a meeting with his boss. His boss was asking questions about his interactions with L but Yagami replied the same every time. He was not at liberty to say. Though the questioning continued, he stood steadfast against the borderline interrogation. Light’s life was on the line because of Kira and he couldn’t risk anything going wrong with the case. Even if it meant going against his boss at work or at the cost of his job. He may be a detective but he was a father first and foremost.

He’s out there right now, risking his life to catch Kira. My son. I will protect you.


The tennis match continued on with both opponents giving it their all. Before she knew it, Mitsuko was one of nearly fifty spectators of the match and the crowd was continuing to grow. Of course, a match between the two smartest students in the school was sure to drive a crowd once word got out but she was still surprised about the size of the crowd.

“Are these two really armatures? Who are they anyway?” One older student asked aloud

“I think their names are Light Yagami and Hideki Ryuga” his friend answered “I heard they both got perfect scores on the entrance exam”

While all this was going on, Mitsuko couldn’t help but feel concerned. A growing pit of worry in her stomach as she looked at Light as he played. I know he hasn’t played in a few years but is he supposed to be that out of breath? Why do I feel something is wrong with him?

On the court, Ryuzaki hit the ball back. Light Yagami. I see you're giving it your all. Good. I expect nothing less of someone of your fortitude.

Light returned the strike. Damn, I wasn’t like this last time. It feels like my chest is on fire. But playing against Ryuzaki again? For the first time since I came back, I feel alive!

“That’s four games all! Light Yagami to serve” said the umpire from his seat.

Mitsuko shook her head at the absurdity of it all “And just like that, they have an umpire and a line judge. Only Light, I swear...” her eyes fell on Light once more, who was bent over and panting heavily. Her brows furrowed as her worry grew. Then, someone came running into the crowd.

“You’re not going to believe this! I just looked up Light Yagami and it turns out he was the 02/03 champion. Apparently, he hung up his racket at the third year award ceremony and hasn’t picked it up since”

Back on the court, Light managed to catch his breath and stood upright once more. “We can stop here if you don’t feel up to it Light” Ryuzaki called “We can call it a tie”

Light grinned, shaking his head “Absolutely not” and began the next serve. So the game continued on, every serve met with precision and accuracy. Each young man using their talent to try and best the other. Ryuzaki won that round and the next round began. That’s when it happened.

Light ran to return the ball when, all of a sudden, the teen fell to the ground. He hit the ground hard dropping his racket in the process. “Light!” Mitsuko gasped pushing through the crowd to get to her friend. Ryuzaki in turn dropped his own racket and raced over to Light’s side as well. They got there as Light managed to pull himself up onto his hands and knees, gasping for breath. “Light! Light, what’s wrong?” She asked franticly, seeing no injury that might have caused him to fall. “What happened?”

“Can’t... breath...” he managed to gasp out

Mitsuko looked over to the umpire and yelled “Match over!” which gained a collective groan of disappointment from the crowd. “Can you stand?” she asked and Light nodded

“I’ll help,” Ryuga said, aiding Mitsuko in getting Light back to his feet. Now upright, it seemed to help as Light’s breathing began to slow down.

“I – I think I’m ok”

Mitsuko just stared at him “Ok?! Light, you just collapsed! I’m taking you straight to the nurse’s office right now. And don’t argue with me Yagami, I am not someone you need to piss off. Stay here with Ryuga. I’ll get your stuff”

“Well she’s certainly a character” Ryuzaki commented

Light huffed a laugh and then winced “Yeah. Better do as she says or I’ll really be in trouble”

Back with his bag, Mitsuko took Light’s arm “Sorry, Ryuga. The nurse’s office only lets two people in at a time. Do you mind if you stay?”

“Not at all. Please, take care of Light” responded

“Hey, Ryuga?” Light spoke, free hand now pressed against his chest in a forced casual movement “There’s a cafe on campus by the library. Wait for us there, ok?”

Ryuzaki nodded “Very well. Feel better Light”

The three parted ways. Once out of sight, Ryuzaki pulled out his phone “Watari. Call chief Yagami. Tell him to meet me at Light’s school. We have a situation”


It seemed Chief Yagami made it to the To-Oh campus in an instant after the phone call. Ryuzaki’s extra sweet coffee was still warm by the time he arrived, out of breath from running from the parking lot. “What do you mean Light collapsed?”

“It's as Watari explained. We were having a tennis match and Light suddenly collapsed. By the looks of it, it was a panic attack”

Yagami took a seat across from him in the booth “Just a panic attack? Are you sure?” Ryuzaki nodded “Thank goodness. Where is he?”

“His friend has taken him to see the school’s nurse as a precaution. He should be back any time now”

Yagami sighed in relief “What a relief. When Watari called me, I almost had a heart attack myself. Ryuzaki. I really think we should tell Light that we know. Surely this panic attack is enough of a sign that he’s struggling to carry this burden alone”

Before Ryuzaki could answer, both their phones began ringing at the same time

“Ryuzaki?” Watari spoke, voice slightly unnerved “There’s been an incident...”

“Is – is this Light’s father?” asked a panicked female voice “It’s your son. I – I think he-!”

Ryuzaki’s eyes widened even further than usual “Chief Yagami –” but he need not have bothered. The elder Yagami was white as a ghost and shaking like a leaf.

“My – my son... He had a heart attack...?”


Sachiko and Sayu had gone home after much convincing from Yagami. Sayu pleaded to stay but he urged them to go and get some rest and he promised to take care of Light. Mitsuko had gone home as well with her telling an unconscious Light that she’d be back to visit the next day. That left Yagami and Ryuzaki to wait until a doctor arrived.

“It wasn’t a heart attack but it was very close” explained the attending doctor “What your son suffered was a Peripartum cardiomyopathy or more commonly known as broken heart syndrome. For an eighteen year old, this is very concerning. Especially since these events are caused by massive amounts of stress”

Hearing that, the father’s heart split in two. His son had been through so much stress that his heart had nearly given out on him. Kira had almost killed his son without even trying. He began to sob at his son’s bedside, his worry, and guilt for failing to protect Light crashing over him.

Ryuzaki turned to the doctor “What will his treatment be?”

“We’ve prescribed him ACE inhibitors and Diuretics. Luckily, Light is young and healthy so I have a full belief that he’ll make a full recovery. Though I do suggest that he stop whatever is causing this much stress. Next time he won’t be so lucky”

The doctor left after that. A few minutes later, a very confused Light woke up in his hospital bed. “What the...?”

“Light!” his weeping father gasped “Thank heavens you’re ok”

The teenager frowned “What – What happened?” he asked looking around “The hospital..?”

“Your friend Mitsuko said you collapsed again in the nurse’s office. You had something called a cardiomyopathy”

Light closed his eyes sighing “Broken heart syndrome” It felt like last time. I was sure I was going to die again. “Sure felt like it. Am I going to be ok?”

“Doctor says you’ll make a full recovery. You were very lucky Light” said Ryuzaki

The teen winced slightly “No offence but I don’t actually feel like it”

“Oh Light, I’m so sorry” his father apologised “I should have seen the signs. I should have been there”

“Dad, don’t blame yourself. It was my fault for pushing myself like that. I promise I’ll take it easy from now on”

A moment if silence filled the hospital room. Yagami held his son’s drip attached hand tight, almost as if he’d vanish if he let go. Light, exhausted and weak but alive, allowed it without complaint.

“Light, if I speak to you about something. It’s about the Kira investigation. I believe you’d make a great addition to the task force”

Yagami glared at him “You’re talking about this now? My son nearly died!”

“So, you really are L then. I owe Mitsuko money over that bet” Light joked lightly “You really want me to join the task force? Then I’m in”

“Light!” Yagami interrupted

“Thank you, Light. Of course, not until the doctors have cleared you” Ryuzaki continued “We can’t have you dropping mid-case”

Yagami again interrupted “Don’t I get a say in this?”

Light rolled his eyes “Wouldn’t want that, now would we?” with a wink that made Ryuzaki smirk

Light’s father let out a tired groan “Dear god, you’re as bad as each other. Your mother is going to kill me for this"


"WHAT!?" Teru nearly shrieked at the Shinigami "What do you mean he's in the hospital!?"

Ryuk explained "He collapsed and was taken to hospital. I heard them saying it might have been a heart attack," he said chuckling at Teru's horrified expression

"But - but he's so young! What was it? a heart condition? Illness? Tell me!"

"I don't know. I didn't stick around long enough to find out. He survived so I guess that's something"

Teru shuddered at the thought of his sweet Light lying in a hospital bed, weak and unable to leave. "Oh, my poor darling. Don't fear. I'll make this better for you. I promise" he whispered to himself before dialing a number on his phone "Hello?... yes I know it's late but I need to place an emergency order"

To be continued...

Chapter 12: Chapter Eleven - Damnit Misa


Misa makes her appearance as the second Kira. Meanwhile Light decides he's done lying in a hospital bed.


This would have been posted yesterday but guess who somehow misplaced their laptop within their own house? You know how people set pens down and they evaporate into thin air? That's what happened to my laptop. I found it, finally. Don't ask me how long it took.
Hope you all enjoy xxx

Chapter Text

“What is this crap!? Don’t tell me this is your idea of a proposal!” the man said angrily throwing the papers he had been given onto the table. “Listen. You idiots think that just mentioning the name Kira is going to get us the ratings we need, huh? Well, you're wrong! Our station gets the ratings because we broadcast the stories other stations won’t touch. What we need is a good freaking story, not this worthless crap”

“But the police won’t talk Sir. It’s been impossible to get details from them lately about anything, let alone the Kira case”

The man in charge slammed his fist onto the table “Idiot! Do I pay you to complain? If they won’t tell you anything then get creative!” A knock on the door thankfully caused him to stop yelling at his poor employees. A woman entered carrying a brown package addressed to him. Inside he found several tapes numbered from one to four and a folded letter addressed to him as well. “So who is this from?” he quickly glanced over the letter and a broad grin appeared on his face. Excited laughter filled the room as he took in the letter “Now this is more like it. This is what I call a story”

He wouldn’t have believed it if he wasn’t holding the proof in his hand. “It's almost too good to be true! A message to the world from Kira”

“R-Really?” one of his employees asked nervously

“It says if we don’t broadcast these tapes, Kira will kill our company's board of directors one by one! Who wouldn’t air these? If these are real then our ratings are going to go through the roof. Holy crap. I’m so excited I feel like I’m the one having a heart attack here!”


“Another delivery, Mr Yagami” the nurse announced carrying in yet another gift addressed to Light. This time it was a bouquet of white roses in a glass vase.

In her seat, lap covered in schoolwork, Mitsuko snickered “Boy aren’t you popular”

“Surprise to me. You’re my only friend” Light commented before asking the nurse to set the flowers next to the window by the others, his bed also covered in half completed school work. Every day of his hospitalization he had received a bouquet of beautiful flowers from no known sender. None of his family or Mitsuko admitted to sending them so it was collectively assumed it was someone from school.

“Maybe you have an admirer,” she said turning back to her work “Or maybe Ryuga is sending them”

That made him pause “Ryuga?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he feels bad about the tennis match kick starting what happened”

Ryuzaki? Sending me flowers? Yeah, right. Maybe cake but I doubt it. Still, he did seem a little guilty when we last spoke. Maybe he does feel bad. Imagine. Ryuzaki having human emotions...

Light let out a yawn “Man, it’s boring in here”

His friend smiled “You’ll be home soon enough, so long as your tests are good tomorrow”

Light was going stir crazy in the hospital room. It had been four days since he was admitted and he was becoming bored out of his mind. His family and Mitsuko had taken turns staying with him during his stay to keep him company.

Mitsuko had been bringing his homework for the last four days and always came with snacks or movies to watch. Healthy snacks that were heart healthy, of course. Neither had really spoken about what happened when Light collapsed. It was still a sore topic for Mitsuko with it being so soon after losing Naomi. Light understood and it was silently agreed not to bring it up until later on.

Sayu was there as often as she could, giving Light one of her plush toys so he wasn’t lonely during the night. She had also given him a homemade get well card which Light may have teared up a little while reading.

Sachiko kept reassuring him that if college was too much for him that he could drop out. All she cared about was his health and happiness. Light of course refused this offer but was touched nonetheless.

Soichiro was more subdued in his actions but he was there every day visiting his son. He did break down at his bedside one time, apologising over and over again for not seeing the signs Light was reaching a breaking point. Light hugged him as he cried, promising him that none of it was his fault.

Even Ryuzaki visited once which had been a surprise for Light. It was mostly to go over logistics over his joining for the task force but he did allow Light to start calling him Ryuzaki. Ryuzaki had decided to hold off informing Light they knew about what really caused the illness until Light had recovered. Neither he, his father, nor the rest of the task force thought it wise to add more stress on the already stressed out teen.

All in all, Light was recovering quite nicely and was actually starting to de-stress for the first time in literal months. He knew he’d have to come clean sooner or later but that was a bridge he would cross when it was only absolutely necessary.

Unfortunately, fate seemed to just love kicking Light was down. On that fourth night in the hospital, when Mitsuko was with him, a broadcast from Sakura TV captivated Japan for all the wrong reasons.


“How is Light doing?” Matsuda asked Chief Yagami

The father smiled “Doctors said he’s doing much better. Hopefully, we’ll be able to take him home tomorrow”

“Well that’s a relief,” he said returning the smile “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“No, but thank you for the offer. I appreciate it”

While the two chatted and Aizawa and Ukita sorted through some paperwork, Ryuzaki sat in his armchair eating a strawberry ice cream cone, contemplating the last few days. Contemplating Light Yagami specifically.

I don’t understand. What is the connection? Light Yagami pushes himself to the brink of a heart attack out of stress yet continues to search for Kira. Does he feel a sense of purpose in catching Kira? Or maybe... Could it be guilt driving his actions? It’s quite possible Light knew Kira before he became a killer and felt guilty that he didn’t see the signs.

Or, is it possible that Light could have been Kira’s accomplice? He is the son of the NPA’s chief so it’s theoretically possible that Light could have been feeding Kira information. Perhaps the death of Lind L Tailor, a supposedly innocent man, was enough to scare Light into working against Kira. Ryuzaki shook his head while still thinking. No. Even in this scenario, I just can’t see Light Yagami working alongside Kira. If anything the very notion would probably disgust Light.

So why is Light so determined to catch Kira. To protect Chief Yagami and his family? To make up for a past mistake? Or just an overwhelming sense of justice? Maybe Light and I aren’t so different after all...

“Uh... Ryuzaki?” Matsuda’s voice broke Ryuzaki’s concentration “Your ice cream...”

Ryuzaki looked and saw his cone had completely melted. The once frozen desert now dripping down his pale arm. Matsuda handed him a few napkins which he took without question. Odd. That’s the first time I’ve been so lost in thought I’ve let a dessert go to waste.

His thoughts were interrupted yet again when Watari came walking into the room “Ryuzaki. There appears to be something going on. On Sakura TV”


“Turn on Sakura TV. You’ve got to see this” Mitsuko read the message from her friend aloud. Light couldn’t hide the look on his face when he heard the channel's name. His blood turned to ice when he saw what was being broadcast on his hospital room’s small television. Three stone-faced presenters sat facing the camera, behind them the heart and wings symbol the internet had given Kira displayed front and centre. One of the presenters announced that the staff and presenters of the station were now hostages of Kira. “What the hell?” Mitsuko whispered abandoning her work to give the broadcast her full attention.

On the bed, Light felt his heart begin to race with fear. Misa. Misa bloody Armane. I’ve been so concerned with finding the first Kira, I completely forgot about Misa being the second Kira. Trying to stay calm, Light took a long breath. It’s ok. Dad’s with the task force in the hotel. He’s safe. If anything, we’ve swapped positions this time around - ... Oh no.

The presenter continued, stating that the tapes Kira sent them were legitimate and that they were about to air the second tape for all of their viewers at exactly 5:59 pm in order to comply with Kira’s demands. On the tape, the claimed was a message direct from Kira that Kira wanted to share with the world. Light inwardly raged. Damn it Misa! Not only is she also a Kira but she’s got those damn Shinigami eyes. She only did what I said last time because she was obsessed with me being Kira. Without that leverage, she’s never going to listen to reason. She’ll only listen to Kira.

At exactly 5:59 pm, the message from Kira played.

“I am Kira. If this video was being aired on April 18 th at 5:59 pm as I requested then the time now is exactly 5:59 47, 48, 49. Please change the channel to Diou TV. The News Anchor on screen will die at exactly 6 o'clock”

In the hotel room, panic struck “Chang it!” Ryuzaki demanded. The screen flashed to a different channel where the man was already slumped back in his seat dead. All over Japan people who had heard Kira's message reeled back in horror at what was happening on their screens.

Ukita exclaimed outraged “How could he!? That man was innocent!”

“Oh my god!” Mitsuko gasped while Light could barely move. This is all my fault. Me and that awful notebook. What good is this second chance if I can’t stop this from happening!?

“Change it back” instructed Ryuzaki voice somewhat shaken. “And I need you to bring us another TV Watari. No, make that two” Watari left in a hurry. Meanwhile, Kira continued speaking.

“I will present you with another victim. My next target is H.M TV commentator Mr Sigi Kawuzumi who’s scheduled to appear on a live broadcast. He too has dared to defy Kira”

“Change it to channel 24” Ryuzaki demanded. Matsuda did as he was told. On channel 24 said the commentator had met the same fate as the other victim. He too was dead on live television for everyone to see. “Please change it back”

In Light’s hospital room, both teens were shaken by what they were seeing. Mitsuko having just seen two people die live on television and Light having to suffer history repeat itself.

“Now that you’ve seen proof of my powers you should have no trouble believing that I am Kira”

Kira said he was going to send a message to the people of the world... “Stop this broadcast!” yelled Ryuzaki “We can’t let him finish!”

Both Matsuda and Aizawa rushed to their phones, hoping to get anyone at the broadcasting station to stop the broadcast. Their calls went unanswered. They realised that Kira truly did have Sakura TV held hostage. No one there was going to stop the broadcast, not with the threat of Kira’s wrath hanging over their heads

Unable to just stand there, Ukita ran for the door. He was going to stop the broadcast himself. He raced out the door before anyone could stop him

People of the world, please listen to me. The last thing I want to do is kill the innocent. I hate evil and love justice. I’ve always thought of the Police as allies, not enemies. I intend to create a new world. A perfect world that is free from evil. If you agree to join me in my mission then I know we can make it happen. As long as no one tries to catch me then I promise the innocent won’t die. Even if you don’t agree with me, all I ask is that you don’t publicise your opinions in the media. Do that and you will be spared. All you have to do now is be patient. I will create a better world that we can all enjoy. A world ruled by benevolence, justice, and –”

“This can’t be happening...” Mitsuko commented before turning off the television.

“Mitsuko” Light spoke, voice rough with emotion “I need your phone”


“Dad, it’s me” Light spoke as soon as his father answered “I need to speak to Ryuzaki. It’s about what’s happening at Sakura TV”

“Ryuzaki, it’s Light. He says he needs to talk to you” Yagami said handing the detective the phone. Ryuzaki placed the call on speakerphone for all to hear. Before Ryuzaki could even speak, Light began talking a mile a minute. It was only thanks to his ability to absorb information at an incredibly fast rate did Ryuzaki understand anything Light said.

“Whatever you do, don’t let anyone out of that hotel room. This is a different Kira. This one only needs a face to kill. If anyone tries to stop the broadcast from the outside, they’re dead”

Ryuzaki’s eyes widened significantly “A second Kira?” he whispered

“What!?” Aizawa gasped “But – oh shit. Ukita already left for the station. He’s not wearing a mask or anything”

“What!?” Light yelled in frustration down the phone. “Oh for the love of –!” with that Light unexpectedly hung up on them, leaving the task force utterly confused as to how Light knew this was a second Kira. The thought hadn’t even entered Ryuzaki’s mind that this may be a copycat. It was then that they caught sight of Ukita’s police car skid to a stop just outside the locked doors of the broadcasting station. Mere moments later, they had to watch as their friend and colleague collapsed to the ground, his hand just shy of pressing the alarm on his belt. Ukita was dead.

“U-Ukita...” Aizawa whispered seeing his fallen friend “Oh my god. Light – Light was right. This one just needed a face to kill”

In his seat, Ryuzaki was shaking. For the first time in his career and maybe his entire life, Ryuzaki was scared. If Light was to be believed then this Kira only needed a face to kill which meant any false ID was rendered useless. Any one of them could die no matter the precautions they took. Light’s warning had come too late to save Ukita but it had at least bought the rest of the task force valuable time to come up with a plan on how to stop this second Kira.

Yagami’s phone started ringing once more, the caller ID showing it was Mitsuko’s number. After Light was hospitalised, she and the Yagami family had shared contact information to keep each other updated on his condition when it was their turn to stay with him. He answered, expecting maybe his son only to be met with a near hysterical and out of breath Mitsuko.

“Mr Yagami, I swear! I only left him for five minuets!” Mitsuko’s frantic voice spoke down the phone

Yagami frowned “What? Miss Misora, what’s wrong?”

“Its Light, he’s vanished!” she cried whilst searching the hallways of the hospital for any sign of her friend, along with several members of staff who had heard her panic “He needed to borrow my phone so I went to get a coffee from the vending machine and when I came back, he was gone! I can’t find him anywhere! He’s taken his clothes from when he was admitted as well. I think he’s left the hospital”

The father’s heart stopped “What? What do you mean Light has disappeared?” he said loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

“Light’s missing?” Matsuda asked worried “You don’t think that Kira...”

“Wait, hang on a second” Mitsuko said distractedly while talking to another person “What? No, he’s a brunette. About my height, brown eyes... I’m sorry, he what?... HUH!?” the last part she all but screeched nearly deafening the senior Yagami. “Um... Mr Yagami? You might want to sit down for this”

Yagami was silent as Mitsuko tried to explain what she had just been told by the hospital security. His reaction was very much similar to hers “HE WHAT?!”


Sirens blaring, foot hard on the gas, Light sped down the streets towards Sakura TV as fast as the ambulance could go. He needed to stop the broadcast and the only way he could think of was by following in his father’s footsteps. Light just hoped he made it there in one piece. He’d never driven a car, much less an ambulance. As Sakura TV came into view, Light braced himself for what was to come.

On the television screens, everyone watched as Light crashed the ambulance through the glass doors of the broadcasting station. Mitsuko was gobsmacked, the task force were stunned, Ryuzaki was speechless and Light’s father was furious. “I’m gonna kill him. Forget Kira. I’m going to kill that boy when I get my hands on him! What the hell is he thinking!?”

“Well it’s certainly one way to get in without being seen” Matsuda commented

Inside the station, Light stepped out of the ambulance with his blue and white jacket over his head for cover. He grabbed the late Ukita’s gun that had skidded towards the ambulance during the impact and aimed it at the security guard “The Kira broadcast. Take me there right now”

The security guard lead him there where Light threw the door open “Stop the broadcast! Can’t you idiots see he’s killing people?” he said storming inside “Hand those tapes over before anyone else gets hurt!”

The producer in charge, a portly man with a thick mustache and yellow tinted glasses looked at him in disbelief. “Ha! You’ve got to be joking me. What are you going to do about it, kid?” he was quickly silenced by a gun to his face.

“Does this look like I’m joking!?” Light demanded, a crazed look in his eye “You think I’m scared of Kira? If anything, Kira should be scared of me. I’ve outsmarted him once before? Now give me the tapes right now or I’ll kill you myself and spare Kira the trouble” he threatened cocking the safety off “People are dying because you made Kira a celebrity. Give me every copy of those tapes and don’t make me ask you again!”

“Ok. Ok! I’ll give them to you. Just stop waving the gun around before you hurt someone”


“I don’t see any movement” Yagami pointed out worriedly “What if something’s gone wrong”

Ryuzaki responded “Considering Light has outsmarted Kira once before, I’m sure he has everything under control”

“Hey, Chief? Remind me never to get on your son’s bad side” joked Aizawa, still in disbelief at what Light had just done.

As the saw another police car pull up outside the station, Ryuzaki asked Aizawa for the number of the deputy director. Light may have managed to make his way into the station but Ryuzaki realised he would need help getting out.

It was only after the two policemen who exited the car died right in front of him did the deputy director agree to aid Ryuzaki. He realised then at L had been right and he had been wrong to pull back support.

Yagami’s phone rang once more, this time a number he didn’t recognise. Hoping that it may be Light calling from the station, he answered “Light?”


“Light! Oh, thank god you’re ok” Yagami nearly collapsed from relief “What the hell were you thinking!? You could have gotten yourself killed with this stunt!”

Light grinned despite everything “I know. I’m so sorry. But I got all the tapes that Kira sent to the station. I couldn’t just sit by and let this happen”

Yagami just shook his head “You truly are my son” Ryuzaki gestured for the phone to be given to him.

“Light, are you ok?” was his first question which surprised everyone “What about your condition?”

“I’m fine” Light promised “The truth is I don’t think I’ve felt better. Though I’m pretty sure dad is going to kill me for this”

Ryuzaki smirked “That is if Mitsuko doesn’t get to you first. Listen to me, in exactly five minutes I want to go out the front entrance”

Light bit back a laugh, remembering exactly what Ryuzaki came up with the last time to save his father “I take it you have a plan to get me out of here?”


After waiting the appointed five minutes, Light slowly walked towards the front entrance feeling on top of the world. He had not only stopped the broadcast but he had also stopped his father from risking his life in his steed. Light still felt awful that he couldn’t warn Ukita in time but he knew he couldn’t focus on the ones he failed. Naomi and Ukita would forever remain in his mind but for now, he could say with pride that he stopped Misa for the moment. Now all he had to do was stop her and the original Kira for good.

He came to the entrance and found a makeshift blockade of busses, tarps, and officers in swat armor that covered them from head to toe. Not a chance of Misa seeing anything behind the blockade. Waiting for him was a car and standing next to that car was his father.

Light felt like a little boy about to get a massive scolding from his dad. However, his father simply pulled him into the tightest, warmest hug he’d ever received “Oh Light. My brave, brave boy. You are so grounded for this”

Misa had long since fled the scene after the blockade began to form. She had not seen who had crashed through the doors in the ambulance so for the time being, Light was safe. Even with the eyes, she couldn’t see through walls.


Mitsuko had called him to say that the hospital wasn’t going to press charges but Light wasn’t allowed back inside the hospital due to the theft. After yelling at Light through the phone for what he had put her through, she made him swear never to do that again.

“Apologies Mr Yagami but I’m going to kick your son’s ass when I see him next”

After dropping Light off at home, Yagami returned to the hotel room to give the evidence to Ryuzaki. He left Light in the care of his wife and daughter, who took their own turns tearing Light a new one over the whole incident. The father was quite certain that Light wasn’t going to do anything so foolish ever again.

“Here you are. Everything Kira sent to the station is in this bag”

“Mr. Yagami, I can’t thank your son enough,” Ryuzaki said to him taking the bag “What Light did today was incredibly brave”

The Chief sighed “Or incredibly dangerous. He’s lucky the hospital isn’t suing him for the ambulance”

“It's alright. Should they have sued for damages, I would have paid the amount” Ryuzaki said without realising. The statement caught Yagami off guard. Meanwhile, Ryuzaki started thinking over the night’s events.

Light Yagami. You figured out that this was a copycat Kira. You’ve outsmarted Kira for the second time, saving more lives in the process. What is it that drives you? And why... Am I so curious of you?

That night, Light slept more soundly than he had in months. That night, his little sister snuck into his room and curled up beside him to sleep. Sachiko found them together when she checked on them before bed. As angry as she was at Light for putting his life on the line, she couldn’t help but smile at her two children sleeping soundly together. She may or may not have taken a picture of the pair for her husband to see when he returned home.


Ryuzaki went through the rest of the tapes that were sent by new Kira. The tapes only proved Light’s belief that this was indeed a second Kira. While the original Kira didn’t care what the crime was, this Kira was only interested in punishing those who had hurt or killed others, making this Kira’s motives all the more clearer. Tape number four, which was to be played if the police refused to aid Kira, was played for all of Japan to hear.

It announced that in return for the police not cooperating with Kira, they threatened to kill either the deputy director of the NPA or L in four days' time.


“Well, well, well,” Teru remarked “It looks like another Shinigami has dropped their Death Note. What a coincidence that their Death note ended up in the possession of someone who shares my beliefs in the new world. I must say, I’m almost impressed”

Ryuk chuckled “Or who knows. Maybe they’re doing it because they want to impress Light as well. You’re not the only one who might have eyes on him, ya know” yes, Ryuk knew fully well he was provoking Teru with his comments about another human vying for Light’s attention, but the look on Teru’s face made it worthwhile. What could he say? Annoying Teru was a pastime of his.

Teru’s face fell “Ah, that is true. Plus if this showboating idiot gets caught, the police will find his Death Note which will end very badly for me. I guess I have no choice. I have to find this imposter and kill them. I’ll wait and see if L actually dies in four days. Just to see if he’s able to actually do it”

To be continued...

Chapter 13: Chapter Twelve - Joining the Task Force


Light is once again part of the Task Force.


Updates every Wednesday and Saturday from now on!

Chapter Text

A few days after Light successfully stopped the second Kira’s broadcast, Ryuzaki decided it was time he join the task force properly. His father called him, instructing Light to go to a specific hotel to get acquainted with the rest of the task force before getting to work. Right back where I started. Only this time, I’m joining to stop Kira and Misa. I can’t believe dad convinced mom to let me out of the house.

On his way out of the house, his eyes fell on the numerous bouquets that Mitsuko had sent from his old hospital room. They were just starting to wilt but we’re still lovely to look at. I wonder who did send me these. No way Mitsuko was right that Ryuzaki sent them... Right? He tried to ignore the flutter the thought gave him.

At the hotel room, Light and Ryuzaki shook hands when the younger arrived “Thank you, Light”

“Not at all. I want to catch Kira as much as you do, Ryuzaki” Light announced “I figured you’ve already given everyone a false identity so should I use the same name as my father?” he glanced at his father, soothed at seeing the older man had not started to go grey yet. His hair had drastically gone grey seemingly overnight from his heart attack and Light was thankful he had avoided that together.

“Please do. But when we’re alone I’ll stick with Light” Ryuzaki decided “Are you sure you’re up to it Light?”

Light nodded “Don’t worry. The doctor gave me a clean bill of health”

“Then let’s get started. First I want you to go over the information we’ve gathered so far. Also, I would like you to watch the tapes Kira sent that were never aired. I assume you didn’t get to watch them when you were at Sakura TV”

The teen shook his head “No. I haven’t seen what was on them”

“Good. Also, like the others, you are not allowed to take notes and all materials are to be left here. That especially means no telling your friend Mitsuko about anything you see here”

Light nodded “I understand”

As Ryuzaki hit play on the tape, the elder Yagami stared at his son thoughtfully. His mind went back to the previous night.


“So it’s decided. We will ask Light Yagami to join the investigation to assist us in catching Kira” Ryuzaki declared “The events at Sakura TV have proven to me that Light will stop at nothing to catch Kira. Even at the cost of his own life”

Yagami looked downcast “Don’t remind me. I still wouldn’t have believed it was Light if I hadn’t picked him up myself”

“However, something is bothering me” Ryuzaki continued “When the Kira broadcast began, Light knew this was a different Kira who only needed a face to kill. This was before Ukita even died, so it begs the question, how did Light know? I’m starting to think Light may be the connection to both the first and second Kira”

Matsuda frowned “What do you mean by that?”

“Light was able to save the FBI agents using information only someone close to Kira could know. Then, he knew that the broadcast at Sakura TV was not the real Kira, but a copycat before any of us even thought of the possibility. The fact that he went so far as to crash a stolen ambulance through the entrance to stop the broadcast proves that Light knows far more about this case than we first thought. He is the link between the two Kiras”

“Oh, Light” Yagami sighed “Just what have you gotten yourself into?”

Ryuzaki sipped at his tea before speaking once more “That, I can not say. Only Light can answer that question. Sadly, this means we can not let Light know we are aware of his secret”

That caused a stir among the men “What? But you said-”

“If Light is connected to both Kira’s then informing him that we know of his actions will only spell disaster. If either Kira becomes aware of Light’s true intentions then they will kill him. However, if we keep in on the record that Light is still classed as a suspect then the first Kira, who has connections to the police, will assume his scapegoat is exactly where he wants him to be. One wrong move on your part and we will be responsible for Light Yagami’s death. The only way we can prevent that is to keep up the charade that Light is in fact our prime suspect” Ryuzaki paused to finish his now lukewarm tea “Light managed to evade the sight of the second Kira meaning he’s safe for now. That safety can only be continued if Light knows nothing”


Light. What I wouldn’t give to lift this burden from your shoulders.

Meanwhile Light listened to the tapes Misa sent in, trying hard not to roll his eyes. This is just as bad as I remember. I think I’m getting second-hand embarrassment from this. Seriously Misa? The only thing you’ve accomplished is made Kira into a sceptical. She is going to be a thorn in my side, I can tell. Plus she’s got Rem on her side. That Shinigami will die for her, did die for her. There’s got to be a way that I can get through to her. Make her see sense as I did.

The tape ended while Light was still in deep thought. “Well? Have you come to any conclusions?” asked Ryuzaki

Light crossed his arms “Honestly, this Kira sounds stupid as hell. The message he’s sending is more in the tune of making Kira into some kind of celebrity than someone to be feared” Light was careful to use he and not she. He didn’t want Misa discovered just yet. He wanted the opportunity to at least try and convince Misa to change her ways. If he had somehow earned a second chance, despite the abhorrent amount of blood on his hands, then surely Misa deserved a second chance as well. “Then again, they only need someone’s face to kill so that does put them above the first Kira in regards to how dangerous they are. My suggestion is that we focus on catching this one first”

Ryuzaki appeared pleased with the answer “Yes, I came to the same conclusion myself. Though if I may ask, how was it that you knew this was another Kira? It was almost as if you –”

“Knew what was going to happen” Light finished the sentence with a sigh “The truth is, I can’t explain it. I just knew it wasn’t the same Kira. Gut instinct, I guess. I only wish I had figured it out before Ukita died” he said, regret visible on his young face.

His father spoke up “Light, you can’t blame yourself for what happened to he knew the risks when he stayed on with the task force”

“He’s right. Plus you stopped the Kira broadcast singlehandedly” Matsuda proclaimed with a bright smile “You’re a real-life hero”

While the teen smiled at his words, it didn’t reach his eyes “Thanks but... I’m no hero, Matsuda. Hell, sometimes I doubt I’m even a good person” his admission shocked everyone, Ryuzaki included. While the others saw a troubled teen Ryuzaki saw clear as day what was weighing down Light. Guilt. Light was immensely guilty about something and that something was connected to Kira.

“We’ll do as Light says” Ryuzaki stated, changing the subject. “We’ll focus our efforts on catching this second Kira. If it’s as Light says then they’ll be more susceptible to our manipulations. Light? What do you suggest?”

Light pretended to ponder over what to do next though he knew exactly what his next course of action should be. He needed to lure Misa out like before “We should send a message pretending to be Kira to get their attention. Have it played through Sakura TV so they think he was watching the broadcast”

“Brilliant, Light” Ryuzaki praised “We should get right on that. Do you think you can script a message that this Kira will find believable?”

Light feigned shock “Me? Well, I guess I could try”

Afterwards Light got to work on the message. He was sorely tempted to add in a hidden message for Misa but thought against it. He was already toeing a fine line with Ryuzaki as it was. He didn’t want to pile on more suspicion on himself when he was so close. Whilst writing, Light realised something. No one in the task force was treating him the way they did the previous time. They were no lingering eyes of suspicion or contemplating gazes. Even Ryuzaki seemed to be more open with him. He couldn’t help but feel on edge about it all. He knew they suspected him, there was no way that they didn’t. So why did it feel so different this time around? Is it because this time I’m actually not Kira? Maybe that’s why it feels different.

“Here you go, Light,” Matsuda said placing down a cup of coffee for him on the table “You look like you need a pick me up. It’s decaf, unfortunately. Your dad wouldn’t allow me to get you proper coffee”

“It's fine. Thank you” he said while the older man took a seat across from him.

Matsuda was quiet for a moment before speaking “Did you know I killed someone?”

Light paused writing, looking up with a shocked expression “What?”

“It was during my rookie days before I was a detective. I used to be a cop down in the Shinjuku district. One day, there was a robbery gone wrong and I ended up shooting one of the robbers when he tried to kill one of the hostages. They called me a hero but I felt like crap for months afterwards. It felt like –”

“You had become a different person”

“Exactly. Overnight I was someone different and it took years to come to terms with what happened. But that doesn’t mean I’m not still a good person. Just like whatever happened to you doesn’t mean you’re not a good person either” Light gasped at his words “We can see how hard you're trying to help. No matter what it is, you’ll have our support. You’re part of the team now” he patted Light on the back affectionately “You ever need to talk, I’m always here”

“... Matsuda?” Light asked “Thank you”

The older detective waved him off “Don’t worry about it” he then walked away. Light took a shaky breath before returning to the script. However, this time he had a small yet real smile on his face. His shoulders felt a bit less tense.


And just like before, Misa fell for the message just like he predicted. When a follow up message from the second Kira arrived a few days later, Light couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. She was desperate for something to hold onto after the death of her parents and she had foolishly chosen to latch onto Kira. The death of the robber that killed her parents had solidified her devotion to Kira and Kira only. Light could only hope to talk some sense into her before it was too late.

He arrived just in time to listen to the message Misa sent. Everyone was huddled around the computer in anticipation.

Kira, I thank you for your reply. Please do not worry. I will follow your orders and do as you say.

She fell for it. I can’t believe she’s so naive to listen to this. Can’t she see it’s all fake to get her attention? Good grief, she’s going to be a headache. I just know it.

I really want to meet you. I don’t think you have the eyes. But don’t worry I would never try to kill you.

And there she goes, talking about the Shinigami eyes in a public message. She can’t possibly be this naive! Misa, you’re just making things harder for me. Why do I have a bad feeling she’s not going to listen to reason?

His eyes fell on Ryuzaki who was trembling in his seat, breathing harshly. His wide eyes never leaving the computer screen. Light then remembered Ryuzaki’s reaction from last time. The way he screamed and fell out of his chair when Misa spoke of Shinigami. Like clockwork, it happened. The moment the word Shinigami was spoken from the tape, Ryuzaki screamed. This time, Light was prepared. Moving quickly, he managed to catch Ryuzaki before he hit the floor. Now he had a panic-stricken detective in his arms who could barely even breathe let alone speak.

“Ryuzaki? Ryuzaki, what’s wrong?” he asked genuinely concerned

He heard Ryuzaki mutter “Shi-Shinigami? No – no, it can’t be... It can’t be him. It can’t be B...”

B? Who’s B? He didn’t say this the last time. Whoever it is, Ryuzaki is scared out of his mind.

“It’s ok. It’s ok. Just breath” Light whispered, going so far as to stroke Ryuzaki’s surprisingly soft hair to calm him down. “You’re ok. Just breath in and out” the rest of the task force stood around not knowing if they should help or not. Light seemed to have everything under control but at the same time, they wanted to help Ryuzaki.

Eventually, the tremors subsided and Ryuzaki was able to regain himself. “Thank you Light,” he said as Light got the both of them back on their feet.

“You sure you’re ok?”

“Yes, I’m fine” he responded brushing off the concern “Forgive me, everyone. That was most unprofessional of me”

Light shook his head “Don’t worry about it. Though I wouldn’t worry. It’s not like Shinigami actually exist” the look Ryuzaki gave him told him Ryuzaki did in fact hold some belief that they did exist. Well, that explains why he didn’t freak out after seeing Rem for the first time. Guess you have secrets besides your identity, huh Ryuzaki. “Actually, I think the use of the word Shinigami is a code word. Maybe that’s how they plan to know if they are the real deal or not when they actually meet”

“Yes... I think you’re exactly right. We know that this Kira holds a great deal of respect for the first Kira. We can use this tape to our advantage. Make them believe that we understand the message and maybe even convince them to meet up”

“More like a twisted sense of hero worship” Light muttered with his arms crossed

Aizawa whistled “Man, you do not mince your words. Do you?”


To the rest of the world, Misa Armane had everything. She was a top model with adoring fans, an apartment in one of the City’s most glamorous areas, and people just fell at her feet wherever she passed. No one would expect the angel-faced model was in fact a murderer. No one had any clue that she was another Kira, awaiting instructions from her beloved saviour.

Misa wasn’t always a model. She was once an ordinary girl living an ordinary life with her parents. She was a top student who had plans to become a doctor one day. Then everything fell apart when one dark night, a robber broke into her home and when her parents failed to give him the money he wanted, he killed them right in front of her. Misa’s world was shattered in an instant and it only got worse from there. The police caught the man who murdered her parents but after a while, the media began to claim he was being falsely accused of the crime. Misa was helpless as he was about to walk out of court a free man.

Then, he suddenly dropped dead of a heart attack. Misa couldn’t believe it. It was as if her prayers had been answered. Afterwards, Misa tried to rebuild her life. She took up modelling with hopes of one day earning enough to pay for medical school. Sadly, it was the wrong decision. Unbeknownst to her, her modelling pictures had caused her to gain a stalker. A knife-wielding madman who professed his love for her in a darkened alleyway. When Misa, wisely, rejected his advances, he set the knife on her. She would have died that night if not for the love of a Shinigami who had watched her from afar since she was young.

Her would-be killer staggered away and Misa ran in fear. Days later, Rem appeared along with a Death Note. It was then she understood how Kira killed and his motivation. She found a new purpose in life. Misa, with Death Note in hand and the eyes of a Shinigami, would save the world from crime alongside Kira. Her parents' deaths would not be for nothing. Now confident that she had Kira’s attention, it was time to draw him out.


Light sat in his darkened bedroom typing away on his computer. His thoughts were solely on what happened in the hotel room. B. Why does that name ring a bell? And why was Ryuzaki so freaked out about the B being involved... Wait a second. He quickly typed into the search bar and within moments, he got his answer. “The LA BB murder case...” he read aloud “Known as one of the bloodiest killers in recent history, Beyond Birthday or BB was caught in the year 2002 thanks to the combined efforts of the FBI, CIA and the detective known as L. It is said that during his arrest, BB predicted the date on which the arresting officers were going to die. When questioned, he stated –” Light’s eyes widened “He stated that he had the eyes of a god of death...”

So that’s how Ryuzaki knew the Kira killings were murders from the get-go. This Beyond Birthday guy must have gotten his hands on a Death Note somehow and made the eye deal. Since it says nothing about a notebook in any of these reports, I can only guess he got rid of it beforehand. There’s no picture of him. What kind of name is Beyond Birthday, anyway? That doesn’t even make sense.

“Do I bring this up to Ryuzaki? No, that’s a terrible idea. This case is probably one he doesn’t like to talk about. I’m getting queasy just from looking at these photos” Light shut down his computer letting out a sigh “Alright. Time to make a game plan. If Misa follows the same path as last time then she’s going to try and meet up with Kira in Aoyama. At least this time around, I don’t have Ryuk flying over me so I won’t be spotted. One less thing to worry about”

In the corner of his room; Ryuk was, for once, utterly speechless.

To be continued...

Chapter 14: Chapter Thirteen - Misa and Light


Light and Misa meet once again. It doesn't go well.

Chapter Text

In the corner of his room; Ryuk was, for once, utterly speechless. Whatever his opinion was of the human Teru was so obsessed with, it was quickly thrown out the window. Of all the things Ryuk had anticipated, this was not it.

He had heard of tales such as these. Myths from the Shinigami Realm from before he even existed. Stories of humans who were fated to live their lives twice over. He had never believed them of course. When a human died, that was it. There was no second chance, no reset button on their lives. Yet here Ryuk stood, staring at one such human. There was no possible way for Light to know of his existence unless Light had picked up the Death Note himself. But he hadn’t. Teru had found it. So the only way Light could know Ryuk’s name was that they had met in another life. For once he looked at Light’s lifespan.

What he saw sent a shiver of excitement down the Shinigami’s spine. Just when he thought things couldn’t get more interesting, they did so tenfold. Of course, Ryuk was not going to inform Teru of such a thing. He wanted to see for himself what Light planned to do with his second Life for himself.

Humans are so... Interesting!

The next morning, Light received word from his father that the second Kira made contact with Sakura TV once again. This time a journal was sent along with another tape. Light walked towards the hotel room deep in thought. What am I going to do with Misa? Is there a chance she could mistake me for Kira? No. I never even touched it so my lifespan should be unaffected. Also, Ryuk isn’t tailing me so at least that’s in my favour. Just calm down Light. You’re going to get through this. You know what she’s planning. Now you just have to find her.

Light arrived to the hotel room and was shown the journal Kira sent in. The entries brought a wave of nausea over Light as he remembered what was to come. While Misa didn’t kill anywhere near as many people as Light did, she still did his bidding without question. Light especially felt a tremendous amount of guilt over what he did to Misa. Misa was a troubled young woman lost and in need of help and Light just manipulated her into his pawn. Yet again, he was left disgusted with his past self. Misa, I’m so sorry. I pray you and this new Kira never meet. I’m scared to think about what might happen to you.

He read over the entries. While the others focused on the obvious entry about meeting at the Tokyo Dome on the 30 th , Light spotted the entry about the meeting in Aoyama. Got ya. My friend and I showed our notebooks in Aoyama. If Kira saw this, he’d know exactly where to meet. Maybe with this information, I can stop Misa and Kira from meeting altogether. At least I hope so.

“Well, Light? What’s your opinion?” Ryuzaki asked coming up beside him. “You think it’s real?”

Light put on a shrug “Well it’s obvious by this that he intends to meet Kira at the Tokyo Dome on the 30 th . But that’s just it. It’s too obvious” he said trying to sound like he’d been thinking it over “If this was made public as he intended then anyone who wasn’t Kira that saw this wouldn’t go near the Dome for fear of getting killed which would make the whole meeting place a bust. I can’t help but think the real message is somewhere in these other entries”

Ryuzaki looked at him for a moment before turning to Light’s father “Your son is brilliant” he commented sounding impressed “I believe Light may have cracked the code. You should be proud”

“Oh. Thank you” Light said genuinely surprised at the compliment. Yagami glanced at his son, saw the fond smile growing on his face, a smile that followed the detective as he walked away, and began to feel a fatherly panic build. He knew that look. It was the same look he had when he first started to fall for his wife. We may have to have that conversation sooner than I thought. God help me.

“We should have people investigate the other places mentioned in this journal. Such as Aoyama and Shibuya and so forth. We’ll also need to keep a lookout for anyone with notebooks in Aoyama in anyone in clothing stores in Shibuya” decided Ryuzaki

Matsuda spoke up “What about the entry about meeting at the Tokyo Dome?”

“We know Kira isn’t dumb enough to fall for that when we do broadcast the journal. However, we will make an announcement canceling the game and issue police checkpoints just to be safe” Ryuzaki sipped his tea before continuing “We’ll have extra security cameras placed in both locations and have undercover operatives at said locations”

Now’s my chance. “If I may, I’ll go undercover. Out of all of us, I’m the one who will blend in the most” Light announced

“What? Light, you can’t-”

“I promise I’ll be fine dad. Besides, Kira will never suspect a teenager of being an undercover operative”

His father sighed “That’s what I’m afraid of. Alright, but only if Matsuda goes with you”

When it was time to go home, Matsuda saw Light off in his cab “We’ll go over our trips tomorrow”

“Right. See you tomorrow Light”

As the cab pulled away, Matsuda’s phone rang. It was Ryuzaki “When you two are working together. I want you to keep a close eye on Light the entire time. I didn’t want to say this in front of Mr Yagami but I think that Kira might try to use this opportunity to contact Light in some way”

“You think Kira is after Light?” Ryuzaki simply hung up without responding. Wow. It’s strange to see Ryuzaki so protective over someone.


Light returned home after dark. He was greeted by his mother at the door “Hello dear. You’re home quite late today”

That’s right. They don’t know about the investigation. “Sorry. I guess I lost track of time on my date”

“A date?” Sachiko asked. There was a crash and a squeak of delight from the living room before Sayu came running in.

“No way! You had a date!? Who with? What’s their name?!” she asked grinning like a cat who got the cream.

Light shook his head “It’s not that strange. I’m eighteen and in university”

“Light? Don’t you want dinner?” asked his mom as he was walking up the stairs

“No thanks. I’m still full from room service at the hotel”

Sayu again lost her mind “A hotel!? Who were you meeting at a hotel? Sounds suspicious”

Inside his room Light locked the door behind him. He let out a tired sigh. While he loved his sister dearly, she was the epitome of an annoying little sister. “Ok, time to get to work. Without Ryuk flying overhead I should be safe but I can’t be certain. I’m still not sure if my lifespan is still effected or not. It’s best to go in a group like before in order to at least have some coverage” Would the fact that I was Kira in a previous life cause an effect on my lifespan? I still have all my memories so it’s possible that to Misa, I could appear as Kira.

Light pulled out his phone and sent Mitsuko a text

To Mitsuko -

I need a favour

The response was almost instantaneous.

To Light –

What do you need?

To Mitsuko –

Are you free tomorrow?

I need to go to Aoyama but can’t go alone

To Light –

Sure, I can make it

I’ll see if anyone else wants to come

Text me the details later

There was a knock on his door “Light? Dad’s home. He says he needs to speak with you about something” Sayu said sounding confused. Light frowned getting up from his bed. What does dad want? Light walked downstairs and found his dad sitting at the dinner table with his arms crossed and an unreadable expression on his face. “Uh, hi dad?”

“Light, take a seat,” he said gesturing “Could you please give us a moment? Light and I need to speak in private”

Sayu and Sachiko looked at each other “Is Light in trouble?” Sayu asked

“No, he’s not in trouble. I just need to have a word with him about something private”

“Ok, dear. Come on Sayu” Sachiko said ushering her daughter upstairs. That left Light and Soichiro alone. The air felt tense and Light couldn’t help but feel worried that something was going to go wrong.

It was silent for a long moment, the ticking of the clock echoing in his ears “Is – is everything ok?” Light asked.

Soichiro let out a breath he had been holding “Light. First things first, you know that I love you. You’re my son and nothing could change that”

“Yes...?” Light responded with an uncomfortable look

“And you know that you can come to me about anything. Even if you think you can’t”

Light nodded still confused “Yes, I know”

“Ok...” Soichiro said steadying himself “Light... I know that you are interested in men”

“... Huh?”


Matsuda arrived at the meeting place expecting to see only Light waiting for him. Instead, he found a group of teenagers waiting beside Light, all of whom laughing at something they found hysterical. Light himself had his head in his hands with his ears beat red.

“You’re kidding! He actually said that?” one of the boys laughed

“It was so embarrassing” Matsuda heard Light moan as he drew closer “He had pamphlets and everything. Where did he even get them from?”

One of the girls burst into more laughter “Oh my god, you poor thing. Well, at least your dad is supportive. Even if he’s awkward about it” she said patting him on the shoulder.

“Hey, at least he took it better than my dad did” Mitsuko said comfortingly

“But I’m not – oh, hey Taoru” Light greeted, thankful he had an out of the conversation. “Everyone, this is my cousin Taoru. It’s his first time in Tokyo so I hope you don’t mind if he tags alone”

Mitsuko shook her head “Of course not. The more the merrier. It’s nice to meet you”

“Nice to meet you guys too. Thank you for inviting me”

After a brief introduction, the group set off into the Aoyama shopping district. When Light asked Mitsuko to join, he didn’t think she’d turn up with six other people. He didn’t like dragging Mitsuko into the investigation but at the very least he had ample cover should anything go array. He tried to slyly keep an eye out for any sign of Misa or, worse, a sign of Kira. He still had no clue to took the notebook before him so he was slightly hopeful he could kill two birds with one stone.

There was a slight problem. For the life of him, Light couldn’t remember what Misa’s disguise was. He could vaguely remember it was a costume of some sort but he’d only seen it in a picture. So when they passed the cafe where Misa was sitting, Light didn’t see her.

Misa had been sat at the café for hours scanning anyone who walked past with her Shinigami eyes. Beside her stood Rem, ever silent, ever steadfast. It was then that she saw him. The boy walking past the window with his friends. The boy who made her heart skip a beat. Found you! She looked at his name floating above his head. Moon Yagami? Upon closer inspection, she found something odd. His lifespan was clear as day like the others but unlike the rest that were plain white, he had a slightly different colour to it. If she didn’t know any better, she’d say his lifespan was glowing bright blue. That including the Shinigami floating above the group was enough to make her curiosity peak.

Misa turned to look at Rem in puzzlement.

“That boy is special. I can say little else” Rem answered

Misa grinned. Then I have to meet him!

Meanwhile, Teru Mikami sat on one of the benches of Aoyama reading a book. The broadcast had caught his attention and he wanted to see if this other Kira would make an appearance. It didn’t take a genius to figure out the true message of the journal entries. He found the whole thing a waste of time really. He was going to kill this second Kira anyway. The only bright side was that he got to see Light.

He has been pleasantly surprised to see Light in Aoyama. He hoped, foolishly so, that Light was out looking for him. That his efforts had already won Light’s heart and that Light was out searching for Teru. It made him all warm inside. Light. I do hope you enjoyed the flowers. They were the closest things I could find on such short notice to match your beauty.

From a distance, he saw Light walking with his friends, one of which was Mitsuko Misora. Teru hid his smirk behind his book. Enjoy your life while you can Miss Misora. Tomorrow is never assured.


Back in her apartment, Misa couldn’t help but gush over what she found out about Light on the internet. He was everything she could have hoped for. “Hey, Rem? When you said Light Yagami was special, what did you mean by that?”

Rem thought carefully before responding “I am afraid that is something I can not tell you. However, I can tell you that he is not the Kira you search for. That is another person entirely”

“Aw, man! But look at him. He’d be a perfect Kira. Are you sure? He did have a Shinigami nearby. What if he’s found a way to make his lifespan visible to avoid suspicion?”

Rem shook their head “That is impossible to do. Whatever caused Light’s lifespan to become different, it has nothing to do with Kira”

Misa pouted “Well, I still want to meet him. I don’t know why but... I feel as though we’re connected somehow. Maybe love at first sight really is a thing!” she giggled “I even know his home address thanks to this information. That settles it. I’ll introduce myself”

A few days later, the task force reconvened to go over their findings. Or rather, lack thereof. Light sat with his arms crossed in frustration as Aizawa spoke about how they had found nothing. Damn it. I must have missed her. The one time I needed to remember something! Just calm down Light. You may still have a chance at this. So long as she didn’t make contact with Kira, you’re good. Watari’s timely interruption of another tape sent a chill down Light’s spine. Oh no. Don’t tell me... His worst fears were recognised as Watari played them the tape. The second Kira, or Misa, thanked both the broadcasting station and police department for helping them meet the original Kira. God damn it! Misa must have spotted Kira in Aoyama. It’s the only time frame that lines up with the postage mark. That means both Kira’s were in Aoyama and I missed them both! Light’s frustration was palpable. He was so angry with himself at his inability to stop this from going any further. If he couldn’t find Misa soon, then who knows what could happen.

Ryuzaki noticed his frustration. The teen was practically buzzing with it. Light seems particularly angry with this situation. It’s like he expected this to happen, yet hoped that it wouldn’t. Is that why Light wanted to go to Aoyama? He caught the coded message the second Kira sent so it’s possible he knew beforehand and wanted to go in order to stop the meeting from ever taking place. If that’s the case then Light really is the connecting factor between the two Kira’s. Light Yagami, just what secrets are you hiding?

“Light? What are your theories? Do you think this tape is legitimate?” He asked

Light took a long breath “I hope not. The thought of both Kira’s working together is the stuff of nightmares. Though to be honest, I doubt they’ve already made contact. If we go by what we know, the real Kira would never be dumb enough to meet up in such a public place. I think this may be a ploy to make us think they’ve met in order to gain more notoriety”

Ryuzaki nodded “My thoughts exactly. Which is why our next step should be to reach out to this second Kira through the police. Our best bet is to offer him a deal to co-operate with us. Light, I’ll have you write the script once more”

Light’s response was interrupted by his phone ringing from his pocket. He winced at the looks he received from the task force and Ryuzaki. “Sorry. Must have forgotten to turn it off” he pulled it out to check the caller “Oh, it’s Mitsuko”

“By all means, answer it” Ryuzaki waved him off “Just don’t let in on your location or what you are currently doing”

Rolling his eyes at the command, Light answered “Hey Mitsuko. I’m kind of busy right now so -... What? Ok, ok, just slow down. What happened?...” his eyes widened at her answer “Your parents kicked you out? What on earth for?...They kicked you out for that? That’s awful! Do you have anywhere to stay?” suddenly the phone was out of his hand and in the hand of his father.

“Miss Misora, this is Light’s father. Please gather your things and come to our home. You are more than welcome there for as long as you need... No, I don’t expect any money. You helped save Light’s life. It’s the least I can do. I’ll inform my wife, you just get there safe... No, that doesn’t matter to me at all. I will have Light help you get settled in later tonight... You are most welcome” the call ended and he gave the phone back to Light.

“Dad?” Light questioned in shock

His father’s face was like thunder “How dare they. Throwing out their child simply for being gay. It’s absolutely abhorrent! What kind of parent does that? I best call Sachiko and inform her”


That same night, the police sent out their broadcast pleading with the second Kira to come forward. Hearing this, Misa got dressed in one of her favorite outfits and set out for the Yagami household.

“What are you doing?” Rem questioned

“I’m going to introduce myself” Misa replied “Even if he’s not Kira, I still want to meet him in person. I want to know why his lifespan is different”


“Thank you so much for this Mrs Yagami,” Mitsuko said yet again “You really didn’t have to”

The mother laughed “Don’t be silly. We’re more than happy to let you stay”

“Still I’m forever grateful. I promise it will only be for a few weeks till I can sort out my own place”

Sachiko shook her head fondly “You can stay here as long as you need to. We have the space, it’s fine” just then, the doorbell rang “Oh, that must be my husband. Would you get that for me?”

Sayu beat her to the punch. Instead of her father, there stood a beautiful blonde girl dressed in gothic attire and pigtails in her hair. “Uh... Hi?”

“Hello and good evening. My name is Misa Armane. I just dropped by to return a notebook Light left at school earlier today”

“Uh, could you excuse me? Oh Light!” she ran up the stairs to inform Light of the girl at the door. Light had been setting up the guest room for Mitsuko when Sayu came barging in all excitedly. A notebook? No way. How did she find me!?

Light followed his sister downstairs, his stomach churning with nerves. He locked the door behind him so he and Misa could speak in private. The two stared at one another, a mirror image of their previous first meeting. “Can I help you?”

“Pleased to meet you. I’m Misa Armane” she greeted with a bow “I hope I’m not intruding. I just wanted to meet you. After I saw you that day in Aoyama, I wanted to introduce myself to you”

Light raised an eyebrow, feigning ignorance “Aoyama? I thought you said you were returning a notebook?”

“Oh, right. This one” she said, holding out her Death Note, much to Light’s shock. The visceral reaction he felt was overwhelming. It was like his whole body recoiled at the sight of it. Memories of what he did flooded his mind yet again. !empties of manipulating Misa into doing his bidding, how he ruined her completely, how Misa never stood a chance against him “Be quiet, Rem!” Misa whispered over her shoulder.

I – I’m gonna be sick.

“I have to go” Light said hurriedly, face pale “Sorry, you have the wrong house” he quickly re-entered his house, locking the door shut behind him. The three women were waiting by the door with bated breath wondering who the girl was. Mitsuko had never seen her at school so it was still a mystery. Their curiosity soon turned to worry when Light returned alone, hand over his mouth and running for the bathroom upstairs.

“Light? Light, what’s wrong?” Sachiko called. The only response she got was retching sounds. Mitsuko unlocked the door to see what had just happened but the blonde girl was gone from the street. What the hell?


Misa walked home dejected. She had hoped seeing her notebook would spark something in Light. What she hoped to spark, she was unsure. Light had rejected it and her in the end so she was pretty glum about it. On her way home, walking downcast and not paying attention, she wound up bumping into someone. “Hey! Watch where you’re-” she gasped when she looked up at the taller man with black hair and glasses. Her eyes saw his name but no lifespan. “It's – it’s you! You’re him... You’re Kira!”

To be continued...

Chapter 15: Chapter Fourteen - May the best Kira win


Mis and Mikami declare war on each other while Light comes to a startling conclusion about himself.

Chapter Text

Teru remained silent as the younger woman stared up at him with near sparkles in her eyes. His eye twitched and jaw clenched at the sight of this seemingly normal girl. You’ve got to be kidding me. This is the second Kira?

“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it! You’re actually him!”

“Will you keep your voice down?” Teru demanded, “What if someone heard you?”

Misa squeaked “Oh, right. Sorry. I’m just – just so excited to meet you. I’m honored to have met you” she said with a bow”

Again, his eye twitched. This time in annoyance “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, well I saw this guy called Light Yagami the other day and – aah!?” she gasped when she was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders and slammed against one of the walls of the alleyway. “Wha – what are you -?”

“What do you mean, Light Yagami? Why are you tailing him of all people?” he demanded, eyes of molten anger baring into her soul.

She whimpered “Rem...” just as she managed to press an all too familiar book against his chest. A Death Note. That’s when Teru noticed the massive figure towering behind him.

“Let her go. Now” an inhuman voice ordered, their threat clear as day. With a huff, Teru did so allowing Misa to back away from the older man. Teru looked up to the white and purple Shinigami with no fear, only with disdain.

“Fine” he relented “I won’t hurt her”

Rem glared “You better not or I won’t hesitate to kill you myself”

Teru turned his attention to the shaken Misa “I’m going to ask you again. Why are you following Light Yagami?”

At that, Misa narrowed her eyes “I could ask you the same thing, Kira. Or rather... Teru Mikami”

The Prosecutor regarded her with a somewhat impressed look “So, you took the Shinigami eye deal. Rather wasteful don’t you think? Giving up half your lifespan and all that?”

Misa simply smirked “Well it makes the job easier. In fact, I say it makes me more powerful than you since you obviously haven’t taken the deal. So let me ask you this. Why is Kira so attached to Light Yagami that he’s sulking around his neighborhood? Not exactly the place for someone like you”

It was his turn to narrow his eyes “That is none of your business”

Misa let out a giggle “Wait, I know! You like him, don’t you? Oh I hate to break it to you Kira but you’re a bit old for him, don’t ya think?” She said mockingly, wanting to get a reaction out of him. “Actually, I think Light would prefer someone like me at his side. You know, someone his actual age?”

Teru would have lunged for her then and there, consequences be damned, but the pale Shinigami made him pause. Instead, he took a long breath to calm himself. “Oh please. As if someone like you could ever hold a conversation with him at his level”

“Well, at least I had the courage to actually introduce myself, Mikami. I bet he’s already thinking about me right now” she sighed dreamily


“That’s it. That’s it, get it all out. You’ll feel much better” Mitsuko comforted, rubbing Light’s back as he continued to wretch into the toilet


Ryuk couldn’t help but find the whole argument utterly hysterical. And just like that, he’s got two Kira’s fighting over him. For a second Life, he’s not doing so good.

“Ooh, I have an idea. Let’s make this a game!” Misa said grinning at him, her fear from earlier completely vanished “How about it? Kira vs Kira”

Teru frowned “What on earth are you on about?”

“Well, let’s see. Both of us want L dead and both of us want Light Yagami all to ourselves. So let’s make it a challenge. The first one to find out L’s identity and kill him wins” she explained as if it was the simplest thing ever.

The older man just stared at her in disbelief. She’s making this into a game. She’s killed people but finds the whole thing a game. And here I thought I had a few screws loose. “Right... And the looser?”

“That’s the best part. The looser gives up their Death Note”

Rem was aghast at the idea “Misa, no!”

“Oh don’t worry Rem. Remember, I have the eyes. I can find him so much faster than he could. I bet I’ll have L’s identity and Light in my bed by the end of the week” she announced smugly at Teru. Teru’s glare deepened. I swear. This is the first time I’ve ever been provoked to hit a woman. “Well? Are you in? Or are you too much of a coward to –”

“Fine” he snarled through gritted teeth “We have an arrangement. On the condition that neither tells the police anything if caught”

She scoffed “Please. I’m not an idiot. Very well, I agree. May the best Kira win, Teru Mikami”

Ryuk appeared by his side after Misa walked away “You’re just going to let her go?”

What an idiot. He thought while smirking. She has no idea I have connections to the investigation or the fact I have Ryuk following Light all the time. She doesn’t have a chance to win this battle. Besides, I’m not about to let some second place copycat take away what is rightfully mine.


“I don’t understand. Why challenge him like that? I thought you wanted to join Kira” Rem asked

Misa smiled “That guy may think he has a chance with Light but he’ll surely want someone his own age. Someone who’s cute and funny and a famous model. That guy’s got nothing on me” she sighed wistfully “When I saw him again, I knew it was destiny. I could feel the connection between us. I may respect Kira and agree with how he’s punishing criminals, but is it so wrong I want Light all to myself?”

“But what if Teru Mikami does find L’s identity before you? You will be forced to give up your Death Note”

“No, I won’t. You see Rem, I know Light’s father is the Chief of the NPA so it’s likely Light knows about the investigation on a personal level. No doubt he’s been doing research like I have. So all I have to do is get closer to Light in ways Mikami can’t and I’ll figure out L’s name in no time”

Rem nodded thoughtfully “I see. But how will you get closer to him if he rejected you outright?”

The blonde then smirked knowingly “You’ll see”


“Urgh... I think I’m done” Light grimaced wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

“I should hope so. You’ve been throwing up for the last ten minutes. What happened?” his friend asked worriedly

Light pulled himself off the floor and headed for the sink “It's nothing. Probably something I ate at the hotel”

Mitsuko was unimpressed “Yeah. I’ll believe that in a month of Sundays” she then sighed “Look, I get it. You don’t want to talk about it. Just be careful. Stress nearly killed you last time. This time you might not be so lucky”

“I know. I promise, I’m taking care of myself. By the way, I never asked. So who’s this girl you’ve started seeing? Is she cute?”

Mitsuko flushed “Don’t change the subject!”


It was breakfast the next morning when Mitsuko got an alert on her phone. Both she and Light didn’t have class until later in the day so the message came from one of her friends who was already in class. “Whoa” she spoke surprised

“What is it?” asked Sayu curiously

“My friend just texted me saying a celebrity just enrolled in To-Oh as a special case applicant. Apparently she’s method acting for an upcoming role”

Sachiko was equally surprised “Oh really? What’s her name?”

“Um, someone called... Misa Armane” she announced “Never heard of her”

At the sink washing the dishes, Light was frozen in place. Are you freaking kidding me right now!? She enrolled at my school!? Crap. She’s even more relentless this time around. What’s her endgame anyway? I’m not Kira so it’s not like she’d be interested. Unless... Unless she thinks I can help her find Kira. Urgh, this just keeps getting better and better.

At school, the two students parted ways for their different classes. Light sat at his desk ignoring the blonde-haired girl only a few rows behind. Misa’s enrolment had caused quite the stir on campus, especially after she announced she was going to study criminology. The exact same major as Light. Light couldn’t react of course. Any hint of him knowing would set off alarm bells in Misa which would spell the end for him before he ever managed to track down this lifetime’s Kira.

Light only hoped he could handle his stress better this time around.

“Hey Light?” the girl next to him whispered “Are you ok? You look a bit out of it”

Light looked to his left, remembering he was sitting next to Takada, the girl he pretended to date in his last life and had manipulated just like Misa. This time he was so preoccupied with everything going on that he had yet to even introduce himself to her.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking about some stuff”

Takada nodded “Hey, thanks for taking Mitsuko in. I’m glad she had a friend like you. I would have offered myself but my apartment is cramped enough as it is”

“Wait,” Light whispered back in realisation, a smile growing on his face “Are you the girl she’s seeing?”

The dark-haired girl coughed, looking away “Well, we’re not official yet but yes. It’s funny really. I didn’t even know I liked girls until I met her. It’s funny who you end up falling for. Don’t tell anyone though. After what happened with her parents, she doesn’t want the same to happen to me”

“I won’t tell a soul, I promise” he said, making a cross sign over his chest.


After university, Mitsuko headed to the house while Light made his way to the hotel. Misa had sent another message. Hopefully, this would be the last. Light wasn’t sure how much more of Misa’s nonsense he could take.

“Hello Light” his dad greeted as he entered “How’s Mitsuko settling in?”

“She’s doing good. Still a bit upset about everything but that’s to be expected”

Ryuzaki interrupted “Light. We’ve just received a message from the second Kira. I believe it’s the last one,” he said getting the tape ready to play

“Really? Well that didn’t take long”

He and the others were silent as Ryuzaki played Misa’s tape. Light watched with deep dread as Misa parroted the words he had instructed her to say a lifetime ago. He let his anxiety get the best of him and now Misa was most likely fully under this different Kira’s control. Misa, I’m sorry.

“Looks like they’ve made contact” Light announced once the tape ended “I can’t believe this”

“Indeed. Now what are we supposed to do?” his father sighed alongside him.

Ryuzaki spoke up “We do nothing. This is obviously a ruse to throw us off the scent. From what I can tell, this Kira has achieved their goal of finding the original Kira and is now simply repeating what he wants them to say”

“I guess you’re right” Light agreed “I mean if I were Kira, I suppose I would do the same”

“Don’t say that Light. Even hypothetically. You’re nothing like Kira” Yagami said firmly

Ryuzaki nodded “Indeed. Actually it’s a good thing you’re not like Kira,” he said softly “Because I feel as though you’re the first friend I’ve ever had”

The sentence was like a punch to the gut for Light. Unlike last time, he couldn’t contain his emotions. He was of course elated that Ryuzaki considered him a friend once more. In fact, he was borderline ecstatic about it. So why was his stomach in knots? Why were his palms beginning to sweat?

“Y-Yeah. I consider you a friend too Ryuzaki. We do have a lot in common” he spoke trying to steady himself. He saw just a hint of a smile on Ryuzaki’s face and felt his heart skip a beat. Wait... Oh no. “We should play tennis again soon. We’ve missed seeing you around school, Mitsuko and I”

“... I’d like that”

On the way home, Light couldn’t gather his thoughts. Everything and anything lead him right back to Ryuzaki. This isn’t happening. I can’t... I don’t like Ryuzaki that way. At least... I think I don’t? I mean, I’ve never really liked anyone before. Even last time when I was with Misa, I didn’t care about anything like that. And I don’t like guys anyway. His mind went back to that damn magazine still hidden in his bedroom. Coming to a pause, Light pulled out his phone and called the only person he knew could talk to.

“Hello” Mitsuko greeted in a chipper voice

Without greeting her back, Light asked quickly “How do you know when you like someone?”

Mitsuko asked “Uh... What?”

“I mean,” he sighed “How did you know you liked Takada? As in more than a friend”

“Oh... Well, I guess it just happened. One day we were talking and I just thought ‘wow, I want to kiss her’. I mean I knew I always liked girls if that’s what your asking”

Light thought back to the hotel room when he saw Ryuzaki’s tiny smile barely hidden by his soft black hair. Light’s heart lurched again, realising that he did indeed want to kiss that smile. Light let out an audible groan, shoulders sagging and cheeks going pink. “Oh my god... I like him. I – I like him...”

“Him? You mean Ryuga?” she questioned excitedly “I knew it! Get your butt home and tell me everything! Wait, is this a good thing or a bad thing?”

The teen boy shook his head unable to stop the smile on his face. Ryuzaki... “Good. It’s... It’s a good thing. I’ll see you at home”

After hanging up, Light just stood there with a bright dopey smile. “I like Ryuzaki... Who’d have thought” he continued on home, unaware of the chuckling Mogi who had been following him under the order of Ryuzaki.

“Oh the Chief is gonna love this”


Meanwhile, Teru Mikami paced the floor of his apartment absolutely fuming with rage. He needed to find L’s identity soon or else Misa would win and he loathed to lose against that blonde. He had no choice. He needed to introduce himself to Light soon. It was the only way to keep the playing field fair.

Light. I will find him for you. I will kill him for you. L will die. I’ll ensure it.

To be continued...

Chapter 16: Chapter Fifteen - Failed seduction, thy name is Kira


Misa and Teru both vie for Light's attention only to fail miserably. Light just wants to be left alone.



Chapter Text

Light couldn’t contain the borderline dopey smile on his face as he continued on his way home. This was a first for him, in this life and the last. He’d expected many things when he woke up with a second chance to right his wrongs, developing feelings had never been on the cards. Yet here he was like a young boy picking flowers for his first crush.

Ryuzaki, just what are you doing to me? He thought almost sighing. His mind started to wander back to the Detective in the hotel room. What was Light going to do now that he realised he liked Ryuzaki that way? There was no way he could just come out and say it. Light may be a genius when it came to academics but socially he had a lot to make up for. Also, he was sure he’d get tongue tied if he even tried to tell Ryuzaki.

Fast footsteps coming up behind him snapped him out of his thoughts. He spun around just in time for Misa to launch herself at him with a squeal of his name. The two crashed to the ground with Light underneath. “I’m sorry but I just couldn’t stay away. I really wanted to get to know you better so I was on my way to your house!” she then giggled

Relax Light. You’re trying to help her, not hit her.

“Light?” a third voice asked “What the heck are you doing?”

Both Light and Misa glanced only to find Mitsuko standing there, both hands carrying full shipping bags and a confused look. Light pushed Misa off of him scrambling to his feet. “This isn’t what it looks like!” he gasped “She just jumped on me. I don’t even know her”

Misa looked outraged “How dare you! I am trying to help you Light. Forgive me for wanting our future to be amazing without him in the picture”

“... I’ve missed something, haven’t I?” Mitsuko questioned shaking her head “Wait. Aren’t you the girl from the other day? The one to drop off a notebook?”

Misa grinned “Yep! I’m Misa Armane. I just enrolled in To-Oh University and just had to get to know the school’s best student! So don’t you go getting any ideas Missy” she warned playfully but a warning none the less.

The brunette girl rolled her eyes “Dont worry. Unless he’s secretly a girl, I’m not interested”

That made Misa pause for a moment “Oh... Well then, don’t think you have a chance with me then. I’m Light’s and Light’s alone” she bragged flicking her blonde hair. Mitsuko glanced over Misa’s shoulder to Light with an ‘Is she serious?’ look. Light shot back an apologetic expression that was also half desperate for help.

“That’s ok. I already have a girlfriend. Besides, you’re not my type. Pretty sure you’re not his type either” she responded

Misa frowned “Oh? And why do you say that?”

“Well,” Mitsuko smirked “you don’t exactly have the right...” she stared up and down at her “equipment” before Misa could respond to that comment, Mitsuko had pushed passed her. She locked arms with Light and started pulling him alongside her “Come on. The ice cream’s melting”


The rest of the Task Force were still in the hotel room going over the evidence once more when Watari walked in. “Ryuzaki, we appear to have a problem”

“What is it?” replied the detective

“I just got off the phone with the company we used for the surveillance cameras. I’ve just been informed that three cameras that were installed in the Yagami house are unaccounted for”

Yagami frowned “Did they say which rooms they might be in?”

Watari shook his head “They aren’t sure but after checking they’ve confirmed the cameras are still active. Unfortunately, the live feed can’t be shut off until next week”

“Have the monitor set up with the connection. We might as well keep an eye on the household for the time being until it’s turned off. By the way, who was in charge of counting the cameras?” Ryuzaki questioned Watari reaching for the tea pot on the table.

Matsuda shrank in his seat “Me”

“Really?” Aizawa sighed

“I swear, I counted them like, five times! I was sure I counted them all!” he defended himself

“It's alright” Yagami interjected “We were bound to miss a few during uninstallation. At least it was only three cameras we missed”

It didn’t take Watari long to connect the feed to the computer monitor. As it turned out, the three remaining cameras were in the bathroom facing the bathtub, the entryway of the house, and one in Light’s bedroom angled so it was looking down on the bed. The bed where Light and Mitsuko sat cross-legged from each other, ice cream in hand, and various other snacks were strewn across the bed. They were laughing and smiling as they talked. Light’s father couldn’t help but smile at the scene. For a moment, Light was just a regular teenager hanging out with his friend.

The Task Force ended up gathered around the monitor, Ryuzaki and Watari included. For some reason, seeing Light act like a regular teen was just what they needed to see after seeing him struggle against everything against him. “Hey, Watari. Turn it up so we can hear them” instructed Aizawa. Watari did as he was told.

“... No way! That did not happen!” Mitsuko laughed

“I swear on Sayu’s life, It happened,” Light said grinning “Funniest thing I’d ever seen”

She laughed again “That poor guy. That must have hurt like hell when it happened”

All but Ryuzaki left the monitor to return to work, satisfied that it was just a normal night at the Yagami household. Ryuzaki was midway through drinking his tea when he heard Mitsuko speak again. “Right, game plan” she set down her tub of ice cream, clapping her hands together “How are you going to seduce Ryuga?” the tea went down the wrong pipe causing Ryuzaki to choke, tea going everywhere. Suddenly, everyone was back surrounding the monitor with great interest.

“What did she just say!?” Matsuda gasped

“Oh, dear...” Yagami said crossing his arms

On the screen, Light became nearly bashful “Actually, he goes by Ryuzaki in private. As for the plan... I have no idea” he sighed “honestly, I don’t know the first thing about dating. Or how to really, you know, express myself”

Mitsuko gave him a kind look “Well... Let’s start small. Tell me what it is you like about him and we’ll go from there. I’m not exactly an expert in attracting guys but I’ll try and help”

“We really should not be listening to this. This is private” Yagami announced

“Yeah. I don’t think Light would appreciate us listening in on this” added Aizawa, not even attempting to move.

Light sighed, shrugging “Ok. He’s... Stubborn. Arrogant. Impossible sometimes... But he has a good heart. He wants to help even in the face of impossible odds. He’s just... Ryuzaki”

Mitsuko awed “You are in tragic shape, my friend”

Finally, Yagami turned off the monitor. He was slightly uncomfortable. Mostly because Light’s private conversation had been heard by everyone. “Ryuzaki, I hope this won’t be a problem. Ryuzaki?” he glanced at where Ryuzaki was sitting. Ryuzaki sat blank-faced, staring at the black screen motionless. He then rose from his seat silently and walked towards the adjoining bedroom. A room no one else but Watari was allowed to enter. He shut the door behind him without a word

Watari began chuckling “Oh my. This is going to be quite entertaining at the very least”

The tired father sighed “Just when I thought things couldn’t get any more stressful...”


Meanwhile, Misa was in her apartment going through her wardrobe, scrutinising every outfit she owned. “No... No... No” she muttered throwing dresses and shirts out of her wardrobe haphazardly, some fading through the ever-present Rem standing behind her.

“Misa, I do not understand. You are going to see him again”

“Of course I am. I’m not loosing to a dirty old man” she replied whilst holding two separate outfits against her body, swapping them as she looked in the mirror “I came on too strong earlier tonight. I let my feelings get the better of me. So tomorrow, I’m going to go down a different route” she smiled at her reflection. “Once I get Light to trust me, I’m going to get all the access I want to his Dad’s files. I’ll have L’s name before you know it”

Rem hummed “And what of the girl? Mitsuko? What if she gets suspicious of your actions?”

“It doesn’t matter in the long run” Misa shrugged off the Shinigami’s concern “You saw her lifespan. Poor girl doesn’t exactly have much time left to be an issue”


Meanwhile, Teru was in a similar situation only Ryuk was utterly unhelpful with his comments. “Nope. Makes you look fat”

Teru half sighed; half muttered “You don’t even wear clothing”

“So, you’re really going to introduce yourself to him? I thought you were going to stay away until you finished with the Death Note”

“Yes, well, plans change,” Teru said shrugging off his suit jacket for another one “Unfortunately, that airhead has a point. If I am to learn L’s real identity, then I must get closer to Light. Starting tomorrow, I’m going to sweep him off his feet. After all, a high-ranking Prosecutor aiming to make the world a better place is a far better option than some copycat model”

Yes, Teru could imagine it. He and Light standing atop a towering skyscraper overlooking the city, Light in his arms exactly where he belongs. Across from them the faceless L, stood upon a rickety, unsteady tower of his own mere moments from collapsing. With Light at his side and the Death Note at hand, Teru Mikami was unstoppable. Just a few more days and he’d have everything he ever wanted.

Humans. They never cease to make me laugh. Tomorrow is going to be so much fun.


The next day, Light was nervous. He felt overdressed, out of place, and a little nauseous to be honest. While Mitsuko had tried to bump up his confidence the previous night, Light was sure the day was going to end in disaster. Today was the day Ryuzaki returned to the university, the same day Misa would get arrested for being the second Kira. With Misa enrolled as a student, there was a strong possibility they would meet again. That was only going to lead to trouble.

Light had also been wracked with nerves. In his previous life, Ryuzaki had suspected Light to his dying day. He was sure Ryuzaki suspected him again. After all, everything else had happened just as before. There was no way Ryuzaki wouldn’t suspect Light of being Kira again. That meant Light’s chances of anything hinting at romance were non-existent.

He wasn’t sure which was worse actually.

“You got this” Mitsuko encouraged whilst straightening out his shirt. He wore a white button-up dress shirt with black waistcoat, black jeans, and a pair of white and black shoes. Mitsuko had decided that he needed to dress up for the day as she had a feeling Ryuzaki would turn up. Sometimes her intuition scared him. “Besides, the worst thing that can happen is he says no”

You don’t know the half of it. “What would I do without you”

She smiled “You’ll never find out” she patted his shoulder, glancing behind him. She then grinned “There he is!” she whispered excitedly. Light turned around to see where she was looking. There, sat on a bench in his usual hunched position, was Ryuzaki. Light’s heart began to pound in his chest. “Don’t worry, if it all goes tits up, I've got enough chocolate and weepy film to last us through winter”

Light rolled his eyes “Thanks Mitsuko”

“I’m just messing with you. I’m sure everything will be fine. Good luck” with a final thumbs up she walked away. Light swallowed down his growing nerves and walked towards Ryuzaki.

Ryuzaki greeted him “Oh, hey Light. How’s it going? No Miss Misora today?”

“She has a test today. Anyway, what are you doing here? Isn’t it dangerous for you to be out here like this?” Light asked in return.

Ryuzaki stood from the bench “It’s alright. I’ve made arrangements with the Task Force should anything happen to me while I'm outside. At any rate, you said you missed having me around School. I figured I'd stop by so we can catch up”

“Well, I have to admit. Without you around, I only have Mitsuko to have an intelligent conversation with” Light answered

“How about we head for that café you told me about. You never did get to show me it before you were hospitalised”

Light blinked “Huh? Oh, right. I’d almost forgotten about that. You know, saying like that makes it sound like you were asking me out on a date” Light joked with a small laugh

Ryuzaki began walking in the direction of the café “Who says I wasn’t” the detective mumbled. Light was sure he misheard him but realised he hadn’t. He hurried after him, barely able to hold back the grin on his face. I must be dreaming. There’s no way this is happening. Whilst walking beside Ryuzaki, he sent Mitsuko a short text to tell her the good news.

To Mitsuko

He asked me out

Mitsuko’s reply was seconds later

To Light


I told you so!!

Tell me everything when you get home!!

Light smiled pocketing his phone. He side-eyed Ryuzaki who had yet to say another word since his offer of coffee. None of this felt real. It must be a trick to bring down Kira’s defenses but Light couldn’t find it in himself to care.

Of course, the moment was shattered when a much-unwanted voice yelled out for him “Light!!” Misa shouted to him as she ran towards them. Light’s head snapped back; angry frustration evident on his face. Misa, no! “ I’ve been looking all over for you. You left class so quickly, I didn’t get a chance to talk to you” she complained once she came up towards the pair. “Is that any way for you to treat a lady?”

“Friend of yours?” commented Ryuzaki

Light vehemently shook his head “No, she is not” he declared “How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone?”

Misa shrugged “As many times as it takes for you to accept me. She then spotted Ryuzaki. “Oh! You must be Light’s friend. I’m Misa Armane. Light’s future Girlfriend”

“I’m Hideki Ryuga” Ryuzaki lied. That's when Light remembered. Misa had the Shinigami eyes. Panicked, he stood between them before Misa got a look at Ryuzaki’s real name that she’d be able to see floating above his head.

“Yeah. It’s the same as the actor. Isn’t that a coincidence?” said Light, feigning politeness. I have to get Ryuzaki out of here.

“Hey, Light?” Mitsuko’s voice interrupted “Sorry to interrupt but this guy here said he wanted to speak to you. He says it’s urgent” she announced gesturing to the man standing a little behind her. Light felt his blood pressure rise with all these interruptions and dangers, he glanced to where Mitsuko was standing only for his knees nearly to give out from under him. There stood a face he’s hoped never to see again. Teru Mikami.

“Forgive my impertinence” he bowed “my name is Teru Mikami. I would be honored to make your acquaintance Mr Yagami”

You. Have got. To be kidding me.

“Y-yeah” light somewhat stuttered “Same to you...”

Misa jumped in, her focus mainly on her rival “um, excuse me? We were having a conversation” she stated openly glaring at the older man.

Teru, in turn, glared right back “Forgive me. I would have waited if I cared” before the other three knew it, Teru and Misa had begun arguing loudly. Loud enough that it drew the attention of passing students. Of course, with Misa being a model, it didn’t take long for people to start surrounding them shouting her name and begging for autographs. All the while the pair kept arguing.

“You just seem to attract mad people, don’t you?” said Mitsuko

Light, unfortunately, couldn’t deny it.

By now the crowd of students had gotten larger, so much so that the three were also now engulfed in it. It was only when Misa’s manager appeared did things start to calm down. “Misa!” she scolded “Enough of this foolishness. You’ve missed three photoshoots because of this stunt. Now come with me!” she grabbed Misa by the arm and began dragging her away.

“I’ll be back Light! I swear!” the blonde promised with a wave goodbye. With Misa gone, the crowd dissipated. Without another word, Teru also walked away though his expression was one of thunderous anger.

Mitsuko tried to defuse the situation left behind “Well... That was interesting”

Light just sighed feeling exhausted in an instant. It’s ok. I’m pretty sure she didn’t see Ryuzaki’s real name. Misa isn’t a problem right now. It’s Mikami I’m worried about. His appearance can’t just be a coincidence. Is he the first Kira? No, he couldn’t be. Last time he didn’t get a Death Note until years from now. Maybe me coming back changed something? If that’s the case then how the hell am I supposed to deal with him. I’m not Kira so he won’t listen to me. He was convinced I was a God so he did whatever I asked without question. Light inwardly cringed at his past self. Urgh. I really should have seen a therapist back then. Maybe I wouldn’t have gone so crazy.

Ryuzaki’s phone ringing broke his train of thought. He answered it quickly. “Yes?... I see. Thank you, I’ll be right there” he hung up “I’m afraid we must reschedule. I’m needed back at Headquarters. Light. Miss Misora” he said before walking away.

“Sorry things didn’t go well” Mitsuko apologised

Light just shrugged “It's ok. There’s always next time” Right after I deal with this migraine. Ow.


Teru returned home in a fury, long after it had gone dark. “Damn Armane. Damn little brat. She’s nothing but a thorn in my side, I swear!” he fumed throwing off his jacket “I didn’t even get a chance to talk to him properly thanks to her and those idiotic fans”

“Boy, you seem tense” commented Ryuk

“Jee, you think?” the human responded sarcastically “Urgh. And the worst part is, so long as that Rem is guarding her, there’s nothing I can do about it. She got me”

“Yes, she did” a third voice spoke. Both human and Shinigami looked only to see Rem standing before them. “Teru Mikami. I wouldn’t be here if I had no other choice. I am afraid to say... Misa has been arrested”

That shocked Teru “Arrested?”

“The police arrested her at the gates of the school. L has her confined and is interrogating her until she confesses to being the second Kira. I felt I had no choice but to erase her memory to protect her” explained Rem to an even more shocked Teru “Misa has given up ownership of the Death Note. In exchange, her feelings for Light Yagami have remained unaltered. I had no other choice”

So, Misa is under arrest but has no memory of being the second Kira. Hmm, I could make this work to my advantage. This means she can’t rat me out as being the first Kira. But her lasting intentions towards Light could pose a problem. I wonder... “Rem. Can a Shinigami remove the memory of a human who has not been in contact with a Death Note?”

Rem stared at him “While unorthodox it is possible. You wish for me to erase L’s memory?”

“No. Ryuk” he turned to Ryuk “I need you to erase the memory of Light Yagami. Remove everything he knows about the investigation”

Ryuk was puzzled “Uh... I can do that. Why?”

“Because those idiotic officers suspect Light is the first Kira. If Misa runs her mouth about Light, no offense Rem, they could put two and two together and have Light go down for being Kira. If Light ends up executed, how do you feel Misa would feel?”

Rem was displeased “I understand. In order to save Misa, you need us to protect Light Yagami. Very well. I will do as you say”

Hearing that, Teru breathed a sigh of relief “Then... I guess this is goodbye, Ryuk”

To be continued...

Chapter 17: Chapter Sixteen - Memory Loss


Teru begins his plan and poor Light is just along for the ride.

Chapter Text

“Remember Teru Mikami, you gave your word” Rem warned taking back the Death Note that Teru had given up. It was all part of his contingency plan for what was about to come. Teru wasn’t about to let anything go to chance. He nodded and the pale Shinigami flew off into the mist-laden sky.

“Ryuk, listen carefully now. In a few days time, I may have to relinquish ownership of my own Death Note. When I say the words, ‘Its time’, you know what to do”

Ryuk shrugged “Got it. It’s not like anyone is going to find it given you’ve hidden it so well. You think erasing Light’s memory is going to work?”

The human grinned like a vicious predator “Of course it will. It’s the perfect plan. It may take me longer than necessary to cleanse this world, but by then, Light will be mine in every sense of the word. Just you wait, L. I’m coming for you. But not yet” he steadied himself, fixing his shirt collar and tie to his preferment. “I have to see him one last time. Before I’m forced to forget everything as well”


Meanwhile, Misa awoke in a very confused state. It felt like she was in a fog, unaware of what was happening. When she realised she was both bound and blindfolded, she began to panic. She could feel her arms pinned against her chest and her ankles in chains which really made her start to panic.

“H-Hello? Mr Stalker? Where am I right now?” she asked aloud in a nervous voice “Do you think we can stop this game?”

In the hotel room watching on the monitors, Ryuzaki and the task force watched with confused looks. Until now, Misa was completely different. Brash in the face of her unseen captor and would rather die than give up any secrets. Now she seemed completely different. As if she truly was a scared young woman in a dangerous situation.

Granted, none of the task force were happy with how Ryuzaki was keeping Misa in her cell, but even they weren’t convinced of her sudden change in tune.

Aizawa commented “Stalker? Where’d she get that idea”

“What’s with the change of attitude all of a sudden?” added Matsuda “Was she like this on the campus?”

Misa spoke again, sounding more desperate “Please, this is illegal. You have to stop. Whatever you want, I’ll pay you. You could at least take off my blindfold, don’t you think? It would be nice to see what you look like” Misa was hoping to placate her captor in hopes of escape, not knowing the true extent of the trouble she was in.

Ryuzaki frowned “Mr Yagami. When you and Mr Mogi apprehended her you made clear she was a suspect, right?”

From the armchair, he nodded “We did. We made sure to inform her of her charges. She wasn’t happy about it. She bit Mogi before he managed to subdue her”

She was awfully augmentative with that man on the University campus. Why was she arguing with him anyway?

“What if I gave you an autograph or shook your hand?” Misa continued “I know! I’ll give you a kiss on the cheek if you want. Oh come on, I won’t run away I promise”

This doesn’t make sense. We already made so much progress with her over the last few days. I didn’t think she’d actually crack. Is this her defense? Claim insanity due to her circumstances.

Finally, Ryuzaki spoke to her through the microphone which scrambled his voice “Miss Armane. Before you passed out you barely spoke and even asked me to kill you. Now you’re claiming ignorance?”

“I don’t understand. You’re the one who knocked me out and brought me here, remember? Wait, I get it. This is some Misa Armane interrogation fantasy, right?”

Despite this, Ryuzaki pressed on “Surely you know why you’re being detained here, you must have some idea”

“Because I’m a celebrity of course. But you’re the first stalker to go this far, I’ll admit”

Matsuda snapped. He couldn’t take listening to her spouting such nonsense to try and act innocent. “Hey Armane!” he yelled into the microphone “No one’s buying it, so cut it out!”

She let out a whimper “There’s two of you? Oh, I can’t stand it anymore! Please let me go! You have to let me go! I already have a boyfriend, so I can’t be with you anyway!”

That caught Ryuzaki’s attention “Boyfriend?”

“Yeah, Light Yagami”

Ryuzaki pressed “From what I’ve heard, Light won’t give you the time of day. Not much of a boyfriend is he?”

It worked like a charm. Misa’s expression went dark as she yelled back “Oh I see what it is. You didn’t kidnap me because you wanted Misa Armane. You kidnapped me to get me out of the way! Well, it’s not gonna work! He’s mine and no one’s going to take him away from me. Not you, not Mikami, not anyone!”

“Mikami? Who the hell is Mikami?” asked Yagami now very much concerned. “Light’s never spoken about anyone by that name”

“Maybe it’s something to do with his own investigation” Matsuda offered an explanation

Before anyone could reply, Watari walked in without announcing himself “Ryuzaki, I’ve just received word from one of our agents. Someone is lurking outside the Yagami household”

“What!?” gasped Yagami

“Patch into the feed now” ordered Ryuzaki


Inside the house, Light and Mitsuko were both in Light’s room with Light gently holding an ice pack against Mitsuko’s black eye. “I can’t believe she just stood there as you were attacked. That little... Argh, I can’t even say it”

Mitsuko sniffed “It's fine”

“No, it’s not fine” Light argued “She’s your girlfriend and she let her dad beat you up just to please him. You better have dumped her”

She nodded “Oh don’t worry, we are over for good” she responded glumly “I should have realised it wasn’t going to work out. I came out to my parents for us and... she didn’t. At least I still have all my teeth”

Light sighed “I don’t care what you say, I’m giving her a piece of my mind at school” he stood from the bed to pack away the first aid kit on his desk. Mitsuko had arrived home bloody and in tears after what should have been her date with Takada. Instead, she had been ambushed by Takada’s father and beaten up for ‘turning his daughter gay’. Takada had just stood there doing nothing. She managed to escape before any real damage could be done but she was still heartbroken over what happened. Light was furious for his friend. He was absolutely seething seeing her so beat down. Hasn’t she been through enough? I swear, it’s times like this I wish I was still Kira. Mitsuko deserves better than – he glanced out his balcony window and felt his blood run cold. Standing on the street below his window was none other than Teru Mikami. The older man was looking at the front door, either debating on knocking or trying to break in.

Light ducked out of view panic-stricken. What the hell is he doing here!? How the hell did he find me!?

“Light? What’s wrong?” asked Mitsuko from the bed

“It’s – it’s that guy. That guy from To-Oh” he whispered back harshly “The one who was arguing with Misa”

Mitsuko’s eyes widened “What? Did he follow us home?”

Light shrugged, genuinely worried “I don’t know, maybe?!” Oh god, what if he thinks I am Kira? How the hell am I going to explain this to Mitsuko? It must be why he came here!

Without a word, Mitsuko got up and left the room leaving the icepack on the bed. “Mitsuko?” Light asked after her. Silently she descended the stairs and made a beeline for the kitchen where she grabbed a sharp knife. Light made it downstairs just in time to see her throw the door open with knife in hand, screaming at Mikami.

“SO! YOU LIKE TO PERV ON TEENAGERS, HUH!?” she screamed loud enough for the neighbors to hear. Mikami took one look at her, glared, then high-tailed it out of there. “YEAH! YOU BETTER RUN PERVERT!” when Mikami was gone, she turned back to a gobsmacked Light at the doorway with a bright smile “I feel better now”

Light was agape “... Remind me never to get on your bad side”


In the hotel room, those watching the feed just stared at the screen with varying levels of disbelief. “Well... That happened” commented Aizawa

“So was that Mikami? Why was he there?”

“This is getting bad. My son isn’t even safe in his own home” Yagami fretted “You saw his expression, he was terrified”

Ryuzaki spoke up somewhat unnerved “Watari. Have scenario four up and running within the hour. Light will need to be moved by tonight”

“Moved? Moved where?” asked the father

“Mr Yagami, I need you to keep up the charade that Light is our main suspect for the next few hours. Just until we have him in a secure location. After that, you can tell him everything” he paused to sip his tea “Have Ide bring Light here in one hour”


Ryuk couldn’t stop laughing while Teru paused to catch his breath “Damn bitch. I knew I should have killed her that day instead”

“Boy, she really had you running. So what are you going to do now?”

Teru glared at the Shinigami “We don’t have much time to waste. Go back and erase his memory. Everything about Kira and the investigation. As for Mitsuko... Make her forget my face. Last thing I need is another blasted woman interfering with my work” he sighed “I best get out of here before someone calls the police. Now go”

“Got it,” Ryuk said extending his wings “You better come through with those apples by the way. I don’t work for free, ya know”


Ide came for Light an hour later. By then, Ryuk had done as instructed and erased both their memories, meaning Light was clueless as to why he was needed at the task force. As far as he knew, the second Kira hadn’t sent any more tapes nor had the task force made any progress with either Kiras. Guessing that Ryuzaki needed him for something important, he said goodbye to Mitsuko promising he’d be back later.

He wouldn’t keep that promise.

When Light arrived at the hotel room, everyone was there. His father, Ryuzaki, and all the remaining members of the task force. He suddenly felt on edge given the obvious tension in the room. “W-What’s going on?” he asked

“Misa Armane was arrested earlier this week. She had admitted to being the second Kira” Ryuzaki stated, lying through his teeth.

“Oh. That’s good, right?” said Light looking hopeful.

Ryuzaki continued “She also admitted to working with the first Kira and confessed to his identity... You”

The teen’s eyes went comically wide “You – You think I’m...” he couldn’t finish the sentence, too frightened to even say it. Ryuzaki then went on to list the evidence against him but Light couldn’t hear him over the ringing in his ears. Everything was a blur after that. He was placed in handcuffs and blindfolded so he wouldn’t know where he was going. Light visibly trembled, scared out of his mind at what was to come. He’d just been arrested for being Kira. For being the monster he wanted so desperately to catch. “I – I’m innocent... I’m innocent...” he whispered as he was taken away from the hotel room, tears falling from under the blindfold.

The journey to what he could only assume was his cell was a terrifyingly silent one. His mind was a storm of terror-filled images of future news reports and his family’s reaction. His father couldn’t even look at him during the arrest. His mother would be ashamed, his sister devastated, and Mitsuko... Mitsuko would never forgive him despite his innocence. Kira took her sister. She’d hate him forever.

Finally, the police van he was in came to a stop. He was guided to an elevator and after a long ride, he was escorted to his cell. However, when he got there, his handcuffs were removed and so was the headset. He remained blindfolded till he heard Ryuzaki’s voice through a speaker. “You may remove your blindfold now, Light”

Confused, Light did as instructed. When his eyes adjusted to the lights, he found himself not in a cell but inside a tastefully decorated apartment looking over the city. The floor-to-ceiling windows gave him an unparalleled view of the city which he was sorely confused about. Why am I here? I thought I was under arrest?

“This... Doesn’t look like a cell, Ryuzaki” he spoke aloud

“That’s because it’s not. You’ll be staying here for the time being until it’s safe for you to leave. Your clothes and personal possessions will be delivered tomorrow” the Detective explained

Light continued to look around the living room still not grasping what was going on “I don’t understand. You said I was under arrest”

“I apologise for that. We had to make it believable for any potential leak to Kira that you were under arrest for his crimes. The truth is you were never a suspect in the first place. We know you’ve been trying to catch Kira by yourself and after what happened at your house, we can no longer let you continue on by yourself”

The relief Light felt was palpable “So – so I’m not under arrest?”

“No. Consider it a form of witness protection. You will need to answer some questions as to how you know so much about Kira and the investigation without our involvement, but I can categorically state that you, Light Yagami, are innocent” Ryuzaki stated “Please make yourself at home”

Light’s knees gave up on him and he fell back onto the plush leather sofa. It had been a whirlwind couple of hours but for once Light could breathe. Kira couldn’t get to him and what was better, Ryuzaki believed his innocence. He’d even done all this so Light could be safe. Only one problem... How do I know so much?

Now that Light thought about it, there were huge gaps in his memory over the last few months. He could remember vaguely about going to find Raye at a train station and something about not needing a name to kill, but most of it was a jumbled mess. He gazed around his newfound home with a wistful sigh. “Good old Ryuzaki” he murmured with a smile.


They arrested Teru Mikami that same afternoon. With Misa’s comment and him being discovered outside the Yagami household, it didn’t take a genius to put two and two together and say Teru was Kira. Upon closer investigation, they discovered he had access to classified information thanks to his job as a prosecutor which only added to the suspicion. Ryuzaki felt a little foolish not realising there were more potential leaks than just with the police. Teru Mikami, if guilty, was practically hiding and killing in plain sight.

The Prosecutor sat in his cell not saying a word. This was all according to plan after all. All I need to do now is get rid of the notebook. On the other side of the cell sat Ryuk complaining that he wasn’t going to get any apples in there.

“I can’t believe it,” Yagami said whilst looking at the feeds of each cell “A Prosecutor of all things. Has he no shame?”

“I guess that explains how Kira got all the classified information. But that doesn’t explain how Light knew about him” Matsuda stated

Aizawa spoke “Actually, maybe he found out the chief had a son and thought he’d make the perfect decoy. He was probably scouting out the house to see if Light was still under suspicion”

“That man...” Yagami growled, fists clenching “He tormented my son’s life, pushed him to the brink of a heart attack, and for what? To make sure his scapegoat played the part? Ryuzaki, just let me down there. I’ll get a confession out of him”

“I’m sure you would. However, you’re too emotionally compromised so the answer is no” answered Ryuzaki. “He’ll confess soon enough as well as Misa”

Ryuzaki was sure of it and he was apparently right. With Misa and Teru locked away and Light hidden, the Kira killings stopped completely. By day seven of their captivity, it was all but assured that they were guilty. However, there was a snag in the plan. They still had no idea how either Kira killed or hard evidence to convict them on what they had alone. Without a confession or the murder weapon, they still could not be charged with the killings.

Throughout the week, Light had been in contact with his family and Mitsuko through phone and video through the computer. Mitsuko guessed early on what the real reason was for his sudden moving out but said nothing so as not to worry Sayu and Sachiko. While it lifted his spirits to talk to them daily, it was still a little lonely suddenly living all by himself. So he and Ryuzaki had ended up having hours-long conversations whilst he did his schoolwork about every subject under the sun. When Light was fully settled in, Ryuzaki questioned him about Teru Mikami.

Light’s response was troubling “Up until the day at school, I’d never seen him before. I don’t know how he knew my name or why he wanted to talk”

On day seven, Teru put his plan into action. I’ll see you soon my love. Wait for me. “I think... It’s time” he whispered loud enough for Ryuk to hear. The Shinigami caught the signal and untangled himself from his apple withdrawal convulsions.

“Got it. Later” he said phasing through the wall. As Ryuk left, so did all the memories of his crimes and, along with it, the Death Note. Teru blinked, confused at his new surroundings. What am I... Doing here? He realised he was on the opposite side of a jail cell with his hands cuffed behind his back. His mind raced to find an answer as to how he ended up in a cell of all places.

“H-Hey... Hey! Let me out! I don’t belong in here!” he yelled trying to pull his hands free of the cuffs “Let me out right now!” he begged throwing himself at the cell bars.

“What on earth?” Aizawa voiced as Ryuzaki got on the mic

“Teru Mikami. Are you willing to talk about your crimes as Kira?”

Teru gaped at the speaker in shock “What? Kira? That’s – that’s ludicrous! I’m a god damn Prosecutor, I’d never do something so heinous! Who are you? Let me out right now!”

“If you have nothing to do with the case then why were you spotted outside the Yagami household?”

Teru flinched at the question “I – I got worried about him, ok? I was worried about Light. I wasn’t going to do anything to him, I swear. I just wanted to make sure he was ok”

“And why so concerned about his safety? As far as Light knows, you two have never met” Ryuzaki continued, pushing all the buttons.

Like Misa, it worked. Teru glared at the speaker “What? I’m not allowed to gaze from afar? I was working up the courage to finally confess to him my feelings. Forgive me if you know nothing of love. Wait” his eyes widened “Don't tell me you think Light is involved with this. My sweet angel would never commit crimes. You leave him alone, do you hear me? Leave him alone!”

“Yep. He’s nuts” Mogi commented

“Poor Light. He must have been stalking Light for months to develop this kind of obsession” said Matsuda uncomfortably

Aizawa added “Don't forget Misa. Both of them seem to have an unhealthy obsession with Light”

Yagami was barely holding it together at that point. “Don't ever let me down there. I don’t think I would hesitate to kill him myself”


Then, on day fifteen, a spanner was thrown into the works. Criminals began dying just like the Kira murders. With neither Misa nor Mikami having access to the outside world, it threw the case and all the evidence against them into a tailspin. It meant that if the killings continued, neither Misa nor Teru could realistically be charged for the murders. They might be charged with stalking but as seasoned officers, unless they actively caused harm to their target, the charges hardly ever stuck. It meant that all their hard work was for nothing.

“This can’t be happening. We can’t let either of them out. Not when they’re so obsessed with Light” Yagami protested throwing the newspaper onto the floor.

“Has Light been informed yet?”

He shook his head “No. I wouldn’t even know what to say to him”

In the end, Ryuzaki took the lead. He contacted Light through the computer where Light accepted the call. “Hey, any updates on the case?” he asked through the video feed

“Yes. Unfortunately, Kira has struck again. Two weeks' worth of criminals were killed today alone” Ryuzaki responded

“What? That’s awful. What about Misa and Mr Mikami? Are you going to have to let them go now?”

Ryuzaki shook his head “As of now they’re still persons of interest. I’m sorry Light. You’ll be staying there for a while longer it seems”

Light just shrugged “It's ok. Could be a lot worse. Hey, don’t forget. We haven’t finished our chess game from last night”

“And who’s fault is that?”

“I’m not like you. I actually need to sleep” Light joked in return. His phone began ringing “Oh, that’s Sayu. I better go” he ended the connection to answer his little sister.

Just then, the feed from Teru’s cell appeared. The prosecutor had managed to break out of his handcuffs but hadn’t tried to escape. He rested against bars in a lounging position. The remains of the silver cuffs lay scattered on the cell floor. “Mr Mikami. Are you ready to talk yet?” the response was a middle finger to the camera. “I suppose I should inform you that since your capture, no criminals have died by Kira. This is all aiding in your future conviction”

Teru looked directly at the camera “You really think the public would accept I’m Kira? I’ve ensured the execution of hundreds of criminals in my line of work but I would never deal the killing strike myself. Just because you need someone to go down for it doesn’t mean anyone will fall for it. Do you hear me, L? Look into my eyes if you don’t believe me. Do these eyes look like the eyes of a killer?”

Ryuzaki bit his thumb, deep in thought.

To be continued...

Chapter 18: Chapter Seventeen - Last ditch effort


The task force is running out of time to convict Misa and Teru, so Ryuzaki enlists the help of Light in a last-ditch effort.


Light's hormones are raging so the rating is going up! Enjoy xxx

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Late night studying sessions had become the norm for Light. It was a habit that started when he reached High School, having found the peace of nighttime with little background noise the perfect time to study. Living on his own hadn’t changed that opinion. On the nights he didn’t have homework or need to study, he was usually still up either with a good book and a warm cup of tea or talking to Ryuzaki, who he was sure didn’t even know what sleep was.

That night was no different. He’d finished his homework early so he was curled up on the sofa under a blanket with a book Mitsuko had recommended. It had arrived with his school work delivery with a post-it note attached, smiley face included. A small radio in the corner played quietly as the rain pattered on the large windows. He flipped to the next page and took a sip of his drink before setting it on the coffee table. He could easily doze off he was so comfy.

That’s when there was a knock at the door. Light frowned, glancing at the clock on the wall. No one was scheduled to deliver anything until the next morning and it was already past eleven at night, far too late for anyone to be visiting.

“It’s me” said a voice Light recognised as Ryuzaki “Let me in”

“Ryuzaki?” Light questioned quietly, rising from the sofa. He placed the book down and made his way to the door. The apartment was open planned with the front door leading to the living room and kitchen area. A small hallway lead to the bedroom, bathroom and small office that he used daily for class.

Punching in the code Ryuzaki had given him, he opened the door. The detective was indeed standing at his door, white shirt and trousers soaked from the rain outside. Black hair heavy against his head. “What the -? Ryuzaki?” he asked surprised “Jeeze, you’re soaked” he grabbed a silent Ryuzaki by the wrist and pull him inside, making sure to lock the door. “Wait here. I’ll get you a towel”

Light walked to the bathroom to grab some towels, wondering what Ryuzaki was doing here. Has something happened with the investigation? I thought he was supposed to keep hidden. Did he walk here in the rain? He grabbed a few towels from the rack and hurried back, finding Ryuzaki in the same spot he’d left him. Light placed the towel on Ryuzaki’s head and began drying the mop of messy black hair “Is everything ok? You haven’t said a word”

Ryuzaki looked at him, bottomless dark eyes nearly boring into Light’s soul with the intensity of his gaze. Then, without warning, Ryuzaki pulled Light close and kissed him deep and hard. For a moment, Light was stunned and unable to move. His own eyes were wide from shock. Then they fluttered closed as he melted into the kiss. A moan escaped him as the towel dropped to the floor and Light buried his hand in the still damp hair.

The detective’s deep voice groaned sending shivers down Light’s spine. After what felt like an eternity, the two young men pulled apart to catch their breath. The separation lasted mere moments as Ryuzaki dove right back in, claiming Light’s mouth with his lips and tongue which left Light weak at the knees. A part of Light realised he should be asking Ryuzaki the obvious question but Light wasn’t exactly thinking with his upstairs brain at that point.

The two stumbled backwards further inside the apartment, hands clawing at clothing and skin. Somehow they ended up in the bedroom where clothes were being almost torn off in their desperation. Light, being a virgin and inexperienced, was nervous that he wouldn’t be up to par with any of Ryuzaki’s potential past lovers. However, that dark hungry look in Ryuzaki’s eyes told him differently. Now standing at the foot of the bed; shirtless but still with their trousers on, Ryuzaki began touching him across all the newly revealed skin. Light had never been more thankful he’d kept up his exercises whilst staying in the apartment. The touch of long pale fingers across his skin left goosebumps in their wake. Light sighed at the touch and Ryuzaki’s strong hold.

“R-Ryuzaki...” he panted as the dark haired man sucked love bites on the spot where his neck met shoulder. He felt his centre of gravity shift and suddenly found himself pushed onto the bed. He was barely able to catch his breath before Ryuzaki was atop of him, looking at him with those heated eyes that drove him mad.

“I’ve been thinking about you” Ryuzaki said with hands on Light’s hips “In fact, I’ve been able to think of little else. Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll go”

Light shuddered with desire. “Don't you dare leave” he responded pulling him down for another heated kiss. Both let out moans when their bodies met, hips unconsciously grinding against the other. They managed to tug off their respective trousers leaving them only in their underwear where their arousal was obvious.

Ryuzaki wasn’t as thin as Light imagined. Instead, he was all lithe muscle which surprised him what with Ryuzaki’s seemingly sweet-centric diet. Still, Light bit his lip in appreciation of the man on top of him. They fell head first into kissing again, unable to stop pressing against each other in the most delicious of ways.

“Ryuzaki... Fuck, Ryuzaki!” Light gasped when a hand slipped into his boxers. The deft long fingers began toying with him slowly but expertly whilst lips trailed down his throat. Light could hardly think let alone speak, barely able to make noise above whimpers and groans. He felt the bulge in Ryuzaki’s boxers pressed against his thigh, the detective focusing solely on Light’s pleasure instead of his own. The hand moved faster making Light’s legs shake slightly. His hands gripped the detective unable to do little else. He was overwhelmed and racing to that finishing line embarrassingly fast. He could feel warmth begin to pool and his toes curl. “Ryuzaki!” he warned struggling to say more.

Ryuzaki smirked biting his earlobe “Do it. You want to cum, don’t you? Be a good boy and cum. Let go, Light. Let me see”

And Light was powerless to obey. His breath quickened, his pulse raced, the heat inside him kept building and building. Then, with a flick of Ryuzaki’s wrist, Light arched off the bed crying out Ryuzaki’s name as his orgasm hit like a truck.


That’s when Light awoke alone in his bed at the apartment, flushed and sweaty with his body still tingling from orgasm. His pyjama pants ruined from his climax. It took a moment for Light to realise what had happened but when he did, he went bright red hiding his head under the covers. Oh god, just end me now... What am I, fourteen?

Eventually Light did pull himself out of bed and head to the shower to clean up. At least he didn’t have to suffer the embarrassment of taking his sheets to the laundry room in front of his mother as he had done years ago.

It was around midday when Light called Mitsuko for advice on his situation. She was the only person he felt comfortable talking to about these things. It was the weekend so she was home and not in school. She of course, as only a best friend would laugh at his misery.

By laughed he meant she was near cackling as he told her the PG version of his dream. “I really hope there weren’t any cameras in the bedroom. For your sake, if nothing else” she joked

“No. Luckily they agreed to give me privacy outside of video calls. I don’t think I’d be able to face him if he heard that”

She laughed again whilst making her lunch “Well maybe it’s a sign you should get a move on. Make those nightly chess matches a date. Make a move! At the rate you’re going, you’ll be in the freaking geriatric ward before anything happens between you two”

Light rolled his eyes “Ha, ha. Anyway, how are you feeling? Are you still getting dizzy spells?”

The dizzy spells started a few weeks ago, where Mitsuko would loose balance or drop things all of a sudden. She had brushed it off to not eating enough or school stress until she cut herself while cooking dinner and ended up needing stitches. After that, she went to the doctor.

“A little but not as bad. The doctor said I was probably anaemic due to my cycle to he put me on new birth control. Which is kind of redundant because, you know, lesbian” she explained laughing at her own joke. “I’m good though. I still can’t believe it’s been almost two months since you had to leave. Any progress with Misa and that Mikami guy?”

Light sighed “Not yet. I don’t know how they’ve held out so long. I’d have gone crazy by now”

“You and me both”


True to form, the captivity of Misa and Teru had been as gruelling as they could imagine. But as the days dragged on with no confession or hard evidence and the killings still happening, Ryuzaki was running out of reasons to keep them under arrest. Despite both needing mental help to deal with their delusions, there was no crime the task force could conclusively place on the pair. Meaning that if Ryuzaki and the task force didn’t get results fast, they’d have to release their prime suspects and Light’s stalker.

Safe to say, no one wanted that to happen.

“This is ridiculous” Yagami fumed while pacing the floor “My son hasn’t been able to leave the apartment in nearly two months and now you’re saying we might have to let them go?”

Ryuzaki nodded from his chair “I am just as unsatisfied with it as you are. Unfortunately, we are running out of time in order to convict them of anything. Fifty days have passed with neither having access to the outside world, yet criminals are continuing to die. That alone would force us to release them back into the public”

“Where they can stalk my son to their heart's content” Yagami huffed “Damn it. There must be something we can do. I don’t want my son to live in fear all his life because of these two nutjobs”

“Not to mention there might be another Kira out there and not just these two” sighed Aizawa “Jeeze. No wonder Light nearly keeled over from stress”

Matsuda spoke up “Cant we force a confession out of them? Fifty days in isolation may have softened them up enough to say anything”

“It wouldn’t be admissible in court” Ide proclaimed “They’d have it thrown out as an involuntary confession”

Suddenly, Ryuzaki’s wide eyes grew wider as an idea formed in his head “Wait... No, that’s it” he quickly turned to Yagami “Mr Yagami, get Light on the phone. Tell him someone will come to pick him up in thirty minutes”

“You’re bringing him here? Why?” asked Matsuda “I thought it wasn’t safe for him to be outside”

“Ide is right. We can’t force a confession. We can force their hand if their target is in danger”

Light was brought to the hotel room where Ryuzaki told him of his borderline crazy plan on how to get Misa or Mikami to act. The teen listened, mouth agape at what he was hearing. He knew that L was capable of anything to close a case but this was beyond anything he thought possible. Still, three days later, he found himself stood in an underground car park with his wrists handcuffed behind him and playing the part of a recently released prisoner. He couldn’t believe he had agreed to this but he’d honestly do anything if it meant getting back to his normal life.

He stood there with Aizawa and Ide keeping him separate from Teru Mikami. Light had been completely unaware he even had a stalker, much less they were someone in their early thirties. It made him deeply uncomfortable to know someone had been following him for months and he’d been none the wiser. Light hid his shiver from those nearly black eyes that never stopped staring at him. They’re nothing like Ryuzaki’s.

Finally he saw his father drive into the car park. Light took a steadying breath. Alright, time to get to work. Whatever confidence he had quickly shifted to annoyance when Misa made her way to him with a gleeful smile. Now Misa he remembered and he wasn’t very fond of her either.

“Light!” she cheered “Oh I’m so glad to see you. They didn’t hurt you, did they?”

“I’ve already checked for any signs of injury or mistreatment” Teru spoke with a pointed look

Misa frowned “Great, I should have known you’d be here too”

“Dad, what is going on?” Light questioned putting on a confused exterior

Misa gasped “Wait, he’s your dad? Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I called him a stalker and a whole bunch of other things and – quit laughing pervert!” she scolded Teru who was barely containing his laughter.

Without a word, the elder Yagami gestured for the three to get into another car that was packed behind Ide. Misa and Teru in the back with Light sat in the passenger seat next to his father. The three did as instructed with Misa and Teru arguing about who got to sit behind Light for the drive. In the end, Teru won the argument by jumping in the car first.


The car ride was silent, the tension palpable. Now so close to the object of their desires, both suspects had become comically tongue-tied. It was Light who broke the silence, letting out a heavy sigh that was riddled with tiredness. “I thought I was never getting out of there. It feels good to be finally cleared”

“No” Light’s father announced “I’m afraid you two are being taken... to your execution” all of them let out shaky breaths at Yagami’s words. “I wanted to be the one to drive you to the execution site. It was secretly built in an underground facility not far from here” They began panicking, shouting over the other trying to plead their innocence but it fell on deaf ears “L is convinced that Light is Kira and Misa is the second Kira and that Teru acted at your mole within the investigation. He had decided that the only way we can prevent the murders is to execute the three of you”

“I don’t understand, the killings have already stopped. L said so!” Light said voice trembling

Yagami shook his head “No. They never stopped. L was trying to get a confession out of you, Light. He would have said anything at this point but that’s not the problem. It’s political now. Your execution to stop the murders was unanimously decided by top officials in the UN and the Japanese government. They want Kira to disappear. No trial. No publicity”

“But that’s completely insane! Please, Dad, I’m not Kira!”

“You can’t do this Chief Yagami. This is your own son we’re talking about” Teru interrupted

Misa chimed in “What kind of father are you!?”

“L made this decision, not me”

Light’s eyes narrowed “You’d trust L over me? Your only son?”

“Yes. L has also staked his own life on this theory. If the killings don’t stop, he’s agreed to be executed”

All of them were aghast “Y-you – you can’t be serious... Dad, please tell me you’re lying to me. You can’t possibly think I’m Kira, right?” Yagami suddenly took a sharp turn off the road and onto a disused dirt path. He kept driving until he reached the underpass of a bridge overlooking the nearby river.

“Alright. I don’t think anyone will see us here” said Light’s father, mostly to himself

“Where are we?” questioned Teru

Misa looked hopeful “Maybe he’s going to let us go after all?”

Yagami took a breath and turned to his son “I’m going to kill you here and then kill myself” that single sentence sent the three of them into a terror-filled panic. Light backed away from his father as far as he could but couldn’t get far with the door locked behind him.

“What!? Dad, no! This is crazy!”

Meanwhile, Misa shouted “How can you say that!? You’d kill your only son for L? If you want to die so badly, why not just kill yourself! If you do this, you’re no different than Kira!”

“I am nothing like Kira. I am bound by my responsibilities as a parent and as chief of the NPA”

Misa snapped at Teru “Do something!”

“I’m trying!” Teru snapped back whilst trying in vain to break the stronger pair of handcuffs locking his wrists together. “Chief Yagami, please. There must be another solution!”

“Quiet” the father growled “I will not take morality lessons from the likes of you”

By now Light was a hysterical mess “Dad, please! If we die here the truth will never be revealed. Please, Dad, you have to let us escape!”

“It’s too late” Yagami responded pulling out his gun from his jacket pocket. “Either way, you’ll be executed. At least with this, I’ll be the one to do it” he then pointed the gun at his only son, aiming right between the eyes. Light began sobbing, pleading for his life.

“Dad, please! I’m not Kira! I swore to catch him, not become him!” he glanced at Misa and Teru “Help me! He’s going to kill me!”

Misa was crying too “We can’t! We’re not Kira either but he won’t listen to us!”

“Damn it, Yagami! This is crazy!” roared Teru “You have to stop this madness before it’s too late”

Yagami barely regarded them “I’m going to die with my son but do not force my hand to kill you both as well” he stared at his son “Light, my son. from one murderer to another, I’ll see you in hell” with that he unclicked the safety of his gun.

Light closed his eyes tight “No Dad!”

Teru yelled in desperation “No!”

Misa screamed “NO! STOP IT!”


To be continued...


Part two will be up soon!

Chapter 19: Chapter Eighteen - Mitsuko


The aftermath of Ruyzaki's plan


Sorry this took so long. I had a Uveitis flare up which affected my vision and I couldn't write. This is also my shortest chapter but they will be longer in the future xxx

Chapter Text

--72 hours ago—

“You want me to what?” Light asked shocked “I have to play along with their delusions?”

Ryuzaki shook his head “Not necessarily. While I understand how uncomfortable this must all be for you, I need you to go along with it. Make them believe you are in danger in order to force them to act”

Still reeling, Light turned to his father who stood across the room “Dad, are you... sure about this? If Ryuzaki is right about them being guilty then you’ll be in danger”

“It's alright Light. I know the risks. I also know it’s unfair for you to remain in hiding all your life. Whether or not Misa and Mikami are guilty, doing this will give us our answer”

Light sighed sinking back in his chair. “I guess I really have no choice in this. Fine. But that doesn’t mean I have to like this crazy plan”


The gunshot echoed causing the nearby perching birds to take flight out of fright. Inside the car, Misa and Teru were horrified at what had just happened. Misa braved a look, expecting to see her precious Light’s brains splattered on the window. Instead, she found Light alive and well. Both he and his father panting with excursion but no blood or injury to be seen. That’s when it clicked in her head “You... You used a blank?”

“He what?” Teru asked now looking for himself. He was overwhelmingly relieved to see Light was unharmed but at the same time extremely confused.

At the same time, Light and his father sagged as the adrenaline left them. “It worked. Thank goodness” Light muttered before turning to the two people in the back seat. “I’m sorry about that. It was the only way to convince L to release you and prove you were or weren’t Kira”

“You mean... This was a test?” added Teru with furrowed brows “And you went along with it?”

Light frowned in return “It wasn’t like I had much choice. I was under arrest too. I still am. At least now L knows for certain none of us are Kira”

From her seat, Misa brightened up considerably. Her eyes were still wet with tears but she was grinning happily. “Oh Light, you’re so brave! Going through such lengths to protect me. I knew we were destined to be together”

“I think you’ll find he asked me for help” Teru cut in with a cold glare at Misa.

Ryuzaki, what have you gotten me into this time. Light thought with a twitch in his eyebrow. His father patted his shoulder in sympathy as the two sat in the back descended into yet another argument.

“If I may interrupt” came Ryuzaki’s voice from the car speakers. Upon closer inspection, they could see a small camera installed above the rear view mirror. Ryuzaki had watched everything. “It is as Light says. If any one of you were the first or second Kira, you wouldn’t have hesitated to kill Mr Yagami before he had the chance to fire his weapon. As agreed, I will end your confinement effective immediately. As was discussed, both Armane and Mikami will be kept under surveillance until Kira is caught”

“What!? No fair! You still suspect me?” Misa yelled outraged

Yagami turned around “I wouldn’t complain if I were you. You can return to your normal lives. Think of the surveillance as added security”

“What of Light?” asked Teru looking at the camera “You didn’t mention him so I assume you aren’t going to let him go that easily”

Ryuzaki was quiet for a moment, contemplating his words before responding “No. Unfortunately, Light’s situation is different. While not a suspect he’s in danger of being killed by Kira and so will remain by my side at all times for his own protection”

Anger flared in Teru’s dark eyes “Absolutely not. Not only is that a severe breach of his human rights but also highly inappropriate”

Misa scoffed “Says the stalker”

“I already said I was simply checking on him!” Teru let out a harsh breath “Fine. But I’m coming too. I won’t let you drag Light down with you when this investigation goes up in flames because of incompetence. Now, will somebody please get me out of these bloody handcuffs!”

Light simply shook his head regretting his life decisions that lead him to this point. Two crazies obsessed with me, a mass murderer who wants me dead, and I’m crushing on the lead detective. Seriously. Can my life get any weirder?


Yes. Yes it could. Now at the hotel where the Taskforce set up headquarters, Light found himself handcuffed to Ryuzaki, a six-meter chain connecting them. It was claimed to be for his own safety but in reality, it was Ryuzaki’s idea to ensure Light was never alone with Misa or Mikami. Light was grateful but really didn’t want to dive deep into why the handcuffs were so familiar to him. He could swear he’d lived this day before, deja vu crashing over him something fierce. Only he knew that was impossible.

Misa and Teru had been equally angry about the arrangement but could do little to change it. So they silently scowled as the cuff was placed around Light’s wrist. “You know,” Misa started “This isn’t what I expected when you said Light had to be by you all the time. Looking at you, I never would have guessed. Are you on that side of the fence, Ryuzaki?”

“While it’s not really any of your business, Gender never played a part in potential partners” Ryuzaki explained. Light was surprised at the admission and a little bit hopeful.

His father, less so. He was against the handcuff idea from the get go having seen his son’s budding feelings for the detective. He had a sinking feeling that whatever was going on between the pair would speed up quickly thanks to their close proximity. He didn’t care that Light liked men so long as his son was happy and being safe. The problem was that he knew so little about Ryuzaki and was worried about how Light would be treated if a relationship did form between them. To pile onto his list of problems, he was forced to work alongside his son’s stalker and a delusional model. When this case was over, he was going to take a long needed vacation. Perhaps an early retirement if pushed further.

“Dont you think Light deserves his privacy back after everything he’s been through?” Teru asked just as Light’s phone in his pocket started vibrating. A quick check of the ID showed it was his mother ringing. Light canceled it, deciding he would ring back at a more private place.

Just then, his father’s phone rang. It was his mother’s number once more. This time it was answered. Ryuzaki informed Mikami that Light would have the privacy he wanted while Teru countered that the handcuffs made it impossible.

Suddenly, the conversation was cut short when Yagami let out a gasp. All eyes fell on him as he spoke into the phone. “Are you sure?... Which hospital?... Got it, we’ll be there soon” he hung up appearing somewhat shaken. He turned to face Light, face paler than before. “Light, it’s... It’s Mitsuko”


“They think you had a stroke?” Light questioned in the hospital room, roles reversed as now Mitsuko was laying on the bed. She had been in class when she felt a bit dizzy so she tried to sit back down only to black out and end up on the floor. When she came around seconds later, she couldn’t lift her left arm and the left side of her face was numb. She had been suffering with long lasting pins and needles for a few days but had chalked it up to a pinched nerve or a crick in her neck. By the time Light, Ryuzaki, and Yagami had arrived, she’d already had an MRI and CT scan and was now playing the waiting game.

“Yeah. Paramedics said I had all the symptoms. They said it was probably due to my change in birth control that caused it” she explained with half a smile. Her words were slightly slurred but she still had all her facilities so it was a promising sign “I’m more curious as to the handcuffs” he pointed out with her still good arm.

Sachiko and Sayu glanced over. Sachiko blushed while Sayu started laughing. “Its a... Long story” Light muttered, shooting Ryuzaki a look. Ryuzaki simply looked away. After a few minutes, two doctors in white coats entered the room holding clipboards with unreadable looks. Light’s stomach sank.

“Miss Misora, we have the results of your scans”

With that, the world fell away.

To be continued...

Chapter 20: Chapter Nineteen - The Yotsaba arc


The investigation continues while things heat up for Light and Ryuzaki.

Trigger warning for mentions of terminal illness. (Cancer, brain tumours, hospital settings, treatment of said illness) If this is upsetting or triggering for you, please stop reading now. Will catch you again next time xxx


Well, wish me luck everyone. Guess who woke up this morning freaking blind in one eye? ME! I got the hospital later today for it so wish me luck I don't need an injection in my eyeball. May not be able to write for a while so I'll see you all as soon as I can! xxx

Update on eye situation. It is Uveitis but thankfully not as bad as it was last time. Good news, I avoided having an injection. Bad news, I'm on hourly eye drops and steroids for the next two months. Not exactly what I wanted but my vision has already improved so, I'll take it :)

Chapter Text

He could barely hear anything over the ringing in his ears. Mitsuko’s iron grip was the only thing keeping him grounded. The doctor’s words faded away after the diagnosis. Light struggled to keep his composure as the doctors explained the grim prognosis and available treatment plans. His mother and Sayu were crying quietly in the corner while his father stood hunched with worry. Even Ryuzaki was affected, biting his thumb with great unease.

Brain Cancer. Stage Four. Two years maximum with treatment.

He just couldn’t wrap his head around it. Mitsuko was his age. Young and healthy with no family history of cancer. Why her? Why his friend when she had done nothing to deserve such a fate. He felt righteous anger burn in him as Mitsuko began to cry herself. Light embraced her, careful not to touch her affected arm. She buried her face in his shoulder and began sobbing loudly, her entire life coming apart before her eyes.

“I’m truly sorry for this Miss Misora. Sadly, tumours like this don’t present themselves until the late stages. We’ll get you on a treatment schedule effective immediately” one of the Doctors announced with pity in his eyes. “We’ll return with your assigned oncologist soon. Again, we are so sorry”

The two men left the room while she was still crying. “It’s not fair” she whimpered “What did I do wrong?”

Light shook his head “No. Don’t you dare think that. You did nothing to deserve this. You’re going to be ok”

She then pushed him away with her good arm “You heard him. It’s a glioblastoma. People don’t survive these kinds of things. I’m not... going to be ok...” she started crying again “Please, just... just leave me alone for a moment”

“Ok. We’ll be right outside if you need us”

Outside the hospital room, Sayu was weeping in her mother’s arms “It’s not fair Mom. It’s just not fair”

Sachiko shuddered a breath “I know sweetie. Hey, how about we get her a gift from the gift shop to cheer her up? I think I saw a stuffed penguin on the way here”

Sayu nodded “She loves penguins...” the two then walked down the hall back towards the gift shop leaving the three men to talk amongst themselves.

“That poor girl” Light’s father sighed sadly while looking into the hospital room. Mitsuko curled up on herself appearing tiny on the bed “She’s so young too. I just can’t believe it. A brain tumour of all things”

Light blinked back tears “Her parents took her off their health insurance after she moved in. How the hell are we supposed to afford treatment?” It wasn’t even up for question to Light. Mitsuko was more than his best friend. She was his second sister in all but blood. Leaving her to fend for herself was never an option in his mind

“There’s no need to panic. I’ve already had Watari contact the hospital. Her stay and any future care needed will be funded by myself” Ryuzaki announced nonchalantly as if his words meant nothing when in truth, they meant everything.

Light openly gaped “You’d... you’d do that? But Ryuzaki, treatment for her condition could go well into the millions of yen. I can’t ask you for that”

“Light, in the years I've been L, I've accumulated more wealth than I could spend in a lifetime. Paying for Mitsuko’s treatment will hardly put a dent in it. I’ll also have her moved to the new headquarters for her treatment. I doubt she’d want to stay in hospital for the forcible future”

“Ryuzaki...” Light whispered, falling even harder for the detective at that moment “Wait, what new headquarters?”


It turned out Ryuzaki had anticipated the Kira case dragging on for longer than anyone anticipated, so he had a secret facility built within the city where the Task Force could work and, if need be, live while investigating. A massive skyscraper with enough private rooms to house sixty additional members. A few days after getting Mitsuko’s diagnosis, the tower was finished and ready to be put to work. The tower already had a medical wing in the basement but Ryuzaki chose to have one of the upper floors converted for Mitsuko’s comfort. A team to specialised oncologists, therapists, and nurses, handpicked by Watari, were on 24/7 call to tend to Mitsuko. Ryuzaki had spared no expense and it blew Light away when he learnt how far the detective had gone to help Light’s friend.

Light and Mitsuko arrived at the tower through the underground entrance by car. Misa and Mikami had already been transferred inside so it was a rare moment Light could be alone without Ryuzaki cuffed to him at all times. He wheeled Mitsuko to the scanner. She was still able to walk but Light was insistent she not over-exert herself so soon after leaving the hospital. The scanner still had a few kinks to be sorted out and Mitsuko’s metal wheelchair wasn’t helping matters.

Eventually, they made it inside and found Matsuda, Aizawa, Mr Yagami, and Ryuzaki at the monitor station. Ide was manning the helm at the NPA until his shift rotation. Aizawa was in his underwear having struggled with the scanner even more so than they had.

“Ah, there you are. Welcome to Headquarters Miss Misora” Ryuzaki greeted standing from his chair

Mitsuko smiled a little “Please, just call me Mitsuko”

“Very well. These are Mr Aizawa and Mr Matsuda. They’ll be aiding us in the investigation. If you wish to offer any insight, please don’t hesitate”

Light looked at him “Really? Two minutes and you're already trying to get her to join the Task Force?”

From his seat, Matsuda joked “Hey, at this rate? We need all the help we can get”

“Well, you guys certainly have a great set-up here. Maybe you could give me some files to look over? I could take a crack at it”

“You are supposed to be resting” Light reminded her

Mitsuko rolled her eyes “Not on death’s door yet. Plus, I’ve already dropped out of school so it's not like I’ve got anything better to do. So, are you going to show me to my room?”

“I’ll come with you. We should put the cuffs back on so Misa and Mikami don’t catch on”

The girl bit back a laugh “Right... This is certainly going to be an interesting stay”

When the three walked off to the elevator, Aizawa shook his head. Mitsuko reminded him so much of his young daughter. A daughter he was missing precious time with for the investigation. Those thoughts hung heavy in his head as he redressed and got to work.


Mitsuko was asleep when her head hit the pillow, the day’s travel taking it out of her. Light and Ryuzaki would have returned to the monitor room when they were stopped by both Misa and Teru, each demanding Light’s attention. Of course, they couldn’t simply confine them to their rooms so they had been given reign of the tower within reason. Apparently, in the last few days, the suspects had come to an agreement. Instead of vying for Light's attention separately which only lead to trouble, they decided to work together to, quote on quote, save Light from L’s evil presence.

That’s how Light found himself having tea and cake with his stalker, an obsessed starlet and the guy he was crushing on. I can feel such a migraine coming on.

“Man” Misa complained “This has got to be the lamest date I've ever been on. Can’t you give us a little privacy, Ryuzaki?”

Light grumbled quietly that it wasn’t a date while Ryuzaki spoke louder “No, please, forget that I’m even here” he said in-between bites of strawberry cake “By the way, are you going to eat that cake?”

“No. Cake makes you fat. I’m not gonna eat any”

“I’d give you mine but I’m saving it for Mitsuko” Light said to Ryuzaki “Sorry. Strawberry shortcake is her favourite”

Misa glanced at Light “Oh yeah. I heard from Matsuda that your friend was sick. What’s wrong with her anyway?” she asked in an almost uncaring tone as if even mentioning Mitsuko was something displeasing.

The teen across from her twitched an eyebrow “She has cancer. And it’s not good” Misa at least had the grace to look uncomfortable.

“I apologise for Miss Armane. Apparently, she never learnt to read the room” Teru spoke “I’m sorry about your friend. I hope she recovers soon”

Light avoided looking him in the eye “Yeah, thanks” he noticed that throughout the conversation, Ryuzaki had stayed uncharacteristically quiet. “What’s wrong? You’ve been sort of out of it since we moved here. What gives?”

“Actually, I’m depressed” Ryuzaki ate more cake before continuing “My case hinged on you being the connection between the two Kiras. However, with these two claiming no memory of any such crime and unable to establish a connection, I just can’t get past the fact that my deduction may have been wrong. Are Misa and Mikami guilty? Without concrete evidence, I can’t declare innocence or guilt so suspicion is all I have”

Teru huffed “You still suspect us? Look, I know following Light was wrong, I understand that and fully admit to it. But don’t you think if either of us was Kira, Light’s father would be dead by now?”

“Yeah. And you said it yourself that Kira can control people’s actions” Misa chimed in “Whose to say Kira wasn’t controlling us during your investigation. For all you know, we could be victims just like Light” she said crossing her arms proudly

Ryuzaki responded “Possible but unlikely. That Kira would choose an up-and-coming model and a prosecuting attorney to be his scapegoats? Laughable” he lifted his head to look at them “Though, by your logic, if Kira was controlling you then it’s quite possible your feelings for Light are nothing more than ideas Kira planted into your minds. A lucid fantasy, if you will”

It happened so fast no one had time to even blink. One moment the room was silent, the next Teru had sucker punched Ryuzaki under the chin sending him flying, the coffee table and everything on it scattered as he fell. Teru had neglected to count for the chain which then sent Light flying right after the detective making both crash to the floor. Misa let out a scared scream, jumping back from the scream only to step on cake that had fallen onto the ground.

“What the hell!?” Light demanded

“You know, that really hurt” said Ryuzaki to Teru

Teru was seething “How dare you insinuate my affection is nothing but a trick! Just because your genius deduction was wrong about us does not give you the right to insult us so grievously!” he yelled passionately “Face it. You wanted us to be Kira so you can get us out of the way. You won’t be satisfied unless we are” by now Teru was towering over him menacingly.

Ryuzaki wiped his mouth with his hand “Perhaps you’re right. Maybe I did want you to be Kira” with that, Ryuzaki spun around and kicked Teru in the face in retribution. “An eye for an eye, my friend” Teru grabbed the chain and yanked hard, causing both Ryuzaki and Light to yet again travel across the room, this time making the couch fall over as they crashed onto it. The fight was escalating and poor Light was just along for the ride.

“Just listen to yourself” Teru mocked “Your ego just won’t let you accept that you were wrong. Not only that but you used this investigation to get Light just where you want him. I may have problems but at least I didn’t chain him to me like some wild animal”

Finally, Misa tried to cut in “Ok. I think we all need to calm down”

“My ego, huh?” Ryuzaki stated ignoring Misa’s words “Well there may be some truth to that. I bet it just drives you insane, doesn’t it? Knowing you’re stuck here by my order. In fact, now that you mention it, you’re right. I do have Light where I want him. Away from you”

That made Teru punch Ryuzaki again only to be stopped in the nick of time by Light grabbing his wrist. “Alright, that’s enough!” he yelled “Stop this before somebody gets hurt”

Shockingly, Teru pushed Light away with such force the teen fell back onto the floor. Teru’s anger was in control and not even Light could convince him to stop. The fight started again, each man going at it punch for punch with Light being flung around like a rag doll whilst trying to stop the fight. It was only the ringing of the room’s telephone that finally stopped the fight once and for all.

“Yes?” Ryuzaki spoke into the receiver

“Ryuzaki, I’ve got good news!” came Matsuda’s excited voice. With Misa returning to her work as a model/actress, Matsuda was given the task to pose as her manager to keep an eye on her under a fake identity. He and the others had watched the fight through the security cameras and decided they had to intervene before someone got hurt. Matsuda rambled about Misa’s newest role and her upcoming film debut to cause a distraction. Ryuzaki hung up on him.

“Matsuda is acting stupid again”

Light rolled his shoulders with discomfort “Well, that is his speciality”

In the monitor room, Matsuda was not amused in the slightest “I can hear you, ya know”

Then, to top it all off, there was a small knock on Misa’s door which gained everyone’s attention. “Can you guys keep it down, please?” Mitsuko asked through the door, sounding exhausted “I don’t know what you’re doing in there but I can hear it two floors up”

“Sorry...” came the collective apology from all of them


It had been two months since the fight and the investigation had essentially ground to a halt. The murders were still happening with no apparent connection to the past killings. The victims were still criminals but they also didn’t fit the criteria of the first or second Kira, leaving Ryuzaki to believe this must be a third Kira. The thought kept him up at night. A lot of things kept him up at night, not just the investigation. Sleep was something he put off until his body gave out, giving him permanent bags under his eyes and a fallow skin tone. Nights at the tower usually consisted of him typing on his laptop while Light slept beside him.

The first few nights had been awkward to say the least but after a while, they got used to the arrangement with little discomfort. Though Light still couldn’t grasp how he could function on such little sleep. That night was no different. It was two in the morning, the tower quiet, and Ryuzaki still typing away. Beside him, Light stirred awake. His eyes were barely open when he looked up. “You’re still working?”

“Yes. I find I work better at night”

Light yawned as he sat up “Do you ever sleep? Like, at all? Cause in the last two months I think I’ve seen you nap maybe twice”

“I simply require less sleep than most” said Ryuzaki turning back to his laptop. Unimpressed, Light reached over, closed the laptop shut and placed it on the bedside table. Without a word, Light pulled Ryuzaki down so they were both lying down Ryuzaki’s back facing Light’s chest. Light threw the quilt over them both and put an arm around Ryuzaki’s waist to keep him there.


Ryuzaki would have shot him an incredulous look if he could “You can’t be –”

Light just shushed him as he drifted back off to sleep. Ryuzaki didn’t know what to do. Did he pull himself free? Wait until Light had hit REM sleep before trying to move? Although, he was comfortable. The pillows were soft, the mattress letting his body sink, the arm around his waist grounding and firm. He felt his eyes grow heavy. Sleep and tiredness began to claw slowly at his overactive brain. Before he knew it, Ryuzaki had also drifted off to sleep easier than he had in months.

It was just past five when Ryuzaki awoke in a slight daze. He hadn’t slept that heavy in literal years. It might have only been three hours but to his mind, it felt like three months. Maybe Watari did have a point about a proper sleep schedule.

Something had woken him up and it took a moment to register what it was. When it did, Ryuzaki’s face turned bright red. Both Light’s arms were wrapped around his waist holding him chest to back. That wasn’t what had woke him up. It was what was in Light’s thin pyjama bottoms pressed against his rear that did it. Slow grinds of Light’s hips with his erection thick and proud. Ryuzaki gulped, for once completely out of his depth. Judging by Light’s breathing, the teen was still asleep meaning he had no control over his sleeping body. Then a hand moved from his waist to his chest where through his white shirt, Light cupped his pec muscle, fingers brushing against his nipple. Ryuzaki stifled a gasp at the sudden touch.

Light’s movements began to quicken slightly, his grip around the other’s waist kept tight. Then, to add to the situation, Light began to sleep talk. Whispers and mumbles incomprehensible. A shuddered breath here and there. Then Light groaned in his ear, deep and rough that sent shivers down his back. The teen’s leg hooking over his own essentially trapping Ryuzaki with no way out.

Shit, I’m getting hard. This isn’t good.

Light’s hips went faster, more desperate. Chasing that high that only completion could give him. “Yes... Yes... Ryu-” Then, with a high-pitched whine and a full body shudder, Light reached his orgasm. Ryuzaki felt the heat and wetness at his backside. Only then did Light rose from his slumber, groggy and half high on endorphins.

A long moment passed before the teen realised what he had done and that Ryuzaki was wide awake. Their eyes met seconds before jumping apart as far as the chain would let them. Light was utterly horrified while Ryuzaki hoped his trousers were baggy enough to hide his interest.

“I’m so sorry –”

“No, I didn’t –”

They fell silent, faces ablaze and stood on either side of the bed. For once, both geniuses were mute.


The task force noticed the awkwardness the next day when the two young men sat as far away from each other as the handcuffs would allow. In fact there was room enough between them for Mitsuko to sit comfortably, which she did. It was one of her good days of her treatment so she was down in the monitor room to offer help.

“What’s up with them? Do you think something’s happened?” Matsuda questioned quietly

Aizawa shrugged “No idea. Those two have been like that all day”

“Maybe they had a fight or something?” offered Mogi

“I don’t think so. I asked Mitsuko and she said she didn’t know either” continued Matsuda

The elder Yagami chose not to involve himself. Of course, he was concerned for Light as any good parent would be, but by the look on his son’s face, he figured it best not to get involved. Whatever happened between him and Ryuzaki, it was certainly none of his business.

Mitsuko on the other hand wasn’t one to leave things alone. Especially when it involved his best friend. “So... What happened?” she asked simply. On cue, the two men flinched.

“Nothing,” they said at the same time, averting their heads.

Ok. Definitely something up between them. Certainly nothing they’ll work out by themselves anytime soon. Sorry Light, you’ll thank me in the long run. Mitsuko suddenly spun her chair around, stood up, and began walking briskly. The chain had been behind her so when she started walking, her weight pulled them both along with her.

“What the – Mitsuko?”

Mitsuko said nothing as she continued to pull them out of the monitor room. Of course, Mitsuko knew they wouldn’t try to stop her? After all. There were perks to having a terminal illness. No one was willing to get in your way. When she found where she was looking for, she stopped. Then, she calmly but firmly shoved them into an empty office meeting room.

“You can come out when you’ve sorted out what’s up between the two of you”

“What? Wait, you can’t –”

Mitsuko shut the door behind her “Be back later!” she called from the other side of the door. Light struggled to find his words now he was alone with Ryuzaki. The incident from last night front and centre in his mind.

“Well,” Ryuzaki stated “I suppose we should talk about what happened”

Light groaned pitifully “Just tell me there aren’t any cameras in this room?” Ryuzaki shook his head and Light sighed “I guess we should... talk” Mitsuko, I swear. I’m going to kill you for this! “So... Yeah, about last night... I – I’m really sorry about what I did” he said blushing with embarrassment

Ryuzaki looked at him curiously “Don’t apologise. You were asleep. It wasn’t like you did it on purpose. Honestly, I am curious though”

“Curious?” Light repeated

“Curious of who you were dreaming of”

The teen choked on his own tongue at the question, feeling his ears and cheeks grow hot yet again “I – I...”

Ryuzaki was now mere inches away from his face, wide dark eyes staring into him. “I’m very curious. You seemed to be having quite the enjoyable dream” Ryuzaki said in a deep, smooth voice “Who were you dreaming of?”

Light shivered, swallowing the lump in his throat. The tension between them was palpable. He couldn’t believe this was happening. This was like something out of the rare adult film he’d watch late at night. Still, he dared not let the opportunity pass by. Gathering what courage he had, Light uttered a single word that changed everything. “You” Ryuzaki surged forward, capturing Light’s lips with his own in a desperate kiss. Light whimpered as he kissed back. His dreams having nothing on the sweetness of reality. They became lost in the moment. Arms wrapped around each other till there wasn’t an inch of space between them. After what felt like forever, Ryuzaki pulled back panting.

“Last night. You drove me crazy” the older whispered “Been thinking about it all day”

Light smiled devilishly “Oh yeah? I’ve been thinking about this for months. Since the day you called me your friend” they kissed again, more passionate than before. Light felt himself go dizzy with want and he could tell Ryuzaki was no better. I take it back. I’m buying her the biggest bunch of flowers for this.

As if he had summoned her, Mitsuko threw the door open with her nose buried in a Manila file “Ok, change of plan” Mitsuko announced into the office “I was just looking through the victim records and I think I may have found a connection between – Oh!” she gasped, just now noticing what she had walked in on “Apologies. Carry on” she then backed out of the room and walked away, laughing as she did so. A red-faced Light just sighed into Ryuzaki’s shoulder.

“Just kill me now”

Ryuzaki shrugged “Could have been worse. Imagine if it had been your father”

He’d rather not, thank you very much.


Thankfully, Mitsuko did not tell anyone what she had seen. Not that she would. She valued Light’s friendship too much to do that. That didn’t mean she couldn’t laugh at his expense. So that’s what was up with them. And here I thought my stay here was going to be boring. She was still chuckling to herself when Light and Ryuzaki returned. She glanced up at them with a pleased grin “You’re welcome, by the way”

Light rolled his eyes “Yeah, yeah. So what was it you found?”

On the screen, Mitsuko had created a spreadsheet of the most recent victims. Information on their age, health, occupation and families were included. In doing so Mitsuko had come across a startling revelation. “I got to thinking that maybe this Kira wasn’t just targeting criminals. All the recent victims were prominent Japanese businessmen. CEOs whose companies are leaders in their respective industries. In the last month they all died of heart attacks” he brought up a graph he created showing the effects the deaths had on their companies' profit “As you can see there’s been a downturn in the market all except Yotsuba. In other words, their deaths have worked in Yotsuba's favour. I looked back and found thirteen similar deaths in the last three months. Based on this I can only conclude that Kira is supporting Yotsuba” she smiled at them

Ryuzaki couldn’t help but be impressed “Well done Mitsuko”

“Of course. Kira is just using the criminals as a cover-up for his real targets” Light said wide-eyed “Great work, Mitsuko”

Sadly, the upbeat mood only lasted so long. It wasn’t long afterwards that the NPA contacted them and said that they were halting the Kira investigation permanently. They deemed the threat too dangerous to continue on and threatened to fire the task force should they decide to continue on. Aizawa had already been on the fence about leaving for many reasons, the main that he was missing his daughter growing up. Now with the threat of not being able to provide for his family, the decision seemed made for him. When he learnt that Ryuzaki had money put aside for such events but didn’t tell them, it solidified his decision to leave.

Aizawa leaving left a hole in the task force but they knew they couldn’t stop to mourn his absence. A few days after, Ryuzaki had two new members join the task force. A blonde haired beauty named Weddy and a handsome brunette named Iber. Professional criminals as Ryuzaki put it.

Light frowned in confusion when he met Iber “Do I... Know you?”

Iber chuckled “Probably. During the early days of the investigation, L assigned Weddy and me to keep an eye on you. How were those magazines, by the way?” he laughed at Light’s embarrassment

“Magazines?” Mitsuko voiced coyly, knowing exactly what they meant. Light just pressed the palm of his hand to his eyes with a sigh.

To be continued...

Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty - Matsuda, you idiot


No summery needed x


Sorry, this took so bloody long! As you know I had a bad flare-up of Uveitis in my left eye. Thankfully that's pretty much recovered but I needed to basically give my eyes a break for a while which meant no writing :(

But I'm back baby!! Updates will be more regular from now on I promise xx

Chapter Text

The buzz of the electric razor filled the bathroom. Not a word was said as coffee brown hair fell to the floor in clumps. Mitsuko stared silently at her reflection in the mirror. thinner and paler than she’d ever been. A soft hoodie and sweats appear to hang off her. Chemotherapy had been rough on her the last few days and now her hair was starting to fall out. Wanting to have some form of control, she took the initiative and shaved it all off before the treatment did it for her. Sighing to herself, she picked up the beanie hat off the counter and pulled it over her now shaven head. A single tear fell down her hollow cheek.


Meanwhile, Matsuda was very annoyed at his current predicament. Playing manager to Misa Armane was both tiring and a nuisance. Surely, he had better things to do for the investigation than babysit Misa. It also didn’t help that outside of the personality she portrayed for the camera, Matsuda really did not like Misa. Maybe it was because of what Light had gone through but he just couldn’t find it in him to like her. He was cordial and polite but that’s as far as his kindness went.

He let out a tired sigh. The shoot was literally right next door to the Yotsuba building yet here Matsuda was, standing on the sidelines doing nothing productive. He wanted to prove himself. Prove that he was more than what the others thought of him. He looked back at the building; his decision was made. Not giving himself time to change his mind, Matsuda threw away his coffee and hurried toward the building. He could only hope he’d make it out alive.

It was surprisingly easy to sneak into the building. He’s timed it so his entry coincided with the majority of the office workers leaving for the night. If anyone were to look at the security cameras, they’d assume it was another faceless worker returning to the office. The building had hundreds of workers so Matsuda doubted anyone would take a second glance at him. He easily passed by the security desk thanks to the guard being engrossed with the TV he was watching. He did take precautions and avoided any security cameras he saw. He wasn’t that much of an idiot despite what people thought.


Back at Headquarters, things were quiet. Investigating the Yotsuba group was taking longer than expected given the company's large workforce and several international branches. Light and Ryuzaki were working at their desks while the others sorted through the never ending piles of employee files and statements gathered by Iber and Weddy. Surprisingly, Mikami pitched in to help sort through the enormous pile, stating his previous office work may help find some key information. The task force were hesitant of course but relented due to his seemingly earnest interest in helping. He was, however, not allowed to be near Light under any circumstances.

As for Light and Ryuzaki? Well, no one but Mitsuko was aware of their budding relationship and she had sworn herself to secrecy. After what happened in the office room behind closed doors, they had talked well into the night about what the other wanted and what boundaries they needed. Even though Light’s dreams had been quite erotic he was, in truth, nowhere near ready for that. Ryuzaki understood and truthfully felt the same way. The relationship was so new that they wanted to take their time so not to ruin it. That didn’t mean kissing was off the table though. Out of sight, the two young men were almost constantly kissing like lovesick teenagers which, to be fair, Light was a lovesick teenager.

Though Light did feel guilty in a sense. It felt wrong to be so happy while his best friend was only getting sicker. Mitsuko had playfully slapped his arm telling him not to feel guilty and to enjoy what he had. She always did know what to say to make him feel better.

While Ryuzaki typed away, Light sat with his head resting on his hand deep in thought. His train of thought slowly going back to before all this happened. Back before he had been whisked away into protective custody.

I don’t get it. I went up against Kira to save Raye Pember? I mean, I’m grateful he helped save Sayu but to trick Kira to such magnitude? That’s suicide. I’d have to be crazy to have done that. There must be more to it than simple gratitude. I must have had a reason for all of this, but my memory is so fuzzy over that period. Hell, even Mitsuko couldn’t remember much either. Come on, Light. Think! First Raye, then the Sakura TV station. What were my motives for going up against Kira twice? And I somehow knew there were two Kiras before anyone else? None of this makes any sense to me.

“Are you alright?” Ryuzaki questioned “You’ve been staring for the last two and a half minutes”

Light shook his head out of his stupor “I’m fine. Just thinking”

“Ah. It’s because I’m the only one with cake, right? Here. Have some” Ryuzaki said holding out the serving of cake.

“No thank you. You know I don’t like sweet stuff all that much”

Turning back to his monitor and with a mouthful of cake, Ryuzaki muttered quietly “You didn’t seem to mind last night” Light’s ears tinged pink and his voice caught in his throat. Before Ryuzaki could tease him further, Mitsuko appeared. She silently took a seat next to Ryuzaki and flipped open a file on the Yotsuba group. Both men stared at her new appearance. “Mitsuko... You...”

“It was starting to fall out. Might as well get rid of it myself while I still could” she said not looking up “Any updates I’ve missed?” when neither answered, she sighed “Don’t be like that. I was gonna lose it all eventually”

Light composed himself “Right. Sorry. We just weren’t expecting it so soon”

Across the room, the elder Yagami sighed sadly. Sayu is going to be heartbroken to hear about this.


Meanwhile Matsuda had made it deep within the Yotsuba building. He had caught the tail end of a conversation between two men still in the building. One of who was complaining about the after hour meetings every Friday. That sparked a memory of something Light’s father spoke of a few days ago. The killings connected to the Yotsuba group were most active on the weekends. It was a long shot but Matsuda was willing to bet his career on it. So he waited till he saw what floor they got off of using the elevator and then made his way up the staircase towards the nineteenth floor.


“Ryuzaki” Watari’s voice announced through the speaker of the computer “Detective Heroldo Coil has received a private request to investigate and reveal the identity of L. He was requested by the head of Rights and Planning department of the Yotsuba group headquarters in Tokyo”

Light breathed out heavily “If they’re hiring someone to investigate L then they must want to kill him. This is just what we need. We’re short-handed enough as it is”

“Coil won’t be an issue” Ryuzaki suddenly announced “Because Heroldo Coil is me. I have three separate Detective identities that allow me to work on as many cases as I please. All three of the greatest detectives are in fact myself. I also find that people who wish to track down L usually fall for this”

Mitsuko glanced over to Light, amusement in her eyes “Ha! Told you. Pay up” Light groaned, fishing out a few thousand yen notes from his pocket and handing them over to her as payment. “Told you someone like Ryuzaki would have more than one identity”

“Seriously, Mitsuko. Your intuition frightens the hell out of me sometimes”

Ryuzaki called Iber and Weddy over to explain the situation and what they needed to do. Weddy would easily be able to fulfill the request of placing cameras within the building. They hit a snag when Iber explained that he would be unable to pose as Heroldo Coil due to having some history with the Yotsuba member that was trying to hire Coil. “I may have had a bit too much fun with his wife some time ago. He’s definitely going to remember me for that”

“That’s not good enough. How are we supposed to get within Yotsuba without an inside man?” Ryuzaki said coldly.

Light looked back to the table across the room where Mikami was still sorting through the papers. An idea formed in his head “Why don’t we have Mikami pose as Coil?” Mikami’s head shot up at the suggestion. “Think about it,” Light continued “With his background as a prosecutor it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume he could also be a detective. Add his connections to the police the Yotsuba group would probably fall for it”

“That’s... Not actually a bad idea” hummed Ryuzaki “Theoretically it could work. That is if Mr Mikami is up to the challenge”

“I’ll do it” Teru agreed without question “I don’t particularly care much for companies that deal in murder”

Back inside the Yotsuba building, things had been going so well for Matsuda until they hadn’t which was really his life story. He’d made it to the nineteenth floor and had managed to track down the meeting room. With his ear placed against the doors, he overheard from inside the room murmurs of rather Deming conversation. He was ecstatic when he heard someone speak about killing. It proved that Yotsuba was involved in something dark, most likely the new wave of Kira deaths. If he could only hear more, he’d make a critical character witness in the future trial. That’s when Matsuda’s luck ran out. The door opened up and he tumbled in much to the shock of the gathered Yotsuba executives. “Uh oh...”

At Headquarters, Watari interrupted the gathered group with a troubling update. “Ryuzaki. We’ve just received an emergency alert from Matsuda. His location is from inside the Yotsuba building”

A beat of silence followed then Ryuzaki sighed “Actually, forget about what I just said. Matsuda you idiot”

Huh. I’m getting the weirdest sense of deja vu right now. Light thought to himself frowning.

“Please forgive the interruption!” thinking on his feet, Matsuda pulled out his fake I.D and a picture of Misa from his pocket “I’m Taoru Matsui, an agent with Yoshira Productions. I just popped by to ask if your company would be interested in hiring our top multi-talented actress Misa Armane as your new spokesperson”

Despite trying to act as innocent as a sunbeam, Matsuda was still under suspicion. Two of the men brought him to an office room where his pockets were emptied and items examined. “Well, he’s got nothing suspicious on him so he isn’t a corporate spy”

Matsuda faked a laugh “Who, me? I’m just a humble agent trying his best for his client. So please, take Misa Misa under consideration” His heart was pounding in his chest as the two men stared him down. Only his phone ringing on the table broke the tension. He was ordered to answer it but to put it on speaker phone so they could hear. Nodding, Matsuda did as instructed. “Hello?”

A familiar female voice answered “Hey sweetie. How are things going at work? Is Misa still driving you crazy?”

Wait, that’s Mitsuko’s voice! Headquarters must have gotten the signal. “Oh, hey honey. Yep. Still driving me crazy. I might be home late tonight”

“What, again?” Mitsuko said in a put-upon voice “Don't tell me she got you in trouble like last time”

In trouble! “Oh, she did. Big trouble with the producer. You know how she is. Great girl but kind of a diva”

“Well, I’ll save some dinner for you. I made your favorite so try not to be too late, ok? Love ya sweetie” Mitsuko then hung up

One of the men smirked “Got a lady waiting at home, huh?” he glanced at the photo on the table between them. “She must be a beauty if you haven’t shot your shot with this babe”

“Oh, yeah. She’s really pretty. Going on about three years now. Anyway, how would you feel about contracting Misa Misa? Ignoring what I said to my wife, she’d be perfect for your company. She’s currently filming nearby for a movie but once she’d done, I can have her be here so you can meet her for yourself” I have to keep them busy. No doubt the others are deciding how they’re going to get rid of me. What have I gotten myself into?


Light sighed “Her phone is still on silent. I’ve left a voicemail for her to call back”

“What should we do, Ryuzaki?” asked Light’s father

“We should continue watching for the time being. If we show our hand too quickly to the Yotsuba groups, Matsuda is good as dead regardless of what we do” responded the detective “Hopefully he’s competent enough to stay alive. Good idea to use Mitsuko as Matsuda’s partner, by the way” he said to Light


The discussion on what to do with Matsuda or Matsui as they knew him was unanimous. No matter how small the chance he heard anything, he was going to die. Outside the meeting room, the two men seemed to start to buy into the idea of making Misa their spokesperson which greatly relaxed Matsuda. He may just make it out of this yet.

At the filming location, Misa was delighted to discover Light had rung her. “Oh, he does care! Hm, take that Teru. One point for me” she happily called him back “Light! I’m so glad you called. I’ll be finished soon, ok?”

“Misa, have you heard from Matsuda?”

“Him? That jerk, he just up and left ages ago. Oh, hang on... Oh! Matsuda’s calling me on my work phone”

“Great. Hold up both phones so we can hear the conversation. It’s important”

Misa grinned “You got it, Light darling!” the task force listened in. They learned Matsuda might have succeeded in gaining Yotsuba’s trust and gotten Misa the acting gig. She over overjoyed with the news and promised to be at the office building as soon as she could. When the two calls ended, Ryuzaki spoke to Light.

“Light, there’s a chance we may be able to save Matsuda but not without Misa’s help. She’ll listen to you and do whatever you say. I know you don’t want to manipulate her but we don’t have much choice right now. Also, Weddy. I’ll need you to see to Mitsuko’s attire for tonight”

That caught the younger girl’s attention “Huh?”


“Evening! I’m Misa Misa. My only rule is I don’t do nudes but swimsuits and lingerie are ok. It’s very nice to meet you” Misa greeted them wearing a rose pink outfit that left little to the imagination. Clearly worn to get their attention. “By the way, Matsu. Since Yotsuba is a big catch, I got the ok from the office to get a special reception” she winked playfully.

Before they knew it, the men of Yotsuba were escorted to a hotel room filled with six beautiful models, Misa included. All dressed similarly in different shades. On the tables sat plenty of drink and food for them to enjoy. “Tonight, I’ll be hosting you as our special guests along with girls from the agency” Safe to say, it didn’t take long for the men to start enjoying themselves, unaware that the room and adjacent rooms were bugged with cameras and microphones. It didn’t matter that some of these men had wives or families waiting for them at home. Their cares went out the window as soon as the drinks started flowing. As soon as he had the chance, Matsuda fled to the bathroom where he could call Ryuzaki without getting caught. “Ryuzaki, are you watching this? I’m really sorry that I –”

“That’s not important right now”

“Ok, but listen. We were right. I overheard them having a meeting discussing who they should kill next” he said quickly “I’m pretty sure they know I know. Do you think there’s any way I can save myself?”

Ryuzaki spoke “Well, you’re still alive so that’s something. However, the only way for you to get out of this is to die before they kill you” Matsuda choked in shock “Now listen to me carefully. We have a plan...” Ryuzaki then went on to describe the chain of events that would occur once he left the bathroom. Matsuda listened wide-eyed. As much as he thought the plan was insane, he really didn’t have much choice.

Waiting the appointed amount of time, Matsuda re-entered the living room where all eight men still resided. At exactly 10:45 pm, thirty minutes after he made the phone call, there was a frantic pounding on the hotel door.

A female voice yelled furiously “Open up! I know he’s in there you bitch!” those inside went quiet. Then the door flew open startling everyone. There in the threshold stood a tearful and sickly Mitsuko. Weddy had made her look especially sick with the help of make-up and different clothing. “I knew it. I knew you and Misa were together. How could you!?”

Matsuda stuttered “W-wait. Honey, it’s not what you think”

“I can’t believe you! I gave you everything! I tried so hard to keep you happy and you screwed the first blonde bitch that catches your eye! I am dying and you’re out drinking with models and – and – whoever the hell these guys are!” There was a glint in her eye before she lunged at him. Everyone else darted out of the way as Mitsuko pushed Matsuda out of the hotel room and onto the balcony. All according to plan but to those out of the loop, it was a scene of a heartbroken woman taking out her frustrations on her wayward partner.

“Wait! Miko, you can’t do this!” Misa cried acting upset

“Shut up!” Mitsuko wailed “Asahi told me where to find you two. You were my best friend. How could you do this to me? Admit it! You two were just waiting for me to die, weren’t you? I found the life insurance papers. Five million yen after I’m dead. I bet you just couldn’t wait, could you Taoru?!” she shoved him against the railing which he barely managed not to topple over. Matsuda had to admit, she was one hell of an actress.

He started pleading “Miko, please! Forgive me, I can change. I swear!”

“Oh you’ll change alright” she muttered “Change just like you promised you would last time!” With that, she gave him a hard shove that sent him over the edge. The fall might have been staged but his scream of terror wasn’t. What the Yotsuba men didn’t see was Matsuda being caught a few floors down and a sandbag being thrown onto the road from a high. All they heard was the noise of a body hitting the ground hard. “Oh... Oh dear god, what have I done?” Mitsuko whispered

One of the men ran to check only to see a body lying on the ground. It was of course Iber in a black wig pretending to be a dead Matsuda. Seeing this, the Yotsuba men decided now was the right time was leave. Or rather, run like their shirt tails were on fire since they had just witnessed a crime of passion. Misa promised to sort everything out and told them not to forget about her for their next ad campaign. None of them dared even look back at Mitsuko who was still stood on the balcony. When back on the street, they watched as ‘Matsui’ was taken away in an ambulance covered in a white sheet. By the looks of it, their problem solved itself thanks to his own actions.

“Well I can certainly say I wasn’t expecting that” Higuchi, one of the Yotsuba men said “This is why I never married”

In the ambulance, Iber sat up taking off the wig while Light and Ryuzaki posed as ambulance workers “I really hope Mitsuko didn’t overdo it tonight. The last thing she needs is to get sick from stress” Light worried aloud “Urgh, Matsuda, you idiot”

“My sentiments exactly” Ryuzaki added

To be continued...

Chapter 22: Chapter Twenty One _ Inside the meeting room


The task force finally catch a break with cameras inside the Yotsuba building.


Bit shorter than usual but I hope you enjoy none the less xx

Chapter Text

The newspaper obituaries stated that Misa’s manager had died due to a drunken fall. The man reading the paper figured the police weren’t going to charge a dying woman for a crime of passion. Since she was so preoccupied with her wayward husband, this Miko woman wouldn’t be much of a problem. She was dying anyway so why bother speeding up the process? He had to admit, the thought of that bumbling fool Matsui having an affair with Misa was quite amusing. He had to give credit where it was due.

A phone call interrupted his train of thought. The blocked number made I’m wary but he answered anyway. Much to his surprise, it was the detective he had arranged to hire in order to track down L. The only true obstacle that stood between them and everything they ever wanted. However, his attitude changed once he heard the price Coil was charging. Eight million US dollars in total and that was only for the attempt at tracking down L. There was no guarantee that Coil would even succeed. Troubled with the price, he set a meeting with the other members to discuss what to do next.

Higuchi, the self-proclaimed leader of their little killing group, completely ignored his concerns and stated that they would need to deal with Matsui’s wife before anything else. “I’m telling you, she has to be dealt with. Who knows how long she was standing outside that door. We were all drinking so we could have said anything during that time”

The bald headed member spoke up “If that’s the case then we’d also need to kill all the models that were in that room with us. I’m telling you, you’re worrying over nothing” he turned back to the others “At any rate, Coil also wants a two million advance in hush money. Which indicates he already knows a great deal”

Suddenly, one of the younger members spoke up. He’d been on the fence about using Kira to advance his career from the get go but with everything that had happened over the last few days made him panic. “I’m done. I want out of these meetings. I don’t know who Kira is nor do I care. I don’t want to end up in jail!” those words would be his downfall even after he desperately tried to backtrack. The men had no need for a member so easily shaken. It was decided that Coil would be contracted and, without him knowing, the objector’s fate was sealed.


Atop the Yotsuba building stood Weddy and she was greatly annoyed “L, are you listening? I’m so disappointed. I thought you said this would be a challenge. Security level here is a joke. They’ve left it all to a single contractor. There weren’t even any wiretap detectors”

“Those things exist?” asked Mitsuko through a mouthful of sweet popcorn she and Ryuzaki were sharing “No wonder Matsuda was able to sneak in like that”

Oblivious to the comment, Matsuda said “It's been about a week since I first snuck into the place. It looks like things have been moving pretty smoothly since then, huh?”

“We’ve almost got them” Light announced with a sense of relief. It wouldn’t be much longer and the Kira case would, at last, be over.

“So one of these people,” Ryuzaki paused to shovel in a handful of popcorn into his mouth “Is Kira” he said looking up to the screen that showed the feed inside the secret meeting room.

Light’s father frowned “But if there’s supposed to be eight, why are there only seven?”

“I think we all can guess what happened to him” Ryuzaki said gravely. Hearing that, Mitsuko put down her popcorn, what little appetite she had gone with the news. Up on the screen, the gathered task force watched as one of the Yotsuba men brazenly asked his fellow colleagues who they should kill next. No one could believe what they were seeing.

“See! It's just like I told you!” exclaimed Matsuda

“Good god” Mitsuko whispered

They continued to listen as the Yotsuba men discussed how the death of their colleague was necessary for their cause. As if his death meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. Then, mere moments later, they moved on to the report Coil sent them. This chilled the Task Force.

“One of their members just died and that’s all they're going to say?” Yagami asked aloud

The meeting continued on with Higuchi complaining that Coil had sent them nothing of substance given the fact they had paid him five million dollars. One member spoke up, stating that Coil warned them in the information that L find a link between Yotsuba and the recent Kira killings if they kept their scheduled weekend meetings. Troubled, one suggested they change the timing of the killings so they would be less obvious.

“This is insane. It’s like they’re trying to confess” Light muttered with a shake of his head “I mean, with this evidence alone we could get all seven of them arrested but –”

“We’d still be unaware of how Kira kills or which one of them is Kira” Ryuzaki finished the sentence “This is not good”

The Yotsuba men moved on to the main topic of discussion. Who they would kill next to expand their reach. It was collectively decided they’d kill members of the EDF Insurance company in order to starve off their branching into Japan. With a call of no objections, it was decided those unlucky souls would die of accidental deaths. They then decided that one businessman who had been protesting Yotsuba’s development plan on land near his property would die of complications due to a stroke.

“Kira. Deaths by accidents and disease. Designated times of death. We were right, it’s exactly like we suspected” said Light angrily. He was furious that these men were killing simply for their own greed. At the very least, Kira in his own twisted way wanted to rid the world of evil. These seven men? All they wanted was to line their own pockets, ignoring the blood on their hands. Light had never been so disgusted with humanity in his life. What really made him seethe was this would not be enough to end the case.

They were still unaware of how Kira committed the murders. The fact he could kill without even being there, without ever having needed to meet the victim, without the method of killing, the case was far from over. And Light knew Ryuzaki had come to the same conclusion.

“Alright. Next on the list is Senzi Corporation” said Higuchi. Mitsuko choked on her water, spluttering and coughing with wide frightened eyes.

“What!?” she finally managed to gasp “That’s – that’s the company my dad works for!” a resounding gasp came from the others.

Higuchi continued “We know several executives are planning for an expansion into the European market this spring. One of whom is scheduled to fly out to Paris in order to smooth out the contracts. A Takashi Misora if I’m correct” Mitsuko went paler than Ryuzaki hearing her father’s name. “I suggest we have him and his wife die in a car accident on the way to the airport. Any objections?”

“No objections”

“Oh my god... Oh my god!” Mitsuko cried trembling like a leaf “They’re – they’re going to kill my parents!”

Light cut in “No. No they aren’t. We’re not going to let anything happen to them” somehow, Light knew just what to do. An idea formed in his head, crystal clear of what his next move should be. Without saying a word, Light reached for the phone next to Ryuzaki which was unable to be traced or tapped. Muscle memory made him dial the number of one least likely to be Kira. He had to stop them before Mitsuko lost any more family.

Inside the meeting room, the Yotsuba member with long black hair and fine features answered his phone “Yes?”

“Listen carefully but don’t draw attention to yourself. I am L” Light announced in a computerized sounding voice masking his real one. The man tensed up his mind going a mile a minute. “I’ve placed cameras and wiretaps throughout that meeting room. Even as we speak I’m recording your entire meeting. The first thing you discussed was your colleague Hattori’s death. Then you discussed the information Coil sent you. Do I need to convince you further?”

He’s been watching everything.

“No need. Please, continue” he played alone, somehow managing to keep his composure

“Listen to me. If you are not Kira and have no knowledge of who Kira is, let’s make a deal” A deal? “I need you to delay the deaths of Takashi Misora and his wife indefinitely. They are not to be harmed under any circumstances. Is that understood?”

He nodded “I see. Any cause as to why?”

A beat of silence passed “Because I know their eldest daughter was a victim of Kira. If they die too, it’s undeniable proof of the connection between Kira and their deaths” Their daughter? Wait, I remember now. Naomi Misora. Her suicide was in the paper nearly a year ago. She was an FBI agent and must have gotten too close to Kira. He’s right. If they die, L would have all the proof he needs. “I’m sure someone of your caliber can accomplish that”

“Yes, yes I see. Go on”

“If you keep up your end of the deal, your crimes, no, all of your crimes bar the actual Kira will be pardoned on the grounds that Kira blackmailed you into compliance. If you tell the others of this call they will panic. It would be of no advantage to you. You’d all be arrested immediately but that’s not my intention. I’m planning on going one on one against Kira. Just play along with both parties and you may just survive this so long as you stay on the sidelines. Are we in agreement?”

I don’t have much choice. “Alright. I’ll see you Monday then” he hung up with a faked sign “One of my men screwed up again. I’ll have to fix it on Monday” he then gathered their attention “At any rate, back to business. About the Misoras. I’ve been thinking and I don’t think killing them will be wise. As you recall, their eldest daughter is a suspected victim of Kira due to her work as an FBI agent. If we were to kill them off as well, it may come back to bite us when L no doubt makes the connection. I suggest we call off the deaths for the time being and give Coil a chance to fulfill his end of the bargain before we make any drastic decisions”

“I suppose you’re right. Until we discover and eliminate L then it’s best we play things safe” one of his colleagues nodded “Very well, any objections to not killing Misora and his wife?”

“No objections”


“Thank you” Mitsuko sobbed into his shoulder “Thank you, thank you, thank you! You did it, you saved my parents. I just – thank you so much!”

“You really are incredible, Light. Not only did you manage to stop the killings but you’ve gained us a potential mole within Yotsuba. I expected no less”

Mitsuko laughed wetly “I don’t know why I’m so surprised. Light and I only met because he saved me from being attacked on my way home from cram school. Punched the guy and everything”

“He what now?” Yagami questioned with a stern look

“That’s amazing Light!” Matsuda congratulated “Saving Mitsuko’s parents, stopping the broadcast at Sakura TV, protecting Raye Pember at the train station. You’re like a real-life superhero!”

Mitsuko whipped her head to look at Light “That was you!?” she then gasped and whacked him on the arm “Found it dumped in the trash, my ass. That’s how you got Raye’s briefcase!”

Light chuckled awkwardly “Well... yeah”

She shook her head fondly “No wonder you almost had a bloody heart attack. Your stress levels must have been through the roof back then”


Not long after, Mitsuko headed up to bed emotionally drained and physically exhausted. She wasn’t the only one. Bar Light and Ryuzaki, everyone else had either gone home or turned in for the night. Ryuzaki was back at it typing away while Light quietly dozed on the chair next to him. “I wasn’t kidding, you know”

“Hm?” Light voiced coming around “About what”

“That you were incredible. You went above and beyond to help your friend and not only succeeded but excelled at it. I can think of no better replacement for me should I die during this case”

Light rolled his eyes “Ryuzaki, don’t be ridiculous. Remember, if you die then I’m dying too” he said gesturing to the chain connecting their wrists.

“I would never allow that to happen” Ryuzaki spoke softly, startling Light. The detective paused his typing to speak “You must know this Light. What has transpired between us, I am unaccustomed to these emotions. All I know is that over this investigation, you have become... Dear to me. If anything were to happen to you because of me... Well. I’m sure you can figure that out”

Light was astounded, touched, and utterly besotted all at once. Tears began forming in the corners of his eyes from the sheer strength of emotions he was feeling. “Ryuzaki...” he whispered in awe. Before he knew it, he was kissing the detective right then and there. Ryuzaki froze for a split second out if surprise before melting into the kiss.

Eventually, they had to part if only to breathe once more. If they had parted moments sooner, they would have spotted Teru Mikami walking away with a face like a storm cloud after seeing the person he loved kiss someone else. After his unseen escape, Teru returned to his designated room enraged beyond measure. He had been right all along. Ryuzaki was taking advantage of his sweetheart and now Light had been manipulated into returning those feelings.

He took a long, harsh breath to control his anger. Lashing out would do nothing but play into Ryuzaki’s hands. No, Teru needed to be smart about this. He needed to prove to Light that he was a much better option than the detective. However, his earlier arrest and Light’s father outright distrusting him, he was at a disadvantage. Although... Teru thought with a growing smirk. Ryuzaki isn’t the only one who can call upon others. Teru pulled out his phone and dialed.

“Hello?” a sleepy Misa answered

“Misa, we have a situation. I believe you will want to hear this”

To be continued...

Chapter 23: Chapter twenty two - Rem returns


Rem makes their presence known and Light must come to terms with a harsh reality.


Trigger warning of discussions of terminal illness, treatment, and death. If not your thing, stop here and i will see you next time xx

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Higuchi grumbled as he wrote down the names of criminals. Doing so was tiresome but it was necessary in order to evade suspicion. If only those in connection to Yotsuba’s rivals died, it wouldn’t take long for L and the public to make that connection. However that night he did so with a smile on his face. Coil had sent information claiming that Misa Armane not only potentially knew L but was also a worshiper of Kira. Of course that sparked his interest in her. Given the information gathered, he knew Misa was at one point the second Kira and that L must have captured her at some point. “The only way she could have gotten out of that was forfeiting the Death Note and losing all memory of what she did” he spoke to himself, the Shinigami Rem standing behind him silently. “And the first thing she does after regaining her freedom is to sleep with her dying best friend’s husband. Even for Kira, that’s heartless”

Higuchi had tried to research for any updates of Matsui’s wife but other than the obituary he found no trace of her. It was as though she vanished after that night. “Probably dead by now considering how ill she looked. I suppose asking Misa wouldn’t hurt. I can’t let any loose ends stay loose. She may be dying but if that girl has any clue of what I’m doing... I’ll have to kill her too”

Rem silently seethed. What a disgusting human.

Higuchi left the room instructing Rem to hide the notebook in the usual place. Once alone, Rem tore out a small scrap of paper from the notebook. For now, this is the best I can do. For Misa’s sake.


“... He what?” Misa repeated darkly, voice dripping in venom

“Yes. That bastard has manipulated Light to his side and no doubt into his bed. I fear things may soon progress out of our hands unless we do something quickly”

Misa was now wide awake, infuriated just like Teru “But what can we do? As long as he’s chained up to Ryuzaki, we can’t even talk to him. I knew that stupid chain was all a ploy to keep Light all to himself”

“Calm yourself, Misa. I may have an idea on what we can do to separate them”

That made her pause “Oh yeah? What’s that?”

“Light’s father, Chief Yagami. You and I both know how protective he is of Light. I know for a fact he objected to the handcuffs. If he were to discover L was taking advantage of Light while under captivity...” he trailed off, letting Misa fill in the blanks herself

Misa nodded beginning to smile “I get it. Light’s dad would loose his mind if he found out about this. I wonder though. Maybe we could get that Mitsuko girl on our side too” she offered “Think about it. Light would do anything for his best friend. If we convince her that Ryuzaki is a danger to Light, she may be able to separate them too”

“Huh,” Teru said sounding impressed “That’s not a bad idea. Given her illness, any stress could exacerbate it and Light wouldn’t want that. If she were to ask him to leave, he may do it”

“Perfect! So I’ll handle Mitsuko and you handle Chief Yagami. Tomorrow, Ryuzaki won’t know what hit him!”


Unfortunately, their plan of divide and conquer was put on hold immediately due to both of them needed for the investigation. The task force had sent information to the Yotsuba group under the guise of Coil claiming that Misa had been suspected and arrested for involvement with Kira at one point. This of course sent alarm bells ringing as the Yotsuba group realised they needed to get to Misa in order to gauge if she was a threat to their budding empire or a threat to their lives.

This meant Misa was asked to come for an interview to be the company’s spokesperson. They had also paid Coil to interview her as well, posing as the company’s social networking manager. Of course, this was actually Teru Mikami but they didn’t know that yet. The day after Teru had discovered the secret tryst, both he and Misa were forced into ‘practice’ for their roles. Teru was stuck in a room with Iber for hours in order to get his act down pat. Meanwhile, Misa was stuck with Ryuzaki acting as her director and telling her to quit overacting when asked questions about the investigation.

Days passed like this until the day of Misa’s interview came. Teru had already been taken by Watari to the interview and since Matsuda was technically dead by this point, it fell to Mogi to drive her to the Yotsuba building as he was now her unofficial new manager. Heaven help him.

I am not cut out for this. He thought to himself, hoping today would go well. While Misa babbled on from the backseat, Mogi’s thoughts drifted back to headquarters.


The doctor informed them of Mitsuko’s current condition. Light’s heart sank when he heard the cancer was resistant to the treatment. In the room were him, Ryuzaki, Mitsuko, and the doctor. They all knew what this meant. Mitsuko had already accepted it but it was only then Light realised that this was it. His friend wasn’t going to get better.

After that heartbreaking update, Mitsuko announced that she was going to stop treatment. Chemotherapy was only making what little time she had left horrible. Light wasn’t ashamed to admit that he started crying when she said that. A part of him wanted to fight her on it. Force her to keep going, to try anything and everything in order to have a shot at survival. But he knew how much she was suffering. How much pain she was in. How she put on a brave face for the others when the truth was she could hardly get out of bed some days.

“I wish I could fix this. If I could take it all away, I would”

Mitsuko simply held his hand in a comforting grip “It's going to be ok, Light. I’m ready to go”

“But I’m not” Light whispered in a wobbly voice

“Is there anything we can do for you?” asked Ryuzaki after the doctor left “Anything you want. Just say the word”

She went quiet for a moment “I... I want to see my parents. It’s so stupid but... I really want them right now...” that’s when the tears fell down her sunken cheeks.

Light and Ryuzaki shared a look “I’ll have Watari get in contact with them, explain the situation”

“Thank you” Light said earnestly


Meanwhile, the Yotsuba interview was underway. Misa sat in a room facing the men of Yotsuba and Teru Mikami pretending to be the detective Coil. Teru shot her a look, urging her to play the part perfectly. Misa would roll her eyes if it hadn’t been so obvious. This wasn’t her first interview. She was an actress after all.

Please, as if I can’t do this.

“Now then, I don’t believe you and I have met before” said Teru smoothly “My name is Lin Takashi, I work for the company’s advertising department. Nice to meet you”

“Thank you, it’s very nice to meet you too”

Teru politely smiled “Now, forgive me for these questions. Your contract with us is all but assured but we’d like to clarify a few things. We did a background check and according to our sources, your family were the victims of a robbery gone wrong and you worship Kira because he killed the man who killed your parents. Isn’t it true that you came to Tokyo in hopes of finding and meeting Kira?”

Jeeze Teru, way to strike a nerve. “What? Don’t be silly. I came to Tokyo for work. I was a model after all before I chose to pursue acting”

“Well, the look on your face says otherwise. Also, I think you’re still hiding something from us. Something you prefer the world not to know. Something connected to the Kira investigation, perhaps?”

I’m impressed Teru. You’d make a pretty good actor if Law doesn’t work out for you. Ok, just pause and look nervous. You gotta make them believe I’m connected. “Ok, I’ll tell you everything. Yes I was held for questioning. I didn’t think it was L but he did ask me lots of questions about Kira. But I’m not the second Kira and I never was. So I was released because he decided I had nothing to do with the murders after all”

“And did you ever meet L in person?”

Misa shook her head “No. I was blindfolded the whole time and he used this weird device that altered his voice so I wouldn’t recognise it. I’m sorry but other than that I don’t know anything else. Um... May I please use the restroom before we continue?”

Inside the bathroom, Misa splashed her face to calm down. Urgh, I’m exhausted. But I think it’s going well so far. They seem to believe my story. At least I think they do. Man, that Teru did not let up. No wonder he became a Prosecutor. I was shaking in my boots!

Suddenly, in the reflection of the bathroom mirror, standing behind Misa was a creature out of a nightmare. It’s size engulfed hers and their one yellow eye stared into her soul. Misa would have screamed if not for Rem covering her mouth. Being touched by this scrap of paper alone is not enough to restore her memories but at least now Misa can see me once again.

What the hell is this thing!? Some kind of monster!?

“Misa, you are in a dangerous situation right now. There are people within Yotsuba that can easily have you killed. I’ve come to warn you” they explained “Calm down and listen to me. Please believe me, I’m your ally”


“I hope things are going ok for Misa” Matsuda said with worry.

Light was sat at his desk not listening at all. He couldn’t stop thinking about Mitsuko and what had recently happened. This isn’t fair. It’s – it’s completely unfair! Why her? She’d done nothing to deserve such a fate. She should be out living her life, changing the world! Not bedbound because of cancer of all things. I swear, I’d give anything to change her fate. I’d make a deal with the devil himself if it meant Mitsuko had a chance of making it.

“Ryuzaki” Watari made his appearance jarring Light out of his thoughts “I’ve just got off the phone with Mr Misora and his wife. I’ve explained the situation and they wish to meet with her tomorrow”

“How did they react?” Light questioned

“... Not well. Both were crying by the time the call ended”

Good. Let them stew in their guilt. It’s the least they can do after abandoning their daughter. They’re lucky she’s giving them the time of day... I really need to stop thinking like that.


“Listen to me. In this life, Teru Mikami is Kira. In another, the one called Light Yagami is Kira” Misa’s eyes widened in shock. Finally, Rem released her.

“I – I don’t understand. What are you?” she asked trembling

Rem answered “I am a Shinigami. Before you were captured by L, you and I worked closely together”

“What are you talking about? And what was that about another life? None of this makes any sense”

“It is a very complicated story. In another life, Light Yagami came into possession of a Death Note which is the method of how Kira kills. In that life, Light Yagami used the power to punish criminals and in his eyes, cleanse the world of filth. But Light become corrupted by its power and was driven to madness because of it. It was only when his life came to an end did Light realise what he had become. With his final breath, Light wished he had never become Kira. His wish was granted”

Misa was speechless “You mean he... Went back in time?”

“In a sense. Light Yagami has what us Shinigami call a Daburusouru. It means his soul has returned to his former life and change the future. Light never intended for Kira to exist in this lifetime, but Teru Mikami found the Death Note before Light could, setting off the reign of Kira once more” Rem said in their usual monotone voice as if what they said wasn’t earth-shattering for Misa.

With a shuddered breath, Misa asked “Wait, how do you know all this?”

“... Because I was the one who sent him back” Rem announced. The human was again left speechless “When we Shinigami die, our bodies turn to dust but our consciousness remains. I heard Light Yagami’s final wish, I felt his remorse over his actions, I sympathised with his regret. So I granted him his wish to return and change the course of his future. If Light continues on this path, untouched by the Death Note’s influence, the future will be very different and you will survive”

So Light was special because he used to be Kira, but came back because he was ashamed of what he did? That means – that means Light must hate Kira! And if I was the second Kira, then he must hate me!

Her eyes began to fill up with tears “So all this time... Light truly hated what Kira was doing?” Rem nodded and Misa sniffed “If I tell the task force about Teru being Kira, maybe –”

“Like you, Teru Mikami has no memory of his past actions as he too gave up the Death Note. You will need more proof than that to have him arrested”

Misa nodded in understanding “Then I have to help bring down this other Kira first. Whoever it is at Yotsuba, I’ll help catch him. Then Light will know I’m on his side”

“If that is what you wish, then I will aid you. But I must warn you not to reveal any of this to Light Yagami. I am unsure of his actions if he were to know that Kira was also his stalker”

Oh, right. Teru is Kira in this life. Well, that creep can say goodbye to my help! Now I have the upper hand. “Before you go, which of the men out there is the other Kira? I should know who it is I need to help capture”

“The man who has possession of the Death Note is Higuchi. Do with that information what you will”


“We’re back!” Misa cheered with a wave “Yotsuba agreed to make me their spokesperson. Told you I could do it”

Behind her, Teru rolled his eyes “Just barely” he muttered which Misa ignored

“Three of them have already messaged me for a private date. This is way too easy. Getting information will be so simple this way. I can’t believe no one else thought of this” she declared smugly. “Who’d have thought all this team needed was a pretty girl to get things done”

Out of nowhere, Light stood up from his seat. His face dark with barely held back emotion. “I’m turning in for the night”

“Huh? But Light, I’ve barely gotten to see you all day!” Misa complained “Why don’t you come to my room instead? Then we can spend the whole night together –”

“Misa” Light said in warning, voice heavy “Not. Now” he then walked upstairs dragging Ryuzaki along with him.

“O-Ok. I’ll see you tomorrow!” she called after him but he gave no response “Man, what’s his problem?”

The elder Yagami coughed “He’s learned that Mitsuko is stopping her treatment. She’s going to die”

Eyes wide, Misa choked on her breath “Oh god, I had no idea... Well now I feel like an idiot”

“That’s because you are one”

“Teru, I swear to god!”

“Hey, hey, hey! Not my coffee cup!” Matsuda cried


Light stormed into their shared bedroom, Ryuzaki following moments later. The younger man began to pace the floor. Hands messing up his hair and his face going red with frustration. The next thing Ryuzaki knew, Light grabbed the desk chair and threw it against the window in a rage. The glass was shatterproof but the chair was bent from the impact. “Light?” Ryuzaki asked.

The teen then fell to his knees onto the carpet and began to sob harshly. Long sobs of grief and anger just poured out of him. Ryuzaki was unaccustomed to emotional outbursts but couldn’t leave Light in such a state. Going against everything he’d done before, Ryuzaki knelt down beside him and held the teen as his body was wracked with sobs.

“She’s dying...”

“I know”

“She’s – she’s going to die...”

“I know”

“I can’t save her...”

“... I know”

Ages passed till Light’s sobs died down to silent crying. When Light was calm enough to speak, Ryuzaki shocked him by pulling out the key for the handcuffs and unlocking them. “Ryuzaki?”

“I will ensure Misa and Mr Mikami are kept away from you. From now on, your only task is to spend as much time with your friend as possible”

“What? But Ryuzaki, the investigation –”

Ryuzaki pressed on “Right now, Mitsuko needs you more. Tomorrow, you will escort her to meet with her parents. She’s going to need you now more than ever”

Light huffed a laugh his heart feeling a little brighter “Thank you, Ryuzaki. Thank you”


The next afternoon just before sunset, Mitsuko met up with her parents for the first time in months. She was sat in her wheelchair, bundled up with a face mask. Her parents took one look at her gaunt frame and sickly appearance and soon the apologies were non stop. Her parents broke down in tears seeing their youngest daughter in such a way. Watari had told them but it hadn’t felt real until that moment. Now the disappointment they had for her sexuality suddenly seemed so inconsequential now.

“My baby!” her mother wailed cupping her thin face “Oh, my baby! Please forgive me, I was wrong to let you leave. I never should have let you go”

Light had to excuse himself to take a moment to collect himself. He found a secluded area where he could take a breath and steady himself. He couldn’t break down again. Not now.

“I can save her” a voice above him spoke. Light opened his eyes and looked up, and up, and up. Towering above him was Rem, staring him down with their one good eye. Light was frozen in place but somehow didn’t feel scared for the creature before him. Somehow, he felt a twinge of familiarity with it.

“What?” Light whispered

“I can save Mitsuko’s life” Rem continued “So long as you do as I say, Light Yagami, I can prevent Mitsuko’s death”

To be continued...


Nice little cliffhanger for you. Enjoy xxx

Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty three - Rem returns part 2


Light agrees to Rem's deal and winds up in even more trouble.

Chapter Text

Light was utterly speechless at the figure towering above him. He tried to speak but nothing came out of his gaping mouth. I’ve... I’ve gone mad. What the heck is this thing?

“Listen to me, Light Yagami. There is not much time. If you want me to save your friend’s life, I require your aid”

Finally, Light managed to choke out “W-What are you talking about?”

“I am a Shinigami. A God of death. It is within my power to both causes and prevents the deaths of humans. In exchange for Mitsuko’s survival, I ask only one thing of you” Rem explained “Protect Misa with your life. So long as you do, I will change Mitsuko’s fate”

This thing can save Mitsuko? What the hell do I do? I mean, I’m seeing a freaking God of Death! But what if they can save her? What if this thing is working for Kira? Didn’t the second Kira mention something about Shinigami? Damn it! What do I do!?

“... Alright. You have a deal” Light agreed “What do I need to do?”

Rem pointed past the trees to a nearby park “Misa is currently filming for Yotsuba. She has made secret plans to meet with the man named Higuchi. Ensure she does not go with him and your friend will be saved” with that, Rem flew off into the darkening sky. Light tried to calm his heart rate down. Oh boy, what the heck did I just agree to... Shit, Misa!

Light broke into a run towards the park. He barely stopped running to inform Mitsuko what was happening. “Sorry, need to run. I’ll have someone take you back. See you later!”

“Uh... Bye?” she called after him in confusion


“Light!” cheered Misa when she saw him “I thought you were supposed to stay at the hotel”

Light panted for a moment before explaining “Just dropped off Mitsuko to meet with her parents. Thought I’d drop by”

“Oh, Light!” Misa cooed blissfully happy “I knew you cared” she then grabbed onto his arm and would not let go. Light inwardly shuddered but kept his visible discomfort at bay. This is for Mitsuko. You can handle this Light.

Meanwhile, Higuchi was making his way towards their location. He was driving his favourite red sports car and dressed in a stylish outfit that was a stark contrast to his usual attire. He pulled into the park a bit away, his eyes falling on the trio. He saw Misa fawning over some guy while her manager tried to pull them apart but to no avail.

Huh. Now, who’s this guy Misa’s hanging off of... Hold on, wait a second... Didn’t Coil say that Misa was obsessed with Kira? That guy is about her age. If Misa is the second Kira, then it wouldn’t be a stretch to think the original was the same age as well. Coil found no record of Misa having a relationship with anyone. Hmm... It’s a long shot, but if he is the first Kira then what use do I have for a copycat?

He quickly snapped a picture with his phone and sent it to his laptop he had within the car. The man did a quick search and stumbled upon a small news article that featured the boy’s picture in question. Higuchi didn’t care about the article itself, just that he now knew the young man’s name. Light Yagami? Why does that ring a bell... Searching further, he found his answer. That’s it! Light Yagami is the son of the old Chief of the NPA. His dad was a cop. Going off that, it makes sense that Kira would punish criminals above everyone else. Higuchi smirked looking back up. Screw Misa, I’ve just hit the jackpot.

The red sports car came into view, coming into park just as Light finally pried Misa off of him. Higuchi rolled down the blacked-out window smirking up at them. Misa began to panic. She had completely forgotten she was meant to meet up with the older man after ditching Mogi. “Hey there, Misa”

“O-Oh! Hi!” Misa greeted nervously “I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon, Mr Higuchi”

Instead of answering, his gaze drifted towards Light. His eyes trailed up and his body very much liked what they saw. “Well, if it isn’t Light Yagami. I’ve heard a lot about you”

“You – you have?” Light questioned

“I got a nephew that goes to your university. Said you were the smartest guy there. Though, he didn’t say you were this handsome” Light held back his shock. Is he...flirting with me? “I can see Misa is busy here so why don’t I give you a ride home? I swear, I’m a gentleman”

Light stammered out a reply “Well... I’m kind of busy right now –” that’s when he caught sight of Rem in the back seat, glaring at him with their one eye. Even without words, Light knew exactly what Rem was saying. Get. In. The. Car. Light shifted into a much more charming personality. “You know what? I think I’ll take you up on that offer. Just let me inform my dad first”

Both Misa and Mogi stared at him in shock. Light tapped out the text and then got into the passenger seat of the sports car. They remained like that even as the car drove off.


Inside the tower, Matsuda nearly jumped out of his skin when a phone flew inches past his head and smashed against the wall. “What the -!?”

“The ONE time I let him out of those cuffs!”


What am I doing? I could get killed doing this! No, I have to. It’s the only way I can help Mitsuko. Whatever that Shinigami wants, I’ll do it. He side-eyed the man. If Rem wants to keep Misa away from this guy, then he’s gotta be Kira. Ok, think. If he suspects Misa is the second Kira, why ask me to come with him instead? And why does he know my name? He doesn’t have a nephew so I know he’s lying. Did he research me? Wait, he doesn’t think...? Actually, that might be my best bet on surviving this nutjob.

“I have to say, this is a really nice car,” Light said laying on the charm “I didn’t realise you were wealthy as well as good looking” I’m gonna need a shower after this.

Higuchi chuckled “Why thank you. I’m actually a higher-up in the Yotsuba corporation. If you play your cards right, I’ll buy you a car even nicer than this one”

“Funny. I always assumed men like that went after girls like Misa”

“Eh, Misa’s alright but I can tell it’s all makeup and hair dye. You?” Higuchi then placed a hand on Light’s thigh “You’re a real beauty”

Light forced a smile, pretending to be charmed “Well, aren’t you forward” he said removing the hand “However, try that again without my permission and I will kill you”

From the back seat, Rem stared unblinkingly. Light Yagami. You’ve kept your end of the bargain. Now I will help convince Higuchi of your plan.

Higuchi let out a laugh “You gotta be kidding me. You can kill people?”

“Of course. You’d think I’d get into a stranger’s car if I couldn’t kill them if needed? You know why?” Light shot his own satisfied smirk “Because I’m Kira”

The only man glanced at the teen. It can’t be. It was just a theory I had. Even if he was the original Kira, there’s no way he’d just announce it to me. And even if he was, the first Kira gave up the Death Note. It’s why he disappeared. He should have no memory of it.

He laughed aloud once more “Come now, you don’t need to lie like that to feel safe around me. I assure you, I’m quite the gentleman”

Light pouted convincingly “You think I’m lying? Pity. And here I thought you and I had an understanding” he said looking out the window “After all, I planned on never telling a soul until I discovered your little secret. Hiding your judgments on criminals within the deaths of business rivals was quite the ingenious move. And here I couldn’t even kill twelve FBI agents”

The older man felt a thrill go up his spine. Shit, this kid’s for real. Misa may have the Shinigami eyes but she’s also obsessed with Kira. If I get him on my side then I’ll have both their powers at my disposal. With her eyes and his brains, I’d be unstoppable.

“So, you claim to be Kira? Then why don’t you prove it? Kill someone for me right now and prove it”

Light glanced at him, appearing unimpressed at the demand “You really want me to kill someone? Alright, but you pick. And remember, I only kill those who deserve it”

Nodding, Higuchi quickly parked the car in the breakdown lane and pulled out his laptop. He brought up the photo of the man he wanted Light to kill. “This is Ginzo Kayabushi. He’s a high-powered businessman notorious for his shady dealings and morally corrupt trading. It recently come out that one of his companies in Shanghai was a cover for a human trafficking ring. He’s evaded arrest by his wealth alone. I think he’s just your type”

“A businessman, huh? So if I kill him, not only would I be judging a criminal but also helping you out?” Light questioned “Killing two birds with one stone” he smiled at Higuchi with hooded eyes “I like it” Holy fuck, this guy’s a walking wet dream! “How soon will you know he’s dead?”

“As soon as I call him”

Light nodded “Alright, you have a deal. But turn around first” Higuchi did as asked. Light glanced at Rem when Higuchi wasn’t looking, shooting them a nod. Rem understood and pulled out their own Death Note. Light Yagami, this will in no way affect Misa’s lifespan or yours. So I will write that human. It will convince Higuchi that you are who you say you are. Rem wrote down the name.

Light waited for a few more moments before announcing “There. He should be dead by now”

“What? But you didn’t do anything”

The teen smirked “Original Kira, remember? I have powers you could only dream of”

Still doubtful, Higuchi pulled out his phone and dialled the number for the supposedly now dead man’s company. He was met with a frantic secretary explaining the president had just suffered a heart attack before hanging up on him. That sealed it for him. There was no doubt in his mind Light Yagami was just like him. A killer in plain sight. He did it. He killed him. All without even touching the Death Note. This kid... He’s more dangerous than Misa could ever be!

“Satisfied yet?” Light asked. In an instant, Light was lying flat with Higuchi above him. Pinned in place, he had nowhere to run.

“Satisfied? I’m fucking ecstatic. I knew from the get-go you were special. So let’s make a deal. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”

Light blinked “Oh yeah? What deal?”

“We join forces. Share our power and rule this world together. I’ll even marry you to make it official”

“Marriage?” Light gasped managing to push Higuchi off of him and back into the driver's seat “I’m flattered but you need to prove yourself first before I consider a partnership with you. Prove that you can kill like me and I’ll give you whatever you want” he promised making Higuchi quiver with excitement.

Higuchi then frowned “Well, I can’t do that unless I’m at home”

“Fine. Then prove it by stop killing the criminals on TV. If you do that, then I’ll know your also Kira. After all,” Light covertly pressed record on his phone “Killing like that is something only Kira can do”

“I see what you mean. It’s a good idea. Alright Light...”


“... I’m Kira and in order to prove I’m Kira, I’ll stop killing criminals for the time being. Once you believe I’m the real thing, you and I will be together” the recording played from Light’s phone for the gathered people to hear.

Mitsuko was dumbstruck “That’s why you run off? Light, he could have killed you!”

“What in God’s name were you thinking boy?” the elder Yagami scolded “Going off with a killer like that. What if something had happened to you? How would I explain that to your mother? To Sayu!”

Misa chimed in “Oh come on! Light was so brave going up against Higuchi like that. I bet he had him eating out of his hands”

“You’re not helping” Mitsuko commented with crossed arms

“I have to agree with the Chief” Matsuda added “Light, I know you want to help but this? This was crazy! You could have been attacked or killed. What if Higuchi didn’t take no for an answer?”

Mitsuko also added “Not to mention you sent one text before going dark on us. We had no idea where you were until you called for a ride back!”

Throughout the shouting match, Ryuzaki had stayed stone-cold silent. Not even looking at Light. Eventually, it was the elder Yagami that called on him. “Ryuzaki, surely you must have something to say”

The Detective slowly stood from his seat “I do. However, Light and I will discuss this later. I private” he then walked up the stairs not giving Light even a glance. Light’s shoulders sank.

I know I’ve screwed up. I’m sorry Ryuzaki but I had to. I couldn’t let her die...


Light wiped his mouth after throwing up. His stomach churned at what he had just done. “There,” he declared to the figure towering above him “I did as you asked. Now save Mitsuko as you promised”

Rem tilted their head in a nod “As agreed. I will prevent her death. And...thank you. I know that man’s death was difficult for you”

“He was a bad person but I or Higuchi shouldn’t decide his fate. I wish there had been another way”

He has learned his lesson well. Even if by some chance he does come across the Death Note, I doubt he’ll fall for its power. But I can't help but wonder. What will his reaction be when he discovers who Kira is...

To be continued...

Chapter 25: Chapter Twenty Four - Take down the devil


The plan to finally bring down Higuchi takes shape.


Enjoy xxx

Chapter Text

Light and Mitsuko walked silently towards Light’s shared bedroom. His father had finally run out of steam about an hour after Light returned with proof Higuchi was guilty. Now Light was about to face the music with Ryuzaki.

“So... You never said why you decided to run off like that” Mitsuko finally spoke after a while

Light sighed “Yeah, I know”

“And you’re not going to tell me, are you?”

“I can’t. I’m sorry”

It was her turn to sigh “More secrets? Light, you can’t keep this stuff from us. Not when you risked your life the first chance you got out of those handcuffs”

They came to a stop outside the bedroom “Look. Once all this is over, I'll explain everything. But right now, I just need you to trust me. I promise I won’t hide anything else from you from now on”

Mitsuko wanted to argue further but she knew it would be pointless. When Light got something in his head, there was no changing his mind. “Fine. But you owe me one hell of an explanation when all this is over with” she looked at the bedroom door where Ryuzaki was waiting inside “Do you want me to stay?”

“No. I should talk to him in private” Light responded shaking his head

Mitsuko chuckled a little “I do not envy you. Good luck”


The Shinigami Realm had changed little since Rem had last been there. At first, they had hoped to use the Death Eraser in order to fulfil their half of the bargain. However, they came to discover from questioning other Shinigami that the artifact had been destroyed. Since it was the way of the Shinigami to take lives rather than revive them, the King decided the Eraser was to be destroyed. That meant there was only one thing to do. Rem would have to plead their case with the King himself.

The Shinigami King or King of Death was as old as the Realm itself. His name forgotten by all, even by himself. So old and powerful he had essentially become one with the Realm. His body that once had walked the barren lands now hung up in the grey sky in the distance. Limbs long since rotted away now replaced with chains that kept him in place. The hanging flesh and muscle pulse with every breath he took. He had two empty eye sockets and a large gaping mouth that housed hundreds of sharp teeth. Most Shinigami were too fearful to approach save for two that were his defacto servants. One encrusted with gold and jewels and the other a morbid hybrid of an owl.

“I wish to see the King” Rem announced

The Owl scoffed “No one sees the King unless you have a Death wish”

Out of nowhere, there was a chill in the air. Let them in... a hiss on the wind commanded. The two Shinigami glanced at each other before allowing Rem to enter the King’s layer. Rem walked past them and towards the creature above. The King had long ago lost the ability to move his mouth to speak. Instead, he communicated through sheer will alone, his raspy hissing voice echoing along the soft winds.

Greetings... Shinigami Rem... I have been... Expecting you...

Rem knelt on one knee in respect. “My King. I come to you for your aid”

I am aware... I am also aware... That this is not the first time... You have attempted to change fate...

“Yes. I admit that I had changed the fate of a human life after I had returned to dust. I do not regret my actions despite what you may believe” Rem declared looking up at the face so many others would recoil in horror “As King, you have the ability I do not to prevent the deaths of humans. I ask that you save the life of Mitsuko Misora, in order to fulfill my bargain with the Daburusouru”

Ah yes... The boy who was a killer... The soul that you gave a second chance to rewrite his wrongs... My answer... Is no...


Matsuda looked up at the staircase with worry “Man, they’ve been up there a long time”

“I’m sure they’re fine” Mitsuko said next to him “They’re just hashing things out. Though if I were Light, I’d be pretty scared too facing the wrath of L”

Yagami huffed with his arms crossed “That boy, honestly...”

“Chip off the old block I’d say” Mogi commented with a smile directed at Yagami

Misa sighed from her seat across from them “It's been like, five hours! What’s taking so long? I’m so bereft of my dear Light, I might just fade away!”

Teru, from one of the computer desks, rolled his eyes “It’s been forty minutes. Get over yourself. Honestly, how are you even an actress with that pathetic act?”

“Excuse me!?” Misa yelled and Matsuda clutched his coffee cup close to his chest.


“No? But – But, my King –”

Even without the illness... Her time of death was fated before she was born... There is no point in saving her... When she is destined to die either way... Considering what was meant to happen... Death by illness... Would be a kinder fate indeed... Unless you wish to give up your own lifespan... The girl will die...

“And what of Light Yagami? Should he find out I am unable to save her, he won’t protect Misa”

Foolish Rem... This is why we don’t care for humans... This bargain is of your own making... You deal with the consequences...


“Alright” Ryuzaki sighed, pinching his nose to calm himself. He had the members of the Task Force along with Mitsuko, Misa, and Teru lined up like soldiers. The sitting area of the monitor room in complete shambles with broken furniture, coffee splashed across the walls, and two computer screens completely shattered. Matsuda had an icepack on his head, Mitsuko had a burn on her arm, Yagami’s glasses were broken, Mogi had a busted lip, and both Teru and Misa were covered in scratches. “What happened?”

When Misa started to speak, Ryuzaki put his hand up “You know what? I don’t want to know. I’ll have Watari deal with you. The rest of you, come with me. We need to get to work on our next move against Higuchi” he ushered them to follow him back to the computers while Watari handed the other two brooms.

“How did the talk go?” Mitsuko whispered to Light

A slightly haunted look crossed his face “It was... intense” he whispered back. Mitsuko looked him up and down, noticing a rather particular bruise begin to bloom just above Light’s collar. Intense. Right... Well, that’s one way to get your frustration out.

“Alright” Ryuzaki announced taking a seat before them “If the killing of criminals stops now then there’s no doubt Higuchi is the one with Kira’s power. Thanks to Light’s efforts, we also have a confession of his guilt. However, we still are unaware of how he is able to kill. We will need to come up with a plan”

Mitsuko snickered “Better be quick before Higuchi proposes marriage” she joked with a playful shove. Light chose to keep quiet that Higuchi did indeed propose to him. Lest he invoke his father’s ire yet again. “In all seriousness, don’t run off with a Kira suspect. I don’t think my poor heart could take that”

While she spoke, Ryuzaki pondered on their next course of action. He decided to call Weddy and get an update on the surveillance. “Weddy. An update on the current situation please”

“Everything is going smoothly” she replied “We should be able to track up to 70% of their movements using our cameras inside the building”

“What about outside the office?”

Weddy rejected the idea instantly “That’s not going to be possible with just Watari and me”

“What if you focus solely on Higuchi?”

“Higuchi? I’ve only been able to enter the houses of five of the men so far but Higuchi as well as two others have high-tech security systems. Especially Higuchi. He recently constructed a dampening room that blocks out any electronic waves. It took me two days just to break into the damn place”

Matsuda commented “This guy sure sounds suspicious”

Ryuzaki nodded “Alright. Then begin installing microphones, tracking devices and cameras but not in the house. Instead, just put them in the car”

She was not at all happy with the suggestion “What? After getting this far? Do you know how difficult it is to break into someone’s house? Besides, do you have any idea how many cars this guy has? Find then. I just have to install them inside the cars, right?”

“Yes thank you”

Good thing that car wasn’t bugged earlier. Try explaining that conversation to Ryuzaki. I barely got through our last talk.

“Light?” Ryuzaki asked “Did Higuchi give any indication on how he kills?”

The teen shook his head “No. He said he’d prove it by not killing criminals but other than that, he wouldn’t say anything”

“I see... If what Higuchi claims to be true then it’s most likely that Kira’s powers are transferable. The original Kira may have shared his power with Higuchi thinking they shared the same ideals. Though if he did, I’m sure he’s regretting it given how Higuchi is using it for his own gain. If we are to stop Higuchi, we need to stop him from transferring the power to someone else. One of his colleagues or worse, return them to the original Kira”

Light nodded “Yeah... Create a situation where he’d be cornered but unable to pass the power on. In that case, he’d be forced to show how he kills in order to escape”

“My thoughts exactly” the detective agreed “We’ll trick him by using Sakura TV, the same broadcasting station the copycat used”

“Like a hidden camera show!” Matsuda cheered grinning

Mitsuko nodded as well “Yeah, that could work. They hold a Kira special every week. It’s pure garbage but we could use that to lure Higuchi into action. Though their ratings have been dropping since the whole Kira holding them hostage situation. Plus I doubt Higuchi would even watch that program”

“We’ll get our inside man to call him” Light declared with a smile growing “We’ll get him to tell Higuchi ‘This is bad. Turn on Sakura TV’ that should be enough to get him watching. He’ll buy it once he realises the special guest knows his secret”

“Oh, I get it. So we’ll be using Mikami then!” Matsuda exclaimed. Said prosecutor looked over in shock. “We’ll reveal he was a spy all along” Teru gaped at the very idea

However, Light shook his head “No, that won’t work. Yotsuba probably already knows Coil is a pseudonym and it will only take a little digging to find out his real name. We’d have to convince Higuchi that the guest is someone that can be easily killed”

Mitsuko shrugged “I could do it” the offer hung heavy in the air “They don’t know how long I was outside that hotel room. For all they know I could have overheard something before barging in. Plus I’m already dying so it’s not like I have anything to lose”

“I really wish you’d stop talking like that” sighed Light “Besides, that’s never going to work. They all saw you...” realisation hit “... They all saw you push your husband off the balcony” he said turning his attention to Matsuda. Matsuda in turn, gulped when he came to the same conclusion.

Ryuzaki nodded “That’s correct. Higuchi will believe Matsuda was listening in on their meeting. It would make the most sense that Misa’s manager, the one he thought dead knows his secret. We’ll have Sakura TV use a voice filter and frosted glass to protect his identity. Higuchi will probably suspect the guest is the manager, Taoru Matsui and just to make sure we’ll have the studio mess up and reveal his face from behind the frosted glass”

“That... Sounds kind of crazy” Teru commented still sweeping up the mess from earlier

Ignoring the comment, Ryuzaki continued “Higuchi will feel cornered and have no choice but to find out the manager’s real identity as soon as possible. We can anticipate what actions he’ll take. We’ll witness how he kills and after that, we arrest him” the detective picked up one of the cakes off the plate Watari had brought in “However, if Higuchi is able to kill simply by looking at a face, Matsuda will die”

Before Matsuda could rightfully panic, Light chimed in “I’m almost certain he doesn’t have that ability like the second Kira did. He showed no sign of being able to do that so I think we’re in the clear on that account”

“At any rate, we’ll have to wait two or three days at least to see if Higuchi holds up his end of the bargain and stops killing criminals. In the meantime, Matsuda will have to decide whether or not he wants to go through with this” Of course, it didn’t take long for Matsuda to make a decision. He agreed to the plan, wanting nothing more than to prove himself and catch Kira once and for all.

And I need to see if Rem kept their side of our deal. Mitsuko better


Under the cover of night, three of the seven Yotsuba members held a private meeting. They held is in one of their houses far away from the Office and prying ears. The three discussed at length on how they could no longer go on with Kira’s crimes and how they all suspected Higuchi to be Kira considering his lust for money and power was far greater than everyone else’s combined.

“I heard he’s trying to get with some teenager now. Someone named Light Yagami I heard”

“Yagami? Isn’t that the name of the last Chief of the NPA? Higuchi can’t be that crazy” at that moment Yamikawa’s phone started ringing. He glanced at the I.D and realised L was calling him once more. “Yamakawa speaking” he said as normally as he could

“This is L. Before I go on are you by yourself?” Light asked using the distorted voice and untraceable phone


“Then just act like this is a normal call”

“Oh there’s no need. My colleagues here were just discussing his suspicion over your last phone call L” his two colleagues gasped “L, Mido and Shimura are here as well. I’m reasonably certain that neither of them is Kira in fact they seem fed up with him at this point. I’ll speak for them and say they’ll choose to stand back and watch you face off with Kira like I planned to”

“Tonight I’m going to catch Kira. But I’ll need a favour from you”

“I see. Then it’s the end for Higuchi”

Light smirked “So you point the finger at Higuchi? Funny because my investigation leads me to believe another one of your colleagues is Kira” Yamakawa froze.  What?  “But if you’re so sure that it’s Higuchi then you won’t mind aiding me in baiting him tonight. We’ve scheduled a live broadcast on Sakura TV. A few minutes into the program I want you to contact Higuchi and inform him of what’s going on. Do that and the rest of Yotsuba will be pardoned on the counts of being blackmailed by Kira. If anyone else in the group tries to do anything I want you to stop them”

“All right. I understand” he hung up the phone.  So L is after Higuchi. He’ll be captured tonight. Perfect.


Higuchi laughed to himself triumphantly, a glass of red wine in hand. “It's been about three days since I’ve stopped killing criminals. That should be good enough, shouldn’t it? With Light Yagami, the first Kira by my side, and Misa following his every command, Yotsuba will be under my control!” he continued to laugh while Rem stood in the corner of the room disgusted at his actions and somewhat remorseful of their own. Before, they had no qualms in sacrificing Light Yagami in order to protect Misa. Now they knew for sure Light had changed for the better, Rem was conflicted.

The phone on the table broke Higuchi’s laughter. Annoyed, he answered gruffly “What is it now?”

“Higuchi, we’ve got a problem. Turn on Sakura TV now” frowning, Higuchi did as he was told. The screen changed to a showroom with two men hidden behind frosted glass panels. In large words behind them was ‘Kira’s Reveal’. For a moment, Higuchi didn’t believe what he was seeing. He knew Sakura TV did a Kira special every week and he hated it. It was a mockery to Kira’s name and while Higuchi didn’t particularly care about killing criminals, he still despised what the network did to the name. “Come on, this is obviously a hoax. This is Sakura TV after all”

“No, it’s more than that. At the beginning of the show, he said he overheard a meeting between eight people” What? Someone who knows about the meetings? Did someone betray us? No... There wouldn’t be any benefit for them doing this. It’ll only put the noose around their own neck. Wait, that man. I know him from somewhere.

On the screen, the frosted glass hiding his identity toppled over revealing who it was behind it. It’s him! Misa’s old manager. The one who was pushed off the balcony by his dying wife. How the hell did he survive that fall!?

“He said earlier that he feared he was going to be killed, so he had a trusted friend help him escape by pretending to push him off the balcony in order to escape to a lower floor” Yamakawa continued. That – that can’t be. Just to be careful I wrote his name down in the notebook just like it was written on the business card. Why the hell is he still alive?

“He’s stated that he’s continued to investigate us and he’s figured out which one of us is Kira. I’m contacting everyone to warn them now”

“Right. I’ll speak to you later” they hung up and Higuchi was left rattled and panicked. This doesn’t make any sense! He died, I’m sure of it. You mean that woman was in on it too? He must have called her when he snuck off to the bathroom. Should I kill her too? No, she’s probably already dead by now.

The interview continued with Matsuda claiming he would still continue on despite his face being revealed to the public. Higuchi had only one thought in his mind. Damn it. I need to call him.

At the tower, Light’s phone rang. “Right on cue” Light made sure to record the phone call before answering. “I take it you’re watching Sakura TV as well?”

“Yeah. I have no idea how this guy is still alive. I made sure even after I saw him get carted off in the ambulance” Higuchi spoke, almost saying how he kills but not exactly confessing. “What are we going to do?”

“We?” Light scoffed “You make it sound like this is my problem”

The older man snapped “What!?”

“As I recall, you said you could kill while at home, or are your abilities so limited that you're going to let one silly little man bring you down?”

“Well can’t you just tell me his name? We’re in this together, remember?”

Light chuckled “Well that would be too easy for you, wouldn’t it? I passed your test so consider this one yours. Find a way to kill this man without my help... And I’ll kill L for you”

“You – you already know who L is?” Higuchi questioned

“Of course. Like I said, I have powers beyond your comprehension. I knew who L was from the very beginning. I just so enjoy the game of cat and mouse that I allowed the fool to think he was winning this battle when the truth was he was dangling from my marionette strings. His death will be my gift to you after you deal with this mess. I will give you this much for now. If you want to know his real identity, you should try Yoshida Productions. That’s where he was employed” Light quickly hung up leaving Higuchi reeling.

He knew. All this time he knew exactly who L was. He let this go on for so long because he was having fun. What a sick, twisted kid... Higuchi grinned menacingly. “And he’s all mine. Yoshida Productions, huh? His personnel file would still be on record. If I get access to the building I can get it without suspicion” he checked his watch. “Ok, I have two hours before the end of the broadcast. Not much time but doable. I’ll call on the way there”

Before leaving, Higuchi grabbed the notebook, his gun and placed both within his briefcase.


“Higuchi is on the move” Ryuzaki announced

“Great work on the phone call, Light” Mitsuko praised “You almost had me convinced for a minute there”

“Is everyone in place?” Ryuzaki asked through the collective network. He got a resounding affirmative. Light’s father was at Sakura TV ready to start phase two of the plan while Mogi and Iber waited in hiding at Yoshida Productions for Higuchi to arrive. “Mr Mikami, how goes that arrest warrant?”

The prosecutor paused mid-conversation with an old colleague at his office “Still processing it but it should be here within the next thirty minutes. Luckily he still owes me a few favours”

“L, I’m in pursuit of Higuchi. He’s only carrying one bag” Weddy announced through the com link while speeding after the suspect on her motorcycle.

“Everything’s all going according to plan” Light muttered almost in disbelief. Without warning, Mitsuko swayed and would have fallen if Misa hadn’t caught her. “Are you alright?” he asked helping Misa set her down on the chair next to her.

She nodded “I’m fine. I think the adrenaline just hit me. I’m ok”

“Look, if you need to lie down –”

“I said I’m fine!” she snapped at Light “This bastard almost killed my parents and may very well be responsible for my sister’s death” she looked up at him, eyes ablaze “Don't worry about me, just bring him down”


Higuchi’s sports car raced down the streets of the city. “I’ll kill him. I’ll kill him no matter what! I’ve come this far. I won’t let anything stop me. Not until I have everything!” in the backseat Rem stayed silently as Higuchi burst into hysterical laughter.

To be continued...

Chapter 26: Chapter Twenty Five - Crash and Burn


Everything falls apart for Higuchi.


Two chapters in two days! enjoy my lovelies xxx

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“He has less than two hours until the broadcast ends” announced Ryuzaki “Light, please pull the audio from Higuchi’s car cameras and pull up Sakura TV on monitor four. As for you Misa, please fetch Mitsuko some water and something sweet to calm her down”

Misa nodded and ran off “It's just like we planned,” Light told Ryuzaki “Higuchi is watching every minute of the broadcast from his car. He must be panicking by now”


Higuchi was indeed on the verge of panic. The minutes were ticking on and the broadcast continued without interruption except for advertisements. He needed to get to Yoshida Productions before it was too late. He’d come too far to lose everything now. On the broadcast, he heard Misa’s once thought dead manager say that he was safe because Kira only knew his face but not his real name.

So, he thinks he’s safe? Does that mean there’s nothing connecting him to his real name? What if he’s already destroyed his file at Yoshida? Am I wasting my time?

“Rem? What do you think?”

The Shinigami answered “What do I think? About what, may I ask?”

Back in the tower watching on the big screen, Light barely held back his reaction. Rem. The Shinigami connected to Higuchi. I can’t let anyone know I can see them. “Rem? Who’s that? There’s no one else in that car, right?” he asked playing dumb.

“Maybe someone is hiding in the backseat?” Teru offered just as confused

Mitsuko shook her head “Not enough room. It looks like he’s talking to himself”

They continued to watch Higuchi talk to no one “Do you think I’ll make it to Yoshida Productions only to find his file isn’t there?” Higuchi asked “If this guy was smart, he’d have destroyed anything connecting to his real identity before appearing on TV. Also, I find it a little reckless for Yoshida Productions to just let me in their offices unsupervised after a single phone call”

“This doesn’t sound good” worried Misa handing Mitsuko the water and some chocolate she found

“He’ll still go. Don’t you worry” said Ryuzaki

Higuchi continued to rant “Even if I get there in time, it could just be another alias. Damn it! I wouldn’t put it past this guy to do something like that. No wonder he’s confident” he glared all of a sudden “Or maybe... Maybe this is just some wild goose chase Light Yagami’s got me on so I run out of time...”

I have to make sure he goes to Yoshida Productions. I have to make sure he goes down the same path. “I disagree. If Light Yagami wanted you dead, he’d have already killed you. You saw what he was capable of. He told you where to find this man’s name and you only have so long before he announces what he knows. That’s an inescapable fact”

“Damn it” Higuchi sighed “You’re right. I need to go there regardless in case the name is the real thing. Why couldn’t Light have just told me the damn name or do it himself if it’s so important?”

“Light told you it was a test. A test to see if you are worthy to be by his side. If Light were to find out you failed, not only would you lose everything but you would also have the first Kira as your enemy”

Higuchi growled at the thought “And he’s got the perfect cover. The golden son of the Chief of the NPA. No one would ever believe me if I said he was Kira. This really is a test of my abilities”

“This is really disconcerting to hear” Mitsuko commented with a shake of her head “And who is he even talking to?”

The older man beside her frowned “At this point, I think he’s just about lost his mind” his phone beeped gaining his attention “The warrant just came through. We can arrest him at any time”

“Thank you Mr Mikami” said Ryuzaki

Inside the car, Rem spoke again “What if you give up ownership of the Death Note and return it to me?”

“No! Even if I did that, I’m marked for death either way. Either this guy announces my name to the world or Light Yagami kills me for failing. Returning it will solve nothing but take away my memories and ability to kill. I have to go there. I have no choice”

Finally, he pulled up in front of the office building that housed Yoshida Productions. His briefcase tight under his arm, he walked into the empty office. He expected at least someone to be there, a night guard or a late night worker but found the place completely deserted. He walked down the empty corridors, not noticing Mogi and Iber hiding out mere feet from him. Using the key code he’d got from his phone call from earlier, he entered the admin office. Completely empty just like the rest of the building. This set Higuchi on edge. He felt like he was being watched. Pushing that thought out of his head, he made his way over to the desk where the file he desperately needed would be. He was indeed being watched through the office security camera.

They all watched with bated breath as Higuchi rose to his feet, file open in his hand. The name Higuchi needed now ripe for the killing. Now, Kira, how do you kill? Show me. Ryuzaki thought almost anxiously. It was all coming together. The case he at one time or another thought impossible to solve was at last about to come to a close.

“We’re in position and ready to take him now. We move on your command” Mogi whispered into his com.

Higuchi pulled out the thin black notebook from his briefcase and jotted down the name written down on file. A sinister smirk bloomed on his face. Then, with all the calmness in the world, Higuchi put the file back, closed the desk drawer, and walked out of the office. Light gasped. “He’s not doing anything! He just wrote the name down in the notebook. Does that mean he’s not going to kill him yet?”

“Ryuzaki, do you want us to apprehend him?” Mogi asked barely above a whisper

“Negative. We still don’t know how he kills. Perhaps he’s planning on doing something back in the car. Light, switch back to the inside cameras”

Higuchi was no longer panicking or worried. He had the outward appearance of someone who had no care in the world which to the group didn’t make sense at all. “I don’t understand. Shouldn’t he be desperate to kill Matsuda?” voiced Teru with his arms crossed

“All he did was write the name down. I don’t get it either” Mitsuko added

Higuchi looked at his watch, counting down the seconds. 37, 38, 39, 40 seconds. He glanced at the screen playing the broadcast. Nothing happened. The man didn’t collapse or clutch his chest. Chaos didn’t erupt on screen. Nothing happened which meant Higuchi had failed. His anger boiled over, his temper exploding out in a fierce fury. “DAMN IT! HE DIDN’T DIE!”

“Did he already try to kill Matsuda?” asked Mitsuko worriedly “When did he have the time? No way just writing the name down did the job, right?”

Teru’s eyes widened “Dear god. You don’t think he can kill just by imagining it, do you?”

The teen girl’s eyes also widened at the notion “Don’t even joke. If that’s the case then how the hell would you even prosecute that?”

Just then, Light’s phone began to ring. Higuchi was calling yet again. Light nodded to Ryuzaki before answering. Before Light could speak, Higuchi yelled down the phone “He didn’t die! The name on that blasted file was another fake! So what the hell am I supposed to do now?”

Light sighed “Honestly, I expected better from you Higuchi. Bested by a simple worker’s file? Truly pathetic”

“What did you just say!?”

“You have options, don’t you? So use them” Light then hung up. Higuchi was so furious he threw the phone in the backseat with a roar.

He loudly fumed “Options!? What options, you stupid brat!?” Wait, options... I know his face. If I had the eyes I could easily go back to HQ and watch the surveillance tapes. Half my lifespan though, that’s a lot. Then again, not many options left. If I’m caught my life’s as good as over anyway. Better a life that’s short and sweet. And if I had the eyes, I won’t need Misa anymore...

“Rem, let’s make the deal”

Deal? He wants Rem to give him more power? No, Rem, don’t do it! Light thought desperately. No matter what, don’t give anything more to him, please!

His prayer went unheeded. Rem took half of Higuchi’s lifespan and in return, granted him the Shinigami eyes. Higuchi’s eyes glowed red, his grin one that could rival Ryuk’s. With these eyes, I’m invincible! I have more than enough options now.

He gunned the engine flying down the street, Weddy hot on his tail with Mogi and Iber following by car. Higuchi caught the attention of a traffic cop and forced him to pull over. Weddy reported what was going on and informed them that she’d have to pass by and leave the purist to Iber’s team. Meanwhile, the traffic cop asked for Higuchi’s licence and registration. While appearing to look for his wallet, Higuchi used his newfound power to see the cop’s name. Once he wrote it down in the notebook, he once again sped off. The cop chased after him along with Mogi and Iber close behind.

“This is traffic patrol number -!” before he could even finish his sentence, the officer felt a sharp pain in his chest. He lost control of his bike and ended up crashing full force into a parked truck, killing him on impact.

“That traffic cop just rear-ended that truck, he’s dead!” Mogi relayed, not believing what he’d just witnessed.

Light was stunned “He’s dead!?”

“Oh my god” whimpered Mitsuko

Rem... A deal... I didn’t think – no. I didn’t want it to be possible. There’s only one way he could have the ability to know a person’s name just by looking at them. He has the same eyes as B... “Everyone! It’s too dangerous to allow further action by Higuchi” Ryuzaki announced through the collective com link “Lets bring him in. I believe he has the same powers as the second Kira. He is able to kill just by looking at someone’s face. Please keep this in mind when you move in to arrest him”


Ryuzaki contacted the chief of the NPA and informed them that no officer was to intercept a red sport’s car. He explained that they now knew the identity of Kira and were homing in to arrest him. Meanwhile Light instructed his father to start phase two at Sakura TV. Matsuda and the MC were to be replaced with mannequins and the building evacuated for their safety. “Come on Light, let’s join the fun. You too, Mikami”

“Me? Why?” asked the Prosecutor

“Because while you were in university, you were also an award-winning marksman and right now, we need all the help we can get” explained Ryuzaki practically dragging the older man by the collar along with him.

Light turned to the two young women left in the tower “Misa, look after Mitsuko for me”

Up in the sky, Ryuzaki took the pilot’s seat while Light sat in the co-piolet seat. “Why am I not surprised you know how to fly a helicopter” said Light fondly. All four men wore protective headsets to deal with the noise of the chopper. In the back, Watari handed Teru a gun case that held a rifle and ammunition.

“You do realise I haven’t done this in near of a decade?” he sarcastically questioned Ryuzaki “What if I miss or hurt someone?”

“If you’re going to hurt someone, try at least to aim for Higuchi” responded Ryuzaki

Light glanced at the GPS system that was tracking Higuchi’s car. He realised Higuchi was going the wrong way. Instead of the station, he was heading back to the Yotsuba building. He figured Higuchi was going to go search through the security tapes. Not that he’d have much luck. Weddy had expertly doctored the footage to erase any trace of Matsuda being there. Just like clockwork, Higuchi’s car left Yotsuba at speed and was now headed directly where they wanted him. Sakura TV.

“Dad, Higuchi has left Yotsuba and is heading your way. Be ready and be careful”

Yagami huffed a laugh “Interesting words coming from you, Light. I only make that promise if you do as well”


Weddy offered Yagami a gun for protection but he refused. He was no longer a police officer and the law forbid civilians from owning a weapon. Weddy sighed “Stubborn as always. You and Light are more alike than you think”

Minutes later, Higuchi arrived walking right into their trap. He walked into the broadcasting room where the announcement was supposed to be made, only to find dummies in place of his target and the announcer. Only then did he realise he had been tricked yet again. Suddenly, he was surrounded by four people wearing tinted helmets. No chance of him seeing their faces in order to kill them. Done with everything and with nothing left to lose, Higuchi pulled out his own gun and fired at Weddy. Yagami dove in the way, the bullet causing the flesh wound on his arm. Higuchi fled the scene. Iber chased and fired his gun but Higuchi got away.

“L. Higuchi got away and is armed. The Chief’s been shot”

“I’m alright. It’s just a flesh wound” Yagami panted “We have to go, now!”

In the helicopter, Ryuzaki announced “We have no choice. We’ll have to move in and apprehend him. Are you two ready?”

“Yes” answered Watari “Remember Mr Mikami, we shoot to stun Higuchi, not to kill”

“Got it” answered Teru a bit less confidently but took his spot nonetheless, gun at the ready.

“Light,” Ryuzaki said getting his attention. He produced a handheld gun from under the seat “You should hold onto this. This is Kira we’re talking about”

Light thought about it for a moment, almost turning down the offer, but decided to take the gun. He placed it in the belt of his trousers. “You’re probably right. Don’t let my dad know I’ve got one though”

“Wouldn’t dream of it”

Back on the roads, Higuchi was driving like a maniac trying to escape his pursuers. He took a sharp turn to drive on the bridge only to be followed on the ground and up in the air. Whatever escape he planned to make was swiftly over the moment he saw what was in front of him. Over a dozen police cars blocked his path with tinted windows and their sirens blazing. At the helm were Aizawa and Ide who had rallied the troops to help take down Kira once and for all. Higuchi slammed the brakes to make a U-turn but was blinded by a spotlight from a helicopter above. He was trapped like a rat.

Despite it all, he made one last attempt to run through the opening between cars. Moments later, a masked Watari shot at the tire blowing it up and causing Higuchi to lose control of the car. It spun out of control until it slammed into the barrier, rendering the sports car useless. The police cars surrounded him leaving no way for him to get away. Still, Higuchi refused to go down without a fight. He took his gun and pressed it to his own temple. “Stay back! Or I’ll do it, I swear!” the gun was shot out of his hand a split second later.

“And you said you were a novice” Watari praised a rather shaken Mikami as the chopper came down to land.

“It’s over” Light whispered

“It’s over” Ryuzaki agreed

“It’s over...” Mitsuko muttered, eyes rolling back before collapsing out of her chair and landing hard on the floor.

To be continued...


What will happen when Light gets his hands on the notebook once more? Tune in next week to find out!

Chapter 27: Chapter Twenty Six - Memories


Memories return, now it's a game of life and death.


WARNING!! This chapter has trigger warnings of attempted suicide and terminal cancer. If this isn't for you, I'll see you all next time xxx

Chapter Text

It’s done. Higuchi is finished. Light’s eyes drifted to the Shinigami only he could see. Why do I feel this is far from over?

“Ryuzaki” Yagami spoke through the coms “I request that I be the one to arrest Higuchi”

“I’m coming too, Chief. If that’s alright” added Mogi

The detective answered “I understand. But please remember this is Kira. Make sure to take every precaution so he doesn’t see your face” with permission, the two men walked over to the sports car. Aizawa joined them as cover for them. Minutes later, Higuchi was finally in handcuffs. He put up no resistance understanding that there was nothing he could do to save himself. Soon enough he was also blindfolded and fitted with a set of headphones that Ryuzaki could communicate with him.

“Higuchi. How are you able to kill people? Tell me!” he demanded “If you’re not going to talk, I’ll use whatever means necessary to get it out of you”

Higuchi had the nerve to smirk “Does it matter? The first Kira’s going to kill me anyway so why even bother telling you anything?”

“Because you fell for our trap” Light cut in darkly “Now tell us how you kill or we won’t hesitate to force it out of you”

At that, Higuchi gave up “Should have known you were working for them. Fine. The notebook. You won’t believe me but I’ve got a special notebook that can kill people. If I write a person’s name down while thinking of their face, that person dies”

Light felt an uncomfortable chill go up his spine. Something about what Higuchi said made him feel uneasy. His father reached into the car and found said black notebook. That’s when he began yelling in fear. He toppled out of the car reaching for his gun that he didn’t have out of instinct. “Its – It’s a monster!” he yelled looking up at Rem. Light shuddered a breath trying to keep calm.

Aizawa came to his aid and grabbed the fallen notebook. He too began yelling in fear, looking up at the Shinigami. Light realised that only those who had touched Higuchi’s notebook could see Rem. That’s how I can see Rem. They must have touched me with it when I took Mitsuko to see her parents. I have to do something. Dad’s going to pass out if I don’t. Steeling himself, Light tore off the headset and replaced it with a blacked-out helmet.

“Light-” someone tried to stop him but Light ignored it. He stepped out of the helicopter and made his way over to his father who was still staring fearfully at Rem. Rem turned to look at the teen, face unreadable but mind racing. What are you doing, Light Yagami?. If you touch that notebook, all the memories of the Death Note and your past will return. You will remember what you did. You have indeed learnt your lesson and have redeemed yourself. However...

“What – Light, stay back!” warned Yagami “Get back to the chopper, it’s too dangerous!”

Light shook his head “It's ok dad. I’m going to get you out of here”

“No! Listen to me and stay back!” Yagami was desperate to protect his son and ended up shoving Light backwards. In doing so, the Death Note fell out of his grip and into Light’s hands.

Light now held the notebook. His reaction was nothing like Aizawa or his father. For a moment he stood ramrod straight unable to move. Then the teen fell to his knees still holding the notebook, head tilted up to the sky, and screamed. He screamed louder than anyone thought possible. The sound came from the very depths of his soul as the memories flooded back all at once. Everything he had forgotten now at the forefront of his mind. His crimes, his guilt, the countless lives he took. It all came back in one fell swoop. When it was over, Light was a trembling mess barely able to breathe under the helmet.

“Light! Light, answer me!” his father pleaded grabbing Light by the shoulders “What’s wrong? Tell me!”

I – I did it. I was Kira! It’s all my fault. I killed them, I killed them all!! Light couldn’t answer, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think straight. His guilt was overwhelming, the knowledge of his past crimes too much to bear. Trembling hands got the helmet off just in time before he was sick violently upon the road. “Light!”

“Somebody call a medic!” Aizawa shouted

“Ryuzaki, I think Light’s having a panic attack. We need to get him out of here” Yagami spoke through his earpiece. Ryuzaki was unable to respond, his wide eyes fixed on Light’s fear-stricken form. “Ryuzaki!”

“... I understand” he, at last, said “Please escort him and the notebook back to the chopper. And remember to keep his face covered”

Mogi took the notebook and brought it over to the chopper first while Yagami struggled to put the helmet back on his son’s head. Light was combative, pushing the helmet away. I don’t deserve your protection. I don’t deserve anything. I’ve done horrible things... I’ve done so many horrible things... tears streamed down his face while he began to hyperventilate. I was a killer. Everyone died because of me. Dad, Raye, Naomi... I – I’m a monster....!

Within the helicopter's cockpit, Ryuzaki grasped the notebook by the fingers and finally saw the creature. “A Shinigami...they exist...”

Light’s eyes snapped open with fearful determination. NO! He’d touched the Death Note once more. He was vulnerable to its power and Light would rather die than become that monster again. It happened so fast. One second Yagami was helping him to his feet. The next Light had pulled away and yanked the gun from his belt, pressing the muzzle against the underside of his chin, one finger on the trigger. “LIGHT!” his father gasped

“Dont come any closer!” Light yelled at his father in desperation, amber eyes glistening with tears “I won't do it! I won’t become him again!” out of shock, the notebook fell from Ryuzaki’s grasp. It skidded across the floor of the helicopter and landed before Teru’s feet.

“What the hell is he doing!?” Aizawa gasped

The elder Yagami was horrified at what he was seeing. “Light! Light, stop this please!”

“It’s all my fault... It’s all my fault... I’m so sorry dad, I’m so sorry...” Light whimpered through tears


The gun went off but Light did not die. Rem grabbed his hands and yanked the gun just in time. The bullet fazing through their form without injuring the Shinigami at all. “It is not your time yet, Light Yagami. Do not try something so foolish again”

He was pushed to the ground, hands cuffed behind his back by his father for his own safety. “What were you thinking? What on earth were you thinking!?”

Then, chaos erupted yet again as Higuchi suddenly fell dead from a heart attack. Light then remembered. This was exactly what happened last time. Only he had been the one to kill Higuchi. Kira. Someone here is Kira! Light’s wide amber eyes strained as he scanned everyone in sight for anything that would show him who it was. Finally, his eyes landed on Mikami who was now hanging out of the helicopter looking shocked at what just happened. The older man turned his head and their eyes met. A silent conversation went between them. Then, Teru smirked the same smile Light once had, full of sick satisfaction. Light felt his heart stop. Cold realisation consuming him. It’s him. He’s Kira...


Light kept quiet. He had no choice but to remain quiet. If he even hinted at what he knew, there was no telling what Teru would do. Light refused to let anyone else pay for his failure. The journey home was silent with his father keeping an iron tight grip on his shoulder. Light regretted his earlier breakdown. He had been so consumed by his own fear and self-loathing that he’d failed to see the bigger picture. If he had died, he would have taken all he knew with him, effectively allowing Teru to succeed later on. No, Light would have to play this carefully, by Teru’s terms.

When they did return, an almost frantic Misa was waiting for them. “Oh, thank God you guys are back. I tried calling but none of you were answering”

The elder Yagami sighed “Misa, now really isn’t the time –”

“Light, it’s Mitsuko” Misa continued “She collapsed when you guys caught Higuchi”

“She – she what?” Light stuttered

“It’s – it’s bad, Light. I had to perform CPR till the doctors came. They’re with her now but it’s not looking good”

Without a word, Light bolted towards Mitsuko’s room. His already fragile mental state pushed even further. He threw the door open without knocking. Mitsuko laid on her barely awake now attached to a breathing tube and a heart monitor, a slew of doctors surrounding her bedside. “Mitsuko?” he whispered

One of the doctors, the one who earlier explained her condition wasn’t improving, came towards him. He was tall with slicked-back grey hair and glasses. “Mr Yagami. I’m glad you’re here. I’m afraid your friend’s condition has gotten worse. We were able to stabilise her for the time being but there’s not much more we can do for her” by then Ryuzaki had caught up to Light.

“What if she starts Chemo again? Or maybe some other treatment?” Light asked near pleading “There must be something you can do”

The doctor shook his head “Even if we did restart treatment, she’s far too weak for it to be of any good to her. The cancer has spread to the point where we can only give comfort measures. The best advice I can give... Is to bring anyone who wants to say goodbye. Sooner rather than later”

“Light...?” Ryuzaki asked when the doctor walked away

Light turned on his heel and stormed away towards their shared bedroom, tears once again falling down his face. Only this time they were tears of anger. Rem hadn’t kept up their end of the bargain. Mitsuko was dying despite him doing everything the Shinigami wanted. Once in the bedroom, Light slammed the door shut behind him and locked it so he was alone.


“He put a gun to himself” the shell-shocked father muttered as he paced the floor “He – he tried to end his own life... Why?” he whispered “Why would he do such a thing?”

Aizawa didn’t have any answers. He too was just as befuddled at his superior. “Maybe touching the notebook drove him temperately mad? Maybe he couldn’t take seeing a Shinigami, what with his best friend dying upstairs”

“But what about what he said? He said something about not becoming someone else again” Matsuda spoke with a worried tone “What could that mean?”

They all suspected the same thing. Light’s outburst and reaction to the Death Note could only point in one direction. And his words before attempting to take his own life? They hit far too close to home for the task force. It also didn’t help that Rem was now a permanent fixture of the Tower. The Shinigami’s presence was enough to set anyone on edge. Rem had said nothing pertaining to the investigation. They had yet to speak at all.

Aizawa picked up the notebook, flipping it open for the first time “How to use it...” he muttered “It says here that anyone who’s name is written in the Death Note...shall die... The death will not take effect unless the person’s face is in mind when writing his or her name. Therefore people sharing the same name will not be affected” he shuddered as he continued reading out the rules of the Death Note. Everything now made sense. Why the deaths were more commonly heart attacks, how Kira was able to set the time of death so easily. All Kira’s unworldly powers from a seemingly unremarkable notebook. “There’s more on the back cover. One rule states that if the notebook becomes unusable by damage or burning, all the humans who have touched the notebook will die”

“What!?” Matsuda squeaked

A perfect failsafe. Teru thought as he sat quietly in the corner. With that rule, no one on this pathetic task force will even attempt to destroy it. It’s safety is guaranteed which means my memories will remain. I only wish my darling Light’s reaction hadn’t been so unpleasant. No matter, I’ll be able to comfort him soon enough. Soon as I deal with...him. A dark look flashed over him as he stared at the back of Ryuzaki’s head. If everything went to plan, the infamous L would be dead within the week.

“The last rule says that if the person using the note fails to consecutively write names to be killed within thirteen days of each other, then the user will die” Aizawa finished feeling uneasy

“Wait a second. Doesn’t that mean both Misa and Mikami are in the clear? They were both in our custody for over fifty days without access to the notebook” Matsuda voiced

Yagami frowned “If these rules are accurate, then neither could be Kira or the second Kira as both would be long dead by now”

“I did tell you I wasn’t guilty” sighed Teru from his seat.

“Oh, I didn’t see you there” said Aizawa awkwardly “Still, none of this explains Light’s reaction on the bridge... Look, everyone’s thinking it, I’m just saying it. I don’t think Light is or was Kira but I do believe he knows a hell of a lot more than he’s letting on. If Light had prior knowledge of the Death Note and its abilities, he may have tried to prevent the deaths himself”

Matsuda smiled “Yeah! Like with Raye Pember at the train station or like at Sakura TV. There’s no way Light would be able to survive going up against Kira twice unless he knew exactly how to avoid being killed. He must have known who Kira was at some point! It’s the only explanation that makes sense”

“But why not tell us? We could have helped him” asked Mogi sadly

“Probably too scared to tell anyone. If Kira was caught, I don’t doubt he’d have dragged Light down with him”

Throughout this conversation, Ryuzaki remained silent. He sat facing away from the team deep in thought. Light’s outburst and subsequent life ending attempt had shaken him. When the gun went off, Ryuzaki’s heart had dropped to his stomach. He had wanted to confront Light and demand answers but with Mitsuko’s deteriorating condition, Light didn’t need the extra stress. Something about this is off. These rules are too convenient, too perfect. They completely exonerate both Misa and Mikami, but it all feels wrong.

He asked Rem about the rules and received a cryptic answer of how there may or may not be other Death Notes on earth and gave vague answers on whether the rules were the same in every other notebook. Despite his grievances, Ryuzaki had no choice but to allow Teru and Misa out of the Tower, no longer suspects of the investigation.

Teru stood up and bowed towards them “Thank you. If you don’t mind, I shall like to pack my things. Hopefully, I can salvage what house plants remain in my apartment”

“Huh” Matsuda commented quietly “Is it me or is he...different?”

“I think all of us are a bit shook up about this” Aizawa replied gesturing to the Shinigami behind them “Hopefully, he’ll have the sense not to bother Light anymore”

How pathetic. Fooled by two simple yet fake rules. This was almost too easy. L’s lost his edge and his reasoning to keep us locked up in this tower. I’m the God of this new world, a new world where people like you don’t belong. Once I’m finally finished with you, Light and I will be together. Forever. Now then, time to put Misa to work. I’m going to need her help.


Misa was overjoyed to learn she could finally leave the Tower and return home. As much as she wanted to stay by Light’s side, she really wanted to go back home and just be by herself for a while. She was happily packing her things when someone knocked on the door. “Yes? Oh, Light!” she grinned when Light opened the door “You came to say goodbye. Oh, aren’t you sweet!”

Light shut the door behind him “Misa, I need to talk to you. It’s important”

Misa grinned wider but then it fell when she saw how serious he looked “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“Listen, has Mikami asked you to do anything for him when you leave the Tower yet?”

“Huh? No, nothing. He hasn’t said anything to me yet since you guys got back. Why do you ask?”

Light sighed “Ok. Misa, this is important. I need you to do exactly as I say. He’s going to ask you to fetch him something. Probably somewhere in the woods. When he asks you, go but whatever you do, don’t make the deal”

Now Misa was confused “Deal? What deal?”

“It will all make sense afterwards. Just promise me, no matter how tempting or how much you’ll think it will help, don’t make the deal. Promise me”

“Ok, ok. I got it. No making any deals. You have my word” she promised crossing over her chest


Just as Light predicted, Teru cornered her and told her she needed to get something for him. Something that would aid in their efforts to win Light over. The promise she made to Light ringing in her ears as she went up to the mountain to find what Teru wanted. Misa was happy that Light trusted her enough for this but couldn’t help but wonder what was so important. The moment she held the notebook in her hands, everything made sense once more.

“I remember...” she whispered “I remember everything that I did using it...” Misa suddenly frowned “But – but Light is trying to bring down Kira. He hates what Kira is doing. Does that mean he’ll hate me too if he figures out I’m the second Kira?” she opened up the notebook and a note addressed to her from Teru slipped out. She read it and immediately crumpled the letter in her first. So, he wants me to write Ryuzaki’s real name so I can kill him. Not a chance, Teru. Even if I could remember his name, I’m done helping you. From now on, I’m going to help stop you. I’m going to be better for Light. Wait, that’s what Light meant! He doesn’t want me to make the Shinigami eye deal again. I must have done that in Light’s old timeline. That’s why he made me promise! Oh Light, you want me to live a long life. I knew you cared.

“Well, hi there” a voice from above greeted. Misa looked up and saw a gangly Shinigami perched on the branches above her.

“Oh! You must be the Shinigami that Teru Mikami had”

Ryuk nodded “Yep. Names Ryuk. How’s it going?”


“Hey, Light?” Matsuda called “Misa’s at the door”

Aizawa sighed “Already? Jeeze, she and Teru only moved out this morning”

Light stood from his seat “I better go see what she wants”

“You want someone to come with you?” offered his father

“It's Misa. I’ll be fine”

As Light left, Rem’s attention fell on the monitors where they could see Misa switch Ryuk standing behind her. Ryuk is attached to Misa once again. Looks like Mikami is following the same path as Light once did. Something caught their eye. Wait, this is different. Misa’s lifespan. It is unchanged. She hadn’t made the eye deal with Ryuk this time. I don’t understand. I was unable to save Mitsuko. She will die no matter what. So why has Light continued to protect Misa?

In the lobby, Misa touched Light with a scrap of the Death Note. Light’s eyes opened to a very familiar face. One he hadn’t seen in a lifetime. “Hello, Ryuk. It’s been a long time”

Ryuk laughed “For you maybe. I guess you and I have some catching up to do”

“Misa, you didn’t make the deal, right?”

Misa shook her head “No, I didn’t. I’ve made up my mind. From here on out, I’m going to help you take down Kira. I don’t know how things happened in your timeline, but I’m going to try to help you without the eyes. Though, I don’t know how much help I can be”

Light shook his head with a weary sigh “Ok, you can help. But you can’t let anyone know the truth yet. He still holds all the cards. If we act too soon... Just promise me you’ll be careful. I – I can’t lose another friend”

Misa launched herself at him, hugging him tight “I swear, I’ll be careful. You can count on me, Light”

To be continued...

Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty seven - Goodbye


In desperation, Light makes a choice that will affect everyone.

Art by


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Snow gently falls from the overcast sky. Big Ben rings out as the hour strikes. A small hand clutches tightly the other larger hand of his new guardian. Before them stands a school that would now be the boy’s home. The school would change him, build him into the most famous detective on earth. He would be remade, his past life forgotten. He would be the school’s greatest achievement and greatest tragedy...

Ryuzaki dropped the sugar cube into his tea almost robotically, the sound of it hitting the liquid echoing in his ears. It had been a long time since he had thought of that place. Now he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Or, more accurately, he couldn’t stop thinking about the friend he’d left behind. The friend he had failed. After BB had been put away for life, Ryuzaki had vowed never to think of him, never to speak of him, never allow himself to get close to another. Light had torn down his walls with ease, worming his way into his very being. Ryuzaki thought back to Light’s words on the bridge and worried.

The aged man had been surprised to see Ryuzaki in the security office “Ryuzaki? Is something the matter?”

“... Patch me through to the facility” Ryuzaki ordered “I need to speak with him”

“... I see”


Upstairs, Light sat diligently at Mitsuko’s bedside. He was bereft to leave her in case he wasn’t there when the time came. Her parents when informed of her current condition had chose not to visit. According to Watari, neither could bare to see her in such a state. Light had been furious at them for it but was quelled when Sayu and his Mom visited. The visit was anything but happy but they put on a brave face for her. Mitsuko was awake but barely able to keep her eyes open during the visit. They left in tears after saying goodbye for what might be the last time.

Mitsuko was asleep once more and Light held her hand tightly. He felt a presence behind him, one not of this world.

“For what it’s worth, I am sorry” Rem apologised

Light closed his eyes “You promised. You gave your word that you could save her”

“I did. I had planned to use an ancient Shinigami artefact to prevent her death but when I returned to my realm to obtain it, I discovered that it had been destroyed” they explained “I am sorry. There’s nothing that can be done”

He sniffed back another wave of tears “Can’t you, I don’t know, give her half of my lifespan?”

Rem shook their head “No. You do not have ownership of a Death Note and even if you did, such a transfer is impossible for humans to do.

“Why her? Why now? She doesn’t deserve this...” a tear trailed down his cheek “Can you at least... tell me how long she has left?”

“... If I convert her lifespan to human time, your friend will die in exactly five days”

Light choked back a sob “I can’t help but feel this is all my fault... I’m going to miss her so much”

The conversation died and Rem chose to return back downstairs. Emotions were a completely foreign concept to them. Still, regret and guilt churned in their degraded stomach.


Hours later, Ryuzaki, Rem, and Light were in the monitor room. Ryuzaki perched on the sofa examining the notebook with Rem standing in front of him. Light stood far away with his arms crossed and head in the clouds. While examining, Ryuzaki noted there was a small scrap missing from the corner of a blank page. It was the same scrap Rem had taken though they weren’t about to reveal that to Ryuzaki.

“Light? How is Mitsuko? I apologise for not being able to visit her as of yet” said Ryuzaki

Light looked away “No improvement. I guess I’m just trying to accept that... she’s not going to get better”

The detective turned back to the notebook “I know. Losing a friend is one of the most painful things a person can suffer. Why don’t you go out for a bit? Get some fresh air for a change”

“I can’t. I don’t want to risk not being here in case... well, you know” muttered Light


In her apartment, Misa sat in front of her mirror with a sad expression. She now had her Death Note back along with her memories. Teru still expected her to hold up her end of their agreement. He had no way to continue his crusade which meant he entrusted Misa to continue his work. On the one hand, Misa wanted to help Light bring down Teru. She wanted nothing more than his approval. On the other hand, there was her overwhelming need to follow Kira’s ideals. She was torn. She felt as though she would be failing her parents if she didn’t continue using the Death Note, that their deaths would have been for nothing. But disappointing Light was something she dreaded more than anything.

The choice was made for her when on the radio she was listening to, came a breaking news bulletin. There had been a robbery gone wrong in the Shinjuku district which left a little girl orphaned. History repeating itself. Misa sighed at her own reflection. I’m sorry Light. I promised not to make the eye deal, but I didn’t promise not to punish criminals. Donning her favourite outfit, a black and white Lolita dress with matching headband and stockings, Misa ventured out of her apartment with Death Note in hand. All the while as she took the lives of Criminals broadcasted to the public, a song she felt fitting repeated in her head.

Careful what you do

Cause God is watching

Your every move

Hold my hand in the dark street

For if you do l know

That I’ll be safe

Even if I’m far away

And alone

You can be sure that you’ll find me there

This I know

You draw me close for a while

So quiet

You’ll tell me everything

If I forget what you say

And you’ve done to me

Then tell me again

Yes, you’ll tell me once again...

But what happens when

I know it all

Then what should I do after that?

What then...?


Like the rest of the task force, Light was horrified to learn that criminals were starting to die again, this time by the dozens. Since Teru didn’t have access to the Death Note, that left only one suspect. Light’s heart sank. Misa... Oh Misa, why? He must still have a hold on her. Damn it. I’ve gotta think of something quick or else we’re done for.

“You mean we have yet another Kira to deal with?” Aizawa groaned “Somebody else has a Death Note too? This is all we need”

This has to be Misa. She must have chosen to follow Teru’s plan.

“These deaths began as soon as Misa and Teru Mikami were freed” Ryuzaki muttered “If it’s not either of them...then we have yet another person to find” The Shinigami is lying to us. They are protecting someone. Someone close to this investigation. I had suspected the rule about needing to consecutively kill was false. If I can prove it then it will throw both their claims of innocence out the window... But then there’s Light. What he said on the bridge... If the rule is false and Light knew exactly how Kira operates, then it’s possible Light may have used the Death Note himself...

Light Yagami, I do not understand. You know Teru Mikami is Kira. You know he is guilty. If you just tell them the truth, he will be captured and Misa will be safe. But then Misa will be sent to prison or executed for being the second Kira. And your family. If Mikami discovers you have ratted him out, he could kill your whole family before the police even arrive. What will you do?

Light took a long breath. There’s only one thing I can do now. His gaze drifted to Ryuzaki before him. I guess...this is goodbye.


The downpour came the next day. The news predicted a storm was on the way and advised everyone to stay indoors. Light stared out of the window in a deserted part of the tower, sat on a staircase with his phone in his hands. With a heavy sigh and an even heavier heart, Light dialled.

“Hello?” an unpleasantly unfamiliar voice responded

Light steadied himself “Teru, we need to talk”


He found Ryuzaki exactly where he did last time. The Detective stood in the pouring rain getting drenched. This time Light didn’t hesitate to walk into the pouring rain to talk to Ryuzaki. “Hey, Ryuzaki. What are you doing out here? You’ll catch your death”

Ryuzaki responded “Oh, I’m not doing anything in particular. I hear the bell” Light remembered this conversation vividly. Ryuzaki had known deep down he had lost and was going to die sooner rather than later. “Its been unusually loud today”

Not this time. You won’t die this time, Ryuzaki. I swear it.

“Come on, let’s go back inside before you get sick” Light said reaching for Ryuzaki’s arm. In doing so, Light’s foot slipped on wet metal which sent him almost flying into Ryuzaki’s arms. The detective caught him easily and the two stayed in that moment. Just the two of them in the pouring rain washing their sins away.

Death Note Redemption - doughnut_mind_if_I_do (2)

Light moved first, pulling Ryuzaki in for a desperate kiss. He needed this. Needed Ryuzaki like he needed air to breathe. He needed something to hold onto when he left. Ryuzaki met him with equal passion.

Somehow the pair made it to their bedroom. Soaking wet clothes thrown to the side in a primal need. They landed on the bed with a thud, Light underneath Ryuzaki. They fell right back into kissing as if their lives depended on it. Hands roamed bare skin, fingers clenched bedsheets and damp hair. “Are you sure?” Ryuzaki panted

Light nodded “I want this”

With permission given, Ryuzaki got to work taking Light apart in the most delicious of ways. He slowly but expertly prepared Light with long deft fingers that made Light see stars. Ryuzaki also mouthed his way down Light’s body till he reached Light’s dick. In one fluid movement, he engulfed Light in his mouth and pressed his fingers against his prostate. Light almost howled with how good it felt. It was all too much but not nearly enough. “Please... Ryuzaki, please!”

Ryuzaki let him go from his mouth “Are you alright?”

“Yes, just fuck me already” Light gasped as his prostate was brushed against again. Ryuzaki removed his fingers and reached for the lube on the bedside table. Light took the chance to look at Ryuzaki’s bare form and, oh, he did not disappoint.

After what felt like years, Ryuzaki lined up against Light’s entrance. He kissed Light as he entered slowly. Light winced a little at the size but felt no pain. Just an overwhelming sense of relief that they were finally together like this. Ryuzaki bottomed out and stilled, allowing Light to adjust. When Light gave the signal, the Detective thrust slowly. Light would have purred if he could. The feeling of Ryuzaki inside him was like nothing he’d ever experienced. The room filled with gasping breaths and the slapping of skin.

“Ryuzaki...” Light sighed, arching into the thrusts “Yes, right there... Oh my god...” the detective could only nod in response. “Ryu – god, I love you...” everything halted. Light realised what he had just said and went beet red. “I – I mean –” to his surprise, Ryuzaki kissed him deeply. When they broke apart gasping for air, Ryuzaki whispered “I love you too”

Tears sprang from Light’s eyes, both elated and devastated. In order not to cry, he pulled Ryuzaki close begging him to continue. Everything felt all that more real and electric now their hearts were open to each other. Their thrusts began to falter as they began to build to the finish line. A switch had flipped and now Ryuzaki was pounding into Light with fury. Light, in sheer ecstasy, was not stopping him at all. Light grew close, so close his dick was red and dripping pre cum. “I – I’m close!”

“Cum with me” Ryuzaki ordered breathlessly

Light’s vision whited out as his orgasm hit, Ryuzaki following moments later.


Daylight hadn’t broken yet when Light entered Mitsuko’s room. Like before, she was asleep so Light didn’t have the heart to wake her up to say goodbye. He pressed a small kill to her forehead. “Goodbye, Mitsuko. I’m gonna miss you” he whispered brokenly. Light left beside her sleeping form his cell phone. He wasn’t going to need it anymore. Light then slipped out of the bedroom as if he’d never been there.

Light took one last look at the tower that had been his home for the last few months. Now outside the building, Light stared up with regret-filled eyes. He then pulled up the hood of his hoodie and walked away. His first stop was Misa’s apartment. Despite the early hour, she was delighted to see him. Her delight faded when she found out what he wanted from her.

“Misa, as one last favour, I want you to give up the Death Note and any feelings you have of me”

“What? But Light! I don’t want to forget you! Is it because I kept using it? I can change, I swear!” she pleaded

Light shook his head “Misa. You only think you’re in love with me because of this” he pointed to her notebook “You deserve a normal life with someone who can love you back, and that’s not me. Please Misa. I’m asking you as your friend. Ryuzaki won’t be as kind as I am when he figures it all out”

By then, Misa was in tears but shockingly nodded in agreement. She wanted nothing more than to please Light and Light knew that. That’s why he played on her emotions. “Ok” she whispered “I – I give up ownership of the Death Note” Light saw the shift in her as she handed the notebook to him. Misa blinked for a moment. “Oh, hey Light. What are you doing here so early?”

“Sorry to bother you, Misa. I’ll be on my way” Light said turning to go, Ryuk floating behind him. Misa waved goodbye before shutting the door.

“Wow. So you’re actually leaving. Can’t say I saw that coming” Ryuk commented “Rem filled me in on what’s going on. I still can’t believe you started all this”

Light rolled his eyes “You know, this is something I haven’t missed” Misa should be safe along with the rest of the Task Force. Now... Time to face the music.


The stewardess handed Mikami his order of champagne “Here you are Sir. And on behalf of the crew, congratulations on your engagement”

“Thank you, you’re too kind,” he said toasting to the stewardess. He turned his head to the seat beside him, where Light sat looking out of the plane window. He’d already been served his non-alcoholic champagne. “To us and our new life together”

Light clinked his glass silently against Teru’s. Settling back into his seat, Light watched as they worked higher and higher into the clouds. Watched as he left his homeland for good.


Dear Ryuzaki

I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Please know that leaving was the only thing I could think of to protect you and the others. I wish there had been another way but there wasn’t. Kira wants me and he won’t stop killing unless I agree to his terms. Please don’t look for me. Don’t try to find me. I can’t lose you too.

No matter what happens, I will always love you.

I’m sorry

Yours, Light Yagami

Ryuzaki stared at the letter in his hands, one solidarity tear running down his face.

To be continued...


I'm sorry :(

Also, now would be a great time to take a breather, grab a drink or a snack. Remember to take your meds if you need to. And don't forget the all-important bathroom breaks xx

Chapter 29: Chapter Twenty Eight - Time goes on


The fallout of Light's decision to leave.


Short filler chapter for you lovely readers. And for those who are still getting over the last chapter... its only going to get worse from here for a while for poor Light.

Chapter Text

As Ryuzaki slept, Light dressed in jeans, a grey hoodie, and sneakers. It was still dark out. No one was set to come in for at least another two hours. Even Watari would still be asleep. It would give Light ample time to leave undetected. His heart ached despite his resolve. Leaving like this was the last thing he wanted to do but he had no choice. In order to stop Mikami from killing, he needed to give him what he wanted, and that was unfortunately Light himself. Now dressed, Light placed the folded letter on the pillow. He gazed at Ryuzaki’s sleeping form. I don’t deserve you. Not after what I did. I was a fool to think I could be happy. With soft footsteps, Light crept towards the door. Pausing at the threshold, Light gave him one last sorrowful look before leaving. I love you, Ryuzaki.

After saying goodbye to Mitsuko, Light made his way downstairs where he ran into Rem in the monitor room. “So, you’ve decided this is your course of action” they said staring down at him

“Do you have any other ideas?” Light retorted “Mikami won’t stop killing or use Misa to kill unless I give him what he wants. Going with him is the only thing that will stop him”

Rem gave him an almost pitiful look “And what of you? You will be miserable and in danger. There is no promise Teru Mikami will not turn on you eventually”

“Don’t you get it? All this is my fault” said Light in frustration “I didn’t get the notebook in time so it’s my fault all this happened. I may not be a killer this time around, but all Kira’s victims' blood is on my hands. I won’t let him kill anyone else, especially not those who I care about” Light let out a sigh “Look, I have to go. I need to speak to Misa before I leave”

“Light” Rem called after him “If you do this, there’s a possibility you’ll never be able to come back. Your family, the task force, Ryuzaki. You may never see them again. Are you sure you wish to walk away from them on the chance Mikami will honor your request?”

“... I won’t let Ryuzaki die. Not again” he whispered “Goodbye Rem”

Rem watched as Light walked out of the monitor room towards the exit. Goodbye, Light Yagami. We will not meet again. Thank you for protecting Misa.


In the days following Light’s departure, the task force searched and searched but they found no trace of Light Yagami or Teru Mikami. The two had practically vanished into thin air. By the time they had learned what Light had done, Light was already out of the country, leaving no hint as to his whereabouts. All he left behind was his cell phone and the letter addressed to Ryuzaki. They knew Teru was their killer, the monster that they were after. The letter and both of them disappearing at the same time was all the proof they needed. It wasn’t, however, enough to convince the government. They tried to get an international manhunt underway but the government put a stop to it. The collective world government wanted Kira to disappear, to fade into obscurity. If that meant using Light as a sacrificial lamb then that’s what they decided. No search was granted. Both the task force and Ryuzaki exhausted all avenues and all favours but they came up empty. To make matters worse, Rem had vanished along with the Death Note, leaving no evidence even if they did manage to somehow catch Mikami.

During this time of frantic searching and desperate pleas for help, Mitsuko passed away in her sleep just shy of her nineteenth birthday. She was cremated and buried alongside her older sister Naomi. Mitsuko never knew what became of her friend. The funeral was attended by her parents, her friends from school, Misa, the task force, and the Yagami family. Ryuzaki and Watari attended as well but kept their distance. They had hoped Light would somehow appear but he never did. Misa had kept to herself, feeling out of place and awkward. She hadn’t gotten to know Mitsuko well but she had been Light’s closest friend and Misa felt she needed to pay her respects in his honour.

“She was so young” Yagami whispered after the majority of the mourners left “I feel like I’ve lost two children”

Sachiko leaned against him in tears “At least she’s not in pain anymore. I just wish...that Light was here to say goodbye...”

A little later on, Sayu gave her bow of respect with teary eyes “Goodbye Mitsuko. I’m glad I got to meet you” she said “I promise. One day I’ll bring Light home. I swear to you”

After the funeral, the search continued but they never found any trace of the teen or Teru. Not long afterward, the Japanese government along with the U.N forced their hand and put a stop to their operation. They ordered that the task force disband and Ryuzaki leave the country for, in the eyes of the public, Kira was Higuchi and Higuchi was now dead. His services were no longer required. In the end, Ryuzaki was forced to leave. The Tower shut down and the rest of the task force given back their old jobs within the police force. Ryuzaki and Watari left Japan, leaving behind L’s first unsolved case...and his broken heart along with it.

Two days after they left Japan, the remaining members of the Yotsuba group were found dead having choked on their own blood. Then Weddy was killed in a freak motorcycle accident. Then Iber died of a heart attack having been found by his young son. There was no doubt in their minds that Teru was responsible but the U.N refused to believe it. Coincidence, they declared and brushed the obvious Kira deaths under the rug for fear of public panic. It was then that the remaining members of the Task Force had to admit defeat. Teru had won and Light was his prisoner. These were the only deaths since Light had left, a way to tie up loose ends and warn them not to try and come between him and his Light.


Teru couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he swilled his champagne in his glass. He could only image the reaction L would have when his two top agents and last living witnesses perished thanks to him. Yes, he promised his beloved Light he would not kill. The thing was, he had ensured their deaths before Light called him. Thanks to Misa’s help, he made sure the last of L’s outside support died. A part of him wished he had stayed if only to witness the detective realise how much he had lost.

The criminals of the world could live or die for all he cared. Now that Light was by his side like he had always dreamed, nothing else mattered. He had created a new world just for them. A world where nothing stood between them. He was almost pleased he’d allowed that fool Ryuzaki to live, if only for him to suffer having lost Light once and for all. Teru glanced at the sleeping teen next to him, a smirk playing on his lips. I’ll protect you, Light. Make no mistake. You’re mine now. Forever.


By the year 2012, Kira’s murders had ceased to be but his infamy had only grown with time. While many condemned his actions, many also praised him as a hero. Crime fell to an all-time low out of fear of his return. Soon, inside thoughts became public opinions and some nations even began to see Kira as a vengeful God who would one day return to continue his work. The world reached a darker age as more and more people became obsessed with his ideology, where Kira’s will was the only law.


“Still nothing?” the man named Roger asked Watari as they stood outside the oak door.

Watari sadly shook his head “No. He has committed himself to isolation. He refuses to come out, no matter what I try. He won’t even eat anything, not even his favorite cake”

Roger shook his head “My friend, he’s suffering a broken heart. These things take time to heal. You and I both know how difficult that can be”

“... He wants to retire” Watari announced and Roger gasped “He’s done, Roger. He says it’s time for Mellow or Near to take over as L”

Roger was shocked “But – But they’re still young. Near isn’t even –”

“Near is older than L was when he began his work. L trained them well, they are ready"

The other man looked back at the locked door where Ryuzaki had secluded himself “I hope you are right, Quilish. I hope you are right”

To be continued...

Chapter 30: Chapter Twenty Nine - Years later


Five years have passed since Light's departure. How will the world react when Kira begins killing once more?


Four chapters in four days, I am on fire!

This will be my last update until after October 3rd. Have an incredibly busy few days ahead so I'll be too busy to update :(
I will be back in October my lovelies xx

Chapter Text

Mello and Near had been trained to be L’s successors should the day come that Ryuzaki died. The two boys were polar opposites with each having prominent parts of Ryuzaki’s personality. Where Near was calm and collected, Mello was brash and hard-headed. Where Mello was meticulous and cunning, Near was steadfast and bold. Both were geniuses in their own right, their intelligence second only to L himself.

That being said, neither were ready to hear Roger’s announcement “What? What do you mean, retirement?” Mello demanded an answer “L doesn’t retire. He only retires when he’s dead!” the blonde then gasped “Wait, was it Kira? Did Kira kill him?”

“Calm yourself, Mello” Watari spoke softly “As much as it pains me to say it, Ryuzaki has decided he is no longer fit to hold the title as L. He believes it’s time either you or Near to take up the mantle” he said glancing to the albino boy dressed in white that was silently putting a puzzle together.

Mello refused to accept it “But why!? The L I know would never just give up! Not with Kira still around. So why the hell is he doing this?”

Near cut in by dumping his puzzle back onto the floor “L fell victim to the most common of all traps, Mello” he said, beginning to piece his puzzle back together “L’s heart was broken”

“His heart?... L fell in love?” the taller boy questioned aloud “I didn’t even think L was capable of feeling that kind of emotion. So that’s why he’s giving up? Because he’s weak?”

Watari cut in rather harshly “Because the person he loves has given themselves up to Kira in order to protect him. Ryuzaki feels he has failed and can no longer be L. He has entrusted his title to both of you. Please do not make this any harder than it needs to be”

“It’ll never work, Watari. Near and I don’t get along and besides... Near was always the favourite” he spoke bitterly “It's fine. Near should be the new L. As for me, I’m leaving this institution”

Roger stood from his seat “Wait, Mello-”

“Don’t waste your breath. I’m almost fifteen years old. It’s time I started living my own life” Mello announced stomping his way out of the office. Before he left the school for good, Mello made a stop before the room Ryuzaki had isolated himself in “Hey! L!” Mello yelled pounding his fist on the door “You were supposed to be the smart one. I thought you were better than this. Guess I was wrong”

Inside the room, Ryuzaki lay on the bed curled up into a ball. The curtains were drawn and the lights were off encasing him in darkness. Ryuzaki didn’t respond to Mello’s insults. Ryuzaki didn’t say anything at all. He just lay there in the dark, clutching a white jacket close to his chest.


Time both crawled and flew by in an instant. Before they realised it, five long years had passed since Near took the mantle of L. Five years since Light had been seen or heard from by anyone he knew. He and Teru had practically become ghosts, having vanished from Japan entirely. His departure had nearly caused Yagami and his wife to divorce over the stress but they eventually managed to get used to the new normal, even though they missed their son with every breath they took.

As for Sayu, loosing her big brother had changed her dramatically. The untimely death of Mitsuko only solidified her transformation into the young woman she was now. Sayu had promised herself and Mitsuko that she would bring Light home one day, no matter what. So now she was newly graduated from High School, Sayu was heading to To-Oh University like her big brother to study criminology. She planned to join the police force just like Light had.

Like the others, the older Yagami had his old job back as Chief of the NPA. With Ryuzaki out of contact, there was very little they themselves alone could do to try and continue the search. As the months turned into years, those remaining had to accept the fact that Light might never come home.

Whatever deal Light had made with Teru, it had worked. Kira killings had stopped altogether but the fear and admiration in the public remained and had exploded over the last five years. It pained Yagami to think of his son under Mikami’s total control. Was he safe? Was he hurt? Was he even still alive? These thoughts kept him up at night.

That day, the now ex members of the task force had gathered at the Yagami household for a drink. It didn’t take long for the conversation to start about what had happened all those years ago.

“I can’t believe it’s been five years already” sighed the father morosely “Sometimes it feels like yesterday that he left”

Matsuda nodded “I bet. I still can’t wrap my head around that he actually did it. Sacrificed himself for the good of everyone else”

“Guess he felt like he didn’t have a choice” added Aizawa taking a sip of his beer “Mikami must have been stalking him for who knows how long. With that kind of obsession, he must have thought leaving was the safest thing for everyone involved. Crazy kid”

“I’m home” Sayu called as she entered the house “Hey dad, hey everyone”

Her father smiled softly “Hello Sayu. Where have you been?”

“Oh, just out. I visited Mitsuko’s grave for a bit. Wanted to tell her I got into To-Oh just like her”

“Oh yeah. Tomorrow’s the anniversary of the day she died” said Matsuda “I had almost forgotten about that”

All of a sudden, Mogi lifted up his beer can in a toast “To Light and Mitsuko”

“To Light and Mitsuko” the others repeated raising their drinks

Yagami’s phone in his pocket began ringing which cut through the atmosphere with a knife “Chief Yagami speaking, what is it?......” out of nowhere, he dropped his can of beer, jumping to his feet with a look of panic on his face “Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure?... Yes, we’ll be there at once”

“What is it Chief?” asked Aizawa

Fearfully, Yagami replied “That was the Warden of the Kanto Region prison. Over a dozen inmates just died of unexplained heart attacks at once. He’s back”

“What!? You mean Teru is at it again!?” cried Matsuda

Sayu choked on her own breath “But – But if he’s killing again, does that mean Light is...?” she couldn’t finish the sentence due to tears.

“Come on. We need to get back to the station quickly” ordered Yagami


“I don’t get it. Kira’s been quiet for five years. Why the hell would he just randomly start killing now?” asked Matsuda as Yagami drove like a bat out of hell to the station.

Aizawa shrugged “Maybe Light finally had enough and tried to leave? Or maybe something worse considering how out of the blue this is”

“Aizawa, please. You’re not helping my nerves” muttered Yagami.

When they finally reached the station, the men poured into Yagami’s office where a disturbed Ide was waiting for them. “It's not just one prison. Prisons from all over the world are reporting the same thing. Inmates are dying from heart attacks by the hundreds. It’s got to be him”

“But how? That means he must have gotten his hands on another Death Note!” Matsuda yelled “Didn’t the Shinigami take it back years ago? So how did he get another one?”

“Well, we never did fully rule out Misa as a second Kira. For all we know, she could have slipped him the second notebook for safekeeping before they left” Mogi reminded them

Aizawa let out a tired groan “Typical she’d be on an American tour right now”

“If Kira is back, then the U.N can’t ignore us now” declared Matsuda “With this evidence, they’ll have to help us”

“You’re right” Yagami realised “Everyone, call every contact you have within the law. We need to capitalize on these recent killings before they sweep this under the rug yet again”


Two days later, a man from the FBI arrived to speak with Chief Yagami. He was tall with dark hair that was now greying slightly at the temples. He wore a brown overcoat over his suit and carried a black leather briefcase with him “Good afternoon Chief Yagami. My name is Agent Raye Pember. I hope you don’t mind but I came to offer my services” he said producing his badge “As soon as I heard of the killings starting up, I jumped on the first plane back to Japan”

“Raye Pember?” Yagami questioned, the name ringing a bell in his head “Wait a minute. Weren’t you the agent that was held hostage by Kira?”

The man nodded “Yes. I was also the man your son saved from certain death. I apologise for not giving my gratitude in person” Raye bowed his head slightly in respect “If it weren’t for him, I’d surely be dead by now”

“I see. I wish Light were here to greet you but... He’s missing. Has been for years”

Raye paused “Missing? Oh, I’m so sorry. I can only hope that he returns home soon” the agent then got to work “Unfortunately, I don’t have good news. The FBI has decided that the Japanese government is unable to deal with the resurgence of Kira. I risk my job telling you this, but the FBI is working alongside L in this new investigation”

“L? You mean Ryuzaki?”

Raye shook his head “No. Somebody else. Some kid by the name of Near is now L. From what I could gather, no one has seen the original L in years. Not since the first investigation was called off by the U.N. I also have to inform you that the FBI will attempt to acquire Higuchi’s notebook”

“Impossible. The Shinigami attached to it took it back shortly after Light disappeared. It’s why we were unable to convince the U.N to allow us to continue investigating” explained Yagami “The FBI won’t find anything”

“That’s not good. The FBI wants all this to go away as soon as possible. If they can’t find the notebook, then who knows what they’ll do”


A gentle rap of knuckles was heard “Ryuzaki? It’s me” spoke Watari outside of the locked room “I’m sorry to bother you but it’s urgent”

“I told you” Ryuzaki responded muffled by the door “Near is more than capable of the role. Now leave me be”

“Ryuzaki... It’s Kira. He’s back” within seconds, the door flew open narrowly missing hitting Watari in the face.

“... What happened?” Ryuzaki asked, only his white-sleeved arm visible against the door, the rest of his shrouded in darkness.

Watari explained “It began two days ago. Incarcerated criminals, ones whose names and faces were available have started dying by the hundreds. There’s no doubt about it. Teru Mikami has started killing again”

Ryuzaki didn’t say anything for a moment. Digesting the information that Kira was back. “Well then, let’s get to work”


Unbeknownst to anyone, another group was beginning their plot to get the notebook. Mello had done well for himself, having become the leader of his own criminal gang. He had used the techniques and abilities L had taught him and quickly rose up the ranks. He was never wrong and always came out on top which left him one of the most feared men in the underground. Since he never went by his real name, he felt secure that he was safe.

When Kira started killing again, Mello had only one goal in mind. To get the notebook and finally get rid of his competition. Kira was too big of a fish to let live. He was unaware that the notebook that had been in the task force’s possession was now gone along with Rem. Like everyone else, he thought they still had it. And so he chose to get it by taking away the only thing Chief Yagami had left. His daughter Sayu. He theorised that the father would do anything to protect his only remaining child and he was banking on fatherly love overcoming the need to take down Kira.

Catching her had been surprisingly difficult. Sayu had put up a fight, even managing to give one of Mello’s men a black eye before they got her into the car and sped off. Now all Mello had to do after sending Yagami the random request was wait. He didn’t doubt that he’d have the notebook soon enough. It would take a few days for Yagami and the others to get to LA to make the transfer, but he felt confident everything would work out in his favour

At least, that’s what he had assumed would happen. He had been lounging on the couch eating yet another chocolate bar, a habit he’d gotten from L, when one of his men walked in “Hey Boss. Just wanted to let you know that the Yagami girl has been taken to the secondary location as you asked”

That made Mello spit out the chocolate “What secondary location? I never ordered that!”

The man looked confused “Well, the new guy said you wanted her moved in case the Japanese police try to sneak up on our base. Said it was a direct order from you”

“What new guy?! The last new guy we had died three months ago!”

“I-I don’t know! Some Asian young guy named Ratio”

Mello froze. Asian? Ratio? Hold on... Ratio means Light! Light Yagami! Mello jumped off the couch in a fury “Where did he take her!?”

“I think he said south of LA. Why? What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that you just gave away our hostage to her own freaking brother!!” Mello screamed in his face “You’re fired!”


A call from Yagami’s phone broke the silence. The number was unknown which could only mean it was the kidnappers. Yagami signaled for the call to be traced then answered “Yes?”

“... Dad, it’s me” came a voice he never thought he’d hear again

Yagami nearly fainted “Light!?” he gasped which made everyone else in the room gasp in shock as well “Is it really you?”

“Yeah, it’s me. Listen, I can’t talk for long. I’ve got Sayu. She’s safe and I’m taking her to the airport as we speak” in the background they could hear traffic flying past the car Light was driving. “She’s ok. A little rougher up but she’s not hurt”

“I’m here dad!” Sayu said from the passenger seat “Light saved my life”

By then Yagami was in tears from relief “You’re both there. You’re both alright” he shuddered a breath “Light, come home. Please. We can protect you. We can help you”

“Dad, I can’t” Light responded mournfully “You saw what happened when I left last time. Teru killed hundreds of criminals because of me. If I don’t go back, he’s only going to get worse” he sighed “I’m sorry. I have to go”

“Wait, Light-!” but Light had already hung up the phone, leaving him and Sayu alone in the car.

Silence passed between them as Light continued to drive. He glanced over to her and smiled sadly “You’ve gotten so big”

“Yeah” Sayu whispered “That’s what happens after five years... I’ve missed you. God, I’ve missed you so much. I can’t believe you came to rescue me”

“Like I was really going to leave you there to fend for yourself. Oh, by the way, say hi to Ryuk” he said pointing to the back seat. Sayu turned her head confused only to be met with the grinning face of a Shinigami.

“Hey there, nice to meet ya” Ryuk greeted

Sayu blinked for a moment, utterly speechless “... Hi” she turned back to face the road “... Friend of yours?”

“It's a long story”

Sayu shrugged “We’ve got time. I think I deserve the truth after all these years”


Light locked the door behind him, putting the key back into the nook. “Ah, you’ve finally returned,” Teru said with a satisfied smile “I do hope this won’t be a regular occurrence. You running off like that”

The now young man glared at Teru “You know why I left. The only reason I came back was to stop you from killing any more people” he shoved past him harshly “Don't mistake our relationship for anything other than –”

Teru suddenly grabbed him, pinning him to the wall with his hands trapped behind his back “Oh darling. You know I’m a patient man. I waited years for you to come to me. I can wait forever if it means you continue to stay by my side. Remember though, so long as you stay, Kira disappears. If you try to leave again... Well, let’s just say there won’t be much to return home to” Teru then let Light go allowing the younger man to stumble away "Keep that in mind. No go clean up the mess you left behind"

Light looked over to the smashed up living room and sighed "Yes, Teru"

To be continued...

Chapter 31: Chapter Thirty - So close and yet so far


Sayu is safe and unhafrmed but nothing ever goes smoothly for LIght


I'm back! Finally have a moment to breathe after a hectic weekend. Hope you all enjoy xx

Edit - guess who caught Covid after over two years of avoiding it 🙃 Me! I can't believe it! Looks like I'm stuck home for a while.

Chapter Text

They had settled in America under new names and identities. Teru had successfully transferred his savings and fake credentials overseas, making it easy for him to resume his work as a Prosecutor. The apartment in LA was spacious yet comfortable. A two-bedroom one bathroom set up overlooking the LA shoreline. Light was something of a kept man after that. Surprisingly, Teru was uninterested in being with Light physically. According to him, Light’s purity was one of a kind and not even he could dare try and take it. Light wisely kept quiet that even if Teru wanted that, Ryuzaki had beaten him to the punch. Still, Teru insisted that they wear wedding rings and fake being a couple for the neighbours in case they asked why questions. Light was sure Teru enjoyed knowing he was in control. He could see the twisted satisfaction in those near-black eyes whenever they looked at him.

Another surprise had been Ryuk’s reaction to everything. The Shinigami had, over time, grown to become protective of Light. There were many occasions when Ryuk would get between them when tempers flared and forced Teru to calm down. The added security of a Shinigami’s protection ensured Teru kept up his good behaviour. That didn’t mean Teru wasn’t a danger anymore. Light knew all too well just how volatile the older man could become when things didn’t go his way. Teru may not have touched Light sexually, but he certainly thrived on knowing Light was helpless to obey him for fear Kira would begin anew.

Light, terrified of his own weakness with the Death Note, refused to be near it and therefore it was in Teru’s possession at all times.

Then came the night when Light’s patients tried too far. At work, Teru had won a major case for his firm. As a reward, they gave him a bonus and a bottle of expensive Italian wine. Light didn’t drink and Teru only did occasionally but that night he overindulged and drank far too much. Enough that he became loose-lipped with his secrets. Light had ignored most of it until Teru said something that made his blood grow cold. Drunkenly thinking that Light wouldn’t react negatively, Teru admitted that Mitsuko’s illness wasn’t a tragic twist of fate. “Truth is I killed her, along with that agent sister of hers,” he said swigging the wine without a care “Same day too. Hers just took a lot longer”

It happened so fast that Light, later on, would assume he had blacked out. One moment he was doing the dishes half listening to Teru babble, the next Ryuk was pulling him off a battered and bruised ex-Kira, all the while Light was screaming hatred against Teru. Light was willing to put up with anything to protect those he left behind, but in that moment? Light wanted him dead. He knew he had to leave or else he was going to end up murdering Teru. Teru staggered after him but Light was in no mood to deal with him. Much to his surprise, Ryuk had followed. “What? You’re much more interesting than he is” Ryuk had said in defence.

That night, Light managed to find shelter at a cheap motel for the night. The next day, he awoke to news of countless inmates dying of sudden heart attacks. Light just hung his head in despair. This was a warning meant for him. If he didn’t return back to Teru soon, more people were going to die. Teru had been meticulous, keeping the Death Note under lock and key that only he could access. Light couldn’t have done anything to stop the deaths other than staying.

But with these new deaths came another problem. There would no doubt be another investigation, headed most likely by the FBI or the CIA. If Light’s memory served right, that meant his path would cross with Near and Mello. Near who had taken over Ryuzaki’s work and Mello who had kidnapped Sayu in order to get Rem’s notebook. Light was totally out of the loop, unaware of anything back home but one thing was certain. Light was not about to let his sister suffer as she did last time. He could still picture her back then. Mute and wheelchair-bound from trauma, mentally broken to the point where she would eventually need to be put in a facility. Light would not allow that to happen. Not while he breathed.

Finding Mello’s hideout was easy. It was still the same address and Mello had thankfully hired the same men to work for him. Light found it almost comical how easy it was for him to blend in with the others. If anyone ever questioned him, he would just respond in Japanese which both confused and placated them. Seriously, Mello. Get some better henchmen. These guys are idiots.

The day Sayu was brought to the hideout was the same day Light got her out. She never saw the horrors or suffered the trauma she once did. At least Light could be thankful for that. It killed him to part ways with her at the airport. Light would love nothing more than to return home but he couldn’t. In the days since, Teru hadn’t stopped killing and it wouldn’t take much longer for him to start targeting his family. Light and Sayu hugged tightly at the gate, both in tears as they whispered goodbye to each other.

Light did promise this “Sayu, I swear. One day, I will come home. Just not yet”


Sayu was back on Japanese soil and back in her parent's arms within twenty four hours of saying goodbye to her brother. She had begged, pleaded, and cried for Light to get on the plane with her but they ultimately parted ways. Sayu understood why he chose to stay behind but it didn’t make it hurt any less.

Her mother embraced her tightly when she was brought home by her father. “Oh, thank heavens you’re safe. I was so worried about you. And Light...he’s ok?”

“Yeah, Mom. He’s – well, he looks ok but it hasn’t been easy for him. I tried to get him to come with me but he wouldn’t. I think he was too afraid Kira would go after us next”

“Oh, that reminds me. Honey, you have visitors in the living room. They said you used to work together some time ago” Sachiko said to her husband. The man frowned in confusion. When he went to check for himself, Yagami could barely contain his shock. Sitting on his living room sofa were Watari and Ryuzaki. Watari hadn’t changed much over the years save for a few more wrinkles but Ryuzaki had changed a lot. For one, his messy black hair was now down to his waist. He was also taller but still thin. He still wore the baggy white shirt and blue trousers, but now he wore a white jacket on top which was too big for him.

“Hello, Chief Yagami. It’s good to see you again” he greeted

Yagami nodded “It's good to see you too”


It was strange to have Ryuzaki back after all these years. The once members of the Task Force didn’t quite know how to act around him once again. They were all condensed within the Yagami house with Watari helping Sachiko with refreshments. While Sayu relayed everything, Matsuda leaned over to Aizawa and whispered “Hey, isn’t that Light’s old jacket Ryuzaki is wearing?” Aizawa responded by shushing him.

“I see” Ryuzaki muttered “So the killings started once more because Light left Teru’s side. And he left because he discovered Mitsuko was actually a Kira victim”

“Geez. I knew he was crazy but I didn’t think he was that cruel” Matsuda said with brewing anger “I mean, he literally watched her get sicker by the day. What kind of person does that?”

“Someone truly sick in the head” Ide added “I can’t even imagine what it was like for Light all these years”

Sayu piped up “Well, Light didn’t really comment on that. I asked but he avoided the question”

“Ryuzaki, what’s our plan? We can’t let Teru get away this time”

The detective shook his head “No, we cannot. Now that we know Teru is killing once more, we have ample justification to resume the investigation. Our best bet is to take the fight to him”

Suddenly, Sayu gasped “Crap! I can’t believe I nearly forgot!” she reached into her jacket pocket “I managed to write down the licence plate number on the car Light drove while he was distracted. I remember him saying Teru was still working as a Prosecutor but under a different name” she handed over the folded paper to Matsuda who immediately jumped onto his laptop to access the database.

“One second... Got it!” he proclaimed with a proud grin “The car is registered to a Mathew Lin. Prosecuting Attorney at Johnson & Co law firm. We even have the address! It says here he lives at the Wilshire apartment complex in apartment 1306 with...” his smile fell “... His husband, Ratio Asahi”

Yagami nearly had a heart attack there and then “Light married that monster!?”

“Dad, calm down!” Sayu exclaimed “Light explained it was all for show. He isn’t married at all”

“Then it’s settled. Matsuda, find us accommodation within a five-mile radius of the complex. Miss Yagami, while it is your choice entirely, I would prefer it if you came along”

Sayu blinked “Me? Why?”

“Because even when Mikami terrorised Light by killing those prisoners as retribution for leaving him, Light still chose to rescue you before going back. If anyone is able to convince Light to leave, it will be you” Ryuzaki explained. Sayu nodded agreeing to go. After all, there was no way she was going to let Light suffer any longer.

“Also, I must warn you all that the group that kidnapped Sayu is not amused she was rescued so easily. I don’t doubt their leader will seek us out for revenge should he find out we are also in America. We must be careful”


They travelled to America on separate flights to avoid any further suspicion. Aizawa even had a haircut, getting rid of his impressive afro Style hair to make himself less noticeable. Raye as well had joined them to aid them. Sachiko’s attendance had been surprising but no one could talk her out of going with them. “My son is out there. I’ll drag that boy back by his earlobe if I have to”

Watari, Ryuzaki, and Sayu took a third flight on a private jet. It was to ensure Sayu wasn’t tracked on a flight roster on the slim chance she was still being targeted. Sayu sat across from the detective quietly while he flicked through the files from five years ago. “So... you and my brother” Ryuzaki paused “Light told me you two were involved before he left. I don’t mean to pry, I’m just curious”

“Its fine. I understand. As for your previous statement, yes. Light and I were involved to some extent. Though frankly, I’m not exactly sure –”

“He told me he loves you” Sayu cut him off. Hearing that, Ryuzaki looked up at her with a wide eyed expression. “He told me before I came home. He said that remembering you was sometimes the only thing that kept him sane. I know he hurt you by leaving, but I’ve never seen him talk about someone like that. Just... Be gentle when you see him, ok? That’s all I ask”

Ryuzaki was, maybe for the first time, rendered speechless. No more words were exchanged over the course of the flight. When they did at last land in America, they took a car to the hotel Matsuda had booked for them. Two blocks away with a view that had the Wilshire in sight. Now gathered in the hotel, it was time to start phase two of their plan. Getting into contact with Light.

Meanwhile, Mello was a raging storm destroying everything in sight. His plan to obtain the notebook had fallen apart, his hostage rescued right from under him, and all because of Light Yagami. “Damn it! I knew he wouldn’t be able to stay away. I should have gotten rid of him before I took the girl!” he continued his rampage, throwing anything that wasn’t nailed down in any which way direction. “Damn it all! If it wasn’t for him...!” his anger swiftly changed to calculating interest. “Wait a minute...”

Kira killings from last week could only be the result of another notebook. And since Light Yagami willingly went with Kira and was also able to get his sister, that’s means Kira is most definitely in California as well. That means there’s already a notebook in America! He grinned almost maniacally “Why didn’t I think of this before? You!” he pointed to one of his men who was rightfully hiding in the corner to avoid his anger “Find out where Light Yagami is! We’re not out of the game yet!” Just you wait, Near. I’ll prove once and for all which of us is the better detective.


“Ok, I’ve dug up everything I can on Light’s fake identity. He goes by Ratio Asahi. From what I gather, he doesn’t leave the apartment much. When he does leave, it’s on a strict schedule. Three hours a day on Mondays and Thursdays. Not a lot of time to make contact” Aizawa announced

“Most likely a control tactic by Teru. Can’t let him out of his sights for long” Yagami sighed shaking his head “And I don’t doubt he’s got Light’s phone bugged by this point so that’s out of the question”

Sayu bit her lip worriedly. She wanted to tell them what Light told her but couldn’t. Even if she did, she doubted any of them would believe her. Hell, Sayu barely believed it and she had heard it from Light himself. Light. Just hang on big brother. We’ll think of something.

“I’ve got visual on Light” Matsuda announced using binoculars to peer at the Wilshire entrance. All at once, everyone gathered at the windows to see for themselves. Though Matsuda had the better view, they could still make out Light walking down the street with his head low and hands in his pockets.

Sachiko choked out a sob “My baby... Oh thank heavens, he’s ok”

“Light...” her husband whispered with tears forming in his eyes “My son...”

“It's really him” Ryuzaki whispered in near awe, hand pressed against the window pane as if to touch Light.

Of course, whatever happiness they felt in that moment was swiftly shattered moments later. A blacked-out SVU swerved into park cutting Light off as he walked. Several muscled men wearing masks jumped out of the car and grabbed him. “He’s being kidnapped!” Matsuda cried. The collective group were on the fifteenth floor so even if they tried to run, it would have been too late to stop them. Still, Yagami and Mogi leapt into action with both of them racing out of the room and down the staircases. Those left behind watched Light try to escape his kidnappers but he was outmatched and outnumbered. They forced him into the car with him kicking and screaming all the way. Once he was inside, the car raced off. Yagami and Mogi managed to make it outside the hotel just as the SUV bolted passed. One of the back windows were down and Yagami caught a glance of his son before he was gone yet again. “Light!! LIGHT!!” He bellowed desperately but it was no use. Light was taken.


“If you ever want to see your precious Light alive, you will hand over the Notebook to us” one of Mello’s men informed Teru over the phone “You have 48 hours to make the trade or else he will die. The coordinates will be sent to you momentarily”

Teru stared at his phone in utter panic. Those...those bastards!


In the Shinigami Realm, Rem watched through the portal of what was currently happening on earth. “Well, I better get going” they said, unknowingly repeating Ryuk’s words from years past.

To be continued...

Chapter 32: Chapter Thirty One - Saving Light (Part One)


In the aftermath of Light's kidnapping, the shadow of Ryuzaki's past comes back to haunt him.


I am so sorry this took so long!! I ended up catching covid and it really did a number on me. But I'm all better now and updates will be every week, I promise xx

Chapter Text

“Man! I can’t believe that worked!” Misa giggled “That was some damn good acting there. Seriously though, when you get better, you gotta give acting a shot. That performance was stellar! I think you had Matsuda genuinely frightened for a moment there”

Before her, Mitsuko shook her head with a smile “No thanks. This was enough for me for one lifetime. Remind me to apologise to Matsuda when we get back. I didn’t mean to push him that hard”

“Eh, I’m sure he’s ok. He’s a police detective. I’m sure he’s been through worse” Misa waved her hand. Just then the lights in the hotel room went out. “Seriously? A power cut?”

Mitsuko shrugged “Could you check the lights? I need to sit down for a moment”

Misa went to check but found none of the lights working. She peeked her head out into the hallway and found that dark and unlit as well. “Huh. Looks like the whole building’s gone dark” she went back inside. “No matter. I’ll just call Light and... M-Mitsuko...? What are you doing?”

To Misa’s shock, Mitsuko was standing atop the balcony fence. The other girl stared at Misa with a blank expression and hollow eyes “Why...?”

“Look, just – just get down from there before you hurt yourself”

“... Why did you do it?” Mitsuko whispered, red blood starting to drip from her eyes in lieu of tears “Why did you do it? Why, Misa?

Misa floundered for a response “I – I haven’t done anything. Just get down, please!”

“You helped him, Misa” Mitsuko said softly whilst falling backward “You helped him kill me...”


“NNOOO!!” Misa screamed as she awoke from her nightmare. Sweat beaded her forehead and her breathing labored. The blonde closed her eyes, a hand coming up to cover them. Another nightmare. That’s the third one this week. “Urgh. This tour is going to be a disaster if I don’t get some sleep” But why do I keep having these nightmares about Mitsuko? I mean, we never really got to know each other that well when she was alive. Is it because her death anniversary just past? Maybe... With a tired sigh, Misa got out of bed to get herself a drink of water. When reaching the bathroom, Misa filled up the glass by the sink and took a long drink. She then stared at her tired reflection, noting the bags under her eyes and skin in need of moisturising. Misa let out a scream when she saw a figure standing behind her in the reflection. It was another her with glowing red eyes holding a black notebook in her hands that was dripping blood.

Misa swiftly turned around but found no one there. Just her imagination. No more sleep came to her that night.


72 hours earlier...

“Hey, Boss? You’ve got a call on the computer. We tried to track the IP address but it was hidden”

Mello hummed “It must be Near. No doubt he’s heard of the Yagami girl’s release” he sighed “Alright. Patch him through” Better get this over with. Mello flipped the laptop on the nearby coffee table and reached for one of his many, many chocolate bars. It took a moment for the feed to patch through. However, instead of the letter N he had been expecting, there was simply a blank white screen.

“Mello. It’s been a while” a computerised distorted voice greeted “I see you’ve done well for yourself. I must say, I’m impressed”

Mello sat up, brow furrowed “What the...? Who are you?”

“I’m not surprised you don’t recognise me. It has been a few years since you and I last spoke” the voice continued “Though I’m a bit disappointed it was Near who took over my work instead of you”

The blonde nearly fell off the sofa in shock “Wait! Ryu-Ryuzaki!?” he gasped “You’re back!?”

“Yes. I’ve released myself from self-imposed exile when the Kira killings began anew. I have decided that in order to take down Kira once and for all, I will need your particular skillset”

“But why me? Why not Near? He was the favourite” Mello said bitterly

The computerised voice continued “Because while Near most certainly has the skills, you have the ability to get the job done. Near has been L for five years now and has barely scratched the surface on what he’s capable of. Meanwhile, you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty. You’ve created a veritable criminal empire, one that has both the power and skill to help stop Kira. Do you understand?”

Mello nodded even though Ryuzaki couldn’t see him “Yes” he whispered excitedly “I understand clearly”

“Perfect. Now then. Here’s what we’re going to do...”


It was safe to say that being kidnapped was not on Light’s to do list that day. Not exactly his preferred way to start the morning. Once inside the car, Light was both handcuffed and blindfolded. Before his sight was taken, he caught a glance of his father outside the car for a brief moment. Light was sure he had imagined it. There was no way his father was in America. At least he hoped he had imagined it. He didn’t doubt Sayu had kept her mouth shut about what he had told her. The last thing he wanted was for history to repeat itself. Then again, if it meant switching fates with Sayu, he couldn’t say it wasn’t deserved. The guilt of his past, though numbed over time, was still a deep seeded part of himself.

The drive to Mello’s other location felt like forever. He could tell by the shift in the terrain that they were headed for the desert. Sayu would have been brought to the same location if he hadn’t interfered. When the SVU came into park, Light was yanked out by the scruff of his shirt collar and not so gently ushered forward. Light kept his composure despite being on edge. He had no idea how he would get out of this. For once he was completely out of his depth. Getting Sayu out had been a walk in the park as he had known what would happen. Now he was the one kidnapped and Light tried not to think about what may or may not happen to him.

He was shoved into a cell made from bulletproof glass. His blindfold was removed but the gag remained. He observed his cell and surroundings, finding no way of getting out by himself, especially with his hands still handcuffed behind his back. From the shadows, a figure stepped forward. Even with the mask covering his face, Light could tell by the blonde hair that it was Mello.

“Good afternoon, Mr Asahi. Or should we stick to Yagami?” he mocked from behind the mask “You know, you’re little stunt cost me big time. I could have put a stop to all of this if you had just let me get that notebook. But I get it. You’re a big brother and big brothers protect their little sisters. Even if it means people get killed by Kira” at that, Light looked away with guilt. “So here’s the deal. We’ve arranged for Kira to bring the notebook to us here in exactly two days. Only, you won’t be here. You’ll be transported to a different location. Somewhere where Kira won’t be able to track you. Once he hands over the notebook, we’ll let you go”

Light raised an eyebrow, not believing Mello in the slightest. Mello reached into the small opening of the cell and pulled the gag down so Light could speak “Really? You’re just going to let me go? Forgive me if I don’t believe you”

“Oh don’t worry” Mello smirked “I doubt you’ll even want to leave once you get there, considering who’s waiting for you”


Teru paced the floor of the apartment in a growing panic. Light had been taken and he only had a few days to make the trade or less Light would be killed. He couldn’t just give up the notebook to random gangsters but he also couldn’t leave Light to fend for himself. I have to do something! I have to think! Light is depending on me. Urgh! If I just knew those bastards' names I could finish them off without issue.

“So. What are you gonna do?” Ryuk questioned with his classic grin

Teru turned to him angrily “And where were you!? I gave you explicit instructions to follow Light whenever he left home!”

“What? I got hungry” he said biting into an apple “Besides, how was I supposed to know he’d get kidnapped? I’m a Shinigami, not a physic” he finished off the apple in one bite “Anyway, so how are you gonna do this? Are you really going to give up the Death Note?”

“No!... Yes! Argh, I don’t know! I never thought this would happen. And now my darling Light is paying for my ignorance!”

Ryuk went quiet for a moment, deep in thought “Well, they didn’t specify which Death Note had to be given did they? There is another hanging around the Human world after all”

Teru grinned “Of course... Of course! Misa Armane’s notebook” he then deflated “Only one problem. That damn Rem won’t let me anywhere near her”

The Shinigami grinned even further “Oh, I don’t think Rem is going to be an issue”

At that precise same moment, Rem appeared in the Task Force hotel room “I understand you are in need of a Death Note”


“Holy shit!” Matsuda yelped almost jumping out of his skin “Rem!?”

“No way. The other Shinigami?” Aizawa gasped in shock seeing Rem for the first time in years.

Sayu looked around but saw no one else in the room “Who are you guys talking to?” suddenly, a scrap of paper was pressed against her hand along with her mother and Raye. They then saw the towering white and grey Shinigami before them. “Oh... Hello” Sayu greeted. Sachiko waved mutely and Raye, ever the experienced FBI agent, promptly fainted.

“Hello Sayu, sister of Light Yagami. I am pleased to see you are well” Rem greeted before turning their attention to Ryuzaki “I am aware Light Yagami has been kidnapped by those working for Mihael Keehl, known formerly as Mello. I am here to offer my help”

Ryuzaki looked at the Shinigami suspiciously “Why now? You’ve been gone for the last five years. Why Intervene now?”

“Because I owe Light a debt. He prevented Misa’s fate and therefore, I owe him. I will aid you in his rescue in whatever way I can. Though I must warn you, Mello is not working alone”

The detective sighed “I figured as much. As intelligent as Mello is, I didn’t think he’d be able to pull this off alone”

“Excuse me, Ryuzaki? Who is Mello?” questioned Matsuda after helping get Raye onto the sofa

“My protégé or at least one of them. Trained to take over for me after my death. Mello left to make his own way years ago and decided to go into crime. Near is his counterpart who has taken over for me in my absence” Ryuzaki gave his attention back to Rem “Who is Mello working with?”

Rem paused “That, I do not know. Even with the Shinigami eyes, I am unable to see his real name”

The computer on the coffee table started beeping signaling someone wanted to get through. Watari accepted the call and on the screen appeared the gothic letter N on a white background. “Ryuzaki. I take it you are aware of what has transpired. Some of my agents did attempt to Intervene but we’re unable to. Though we do have a lead on the location they’re taking him” an image of the desert appeared “Mello purchased an underground bunker under an assumed name three months ago located here. We believe that’s the most likely spot they’ve taken him”

“That’s at least a three-hour drive from here,” Yagami said “We’ll need a way to get there undetected”

While they talked, Matsuda's phone rang from his pocket. Matsuda checked the I.D and gasped in surprise “Misa?” he said aloud accepting the call “Hello?”

“M-Matsuda? Is that you?” Misa’s trembling voice asked, “Are you guys ok?”

Matsuda put the call on speaker “Misa, what’s wrong? You haven’t called us since Light left”

“I know, that’s why I’m calling. It’s Mikami. He tracked me down and demanded I give him a notebook. I don’t even know what notebook he wanted. He tore my hotel room apart searching for it” she explained with a tremor “I called the police but he ran before they got here. I didn’t know he was even in L.A”

“So he’s trying to find the other Notebook?” Sayu asked

“Mello wanted the notebook from us in exchange for your release. They’ve probably asked the same from Teru in exchange for Light. He must be trying to save Light and keep his access to the Death Note” Yagami said with a deep frown “Ryuzaki, any ideas?”

Ryuzaki thought for a moment “If they are going by a similar plan of action then we have a time limit in order to make the trade. Since we have a notebook of our own, we could make the trade ourselves and keep Mikami out of this all together”

He was cut off when Near interrupted “Hang on, I’m getting a call from Mello. I’ll patch it through so you can hear” after a moment of static, Mello’s voice joined the call.

“Near... Oh fuck, I’ve screwed up. I’ve screwed up big time” Mello’s boarder line terrified voice whispered “I was so fucking stupid”

“Mello, calm yourself. Tell me what happened?”

Mello continued “I fell for it. All those pretty words, I should have known it wasn’t him. I should have known it wasn’t Ryuzaki on the call”

Ryuzaki himself butted in “Mello? What happened?”

“Ryuzaki? Aw man, I – I’m so sorry. I just wanted to impress you. I had no idea, I swear. He was just so convincing” Mello said brokenly “I swear I thought he was you”

It was Near’s turn to interrupt “Mello. Tell us. What happened?”

“... It was him... He – his eyes were so wrong...”

In the hotel room, Ryuzaki stopped breathing. His already wide eyes now impossibly wide with genuine horror. Watari too looked utterly terror filled. “No... No, it can’t be...” Watari muttered

“Mello... What have you done?” asked Near, his voice equally as scared “Did you... You didn’t hand him over, did you?” Mello’s silence was deafening.

Aizawa glanced at Ryuzaki and found him in an awful state. He was trembling, chest heaving, a cold sweat on his brow. He’d seen Ryuzaki scared before but this time, he was terrified. “Ryuzaki? Ryuzaki” he placed a hand on his shoulder but Ryuzaki jumped a mile at the slightest touch. Ryuzaki’s knees buckled and he fell to the floor, still unable to speak. “Ryuzaki!”

“Is he ok?”

“Give him space, he can’t breathe!”

“Watari, what do we do?”

“Should we get him some cake?”

“Shut up, Matsuda”


In the secret third location, a pale hand stroked the hair of the sleeping Light Yagami. Red eyes practically glowed with glee at his victory. As if that facility could hold him forever. He had simply been biding his time. He was well aware how much Ryuzaki feared him. The detective’s intelligence was nothing compared to his own. However, he had held back on defeating Ryuzaki once and for all because up until now, Ryuzaki had nothing to lose. Sure, he had Watari but nothing could compare with losing the person you love.

He smirked to himself, using his free hand to scoop up some sweet strawberry jam from the jar next to his bare feet. See you soon, old friend. I’ll be waiting for you.

To be continued...

Chapter 33: Chapter Thirty Two - Saving Light (Part Two)


Ryuzaki will stop at nothing to save Light.

Chapter Text


“I’m sorry it had to come to this” Ryuzaki stated “But you left me no choice. You’ll be here until the court of law deems you sane enough to be placed into maximum security prison”

BB simply smirked gleefully “As if they’d let me out of here,” he said shifting around in his straitjacket. It truly was an unsettling sight for the guards posted outside BB’s cell. Beyond Birthday and the infamous detective L were near identical in both appearance and mannerisms. BB had gone to great lengths to ensure his appearance was as close as it could be to his once friend. If it were not for his startling red eyes, no one would be able to tell them apart at first glance.

For the last year, BB had terrorised L.A with the most gruesome murders anyone had seen in a long time. He had become something of an Anti Detective after leaving Wammy house. Instead of bringing those he captured to justice, he would instead torture them to death while being paid to do so by his clients. It was only because he was caught literally red-handed that his reign of terror came to an end. Surprisingly, BB hadn’t put up much of a fight when the FBI agents arrested him. He was getting bored of killing at the whim of another. So he willingly went along as he was placed in a padded cell wrapped in a straitjacket.

“This will be the last time you and I talk. You will be nothing but a distant memory to me”

BB rolled his red eyes “I’m sure that’s what the lovely Agent Misora will be telling herself. I mean, really? Leading on a lady like that? I’m surprised at you”

Ryuzaki’s own dark eyes narrowed “You manipulated her”

“You manipulated her first. She was so desperate for your approval, it was almost comical how easily she fell for my tricks. Tell me. How will dear old Watari make her sins disappear? The records may disappear but she’ll always have to live with what she did”

Stealing himself, Ryuzaki turned his back on BB “Goodbye B”

“Oh, this isn’t goodbye. You and I? We’ll meet again” BB promised as Ryuzaki walked away “One day, L. One day, you and I will finish this. You know only death will truly stop me”


They had gotten Ryuzaki on the sofa after his breakdown. Sayu had wrapped a blanket around him while Matsuda dumped half a canister of sugar into a cup of coffee and placed it in the detective’s still trembling hands. He’d yet to take a sip.

Meanwhile, Watari was having quite the phone call with the facility that should still be housing BB. Everyone else was shaken up by what had just happened. Ryuzaki was supposed to be the infallible one, the unshakable force behind the team. To see him so rattled, so scared, was enough to make anyone worry at what they were about to face.

“I’ve only ever read about Beyond Birthday. I always assumed he was executed for what he did” Matsuda muttered. By then Raye had come to and had been updated on the situation. He was horrified to know BB was back, especially since Naomi had dealt with him personally.

“That’s what the public was led to believe. Unfortunately, due to BB’s volatile and unpredictable nature, he was placed in what we thought was a secure facility for the criminally insane for the remainder of his life” Near explained through the laptop “L.A was his hunting ground. It’s no surprise he would return to where he was most comfortable”

Suddenly, Watari yelled down the phone “Three months!? He escaped three months ago and no one thought to contact us!?”

“Ah, the American justice system at its finest” Yagami sighed in frustration with a pinch of the bridge of his nose “Now you’re telling me this psychopathic killer has my son? How on earth are we supposed to rescue him now?”

All the while, Ryuzaki sat staring into the dark brown liquid in his cup. He knew what BB was capable of. The utter depravity and despair he could inflict on the innocent. Ryuzaki had known deep down this day would come, the day BB would reignite the battle between them. Only Ryuzaki had never anticipated Light getting caught in the crossfire. If BB even suspected how important the young man was to Ryuzaki, there would be nothing left of Light but bloody remains to be found too late. He refused to let that happen.

Ryuzaki threw the cup of coffee to the floor letting it spill on the carpet. He stood up the blanket falling from his shoulders. Any fear he had was now replaced with fierce determination. “We give him what he wants” he announced “We give him me”


“He wants to finish what we started. Then we’ll finish it. Mello, get him on the network” he ordered. Mello hesitated but gave in. He wanted to make up for his mistake. The minutes ticked on until Mello announced he’d made contact with the killer.

It was silent as the screen shifted to black with a red gothic B. Then, a burst of sinister laughter came from the laptop speakers. “Hello again, old friend” BB greeted “I see that dear Mello has told you of what has transpired. Such a good boy”

“What do you want?” Ryuzaki demanded

BB chuckled yet again “I think the right question is, what do you want” the screen turned to static for a moment before a live video feed began playing. Everyone gasped when they saw the feed was of Light sleeping on an old sofa still wearing the clothes he had worn when he was kidnapped. “Don't worry. I only gave him enough to knock him out. I don’t plan on hurting him. Not yet at least”

Anger flared within Ryuzaki “B, I swear. If you lay a finger on him...”

“Ah, there it is. That weakness I’ve been waiting for. I sensed it you know. During our conversation five years ago. I knew something had changed within you, and now I’ve got it” the feed panned away from Light towards a mirror hanging on the wall. It was broken making BB’s reflection warped and distorted. The camera in front of his face hid his appearance for the time being but they could still hear his sinister laughter which sent Ryuzaki’s blood pressure rising and temper flaring. “Come and find me Ryuzaki. Before he wakes up and we really have some fun” the feed went dark and then flashed coordinates to where BB was holding Light captive.

“So... What do we do know?” Matsuda asked when all was quiet

Ryuzaki stood tall “Now... We bring Light home”

“If I may speak” Rem interrupted “I may have an idea”


“Join L? You must be out of your mind” Teru scoffed at the very idea “I’m not that desperate. I can get Light back on my own without the help of that man”

Rem stared down at the human “The one who took Light was deceived and another now holds Light captive. He goes by the name BB or Beyond Birthday” Teru’s reaction spoke volumes “Do you still think you’ll be able to do this by yourself? Neither I or Ryuk could tell you his real name so how would you be able to find out? Unless you help L, Light will end up dead. Or in BB’s case, suffer a fate worse than death”

“Alright, I get it” Teru said in defeat “I guess I really have no choice. I take it BB wants the Death Note as well?”

Rem shook their head “No. BB had made no such demand and neither has L. Right now, the only thing they care about is Light. L plans to infiltrate BB’s hideout with the aid of his successors. Should you join them in the fight, they have agreed that you will face no charges for being Kira”

Wow. I never thought I’d see Rem care so much about a human other than Misa. Guess Light really has changed things this time around. Thought Ryuk silently.

The human thought long and hard about what to do but eventually had to agree with the white Shinigami “I understand. At least this way, Light and I can be together again. This time without the need to hide. Fine, I’ll join L once more. But only to save Light. No one else matters”

He fell for it. Just as I thought he would. Rem inwardly said. Humans are so...predictable...


“Ryuzaki, he’s here” Watari announced. Immediately, everyone in the room tensed. Both Sayu and Sachiko hurried into the bedroom. Leaving only the men to face Teru once more. The man walked inside calmly as anything. His eyes met Ryuzaki’s and the two glared at each other. Kira and L facing off once more.

A steaming mad Yagami stepped between them, his fury barely held back “Now you listen here. The only reason you’re here is because of Light. Step out of line and I won’t hesitate to arrest you”

“On what grounds?” Teru had the nerve to ask mockingly “The evidence you have against me is circumstantial at best and I’m sure you’re aware,” he glanced at Ryuzaki with a knowing smirk “He left with me willingly. I’ve done nothing but provide him with the best life possible. You should be nicer Mr Yagami. I am technically your son-in-law after all”

“Why you son of a-!” Yagami roared reeling his fist back to punch

Ryuzaki cut in “That’s enough. We can have this conversation later. Right now, we have bigger problems to worry about. Let’s get back to it” he gestured everyone closer “We know where BB is hiding. The address is 545 Clayton Avenue, located in Los Angeles. I’ve had Near scour the area with drones. Near?”

“Its an abandoned factory complex. At least it appears abandoned” Near announced through the speakers “My drones have indicated dozens of heat signatures. At least forty or more inside the building. No doubt hired thugs”

“BB’s prepared for an assault. That doesn’t bode well” Aizawa commented “Ryuzaki, what’s our plan?”

Before Ryuzaki could answer, Raye spoke up “I know what we need to do. Naomi told me everything about BB. His methods, his eyes, I know what we’re up against. The first thing we need is an entry point to the complex. One preferably unguarded and or at least one with little security. One of us will have to cause a distraction in order to get the bulk of BB’s men in one place. The majority of our people will take them on while a smaller group heads in further to track down BB and Light. Our best bet to deal with BB is to take away his eyesight. He’s claimed to have the Shinigami eyes so that’s both his strength and our target”

“What about Teru? What’s his role in all this?” Ide asked with crossed arms

“Teru will be the bait” Raye said simply “He and Ryuzaki are similar enough in height and body to confuse BB, especially with their faces covered. Even if BB has the eyes, I doubt he’d be willing to take that chance to let L get away”

Ryuzaki shrugged “It's crazy enough to work. Though BB will no doubt see through the deception, it could give us enough time to find Light while BB plays cat and mouse. Is that alright with you, Mr Mikami?”

“As if you’d really give me a choice to say no” Teru snarked back “And yes, I’m perfectly willing to risk my life in order to save my husband” that comment did earn a punch to the gut from the elder Yagami.

Yagami glared coldly “One more comment like that, and I’ll make Light a widow. Got it?”

“Got it” wheezed Teru

“Ok... Who’s going to be the distraction?”


Why me? Matsuda inwardly groaned as he sneaked towards the factory in the dead of night in full riot gear and face covering. They had ended up drawing straws and Matsuda had quite literally drew the short one. Further away waited the small army Ryuzaki had organised, all of whom were dressed identically. It was a collective force of Near’s agents, Mello’s mafia men and the Task Force. Each man was armed with guns and other weapons in case things got messy. Ryuzaki stood at the front alongside Yagami and Teru. Sachiko and Sayu were waiting anxiously at the hotel room with Watari standing guard at the door with a rifle. No one was taking any chances.

“Now we wait for Matsuda’s signal” Raye whispered

Ryuzaki looked at the structure, hands gripping the gun tight. Wait for me, Light. I’m coming for you.

Atop the crumbling structure perched Rem and Ryuk. Ryuk chuckled at the sight. “Boy, things sure do get interesting around here” he turned his head to look at Rem “You know what’s going to happen. That’s why you came back, isn’t it?”

“You’re smarter than I gave you credit for Ryuk”

Just below them on the highest floor of the building, Light started to awaken. The sedative he had been given had finally worn off and now he had returned to the waking world. He blinked slowly so his eyes could adjust to the ceiling light. He then felt a hand softly stroking his hair.

It was BB wearing custom contact lenses that made his eyes look nearly black but to a confused and drowsy Light Yagami, all he could see was Ryuzaki. Light’s own eyes began to prick with tears “R-Ryuzaki...? Is it really you?”

BB nodded, copying Ryuzaki’s mannerisms to the tiniest detail “Yes. I finally found you”

Light pulled himself up into a sitting position, unable to believe what he was seeing. For the first time in years, hope bloomed in his heart. “I can’t believe it. How did you-?”

“It doesn’t matter. We got him. You’re free now. You can come back with me” BB pulled him into a hug to which Light happily returned thinking it was Ryuzaki instead. Light was in tears he was so exhilarated. He never thought he’d get this again. Light held him close soaking in the comfort when all of a sudden, Light’s stomach dropped. A cold sense of dread fell upon him when he felt a small mole on the back of the other’s neck right under the hairline. It had been one of Light’s favourite pastimes stroking Ryuzaki’s hair as the detective slept. He’d never seen a mole in that area before. Such a tiny difference but one that made all the difference.

Light pulled back, his once joy now shifted to open suspicion. “You’re not Ryuzaki”

The shift from Ryuzaki to BB was instantaneous. BB didn’t even try to hide anymore now that Light had so quickly figured it out. Light staggered back out of his grip but before BB could do anything, a massive explosion rocked the building.

“That’s the signal!” Matsuda yelled in his earpiece running down the hallway

“Go, go, go!” Raye ordered and the gathered men charged.

Upstairs Light took the chance and ran. He of course didn’t know where he was going but he was not about to stay with a pretender that had murder in his eyes. “Get back here!!” BB yelled which just made Light run faster. Just a few floors down it was utter chaos. Gunfire and actual fire raged on. The explosion had been caused by a stray bullet missing Matsuda and hitting a gas canister which sparked a chain reaction of explosions and a growing blaze that would soon engulf to the building. Ryuzaki lead the task force upwards to where Light would most likely be with Light already having fled to the west side of the building trying to avoid the fires.

“Look!” Aizawa said pointing upwards. Above the. Looking down the staircase was BB. BB spotted them and with a scowl, vanished into the smoke that was quickly filling the area. “Damn it”

“Forget about him” ordered Ryuzaki “We don’t have time BB, just search for Light”

Teru commented “For once, we are in complete agreement”


Unlike the others, BB had memorised the factory complex like the back of his hand. Every darkened hallway, every dead end and that gave him the advantage. BB slipped down the floors avoiding the danger and running in the same direction as Light. He followed Light’s trail until he came to a room that used to be an office, now empty and rotting.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his target lunge at him with a metal bar. BB easily dodged, swiped the makeshift weapon out of Light’s hand, and swiftly whacked the younger man. The bar hit Light in the chest knocking the wind out of him and bringing him to his knees. BB was about to swing once more when a bullet hit the raised bar in his hand, the ringing noise echoing.

“Step. Back”

Light glanced up wide-eyed in shock, recognising the voice “Ryuzaki?” he gasped hopefully seeing a man in riot gear standing at the doorway, gun pointed at BB.

BB grinned manically “Finally! I was wondering when you’d get here Ryuzaki” in response, Ryuzaki pulled the helmet off, revealing that it was in fact him. Light’s gaze darted from him to BB in quick succession, utterly confused as to how they looked so alike.

“What the...?”

“Light, get back. That’s Beyond Birthday” Ryuzaki warned

“Beyond... Oh shit” the brunette swore quickly scrambling away out of fear

BB continued to grin, the fact a gun was pointed at him did nothing to dissuade him “Typical Ryuzaki. Always ruining my fun. You never could leave sleeping dogs lie. I think this is the first I’ve ever seen you go so far. He must be very important to you”

Another bullet rang out, this one barely missing BB my inches “Next time I won’t miss”

“The old man taught you well. Pity he never taught you don’t taunt the target” in the blink of an eye, it happened. Light’s eyes rolled back and he collapsed back onto the floor having a seizure. Ryuzaki stared in horror “Delayed reaction to the drugs I gave him. I timed it just right so you would be here to see it. Knew you’d never be able to stay away” BB gave Ryuzaki a burning red stare and a wide toothy grin “Just like old times”

This time, Ryuzaki didn’t miss. He emptied the magazine into BB, never wasting a bullet. Within seconds, the terror that was BB was now dead. Slumped against the wall in a pool of his own blood. Ryuzaki dropped the gun and raced towards Light who had now gone still. “No. Nononono. Light? Light!”


Light found himself in a vast meadow underneath a cloudless blue sky. He was barefoot, his clothes replaced with a clean white button down and white kaki’s. He felt oddly at peace in this unfamiliar place. “Hi Light” a gentle voice greeted from behind. Light would recognise that voice anywhere. He turned around slowly, his heart pounding when he saw who it was.

There stood Mitsuko. Healthy with a full head of hair and wearing a white summer dress. “Mitsuko?”

“Didn’t think I’d see you here so soon” she said with a soft smile, walking towards him through the knee-length grass.

“Is this... Am I dead?” he questioned

She shook her head “Not exactly. This is the in-between”

Light could hardly believe it “Mitsuko... I’ve missed you so much. I’m – I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault you died” the two shared a hug that felt so real it brought him to near tears.

“Don't be silly. I don’t blame you at all for what happened”

Tears formed in his eyes “But I – You must know who I used to be. Your sister... And everyone else, I – I killed so many people...”

“No, that was a completely different person. You are not that person anymore” Mitsuko stated firmly, grasping his hands tightly “Light, I forgive you. You are forgiven. Now it’s time you forgive yourself”

A sharp pain filled him, so powerful his knees gave out “What’s going on?”


“Come on, come on” Ryuzaki pleaded while desperately trying to restart Light’s heart with chest compressions “Please... Please, Light” he paused only to give rescue breaths and then started compressions once more. Dread pooled as Light remained unresponsive “Don't do this to me Light. Not now”

Rem and Ryuk stood watching silently as they knew his efforts were going to be in vain.

“Come back to me” begged Ryuzaki. Just then Teru and the others appeared at the doorway having heard the multitude of shots. Teru let out an anguished cry seeing his precious Light lying motionless on the ground. The rest of the task force were in equal states of despair and shock.

Yagami wailed “Oh God, Light!”

“Is he-”


In the in-between, Light stared at the scene unfolding through the portal that had opened up. Tears streamed down his face seeing Ryuzaki, his Ryuzaki, try to save him. “No... No. I want to go back. I want to go back! Send me back, please!” he turned to his friend “How do I go back!?”

Mitsuko shook her head “I’m sorry. I don’t think you can”

Light tore himself from her embrace and ran towards the portal which seemed to move away from him with every frantic step forwards.


“Wake up! Wake up, damn it!” the detective sobbed still trying with everything he had to save Light “Don't – don’t leave me. Not again!”



To be continued...

Chapter 34: Chapter Thirty Three - A moment of peace


The Task force take a minuet to breathe after what happened with BB


Fair warning, this chapter is like 20% plot and 80% pure smut. Enjoy xx

Chapter Text


Light’s eyes snapped open and he took in a long deep gasp of air. He was alive. In a panic, Light began thrashing to get away from everyone but Ryuzaki pulled him into a tight embrace and refused to let him go. Everyone surrounding him breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone except Teru, that is. Light eventually calmed enough that he could breathe normally. Shaky hands clutched riot gear covered arms and soft black hair. Instinctively Light felt the back of the others neck and found no such mole that BB had. He all but collapsed in Ryuzaki’s arms in hysterical tears “It's you. It’s really you”

“Light... Thank heavens you’re safe” his father spoke in a choked voice but Light didn’t register it at all. He just kept holding Ryuzaki like the other would fade away if he let go.

“We should get out of here. This place isn’t going to last much longer” Raye announced standing up. He did a quick head count and frowned “Wait, where’s Mikami?”

Yagami looked around and let out a weary sigh “He must have run after Light woke up”

“I don’t care” Light muttered “I don’t care, just get me out of here”

Ryuzaki helped him to his feet. The brunette man raised his head for the first time and saw Ryuk standing on the far side of the room. The Shinigami was staring at the floor where a large pile of dust sat. Poking out of the mound of sand was Rem’s Death Note. Light’s heart sank.

“Is that...?” he asked Ryuk who no one else could see. Ryuk nodded and Light understood. In order to save Light, Rem had given up their lifespan for him. Similar to how they had died before in order to save Misa, this time it was to save Light. Light lowered his head in regret. Another life over because of him. Matsuda was about to go over and grab it when Light stopped him. “Let it burn. One less Notebook to worry about”

No one else could argue with that. For the time being Teru’s whereabouts were unknown but at that moment it didn’t matter. The Task Force had completed its mission. BB was dead and Light was saved. They left the factory to burn, Rem’s notebook burning up alongside it. Thank you Rem. I’ll never forget what you did for me.

“Sachiko... We got him. We’re bringing him home” Yagami announced through the earpiece


They let the complex burn along with the other Notebook and BB’s body. Aizawa checked and confirmed the killer was indeed dead having bled out from the multiple bullet wounds. For just a second, Ryuzaki mourned the friend he once knew. The old friend that would hold his hand after a nightmare and share his cake after dinnertime. He steadied himself and helped Yagami carry Light out of the building, letting the memories and childhood innocence burn along with BB. Now with only one Notebook to deal with, taking down Mikami will be much more easier.

Light slept through the drive back, head nestled in Ryuzaki’s lap. They had called ahead and had the others at the hotel moved to another location on the chance Mikami would make an appearance. At the new hotel, Light was greeted with the tightest hug from his mother and sister. Tears were shed all round at the touching reunion. “I’m so sorry, Mom. I’m so, so sorry...”

Sachiko shushed him “You’re back now. That’s all that matters. I’m just so relieved you’re ok. I’ve been so worried about you”

“We all have” her husband agreed, “We thought we’d never see you again after you left”

Light looked down to the floor ashamed “I know. I didn’t know what else I could do to stop him-”

“That’s a conversation for tomorrow” his mother interrupted “Right now, you need your rest. No offense but you look utterly exhausted”

A short while later, Light found himself in the shower washing away the grime and smoke off his tired body. He was grateful to be alive but at the same time, despondent about Rem’s sacrifice. Even with the assurance of Mitsuko and his family, Light still didn’t think he was deserving of forgiveness. After all, this all began because of him and his failure. If Light had managed to get the notebook before Mikami, then maybe none of this would have happened. Kira never would have existed and everyone else would have had a peaceful existence.

Sighing, Light shut off the water and stepped out of the shower. He dried himself off and then dressed in a soft pair of pajamas with the hotel’s logo. He paused to look at himself in the bathroom mirror. His mom was right, he did look exhausted. Taking a breath, Light left the bathroom. The hotel room had a bathroom attached to the bedroom where he found Ryuzaki perched on the bed waiting for him.

“Hello, Light”

“Hey” Light responded somewhat quietly

Ryuzaki stood up “How are you feeling?”

The younger man shrugged “Ok, I guess? I think I’m still wrapping my head around everything” he looked at the detective “I’m sorry that I dragged you into this”

“I think I should be the one apologising” said Ryuzaki stepping closer “I should have dealt with BB years ago. His involvement is my fault. But Light... I need to know why? Why did you leave?”

Light shuddered a breath. “Ok. I’ll tell you” he sat on the bed and Ryuzaki sat beside him. The younger man paused to compose himself. With another deep intake of breath, Light told Ryuzaki everything. Every detail of what had happened and what he had done. He spared no details. Ryuzaki deserved nothing but the truth. By the time he was finished, he was near tears and bracing himself for Ryuzaki’s reaction. The detective was silent whilst absorbing everything Light told him. “So, that’s it. That’s everything”

“... Did Mitsuko know?”

“No. After what happened to her sister, I couldn’t bare telling her the truth. I didn’t want her to hate me in her last days”

“Light... From the way I see it, you’ve more than redeemed yourself” Ryuzaki said softly “While I admit it’s a shock to learn what you did, the person you were back then is not the person you are now. Tell me. Were you ever tempted to use the notebook this time around?”

Light vehemently shook his head “No, never. I never wanted to be that monster again”

“And you aren’t him anymore. It’s time to let go of that guilt”

“But... But what I did... I killed you” Light whispered tearfully “I-I killed so many people back then. How can you even look at me knowing who I was?”

Ryuzaki cupped Light’s face and brought him close “Because I know you. You’re the person who risked life and limb to save Raye Pember. You pushed yourself to the brink of a heart attack because you were trying so hard to catch Kira. Because no matter what you’ve done, I still and always will love you”

Light broke. He threw himself into Ryuzaki’s embrace and sobbed. What felt like the weight of the world lifting off his shoulders. If Ryuzaki could find it in him to forgive him, then maybe, just maybe, he was worth it after all. Ryuzaki held him as he cried, gently rubbing his back in comfort. “I love you too” whispered Light “God, I’ve missed you so much” he let out a weak chuckle as his fingers ran through the other’s hair “I like your hair”

Ryuzaki pulled back giving a half smile “Watari has been begging me to cut it for years. Says it’s unbecoming of a detective”

The two stared at each other for a while, simply soaking in that they were there. That they were together again. Who leaned in first was anyone’s guess. Their lips met in a soft kiss, one filled with the simple joy of being reunited. Their next kiss was the exact opposite. Drenched in unbridled passion and desperate longing. The room quickly filled with heavy breathing as the two fell back onto the bed scooting up until they hit the pillows. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other even if they tried. Clothes quickly ended up on the floor, fingers raking over exposed skin. Ryuzaki broke the kiss and asked breathlessly “Did he do this?”

“What?” Light panted

“Mikami, did he...?” While the marriage itself had been for show, Ryuzaki had still internally agonized over what had gone on behind closed doors over the years Light had been under Mikami’s hold. The thoughts had kept him awake at night worse than any insomnia could.

Noticing the worry, Light shook his head “No. Never. Just you. Only you”

Something primal came over the Detective. It soothed him to know nothing like that happened to Light during the years they were separated but it also awoke that long dormant need to restate his claim on the younger man, body and soul. He hastily removed what little clothing remained between them leaving them bare before the other. Light gasped as Ryuzaki kissed his way downwards until he reached Light’s erection. He then let out a choked moan when Ryuzaki’s hot mouth swallowed him down. Ryuzaki’s head bobbed up and down and Light couldn’t help but match the rhythm with his hips. It felt so good his mind was blank save for the building pleasure. He’d gone without Ryuzaki’s touch for so long it drove him mad to have it once more.

Light continued to pant and moan, unable to do anything else. One hand came to clutch at the dark hair he loved so much and the other gripped the pillow under his head in an iron tight grasp. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight of Ryuzaki devouring him like he was an exquisitely delicious dessert. Eventually, Light came with a horse whimper, arching off the bed almost completely from the strength of his climax. At the same time, Ryuzaki grunted loudly, his own release shaking through him as he choked on Light’s cum. It was almost painful but so, so good.

His lover collapsed back onto the bed still shaking with the aftershocks. “... Wow” was all Light could muster at that moment. When he did get his bearings back, he gazed up at Ryuzaki with affection and a little mischief “I hope that’s not all you’ve got in you”

Ryuzaki smirked back, pinning him to the bed “I have five years to make up for. If I had it my way, we’d never leave this bed” he leaned in close to whisper in Light’s ear. “I’m going to take you. Imprint my very essence on your soul and body until no one can deny that you belong to me. You’ll bare my marks. You’ll carry them with pride. You’ll be so full of my you’ll drip with every step and still beg for more” he ground against Light with every other word. “I’m going to give you everything”

In response, Light whined with need, back to full hardness and more turned on than ever before “Please do” he pleaded kissing him desperately


In the new hotel, Ryuzaki had booked the building’s largest and most expensive suite and by L.A standards, that was quite something. He had booked the elegant three-story penthouse suite with its own private elevator service, pool, and plenty of room for everyone. It was in the second-story living room where those still awake sat. Some had gone to bed utterly drained from what had happened but some were still too wired to sleep.

Yagami, Matsuda, Aizawa, and Sayu were sat on the sofas while Watari pottered in the kitchen. Matsuda glanced up at the ceiling where Light and Ryuzaki were. “I hope Light’s ok. I can’t imagine how hard things must have been for him these last few years”

“Not to mention being kidnapped. Guy has no luck at all” Aizawa added shaking his head, halfway through a bottle of Sake from home “Poor kid. All that and we still haven’t been able to catch Mikami”

“That’s a problem for tomorrow,” Yagami told him “Right now, we should take my wife’s advice and rest. It’s been a long day for all of us”

Sayu glanced at her father “Are you ok, dad?”

“I’m fine. Now that we have your brother back, I’ve never felt better. Once all this is over and done with, Light can finally go home. Thank heavens for that”

The conversation died down for a while as everyone decompressed. That’s when they began hearing strange noises coming from upstairs. “Is that... thumping?” Aizawa asked with a confused look

“Oh no. What if they’re fighting up there?” Matsuda added worriedly

Sayu raised an eyebrow “Those two fight? As if”

The noises started growing louder and it didn’t take long for them to realise what was going on upstairs. Especially when voices were added into the mix. “Yes! Yes! Oh god, right there!”

“Nope, I’m out” Aizawa said staggering off to his bedroom which was thankfully on the first floor. Matsuda hurried after him as his was right next door to the currently occupied couple. Whilst laughing, Sayu dragged her red-faced father away While Watari quickly finished what he was doing and left as well.


Completely oblivious and lost to pleasure, the pair rutted like animals in desperation to reach their peaks. Light had his ankles hooked behind Ryuzaki’s back allowing the other to thrust as hard and deep as he liked. Light cried out with every thrust that hit his prostate and Ryuzaki was no more composed as he. Their coupling was wild, explosive, and borderline bestial. Fingers clawed at skin. Teeth bit into flesh. Voices grew louder and louder. Light begged for more. Begged for the other to go harder, deeper. Ryuzaki did as commanded.

“Ahh!” Light sobbed in ecstasy “Ryuzaki! Yes, yes, yes!” he could feel himself getting close. He was dying to cum, desperate for it. “I’m almost there... Please make me cum” Somehow Ryuzaki started thrusting even harder, practically pounding into Light without mercy. “Oh god. Oh god, oh... Fuck. I – I’m cumming! I’m gonna –“ Light’s orgasm completely enveloped him. Cum splattered across his stomach and chest while his entire body shuddered and shook. Tears fell down his cheeks from the force of it. He held on to Ryuzaki for dear life, unable to do little else while his mind was nothing but a fog. A few stuttered thrusts later, Ryuzaki joined him. The detective held him tight as his own climax hit hard. He thrusted through their orgasms, making the pleasure longer till it almost hurt.

The two collapsed onto the bed panting like mad. The two genius’s were mind-numbingly spent, exhausted, and unrepentantly desperate for more.


“Has BB’s body been collected?”

“Yes. My agents retrieved the remains an hour ago after the fire was put out. At least we can put that problem to rest. Now all that’s left is to catch Mikami”

One of Near’s agents spoke “If I may ask, how do we catch him. The evidence collected is circumstantial at best and public opinion isn’t exactly on our side. We would have to catch him red-handed with his notebook to even try to arrest him”

“If that’s what we must do, then we’ll push him into a situation he’ll have no choice but to use it. Teru Mikami has lost Light Yagami, the only thing he cares about more than ideals. He’s got nothing left but that notebook. I say we take it from him


Meanwhile, in a bar halfway across the city, Teru Mikami was drowning his sorrows. He had fled like a coward seeing Light lying lifeless on the floor. Unable to take the sight, Teru had ran out of the building not even checking if Light was alive or dead. Once Ryuk made his reappearance, Teru begged for an answer but the God of Death simply cackled at his misery before flying off once more. Realising the Task Force would no doubt go searching for him, Teru packed his Death Note and a few other items before abandoning the apartment.

Now here he sat drinking to try to numb his broken heart. He had ran when Light needed him the most and if by some miracle he did survive, Teru had lost whatever care Light had for him. Teru downed the beer and asked the bartender for another.

“Oh! Hello Mr Lin. What a surprise to see you here” a woman’s voice said from his left. Teru turned and found a young Japanese woman with short black hair wearing a business suit and heels “I didn’t think you were one to drink. Are you alone?”

He frowned “Have we met? You look familiar”

She blushed brushing a lock of hair away “Sorry, I haven’t had the chance to formally introduce myself. I actually work at the same law firm as you. My name is Kiyomi Takada. May I please have a seat?”

To be continued...

Chapter 35: Chapter Thirty Four - Out of the frying pan and into the fire


It's time to form a plan to take down Miakami but a figure from Light's past may cause an issue.


You would not believe the month I've had but I'm back baby!!

Chapter Text

Kiyomi Takada had found the freedom in America she never could back home. As much as she still loved and valued her parents, they never accepted her for who she was. Not had she ever forgiven herself for how things ended with Mitsuko. Allowing her father to attack the other girl had been her deepest regret in life. Mitsuko had already been through so much with the death of her sister, and Kiyomi had just stood there like a statue. Unable to find the strength to stop it or look her in the eye.

The last she heard of Mitsuko was that she had left To-Oh early in her freshman year. Kiyomi had suspected it was due to the attack and blamed herself further. She had tried to get in contact but had found herself blocked on every platform. Not that she could blame her.

As she continued her education, the infamy or Kira kept growing despite him having stopped killing entirely. The world was just too afraid of him and that fear soon turned to a twisted kind of worship. Kiyomi was never quite sure where her opinion on Kira lied. On the one hand, killing in general was not something to be proud of. Yet Kira had managed to cut the crime rate across the world in just a few short years. The threat of Kira was just a part of everyday life and Kiyomi had learnt to ignore the news after a certain amount of time.

She left Japan as soon as she could, securing an internship in L.A at a prestigious Law Firm. Her parents had been thrilled, mostly just to brag to the neighbours about their successful daughter. Kiyomi was just glad she could be free to live her life without the restraints of her family. While she still liked men, Kiyomi found herself drawn to brunette haired women that resembled her first love in some capacity. She often wondered how Mitsuko was doing but never found the courage to track her down herself. There were some things in life that were better left alone, she would tell herself.

Surprisingly, Kiyomi found herself liking a man from her office. A man some years older than her but no less handsome. He exuded a kind of power she found attractive and alluring and he was easy on the eyes to boot. So when she found him half drunk in a bar whilst out with her work friends, she decided to introduce herself and see where the night would take them.


Sunlight beamed through the half-closed blinds of the motel room, arousing a very hungover Teru Mikami. His head pounded and his mouth was dryer than the nearby desert. He let out a pained groan regretting ever drinking so much. Though he figured it was alright, considering why he was drinking. He half hoped not to wake up at all given the circumstances. His precious Light was most likely no longer of this world. So what did Teru have to live for? He was still Kira, but without Light by his side, it hardly felt worth it.

He turned on his side to face away from the garish daylight, only to discover he was not alone in the bed. A pretty dark haired young woman around Light’s age was asleep next to him. Both of them were naked, he soon realised. Teru paled. What... What did I do last night!? Oh god, what have I done?

Teru jumped out of bed scrambling to find his clothing that had been strewn around the room. What have I done!? I’ve betrayed Light! My most precious angel! Even if he has survived, he’ll never forgive me for this!

Whilst the nameless woman slept, he rushed to get dressed and find his belongings. In the midst of this, his tossed aside cellphone began to vibrate with a message. Imagine his astonishment when the caller I.D showed it to be Light.

Message – I need you.


(Hours before)

Light slowly woke up to the feeling of being wrapped in an embrace and soft breaths on his neck, Ryuzaki’s chest against his back and their bare legs tangled together. They were tucked under the covers with sunlight beaming through the gap in the curtains. Light sighed contently when the other tightened his hold. “Morning”

“Afternoon” corrected the detective with a smirk “We missed breakfast”

Light glanced at the bedside clock and saw it was past twelve in the afternoon. A flush appeared on his cheeks “Well, so much for subtlety” he joked shifting to face Ryuzaki

The dark haired man chuckled slightly “I think subtlety went out the window some hours ago. We weren’t exactly quiet” Light went pink at the memory “How did you sleep?” Ryuzaki asked

“Wonderful” Light said with a shy smile “What about you?”

“... I didn’t” he admitted, eyes soft “Worried I’d wake up and you’d be gone.

Light’s own eyes saddened, the guilt returning tenfold “I’m sorry. I know I hurt you. But I’m not leaving. Not again”

“You better not or I’ll bring out the handcuffs again” joked the Detective, silencing any more guilt with a kiss. Of course, Light melted into the kiss. He’d never grow tired of this.

Their moment was short-lived when someone began pounding on their door “Alright lovebirds” Aizawa called loudly “You’ve had your reunion now get downstairs. We’ve got work to do... And, congratulations. I guess”

Light bit back a laugh “Yeah, we definitely weren’t quite last night”

Eventually, the two untangled and made themselves presentable. The proverbial walk of shame downstairs was met with knowing smirks, amused laughter, and even clapping from Matsuda. The elder Yagami looked uncomfortable but that was mainly because he had heard far more than he needed to about his son’s intimate life.

Watari wordlessly handed them each coffee and then patted them both on the back. “Ah, the vigour of youth” he sighed causing both men to spit out their coffee.

“Alright” Aizawa pressed “While you two were otherwise ‘indisposed’, we’ve been brainstorming on ways to finally take down Mikami. We think out best bet is to lay a trap for him where he’ll have no choice but to come to us”

“But that’s only if Light agrees” Yagami pressed “Light’s been through enough with that madman as it is. I’d rather not subject him to anymore if possible”

Light smiled “Its ok, Dad. I think Aizawa is right. I don’t want a repeat of Teru losing it like last time” he glanced at Ryuzaki “The last thing I want to do is leave again, but if that’s what it takes to quell him for the time being...”

His mother sighed “He’s more like you than I give him credit for” she said to her husband

“Its not like you’ll be going in alone” Matsuda promised “And besides, we’ve actually got the upper hand this time”

“He’s right” Aizawa announced “Alright. Here’s our plan...”


“Light?” Teru whispered in disbelief. Without even thinking, he called the number. Desperate to hear the voice of his beloved. The phone rang thrice before the call was picked up.

“H-Hello? Teru?” Light’s shaky, fragile voice responded.

Teru’s heart broke at the sound “Light! Oh my stars, you’re alive! I – I thought for sure –”

“You left me...” Light whispered sounding broken “You left me to die. You left me with L”

“No... No, I swear! I would have never left you. I thought you had died. I thought... I thought you were gone”

Light let out a bitter laugh “Well, I’m not. I can’t believe you left me...”

“Well, you left me first!” cried Teru, waking up Kiyomi in the process

Light snapped back “Because you killed my best friend!” Teru winced realising he had screwed up yet again “I supported you. Suffered months alongside L, and for what? You killing my best friend and leaving me to die?”


“He had me tortured” whispered Light followed by a broken sob “L wanted me to give him all the info I had on you. I refused. Unlike you, I was loyal” again, Teru winced remembering the woman in his bed. “When he realised I wasn’t giving up anything, they threw me out onto the streets. I... I need you to pick me up. I want to go home”

Teru instantly agreed “Yes! Yes, anything you want. I swear I’ll kill that bastard L the moment I get his name! Send me your location, I’m on my way”

He was overcome with a sense of relief unlike no other. Light was alive and even better, he wanted to go home. Teru had much grovelling to do to make up for abandoning his love in his time of need, but he was certain he’d be able to gain Light’s forgiveness.

“It... It’s you...” Kiyomi whispered gaining his attention “You’re him. You’re Kira...”


“Damn. That was some good acting, Light” Matsuda praised “He fell for that hook, line, and sinker”

Ryuzaki nodded “We’ve got him admitting to wanting to kill me. Now we just need to get his notebook. Light, are you sure you’re up for this?”

“I’ll be fine” he promised “I survived five years with him. I can handle a few more weeks”

With that decided, Light bid his farewells yet again to those closest to him. This time promising to return as soon as he could. Before leaving, Light kissed Ryuzaki deep and long. One last time before facing his fate. Everyone averted their eyes out of respect save Sayu who cleverly snapped a picture on her phone.


When Light returned to the apartment, he hadn’t expected much. Ryuk was waiting at the door with his classic smile. “I should warn you, Teru’s got a surprise waiting for you”

“Damn Shinigami” Teru scolded “Can’t keep a secret for anything, can you?”

Light looked at him “Teru, what is he talking about?”

“Come on, you’ll see,” he said pulling Light by the wrist into the living room. Light could barely contain his shock when he saw who was waiting for them. Sat in the armchair nearest the window was none other than Kiyomi Takada. Mitsuko’s ex-girlfriend and another of his past life victims. Light realised, in dawning dread, that Kiyomi was following the exact same path as before. Only this time, she was following Teru. “Light, I’d like you to meet Miss Takada. She’s going to be working for us to bring down L once and for all”

This can’t be happening...


“Teru, I want to ask you for something” Light asked hours later after Kiyomi had gone home

“Anything for you, Light” Teru promised

Light took a breath “I have an idea on how to get L’s real name” he announced “But I need you to allow me to leave whenever I need to”

“We’ve been over this, it’s not safe for you out there”

“I have a way” pressed Light “Its Matsuda. When L had me tortured, Matsuda confided in me that he wasn’t loyal to L anymore. That he wanted to help us, help you, to make this world better. He’s working on digging up any dirt on L that he can. So I need you to trust me on this”

Teru was conflicted “Where will you be going?”

“To an undisclosed hotel room to exchange information”

“Absolutely not!” he shouted “I will not let you go meeting another man in a goddam hotel room!”

Light put on a scowl “Oh? You mean like how you woke up in a motel room with her?” he said indicating Kiyomi. “Yeah, she told me. Bragged about it too. At the very least, you can expect me not to jump in bed with Matsuda”

“... Fine” Teru said relenting “But I want her to go with you during the first meeting. So I can make sure there’s no funny business going on between you two”

And just like that, he falls for it. “Fine. I accept the terms”


“Ok, we’ve got the room completely bugged and got cameras in every room. Just as Light instructed” Matsuda announced while checking his watch “Light and that Takada lady should be arriving any minute now”

Yagami sighed tiredly “I’ll be glad when all this is over. I just want Light to be able to live freely”

“It won’t be much longer, Mr Yagami,” said Ryuzaki “Just a few more weeks”

The elder nodded “Right. Anyway before Light gets there. I want to have a word with you about your relationship with my son” he stared at Ryuzaki who had yet to take his eyes off the monitor “I just want to know what your intentions are. After everything that’s happened, my son doesn’t deserve to have his heart toyed with by someone who won’t be around in the long run”

“My intentions?” responded Ryuzaki “My intentions are simple. I intend to love Light for as long as I live. I’m afraid you won’t be getting rid of me that easily” Yagami gasped as well as the rest of the Task Force. They hadn’t expected that answer at all.

Still, Chief Yagami began to smile. Soothed that Ryuzaki wasn’t some cad who had defiled his son “Well, that settles that then” he turned his attention back to the monitors “They’re here”

“Alright, here we go”

To be continued...

Chapter 36: Chapter Thirty Five - Convictions


Light drops a bombshell on Kiyomi and Teru reminisces his past.


I am so sorry I've been gone for so long!! Unfortunately, other projects had to take my full attention along with other personal issues that needed sorting before anything else. Please enjoy and sorry to all those left in the lurch. only a few chapters left so I'll update as often as I can from here on out. Thanks again, love Doughnut xx

Chapter Text

In his apartment, nursing a glass of red wine, Teru sat by the window deep in thought. Light and Kiyomi had already departed for their meeting with Matsuda, leaving Teru to get lost in his thoughts. He’d come a long way from the boy he once was. The boy who valued justice above everything. Teru wondered what his younger self would think of him. Would he be proud? Disturbed? The innocence of childhood is boundless after all. Maybe his younger self would be terrified of the amount of blood on his hands. Or maybe even then he’d see it was needed and smile.

It was said that Teru Mikami was a child with a strong sense of justice. He was able to distinguish right from wrong better than any of his peers and compared to the average Japanese person, Teru had been through and seen far worse miseries, and even witnessed death.

Before he was Kira, before the Death Note came into his possession, Teru Mikami was a very different man but held the same convictions. He believed that there were only two kinds of people in the world. Good and Evil. Every human being without exception falls into either category, Teru believed. Teru liked to consider himself a good person even if his past was far from pleasant.

Even in those innocent years of elementary school, Teru could not escape that fact. As class president, he strived to achieve great things for his fellow students. But there were always enemies. Good against Evil. Even back then, Teru would be the first to intervene if another student was being bullied or harassed when no one else would. This soon lead to him becoming the target of the bullying but Teru felt happy as it meant he had saved the victims. The bullies of elementary school were sadly nothing compared to those in his Middle school years.

There his belief in Good and Evil was shaken as it seemed only he was willing to stand up to those who tormented others. Even his own mother was unable to see his point of view. She instead scolded him for his actions and placed the blame on him for what happened. Stating it would be better if he just stayed out of the fighting.

This didn’t sit well with Teru. Weren’t good people supposed to act when bad people hurt others? Why was his mother telling him to just play ignorant instead of congratulating him on his perseverance? It was safe to say, they didn’t see eye to eye most days. It got to a point where Teru believed she deserved to be deleted along with everyone else who had sided with evil.

Then the day came when everything changed for young Teru. Four of the worst delinquents in his school lost control of their car while joyriding. They died instantly, killing one bystander as well. The bystander was none other than Teru’s mother. In one fell swoop, all the people he resented had been deleted. At first, he was terrified. But then it hit him. Wouldn’t everyone’s lives be better without them? They did nothing but bring anger and suffering to those around them. It was a lesson Teru took to heart. There will always be consequences for those who do evil deeds. It was the main reason Teru became a Prosecutor. It was his way of aiding the battle between good and Evil by ensuring those evil-doers were sent to prison. Sometimes it wasn’t enough. Sometimes it felt like a losing battle.

Teru had seen many injustices within the courtroom in his years as a Prosecutor. The guilty escaping with only minor punishments while innocents leave in tears, unsatisfied with the outcome. There was one case that haunted Teru. It was mere days before he discovered the Death Note. An ex-colleague of his, a brown nosed fool who didn’t know his head from his rear end, had accepted a bribe from a man who was on trial for the abuse and assault of his wife. She was openly terrified of him and lived in fear of what he might do to her.

That bribe ensured the abuser got away with only a slap on the wrist. He walked out of that courtroom as a free man and ended up murdering his wife for daring to finally press charges on him. Teru had known the woman from the gym he frequented. A kind, meek woman who could never hurt a fly. Her death could have been prevented if that monster had been rightfully punished.

Cases like that made Teru believe there was no good left in the world. But then remembered his beloved, and would be content once more. Teru had seen Light for the first time when he was in law school. His school was offering tours to middle school students to show prospective careers in law that they could get. The group was brought into his lecture hall to see the class for themselves. Among the group was an auburn haired vision named Light Yagami. It was like seeing an angel in human form. Light was fiercely intelligent, innocent, and had an undeniable sense of justice. Teru was disgusted with himself at his own twisted thoughts. He made a hasty exit and tried to forget about the young Light Yagami. It didn’t work. The absence made his mind grow fonder and more insistent until Teru finally broke when Light began High School.

For years that settled him. Simply being able to see Light from a distance was enough. Teru swore to himself that he’d never go near Light until he was at least of age. Then it happened. The day Teru’s new path began. He was hiding out near Light’s school when he saw it. A black notebook fall from the heavens and land inside the school courtyard. From his vantage point, he could see Light staring at the notebook intently until the bell rang. Teru snatched the book and ran, wondering what it was that captivated Light so much.

At first, he believed the Notebook to be a fake. There was no way a simple thing had the power to kill. Yet curiosity got the better of him and Teru decided to try it out using the name of a criminal that was holding a daycare hostage on the news. Imagine Teru’s disbelief when the man died. Teru didn’t have time to think about it. Light’s cram school began soon and Teru wanted to watch from a distance some more.

He took his second life that same night. When a gang of gangsters accosted a young girl, Light bravely saved her. Teru wrote the name down and watched what would happen. When a truck came out of nowhere and slammed into the main biker, that sealed it for Teru. He’d killed two people just by writing down their names. He had the power of death in his hands. Finally, he realised with a twisted smirk, finally, those who did wrong could be deleted.

Becoming Kira was almost second nature to Teru. This world was rotten and he needed to ensure its purge for his precious Light. Not just those who did evil, anyone who stood in Kira’s way deserved to be deleted. Mitsuko’s death had been an unfortunate casualty. Had he known how much the girl would suffer, he might have given her a swifter, kinder death than cancer. Maybe he would have spared her altogether had he been aware of how important she was to Light. His reaction to the real reason why she died was proof enough that he had miscalculated. It was one death Teru regretted if only for the pain it caused his perfect Light.

“So, you’re really letting them go alone? What if something happens to them?” Ryuk asked appearing at his side

“Of course. I have full faith in Light that he will succeed” Teru answered taking another sip of his wine “If I sent you along, he’d think I didn’t trust him and I’m in the proverbial dog house as it is after what I did”

Ryuk chuckled “Oh yeah. I had forgotten you and that girl hooked up. Light was pretty angry at you when he found out”

“Don’t remind me” the human huffed setting down his empty glass. He reached for the remote and turned on the TV. He’d paid extra to be able to watch live Japanese broadcasts in order to keep track of what was going on back home. Sakura TV had become something of a cult after Kira returned. They swarmed the station dressed in white begging Kira to either spare them or kill those they deemed evil. Safe to say, Teru was not amused with the weekly broadcasts of their so-called Church of Kira.

Teru smirked to himself “They want a sign from Kira, eh? How about we give them a real show”

“Huh? But I thought you promised Light you’d stop killing”

Death Note in hand, Teru smiled at the Shinigami “That’s true, I did. However, you made no such promises” he held out the book for Ryuk with a sinister smile “Tell me. Would killing those at Sakura TV affect the investigation in any way, or put your own lifespan at risk?”

Ryuk, not having used his own Death Note in years and, quite frankly, missed it, grinned in return “No. No, it would not”

“Then, by all means, have fun”


Watari burst into the room “Sakura TV. You need to see this. It’s a massacre” he announced grimly

Aizawa quickly logged into the live feed of Sakura TV. What they found was nothing short of monstrous. The Church of Kira’s leaders and a fair number of followers were slain. Lying dead on the floor being crushed as desperate people tried to flee for their lives. “Dear god...” Yagami whispered

“Looks like Teru finally responded to them. Poor bastards” added Aizawa “That’s at least fifty people dead right there”

Matsuda shook his head sadly “All those people. Yes, they believed the wrong person but no one deserves that”

“What the hell is Teru thinking?” asked Yagami “None of this makes sense. Why would he kill a room full of devoted followers?”

“Because he hates what they’ve turned Kira into” Ryuzaki said “Teru sees Kira as judge, jury, and executioner of anyone he deems unworthy. They turned Kira into a spectacle of a vengeful god. And their god answered”

Ide shuddered “Damn. He’s crazier than I thought. Ok, Light and Takada are here. Let’s hope Light knows what he’s doing”

Meanwhile, Misa watched the same broadcast with tears in her eyes and clutching a pillow. A profoundly uncomfortable weight heavy on her chest that she couldn’t quite place.


The hotel room was generically decorated like any other hotel room. Light lead the way in, offering to take Kiyomi’s coat for her. Kiyomi had been quiet the whole drive to the hotel, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. That was fine by Light wanting to wait until getting there before finally having the conversation with her.

It seemed she beat him to it as only moments after Light locked the door behind them, Kiyomi spoke “Your friend isn’t coming, is he?” she gave him a cold stare “The way you talked about this person, something just didn’t feel right. I’m right, aren’t I?”

Light was impressed “You’re smarter than I remember”

She shook her head and started to head for the door “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t call him up right now”

“Mitsuko is dead” Light said blunter than anticipated

Kiyomi froze, hand hung halfway to the door. “W-What?” she whispered

“She-” Light sighed “She’s dead, Kiyomi. Kira killed her. Teru killed her” he emphasised. Slowly she turned around to face him, face white as a sheet and eyes wide with shock. She shook her head “No...” she mumbled “No, she can’t be... You’re lying. You have to be lying. Why would you-”

“She died almost six years ago” Light continued “She crossed paths with Teru and he got her sister’s name who was an FBI agent. He made Mitsuko’s sister kill herself and then he – he put a fucking tumor in her head. She died of cancer, Kiyomi”

She almost screamed “No!” followed by a shuddered gasp “No, she... She can’t be dead...” her legs gave out from under her. She fell to the floor sobbing hysterically “All this time, I thought – I thought I’d see her again” she cried even harder “How could he do that to her? Mi-Mitsuko was kind, loving, she was good!” she looked up at Light brokenly “Why? Why her?”

“I’m sorry. Believe me, I tried everything to help her. Hell, I even made a deal with a Shinigami to save her”

(“He what?!”)


Kiyomi suddenly gagged “Oh god. I – I slept with him. I had sex with –“ she barely made it to the adjacent bathroom in time. Light stayed outside, giving one of the cameras a heavy sigh. He knew telling her the truth was the only way to get her on their side. He just wished it wasn’t so painful for her. Eventually, the retching quieted down and she exited the bathroom a few moments later. She looked a mess.

“I want to kill him with my bare hands” she muttered

“Look, I got to ask. Has he given you access to his Death Note?”

She shook her head “No. He said I had to earn it before I could start using it. Whatever that means”

“Ok, that’s good” Light sighed relieved “Listen, this is important. Whatever you do, whatever he tells you to do, you cannot use that thing”

Kiyomi frowned “Why not?”

“The Death Note can kill just by writing a name, but it comes at a cost. Whoever uses it, even just once, can never go to heaven or hell. Meaning that if you do end up using the Death Note-”

“I’ll never see her again” Kiyomi finished closing her eyes “God... I miss her so much. I never got to apologise to her or make it up to her. She died and I had no clue” a sudden strength filled her eyes “Whatever help you need, I’m in. That bastard is going to pay for what he did to her”

Light frowned “Are you sure? Kiyomi, this could be incredibly dangerous. I don’t want to put you at risk” Not like last time.

“I’m fine” she spoke resolutely “Just promise me when we take him down, I get the first hit”

Pretty sure Raye has the first hit but, sure.


It took some convincing for Kiyomi to go straight home. She didn’t like the thought of Light facing Teru alone after learning the truth but Light eventually convinced her he’d be fine. He wasn’t alone for long in the hotel room as soon enough, Ryuzaki entered.

“You did well, Light” he congratulated but Light said nothing in response. He sat on one of the chairs by the window, chin in his hand and looking incredibly tired.

“She’s dead” Light whispered forlornly “I – I don’t think I ever really realised that till now” he turned to look at Ryuzaki, eyes shining with unshed tears “She was my first real friend. I don’t...” a broken sob escaped him. He’d never faced the fact that she had been dead all these years. It was just easier to believe she had a miraculous recovery and was living her life back in Japan. Light soon found himself out of the chair and in the embrace of Ryuzaki as he cried. The task force turned off the feed giving them privacy.

To be continued...

Chapter 37: Chapter Thirty Six - It Begins...


It's time for Light and the others to start the chain reaction that will finally bring down Teru.


So... yeah. I owe you guys an explanation for why I've been gone since February. The truth is I had to take a break from this fic as parts of this story hit way too close to home due to recent events. the short story is that in February, my Dad was diagnosed with cancer. Due to a certain character, it was just too much to focus on at the time. I hope you all can understand. Thankfully, he's had the operation and is officially cancer free!! So I can now return to this fic with vengeance!!

EDIT!!! - I swear, fate is messing with me right now. My Dad's only just recovered from cancer and now my mum's been rushed in with a bowl obstruction just last night! Seriously, what is up with my family lately? Next update will be up sometime this week, I promise. I just need a few moments to wrap my head around this latest wrench in my life.

Chapter Text

Kiyomi kept her word not to go to Teru and confront him. That did not mean she was content to stay idle. Her first love was dead because of him. Suffering the cruellest of deaths simply due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Mitsuko’s death would not be in vain. That she would swear. Upon leaving the hotel, she pulled out her phone and made a call.

“Hey, it’s me. I know it’s late but I need a favour”

The pair of detectives had moved back to the bed in the hotel room. They lay with shoes kicked off and Light’s head on Ryuzaki’s chest as the older man stroked his hair. Light let out a long sigh, made of tiredness and fatigue. “I don’t know why it only hit me just now” he mumbled “I knew deep down she was gone. I guess it was easier to hope than deal with the truth”

“I don’t know if it helps, but Mitsuko went peacefully” Ryuzaki responded “In the end, she felt no pain. Passed with a smile on her face”

Light’s mouth twitched “That does sound like her. I wish I didn’t have to leave like that. Leaving everyone, leaving you... It was the hardest thing I ever had to do”

“You left because you were saving us. Don’t get me wrong, I could have easily throttled you back then for leaving” Ryuzaki smirked “But I understand why you left. And so does everyone else”

Light looked up at him “Still, I’m so sorry for doing that to you. My second chance and I still ended up hurting you”

“Well... You didn’t kill me this time...” Light smacked his arm in feigned annoyance “If you don’t mind me asking, I have a question. In your previous life, how did you feel about me?”

“Oh” Light stumbled not expecting the question “To tell you the truth, I thought about that myself when I realised I was back. I think, in some way, I’ve always loved you. When I came back my first thought was if I was ever going to see you again. So, yeah. In every life, you’re it for me”

Ryuzaki kissed him deeply making Light moan. They barely got any further when Yagami’s voice came through the speaker “Ryuzaki. Sorry to, um, interrupt. But Light should be getting back before Mikami gets suspicious”

Said detective groaned with a furrowed brow “The second this case is over, we’re not leaving the bedroom for at least a week”

“My sentiments exactly” Light agreed moving to get up from the bed

Parting again was even harder this time around. Each time Light walked out those doors, he may never be seen again. At any moment Teru could figure out their plan or just simply decide to leave and Light, bound by his need for redemption, would be gone forever. It terrified Ryuzaki. “Promise me I’ll see you again”

“Only if you make the same promise” Light said holding him tightly in an embrace.

Light returned to the apartment late into the evening. Teru had stayed up waiting for him. “You’re back. Thank heavens. I was starting to grow concerned” he said rising from his seat.

“I told you I had it handled. Matsuda wasn’t much help though. Most of the information he gave me was cryptic and disproved with simple research” Light said hanging up his coat “But we have an inside man at least. He’s agreed to feed us information on L’s movements in exchange for protection”

Teru hummed “Not what I expected but I suppose it’s better than nothing. You did good” Light held back his gag of disgust “Where is Miss Takada?”

“She went straight home. She has work in the morning” he lied “At any rate, I’m going to bed. It’s been a long day” he started to head for his bedroom but paused halfway there “And what’s this I hear about Sakura TV?” Teru gulped.

Meanwhile Near was hard at work finalising their next move against Kira. With BB permanently taken off the chessboard, they could now focus on taking down the world’s most wanted killer. While BB’s murders had been gruesome and horrifying, his body count didn’t even compare to that of Kira. Teru Mikami had taken the lives of tens of thousands of people. Once he was put away or put down, the world would be a safer place. Their next move was to infiltrate NHL, a news broadcaster that had aligned themselves with Kira for their own protection. In order to corner Teru into acting without thinking, they needed to strip him of his biggest supporters. And NHL was one of his largest. There was only one problem. None of them would be able to do so in such a short space of time. Well, all but one that is. That’s where Misa came into the picture. With her American tour coming to a close she was in need of a new gig. After getting in contact with her, she was happy to take the job and help out her old friends. Misa would be their rat.


Now having an excuse to leave unattended, Light was back at the hotel room awaiting Ryuzaki or another member of the Task Force to enter. He did not expect Misa to come barging in. “Light! Oh, it’s so good to see you!” she squealed pulling him into a bone-crushing hug.

“M-Misa!?” he gasped “What are you doing here?”

“Didn’t anyone tell you?” she let him go and gestured proudly to herself “Misa Armane, newest member of the Task Force! At your service”

“... What?”

She laughed “They needed someone to help infiltrate NHL, and I got the job. Who else could gain entry than a star from across the world? I’ve already gained a way in. See? I told you I would help” she gave him a thumbs up with pride.

Light just stared in disbelief. “Misa, this is incredibly dangerous. I can’t ask you to take this risk”

“Well it’s a good thing you didn’t” she grinned “And besides...” her grin fell “I need to do this”


Misa’s previous jubilant exterior faded. Now light could see the bags under her eyes and the weight she had lost. Misa turned her head away. “It's just... Have you ever done something so bad that you’ve blocked it out so you wouldn’t feel guilty?”

Oh boy, does that hit close to home. “In the past I have. Why?”

Her breathing shuddered “Sometimes I get these... Nightmares. They’re happening more often these days. So real that I wake up screaming. And they’re all the same. Death. So much death. And I’m in the middle of it all holding the thing that killed them” Misa choked slightly “I can’t help but think that – that the theory of me being the Second Kira wasn’t so far off” Light barely held back his shock. “If I was and now I don’t remember... I’m scared, Light. Scared because I know where I’m going because of what I’ve done. That’s why I agreed to help. If I can help stop one Kira, then maybe I’ll be forgiven for being the other”

Misa... God, I’m so sorry. I wish I had done more. Maybe things would have been different.

Misa left not long after. Light wasn’t alone too long as Ryuzaki entered the hotel room within moments after her departure. “I heard what she said. Is it true?”

Light nodded “Yes. Misa was the second Kira. She became them after Kira killed the man who took away her parents. By the time I remembered she had a Death Note as well, I was in the hospital”

“Yes, when you high-jacked an ambulance” Ryuzaki commented almost prideful “Now your previous actions make sense. I always wondered what pushed you to that level”

“Trust me, it was worth it. My Dad had a heart attack the first time around. We literally swapped places”

Ryuzaki nodded “How was Mikami after you returned? Did he suspect anything?”

“No. He pretty much left me alone when I mentioned Sakura TV. I think he’s worried I’ll leave again”

Ryuzaki stepped closer “And would you?”

“For you?” Light asked taking Ryuzaki’s hand in his “In a heartbeat” The tension in the room rose to the ceiling.

“We’ll just... Leave you guys be” came Matsuda’s awkward voice “Cameras are off and we’re silencing the microphones”

“And for the love of god, use protection!” Yagami yelled just as the speaker cut out. The two men bit back their laughter at forgetting they were on camera. Wordlessly, Light led Ryuzaki to the hotel room bed. They had the place and opportunity. Why waste it? Ryuzaki had something in mind as he flipped them over so he was on the bottom. Light was puzzled for a moment when Ryuzaki kissed him.

“I want you inside me” he whispered. All the blood rushed straight from Light’s brain to his cock in a split second. Light could only groan as he began franticly stripping himself of his and Ryuzaki’s clothes.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous” Light sighed running his hands down the expanse of pale skin. He started slow, trying to repeat from memory what Ryuzaki had done to him. By the time Ryuzaki was nice and loose, Ryuzaki was a panting writhing mess. “Can I...?”

Ryuzaki nodded “Please”

Light swallowed before aligning himself with his entrance. The heat was indescribable. The tightness was something else. “Oh... Fuck!” he shouted when he bottomed out inside Ryuzaki. He unknowingly hit Ryuzaki’s prostate in doing so which made the older man buck his hips in pleasure. “Ryuzaki, this is - you’re so...”

“Fuck me, Light. Now” he ordered and Light was helpless to comply. The rhythm soon became brutal Ryuzaki’s urging. When bottoming he preferred it hard and fast and Light, never experiencing this before, couldn’t go slow if his life depended on it. Marks and love bites littered skin from clawing fingers and hot mouths. Light pounded into Ryuzaki with a strength he didn’t know he possessed, meanwhile, Ryuzaki was losing it entirely. Light tried to fight off his orgasm for as long as possible. Wanted, needed their coupling to last. But Ryuzaki was so hot, so tight, everything Light ever wanted, that he couldn’t fight it off much longer. Not wanting to come first, he began stroking Ryuzaki off in time with his thrusts. Ryuzaki practically howled in ecstasy. “Light! Li-” Ryuzaki came first, his channel clamping down on Light as come shot from his cock so hard it reached his chin.

Light let out a long, unabashed wail and a half dozen thrusts later, came inside just as explosively. Both lay frozen, bodies shaking and shuddering before they collapsed on the bed like puppets who had their strings cut. Panting breaths were all that could be heard inside the hotel room. “... Holy shit” Light managed to mutter, his limbs like limp noodles and still twitching slightly through the aftershocks. It took a moment to notice the rise and fall of Ryuzaki’s chest was off. He looked up only to be met with tears and whimpered cries.

“Ryuzaki? Ryuzaki, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” the detective shook his head still crying. Tears streaming down his face “Hey, hey. Look at me. What is it?”

“I just... I’ve missed you. So much” Ryuzaki began not just to cry, but to weep. “I feel like I can’t breathe unless you’re nearby” Light immediately gathered Ryuzaki into his arms holding him as tight as he could.

“I’m here. I’m here” he whispered. “And I’ll never leave you again. After we take him down, I swear it. I’ll never leave your side again” Ryuzaki continued to cry and Light continued to hold him. Damn Teru and his schedule. Ryuzaki needed him and he wasn’t going anywhere.


“Ok, I’ve got what you asked for. The files should be sent to you within the hour”

“Thank you. I owe you for this” Kiyomi said before hanging up the phone and setting it down. She out a sigh sinking into her chair. She stared down at the old phone in her hand. The one she had since college. It was basically a brick at that point but she kept it for the photos she had taken on it. She blinked back tears as Mitsuko’s smiling face looked back at her. “Why her? Why cancer of all things? Teru... You twisted bastard. I should kill you myself for this”

Her computer beeped indicating she had received an email. She went to her desk and got to work. “Sorry Light. You’ve got you’re motives. And I’ve got mine”


Misa’s first day at NHL went as smoothly as it could have given the circumstances. She played her part perfectly that even Mogi who was posing as her manager was impressed. She was a little peeved that she hadn’t gotten the headlining act for the station’s yearly music performance, but she figured that was the least of her problems when she had a killer to help catch.

Everything went out of the window when she spotted Kiyomi Takada down the hall. During this time, Kiyomi had been assigned to gather materials for her firm from NHL for an upcoming case. It was pure coincidence she was there at the same time as Misa. Misa saw the dark-haired woman and glared. Light had told her what Kiyomi’s father had done to Mitsuko. How he had attacked Mitsuko and she had just stood there not doing a thing to help her girlfriend. Misa had been outraged on the poor girl’s behalf ever since.

Their eyes met and Misa huffed “I hope Daddy’s approval was worth it, bitch. Poor Mitsuko was heartbroken after what happened”

Kiyomi blinked in surprise “You – you knew Mitsuko?”

“Duh! I’m friends with Light so of course I knew her. Unlike somebody here, I was there for her when she passed” Tears sprang to Kiyomi’s dark eyes. Misa had struck a raw nerve that had never healed. Holding the papers close to her chest, she ran out of sight. “Yeah, that’s it. Run away like a coward! She deserved better than you!”

“Misa! What the hell was that about?”

Misa flicked her hair back confidently “Trust me, Mogi. That girl needed to be taught a lesson” And it’s all part of my plan. The Task Force thinks I’m just a pretty face, but I’ve done my research. Kiyomi works at the same firm as Teru. Anyone with half a brain could put two and two together. Yes, it was a bit mean. But she’s my ticket to getting to Teru. When I do, he’s going to pay.

To be continued...

Chapter 38: Chapter Thirty Seven - The Last Straw


Teru goes one step too far.


Yes, I know I disappeared again but I have some good news this time... I GOT MYSELF A PUPPY!!

Anyway, enjoy this (very) late update. See you guys soon xx

Chapter Text

(Five years ago...)

Ryuzaki sat perched on the chair next to Mitsuko’s hospital bed. He was silent as she finished typing the letter. Her face seemed peaceful but her eyes were full of tears as she wrote the words straight from her heart. She eventually finished, placed the letter in a plain white envelope, and wrote ‘To Light’ on the front.

She handed it to Ryuzaki “Give this to Light. After I’m gone, ok?”

He nodded “I’ll see that he gets it”

“Thank you Ryuzaki” she smiled tiredly, moving to rest her head back “Not just for funding my treatment. For everything. I’m glad Light found you” She took his hand in hers, both thin and boney but hers far more severe. “Take care of him for me”

Again, the detective nodded “You have my word, Mitsuko”

Mitsuko smiled once more “Is everything in order?”

“Yes. Watari had the papers drafted this morning. I’ll assume control of the items until after your death. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry the treatment was unsuccessful”

She shook her head “Don’t worry about it. Some people make it, others don’t. I’m just part of the latter-” a harsh cough from deep in her chest interrupted her. It lasted a good while before she could breathe once more. Ryuzaki knew she was fading. She had given it her all, but it was clear this was a battle Mitsuko could not win. He held the letter tight in his hand as he left her to rest.


“Misa, are you sure provoking her was a good idea?” Mogi asked while they were in her dressing room “We kind of need her to be on our side”

Misa smiled “Relax. I’ve got everything under control. In fact, it’s time for the next part of my plan” She pulled out her phone and texted said woman, using the number she had seen in the case files.

Hey, this is Misa Misa from earlier!

Meanwhile, Kiyomi was in the bathroom trying to stop herself from crying. She had no idea Misa and Mitsuko had been acquainted. Tears fell as more memories flooded her mind. Their first kiss. Their first I love you. Her father catching them. Her father attacked Mitsuko. It was her greatest shame she hadn’t stepped between them. The look Mitsuko gave her before fleeing had haunted her ever since. When she received the message from Misa, she was less than amused.

What do you want?

To apologise

I was totally out of line with what I said

Please allow me to treat you to dinner as an apology :(

“Dinner?” she sniffed wiping away her tears “The hell does she want to have dinner?” she was midway messaging back a firm no when a thought came to her. If Misa was telling the truth then she was there during Mitsuko’s final months. Light had told her nothing save for how she died. Yes, stopping Teru was the most important thing. But was it so wrong of her to be selfish this one time? To know what happened to her first love?

Fine. Tonight at 7

Alexandros on 5 th St

You’re paying

See you there!

“See? All taken care of” Misa announced proudly folding her arms and leaning back in her chair

Mogi was confused “I don’t get it. What are you planning?”

“You worry too much. Just let me handle this part” she winked playfully


“I must say, you didn’t need to book a private room for us,” said Takada at dinner that night “I do hope you’re not aiming for something off me”

Misa filled both their glasses with red wine “I wouldn’t worry. Don’t get me wrong, you’re beautiful but I don’t swing that way. Sorry to disappoint” She took a long sip from her glass before speaking again “At any rate, my earlier words were simply uncalled for. I hope I didn’t offend you too much”

At that, Kiyomi shrank a little in her seat “What you said, about Mitsuko... Did she ever...?”

“Talk about you?” Misa finished. In truth Mitsuko had. Right at the end when her body went into shutdown mode. Her last words were of Kiyomi’s name followed by her sister’s. Though Misa wasn’t that cruel to spring that information on a grieving woman. “She did. She forgave you. For not stopping your Dad. Girl had way too much heart”

She looked up and Kiyomi was downing her drink while tears glittered in her eyes. She exhaled loudly then poured another glass, only to down that one too. Turns out, Kiyomi had a low tolerance for good wine and was soon quite drunk. “I’m glad. I’m glad she didn’t hate me in the end...” suddenly, she burst into tears.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Misa asked genuinely concerned

Kiyomi sobbed further “I – I slept with him. I slept with Kira” she admitted “I slept with her killer and I didn’t even know she was dead” Misa was out of her chair and consoling the dark-haired woman before she knew it. Kiyomi cried until she couldn’t cry anymore “I can’t believe I was so stupid. Why haven’t I leaked the files yet?”

“Files?” Misa asked now at full attention “What files?”

She sniffed “Files on Teru Mikami. His law career would go up in smoke if they got out” Misa grinned brightly. This was exactly the information she was looking for.

“But isn’t that a good thing?” she prodded “You really think Kira deserves a job where he’s a Prosecutor of all things? How do you think he got the names of criminals so easily back in Japan?”

Kiyomi was conflicted “But Light said –”

“Ok, forget about Light for a moment. You didn’t stop your father from hurting Mitsuko. What you can do now... Is take away her killer’s ability to hurt more people” Misa told her staring deep into her eyes “Don’t let her death be in vain”

The dark-haired woman blinked and a wave of anger overcame her. Anger towards her father, to the world, and to Teru who took Mitsuko away from her. “That bastard won’t know what hit him” She stood from her seat but swayed from the wine in her system. She laughed as Misa caught her “Sorry. Mitsuko always joked I was a lightweight”

To say Mogi was shocked to see Misa almost carrying a drunk Miss Takada was an understatement. He agreed to drive her home as she was in no state to get home by herself. On the car ride to Kiyomi’s apartment, she rested her head on the window staring at the city as they drove. “... Do you think I’ll see her again?” the question was so quiet and meek it broke Misa’s heart.

“I’m sure you will” she promised

That night, Kiyomi hit send on the compilation of files she had gathered on her computer. Strait to Teru’s superiors at the Firm.


What no one knew was that one member of the Task Force, the lone FBI agent of the team, had his own agenda. For the past few weeks since BB’s demise, he’d been meticulously following Teru everywhere he went. Just waiting for the moment to pounce. All he needed was an opportunity and Teru would be dead. He had thought he had mourned Naomi and had truly recovered from her death. But seeing him again, knowing he was the one that killed her, it brought every horrible emotion back tenfold. For once, the Agent cared not for morality or even the law. All he cared about was getting justice for Naomi and Mitsuko.

That day was his chance. For once, Teru broke his routine and went into the office early. That wasn’t the surprising part. The surprising part was seeing Teru get thrown out of the building less than an hour later, his I.D badge taken from him and a box of what he could tell were personal items set on the sidewalk. Teru had been fired and he was not happy about it.

Raye followed Teru back to the apartment building he lived at, where he took a detour into the alleyway between the buildings. The man angrily threw the box into the dumpster with a shout of anger.

The Agent stepped into the alleyway “Hello again, Kira”

Teru gave a smirk turning to face him “I was wondering when you’d make your move on me. I figured you’d have shot me at the warehouse. Make it look like an accident. But no. I can see you wanted to get your hands dirty”

Raye stepped closer “You murdered my fiancée. Her little sister. Have you no remorse?”

“What can I say? I’m very thorough”

With that, Raye swung a punch.


Light was midway through cleaning the living room when Teru returned—shaking with adrenaline and hands splattered in red. The younger was confused seeing Teru back so soon, but his stomach dropped when he saw the state of him. “Oh my god, is that blood?” he asked as Teru went to wash his hands in the kitchen sink. “Teru, what happened?”

The older man turned off the water, placing his hands on the sink gripping it tightly “You know... I’ve killed so many people with the Death Note, I never thought I’d do it with my own hands” he stared down at the sink, at his red-stained hands. “It's exhilarating”

Light swallowed taking a step back “What – what did you do?”

“I dealt with a rat” he then walked passed Light and into the bathroom. Light waited until he heard the shower start running before he ran from the apartment. He raced downstairs to the lobby and ran out of the building. He had a gut instinct that whoever Teru had hurt couldn’t be far away. It was still relatively early so there weren’t many people on the streets. He peeked into the alleyway and spotted someone slumped against the dumpster. He recognised him almost immediately.

“Raye!” he gasped running down the alleyway towards the fallen Agent. He couldn’t hide his shock at the state of him. Raye was brushed and bloody, barely able to breathe. The crackle in his chest indicated internal bleeding and several broken ribs. “Oh sit. Just hang on Raye. I’m gonna call for help” he reached for his phone but Raye’s weak hand stopped him.

“Not this time, kid” he smiled weakly, teeth covered in blood “You can’t save me this time”

Light shook his head “I’m calling the Task Force. Ryuzaki can get help here sooner –”

“Light” Raye whispered “It’s ok. It’ll be ok. You got me five extra years. I can’t ask for more...” Raye’s head slowly turned to face away from Light. He was looking at a brick wall but despite the agony he was in, Raye was smiling if weakly. It was so faint but Light managed to catch his last word. “Naomi...” the air left his lungs and Raye Pember was gone.

Light reached to close Raye’s eyes for him “Goodbye, Rey Pember” he whispered reaching for his phone. He called the emergency services and informed them of the body. Once the police sirens were in hearing distance, Light made himself scarce from the scene and back up to the apartment. When Teru emerged from the bathroom freshly showered and blood free, he found Light packing.

“What are you doing?” he questioned

“You killed an FBI agent” Light muttered throwing his clothes into the suitcase “I thought the Death Note was bad enough. But this? You killed him with your bare hands”

Teru tried to defend himself “He swung at me first. I was only defending myself”

“Oh, don’t give me that crap” Light retorted now facing him “Admit it. You’ve been peeved he survived your first attempt on his life. Your ego just couldn’t take it”

“Light-” but Light held his hand up to silence him

“I am going to stay in a hotel for a few days” he declared and Teru’s heart froze in his chest “If hear one more report on another Kira death, I swear you will never see me again” The threat was serious and Teru knew it.

Teru swallowed back his torrent of feelings “Promise me you’ll return”

Light sighed “Don’t I always?” he grabbed his suitcase and headed for the door “This is your last chance Teru” Light said on the threshold “Break my heart again, and you’ll lose me forever”

Light arrived at the penthouse suite later that afternoon. News had already reached the Task Force of Reye’s death. When Light walked in, he was enveloped in Ryuzaki’s embrace. That’s where Light stayed the rest of the night. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take” Ryuzaki just held him tighter. If the detective was honest, he didn’t know how much he could take either.

When Misa heard the news, she was sure of two things. Teru Mikami was on a downward spiral, and Kiyomi Takada was marked for death.

to be continued...


As an apology for the late update, here's the customary puppy tax. Meet Mervyn, my new pup xx

Death Note Redemption - doughnut_mind_if_I_do (3)

Chapter 39: Chapter Thirty Eight - Loss


It's time to bring Kira down for good but as always, he's one step ahead of the Task Force.


Upload schedule? What's that? never heard of it lol

Chapter Text

Ryuzaki stayed with Light until the younger passed out from exhaustion. He tucked Light into bed before going to meet with the others. He quietly shut the door behind him allowing Light to sleep uninterrupted.

“This ends now” he declared to the collective Task Force members “Teru crossed the line in killing Agent Pember. We won’t allow this to go on. Matsuda, get Near and Mello on the line”

“You got it” the detective responded jumping onto the computer.

The elder Yagami turned to Ryuzaki “Are we going to finally bring him in?”

“Yes. It’s time we corner this rat once and for all” smiled Ryuzaki ruefully “It’s time Kira disappeared for good this time”

Matsuda called out “Mello and Near are online and awaiting instructions”

“Patch them through”


The very next morning, their plan was set into motion. With Light’s intimate knowledge of the Death Note and the fact he could safely guess what Teru would do next, he led the team through what they should do next. After getting some much-needed sleep, Light worked day and night to create the perfect decoy notebook that would even Kira himself. He meticulously copied every detail that he had ingrained into his memory. By the time Light was finished, he doubted not even Teru would be able to tell the difference. That was where step two of the plan commenced.

Light returned home under the guise of forgiving Teru. Teru, having been utterly lost without Light by his side, was all too happy to welcome him back with open arms. However, Light had a request.

“I want you to give me the Notebook” he spoke softly while Teru hugged him tight.

Teru let out a gasp “What? But – but you said -”

“This is my one request. Allow me to have the notebook for one night. If you can go one night without killing anyone... I'll forgive you”

“I... yes. I'll do as you say. I'll fetch it right now”

The older man did as he was asked. Venturing into his office to retrieve it for Light. Light barely held back his shudder of disgust seeing the Notebook again. It still felt unbelievable sometimes that this used to be him. That he was once Kira. For a moment, he wondered just how different everything could have been if he had succeeded in finding the Notebook first. How so many lives would have remained unaffected if he had just been smarter. In that moment, he pitied Teru for what he had become.

“Thank you, Teru. I suppose I can trust you after all” Teru beamed at the compliment. Behind him, Ryuk laughed to himself.

The plan was for Light to slip away the next day and hand over the real Death Note over to the Task Force. Only there was an issue. Now Teru was unemployed, he wanted to spend the day with Light. Wanted to go out and see the city with Light on his arm. A real date. Light nearly vomited. “Sure. I'd love that, Teru” Light lied through his teeth. While Teru was occupied, he sent a message to Ryuzaki informing him of the problem.

One of Near’s agents will follow you at a distance.

Distract Teru so we can make the trade.

Wait for the signal.

Light hid the notebook by tucking part of it into his trousers and hiding the rest under his button-up shirt. He then wore a loose-fitting jumper and jacket on top to hide any bulging Teru might notice.

“Light? Are you ready to go?” Teru called from outside the bedroom

Light smoothed out his outfit “I’m coming”


Luckily, Teru took him to a place with plenty of security cameras. Cameras the Task Force could hack into and watch the feed directly. “It just never seems to end for Light, does it?” remarked Aizawa with sympathy.

“If he tries to kiss him, I'll kill him myself” muttered Yagami

“My sentiments exactly” added Ryuzaki before harshly biting into a bar of chocolate.

“Near, they’re walking down the promenade. Have your agent follow at a distance of about twenty feet” Mogi directed into his microphone.

Near responded “Understood. My agent is the one in the tan coat with a purple pocket square. What signal should he use not to alert Kira?”

“I’ll send him a message” Ryuzaki stated while pulling out his phone

Meanwhile, Light was just trying to grin and bear it. Covertly glancing around for the agent, he was supposed to meet. As for Teru, he was in God’s pocket. He was on a date with his Light and was even holding Light’s hand. Ryuk flew behind finding the whole debacle very amusing. He hadn’t stopped chuckling to himself all morning. It was starting to get on Light’s nerves.

Light felt the phone in his pocket vibrate. He suddenly pointed towards a ring toss stand that offered giant teddy bears as prizes. “Hey, why don’t you try and win me one of those?”

Teru looked over to the stand with a raised eyebrow “I wasn’t aware you liked stuffed animals”

“I don’t, but they remind me of my sister. She used to collect them” he responded, laying it on thick. Teru fell for it.

“Then I shall win you the biggest of them all. Please, wait here” Teru then turned to walk to the stand which was close by. Light quickly checked his phone hiding it by looking for something in his inside pocket.

Tan coat, purple pocket square.

“Step up, step up! Who wants to try? Five tries for only a dollar!”

Light tried to seem at ease when he looked around the area trying to spot the agent. He found the agent standing next to the coffee pop-up stand only a few steps away. Now or never. “Hey, Teru? I'm going to get some coffee. You want some?”

“No thanks” he responded, letting out a groan as he missed once again. Light hurried off to the stand next door. The agent nodded to him in recognition. He was slightly shorter than light, several years his senior with dark hair and brown eyes.

“Do you have it?”

Light nodded undoing his jacket. “Yes, now quick. Take it” he pulled out the Death Note and thrusted it into the agent’s hands. There was only one issue Light had forgotten. The Agent could now see Ryuk next to Teru and was vastly unprepared to see a Shinigami in broad daylight. The Agent let out a shout, dropping the notebook in the process “No, don’t drop it!” Light whispered


“Teru!” Light spun around in an effort to hide the agent behind him. “Did you win?” he asked subtly kicking the notebook back with his foot towards the Agent.

Teru shook his head “Game is rigged. Waste of money. Are you alright? I heard a shout” he asked stepping closer. He spotted the man behind Light kneeling down and started to frown. Thinking on his feet and with nothing left to lose apart from his life, Light grabbed Teru by the face and kissed him.

Watching this, the Task Force all gasped while Ryuzaki spat out his tea. Teru’s eyes drifted shut as he melted into the kiss. It was all he ever wanted. Five long years of patience had paid off. Light was his, now and forever. Light pulled back, his flushed cheeks mistaken for embarrassment and not the disgust he was holding back.

“Oh Light... You’ve made me so happy” he whispered adoringly

I’m sorry, Ryuzaki. Light thought as the Agent sped off, Death Note hidden in his coat.


That night was the annual NHN music performance. Singers, actors and performers from all over the world were broadcasting live from the NHN station with Misa among the participants. Her blonde hair and bright blue eyes stood out among the crowd of famous celebrities on the stage.

“This has been a year of breakthroughs for us here and for many others as well” the show’s host proclaimed to the audience “And what better way to bring in the end of the year than with the East West Pop music festival. I’m your host, Sophie Chambers. I hope you all enjoy the show as much as we will. Please welcome to the stage our opening act tonight, the lovely Misa Misa!”

“Wahoo! way to go, Misa!” Matsuda cheered as he watched through his computer.

“Really Matsuda? You’re gonna watch that crap?”

Matsuda smiled at Aizawa “Come on, it’s Misa performing. She’s been a big help to us so far. The least we can do is cheer her on”

On stage, Misa stepped forward to take the microphone. She waited until the cheering died down before speaking “Thank you for such a wonderful welcome. Though I come from across the world, it’s so lovely to receive such a warm welcome. Therefore, I'm dedicating this song to you -” Misa suddenly stopped talking. Her eyes grew incredibly wide as one of her hands came to clutch at her chest. She swayed in place for a moment before collapsing to her knees and then to the floor still clasping at her chest.

“Oh no... No! She’s having a heart attack!” Matsuda all but screamed.

“Call an ambulance, quick!” the host shouted as the crowd began screaming with panic


“What is his name? Damn it, armane! Tell me what L’s real name is!”

In the ransacked hotel room, Misa wept as Teru shook her “I keep telling you, I don’t know. Please just let me go!”

“Then give me your Notebook. I know you must still have it”

Misa shook her head “W-What notebook? I don’t know what you want!”

With a sneer, Teru threw her to the floor “Useless. Just like before. I’m warning you Misa. When I find Light again... you’re a dead woman walking”

(Flashback over)

Watching from his office, Teru smiled softly. A small piece of the Death Note in between his fingers with Misa’s name on it. “I warned you. Goodbye, Misa. Looks like the best Kira did win”

Chapter 40: Chapter Thirty Nine - Teru's last stand


Teru is cornered on all sides. Light has abandoned him. Yet this Kira refuses to go down without a fight.


I know, I know. I've been gone WAAAAAYYYY too long and have left you guys hanging. Fear not my dear readers. I am back and this fic will be finished THIS month!!! So sorry for vanishing like that xxx

Chapter Text

“... Breaking news from NHN studios. Famous Singer and Actress Misa Misaof Japan collapsed during the opening of the annual NHN music performance. Though valiant efforts were made by the onsite paramedics, we are sad to announce that Misa Amane has passed away at age twenty-four from a sudden, unexplained heart attack. Fans from across the globe have voiced their grief on social media and...” the news broadcast was drowned out by Light’s heaving sobs. He had his face in his hands as his shoulders shook with the strength of his despair. Misa was gone. Another life he had failed to save. And more than that, Light knew what was in store for her.

She had used the Death Note. Meaning her soul would never go to heaven or even hell. Forever unable to see her parents again in the afterlife. “I’m sorry, Misa. I’m so, so sorry...” he whispered between sobs. Watching from the doorway of the living room, Teru no longer felt the satisfaction he once had for killing her. Seeing Light so upset, Teru realised his grave error. If Light ever found out the truth, it would all be over for him. And after their kiss on the boardwalk, Teru would not let that happen.

“I’m sorry for your loss” He spoke softly “Misa and I had our differences, but... she didn’t deserve that”

Light shuddered a breath “Was it you...?”

“No” Teru lied “I’ve kept my promise to you, Light. I swear it”

Light knew he was lying. He could tell without even looking. Despite everything, Teru had never been able to keep his emotions hidden around Light. He was riddled with disgust for the older man. He could barely believe he was once like Teru. Blind to the pain he was causing to the world. Just a few more days. You can handle this. Light sighed closing his eyes “I believe you” he lied right back “Please, just leave me alone today. I need some space”

The older man nodded “Understood. I’m heading out. Call me if you need anything” Light remained quiet, silently watching the news as Teru gathered his gym bag before leaving the apartment. He waited a solid five minutes before contacting Ryuzaki on his phone.

Get me out of here.


I can’t do this anymore.

You’ll be picked up in ten minutes

I am sorry about Misa

I will see you soon

Thank you

Light was picked up right on time, the fake Notebook left right where Teru had left the real one. Now, it was only a matter of time.

As for the Task Force, they along with Near’s field agent were closely following Teru on his commute to the gym. Even after boldly killing Misa, he kept to his strict schedule. Now out of a job, Teru was spending more time at the gym which he got to using the subway. With the Death Note replaced Teru was no longer considered a threat save for the scrap of paper he had hidden on his person. If Light could guess, he had at least several scraps of paper on him hidden in various places. Most likely in his briefcase or in his watch. Light had done the same when he had been Kira, so Light was mostly certain that was where he was keeping them.

The agent following Teru had one job and one job only. To find and replace the scraps of paper so Teru would be rendered completely unarmed.

The agent swallowed his nerves as he snuck into the men’s changing room. He found Teru's assigned locker and opened it. Inside was the man’s coat, his watch, and his briefcase alongside the gym bag. He had only been informed of the effects of the Death Note and he was not at all mentally prepared for the prospect of seeing a Shinigami of all things. Still, he powered through. He began by combing through the gym bag and briefcase, replacing the pieces of Death Note paper with regular paper scraps. Taking special care to copy any names that might be written on them. Unluckily for him, the door to the locker room started to open before he could get to the watch.

“Shit” he whispered shutting the locker door and darting out of sight. Of course, it was Teru who entered. Cutting his workout short to call Light to check on him. “Teru is in the Locker room. I'm stuck” he whispered into his coms

“Stay out of sight. He's still a danger” Near instructed firmly “Don’t let him see your face. When you get the chance, run”

Teru had the locker handle in his hand, tensing when he noted it was unlocked. He slowly opened the locker, carefully examining his belongings while the agent watched from his hiding spot. The agent looked away for a moment to see if there was an exit he could break for. When he looked back, Teru was gone. His stomach dropped “Near, Teru has -” a hand covered his mouth from behind while Teru’s other arm wrapped itself firmly around his throat. The pair struggled for a few moments when Teru used all his strength to snap the agent’s neck. The other man crumbled to the floor in a heap, his coms loud enough for Teru to hear.

He bent down and placed the fallen com into his ear “Agent Luca? Agent Luca, come in”

“Near, I presume?” Teru asked with a cocky attitude

“Hello, Kira” Near greeted with feigned politeness “Am I to guess you’ve repeated what happened to Agent Pember?”

Teru chuckled “Now Near, that would be an admission of guilt. I'm not as stupid as your agents”

“You do realise we have all the evidence we need to bring you to justice, right?”

“Justice” Teru scoffed “You’re starting to sound a lot like that foolish L. I can see why you were his successor though. Just as willing to let others die for the cause”

Near held his tongue, knowing he needed to play this carefully “That’s right. I am L’s successor. And this time tomorrow, you’ll be in prison for what you’ve done. You'll never see the light of day again once I'm finished with you”

“Bold words from a child” retorted Teru “And what evidence could you possibly have? I’d love to see you try and convince a jury Kira can kill just by writing a name down” Teru dressed himself back in his usual clothing while this conversation was happening. The dead man still lying on the floor not ten feet away from him “A case like that would be laughed out of court. And I highly doubt any of your men or you would test the Notebook out for yourselves now, would you?”

Near hummed thoughtfully “You raise a valid point. However, your defence will crumble when we bring out our witness”

Teru frowned “Witness?”

“Light Yagami” Near announced causing Teru’s eyes to widen in shock “He left the apartment not long after you did. Into a car ordered by L himself. As of right now, he’s selling your secrets as we speak. You should have played your cards better” Near expected the other man to react violently. Maybe even have a breakdown over the fact Light had betrayed him.

Instead, Teru just laughed “Oh Near. Near, Near, you foolish little boy” he said making Near bristle “For someone as smart as you, trained by someone as thorough as L, you’re forgetting something. Something that likely passed Light’s mind even”

“And what is that?” Near dared to ask

“Tell me, has anyone checked on dear Miss Takada since last night?” he asked smugly. In his bunker, Near’s eyes grew impossibly wide. He glanced at his agents who began frantically making phone calls or typing on their keyboards. “Goodbye, Near. It was fun while it lasted” Teru let the com fall to the floor and then made his exit from the Gym. He left just in time to hear the screams when someone found the body though no one noticed him leave. Once outside the gym, Teru retrieved his trusty pen and another scrap of paper from inside the lining of his jacket.


“What do you mean you can’t find her?” Light demanded in a full-on panic “She couldn’t have just vanished into thin air”

His father held him by the shoulders to stop his pacing “Light, you need to breathe. We are doing everything we can to find her”

“You don’t understand,” Light said pulling away from his father's hold “She's going to die. She has maybe hours before it’s too late. We need to find her now!”

Ryuzaki stepped forward “Light, listen to me. I know you don’t want to think about it, but I need you to remember. What happened when this was you? It might shed some light onto what Teru might have planned”

Light shook his head “It won’t. Last time, Mello was involved. He’s gone completely off the rails. He's – he's floundering. He's cornered and he knows it. Kiyomi is as much a witness as I am. She knows about the Death Note. She's as good as dead. Just – just like Misa...” Light broke down into more tears and Ryuzaki didn’t hesitate to pull him into a much-needed hug. “I failed them. Everyone Kira killed. It’s all my fault...”

Suddenly, Watari gasped “We’ve found her” he announced getting everyone’s attention “That was her apartment complex’s doorman. He says that Miss Takada hasn’t left the building since last night”

Aizawa jumped to his feet “We gotta go. Now!”

The Task Force piled into their cars and sped off to Kiyomi’s apartment building. Light hoping beyond hope that they would get to her in time. As they drove like bats out of hell, he couldn’t help but notice they were being overtaken by several fire trucks. By the time they reached her building, light knew it was all for nothing.

Flames and smoke billowed out of broken windows on the fifteenth floor of the building. The floor on which Kiyomi's apartment was situated. The flames were so large they were starting to touch the nearby buildings. There was no way Kiyomi could have survived that. Light fell to his knees on the pavement with his father holding him close from behind. His face caught in an expression of pure grief and heartache. He failed her too.

Kiyomi Takada

Suicide. January 24 th , 2013

Burns to death by setting everything around her on fire.


Kiyomi opened her eyes. She found herself lying underneath a blossom tree resting on soft fresh grass. Her clothes were replaced with a simple white dress that reached her ankles. Slowly, she got to her feet, trying to figure out how she got from her apartment to here.

“Kiyomi” a voice she hadn’t heard in years spoke.

Tears already blurred her vision as the dark-haired woman turned around. There she was. Mitsuko. Her first love. Still as beautiful as she remembered “It’s you...” she whispered with tears trailing down her face “Am - Am I dead?”

Mitsuko nodded “Almost. This place is where you can choose to go back or stay”

“I want to stay” Kiyomi decided without hesitation “I want to stay with you. Mitsuko, I... I’m so sorry. For what I did. For what you went through. Please... please forgive me, I -”

Mitsuko cut her off with the gentlest of kisses “I know. It’s ok” the brunette smiled taking her by the hand. “Come on. We’ll pass on together. I've been waiting for you” Kiyomi took the offered hand happily. Together, they walked towards the light. Two lovers separated by fate, reunited by love.

Chapter 41: Chapter Forty - Light's decision


After Kiyomi dies, Light takes matters into his own hands.


We're on the home stretch ladies and gentlemen and everything in between! Thanks for being so patient with me xxx

Chapter is a little short but the next will be looong!!

Chapter Text

The investigators would retrieve Kiyomi’s charred remains long after the blaze was dealt with. Her body was beyond recognition, yet the incident report would state that Kiyomi died with a smile on her face. The public and her colleagues believed it to be suicide. That Kiyomi must have been suffering in silence before deciding to take her own life.

Light and the Task Force knew better. Teru had killed her. Just like he had killed Misa and Mitsuko and so many others in his twisted version of justice. Looking back, Light could scarlessly believe he himself was once capable of such depravity. That he was once the killer Kira. When Kiyomi died, something inside Light snapped. Too many friends had died because Light was too scared to give into his darker nature. How many more would die before Light dealt with Teru once and for all?

While Ryuzaki and the Task Force spoke with Near and Mello on what their next course of action should be now that Teru was still in possession of scraps of the Death Note, Light slipped away into the other room. With a thunderous expression, he pulled out his phone and made a phone call to the man he hated more than anything at that moment. Despite his fury, Light was smart enough to press record on his phone when he dialled.

“Light?” Teru’s breathless voice answered on the first ring

Light barely held back his rage “You killed her, didn’t you?”

“Yes” Teru admitted “I killed her. She had served her purpose and was therefore no longer useful to us”

“Us? There’s no us in this, Teru” the younger all but spat “You killed my friend for no good reason. Just like all the others. You never killed for justice. You killed because you wanted to”

Teru was quiet for a moment “... Is that what you think of me? A lowly murderer with no care for others?”

“Well, you’re not exactly making it easy for yourself, are you?... But no. I don’t believe it” Light sighed “As much as I want otherwise, I still believe there is good in you. That you can stop being Kira”

The other man hummed thoughtfully “I was told you apparently sang like a canary to L about my exploits. I’m afraid it’s rather late for that”

“You were lied to” Light pressed “I never said a word. The evidence they have on you? Circumstantial at best. They don’t have a leg to stand on if it ever gets to court. So take this chance. Let's leave again. Somewhere they can’t find us”

“You... You want to leave? With me?” Teru questioned almost euphoric “I had thought after Takada...”

Light smirked, knowing he had Teru right where he wanted him “Let me prove it to you. Meet me at 85 Durley warehouse. It's not far from the airport. We can leave it there and start over. Just you and me”

“You mean... leave the Death Note behind? That’s a huge ask, Light Darling. What will you give me in return?” the killer asked pointedly

Light shuddered when he caught the implication but knew he had do keep up the act “What I’ll give you, is the one thing L never got from me. He may have had my first kiss thanks to his lies, but you’ll get the whole untouched package” it was a bold lie of course. Light and Ryuzaki had literally made love only days previous. Luckily for him, Teru didn’t hesitate to agree to a meeting. Light supposed five years of patience had its limits.

“I’ll be there. Say when and I’ll be there” he vowed already sounding excited from what was to come. Light informed him of the time to meet before hanging up. Light then left his phone on the nightstand with a hastily written note for Ryuzaki. Outside the Task Force had devolved into full-on arguing over what they should do next. Giving Light ample opportunity to make a quick escape. But not before swiping Aizawa’s gun from the holster that had been flung over a chair.

Light was gone from the hotel before anyone even noticed he hadn’t contributed to the argument. “Light? Light, where did he go?”

Suddenly the argument was forgotten completely. The Task Force scoured the penthouse suite till Matsuda came across the phone and the note in one of the bedrooms. “Guys! Guys, he’s gone!” he shouted grabbing their attention. Ryuzaki snatched the note from the detective's hands to read for himself.

I have his confession recorded

I’m ending this today

No one else is dying because of me

I’m sorry

“Watari, have the recording play on the computer so Near and Mello can listen as well” Ryuzaki instructed sounding shaken “Why does he do this? Every time I turn my back, he disappears”

Yagami placed a hand on his shoulder “We’ll find him. Light wouldn’t have left unless he knew what he was doing”

“Uh... guys?” Aizawa called coming into the room, his gun holster empty “I think Light took my gun”

Meanwhile, Light was driving through the streets of L.A heading towards the warehouse. It had been poignant for Light to die from a Heart attack when he had been Kira. It was only fair he gave Teru the same mercy of a quick death. And if Light failed to kill him? If Light couldn’t bring himself to end Teru himself, well, that was what Ryuk was for.

“Wow. Are you really going to try and kill him?” Ryuk asked appearing in the back seat of the car

Light sighed a smile “Good to see you again Ryuk. Where have you been lately? I’ve hardly seen you since Misa died”

“Oh, I’ve been around. Did you know this state has so many apple orchards? I don’t think I can eat another apple for at least another month” he added to that statement by burping loudly. The car now smelling of Honeycrisp apples.

“Charming” Light commented “Listen, I need a favour. One that the past me would never ask in a million years”

That caught Ryuk's attention “Oh? And what’s that?”

“If things go wrong for me, you killing Teru would save my life and in doing so, you would turn to dust correct?”

“Uh... yeah? What about it?” Ryuk asked suspiciously

Light focused on the road, hands gripping the steering wheel tightly “Then... If I fail in killing Teru... I need you to kill me” The Shinigami went quiet. So quiet Light could have sworn he had disappeared if he couldn’t see him in the rearview mirror. “I think this is the first time you’ve been this quiet.

“Wait. You want me, to kill you” Ryuk clarified “Actually kill you? Why?”

“Because I’m what drives Teru. He's the way he is because of his obsession with me. If you take me out of the equation, Kira loses his drive to kill. Hell, if we had never met he’s probably never have even thought of becoming a killer. For justice of all things” he shook his head “Don’t you get it? No matter what I do, I ruin everything I touch. I couldn’t save Misa or Kiyomi. Mitsuko died simply for knowing me. Everyone Teru killed is because I wasn’t enough” his hands clenched the steering wheel in a vice grip “My very existence is a curse”

Ryuk was baffled at what to say next. Rem had told him about Light’s past life as Kira. To be honest, Ryuk had never met a more interesting human. And Ryuk would be bereft to lose someone so interesting. “Well, I suppose we’ll just have to see how things pan out,” the Shinigami said as they pulled up to the warehouse. “I gotta wonder though. What about your boyfriend back at the hotel? Humans are such fragile things. Are you really going to break his heart again?”

The human shook his head willing himself not to start crying. “Ryuzaki will understand. He has to...”

As Light stepped out of the car, Shinigami in tow, the Task Force was breaking every traffic law in the book trying to get to Light before it was too late.

Chapter 42: Chapter Forty One - The Confrontation


Light finally puts his plan into action. Only one of them is walking out alive.


Yeah, I disappeared again. I have no excuse, I just suck at project management. Sorry for leaving you guys with a cliffhanger... again...

Chapter Text

The warehouse was located just south of the nearby airport. The noises of the planes taking off would obstruct any sounds coming from the building. The warehouse Light had chosen had been empty for years after the company that once owned it had gone bankrupt. The whole site had been void of life for some time. Meaning no unsuspecting innocent was going to get caught in the crossfire.

Just as Light planned.

“Alright, Ryuk. You remember what I told you?” he asked the Shinigami

Ryuk nodded “Yep. If everything goes to crap, I kill you. Boy. I did not see this coming. I guess I should say good luck” he expanded his wings “You’re gonna need it” with that, he flew out of sight. Light took a moment to collect himself. He had to get this right. This was it. His last chance at rectifying his mistakes. His last chance to put Kira to dust.

He slowly rolled open the warehouse door “Teru?” he called into the shadowy building. He walked further inside. One hand staying in his pocket where he kept the gun he had snatched from Aizawa. “Teru, I’m here”

“You’re here” Teru spoke appearing from the shadows. He was dressed simply with an overcoat over his clothes “You actually came...”

Light played innocent “You thought I wouldn’t show?”

Teru chuckled nervously “I must admit, I was nervous. After everything that happened between us... But I needn’t have worried” he smiled “You have no idea how glad I am that you showed up”

“Well, I always keep my promises. The question is, will you keep yours?” Light asked taking another step closer.

The older man pulled out the Death Note from his coat “Yes. Nothing is worth not having you in my life. As much as I desire justice for this blighted world, having you by my side is more important” he held out the Death Note for Light and Light took it off him. He couldn’t hide the shudder he had when he held it once again. Disgust making his stomach churn.

“Thank you, Teru” he said “And... I’m sorry” He then pulled out the gun from his pocket pointing it at Teru.

The dark-haired man stared at Light in disbelief “L-Light...?”

“I never wanted it to come to this” Light said genuinely sorry for what he was planning to do “I wanted to prevent this. Prevent you from having to die... But you just wouldn’t stop”

Teru stammered “This... This is about Mitsuko, isn’t it?”

“Mitsuko. Naomi. Misa. Rey. And every other life you took” the younger told him keeping his aim steady “Why did you have to be like this? “Why... Why did you have to be like me?” Unbeknownst to Light and Teru, the Task Force had arrived.

“Like you?” Teru asked confused “What are you-?”

“Do you want to know why I tried so hard to find Kira? Do you know why I joined the Task Force and did everything in my power to bring Kira down? It’s because I was you” he admitted with a heaving chest.

Teru was rendered speechless “You... What?”

“I was Kira. A long, long time ago. And I died as Kira. Alone and forgotten, ashamed of what I had become. Of what I had done” Light went on to explain “But somehow, I woke up back in the past. Back before I found that damn notebook. I swore then and there I would never become that monster. That Kira would never come to pass again. But you,” he seethed “You just had to be the one to grab it, didn't you? You just had to start using it. You were a damn Prosecutor! How could you of all people resort to killing people?” he demanded to know, all the while keeping the gun aimed at Teru even though his aim was growing shaky.

Teru sighed “Because I was sick of seeing the guilty get away with literal murder and walk out a courtroom only to kill again. I was tired of watching innocent people get hurt or killed because a broken system let criminals run free. Yes, I may have killed innocents like Mitsuko. But she was one of the few that did not deserve that fate. The rest?” he laughed bitterly “The Yostsuba corporation that turned killing into profit? That man who held a daycare of all things hostage? Those bikers who were going to rape your friend in public? Not one of those people deserved leniency”

“But that wasn’t your decision to make!” Light yelled “It wasn’t my decision to make either. Don’t you get it? You’re doomed either way because of that notebook. Anyone who uses it can neither go to heaven or hell. Can’t you see how utterly insane using that notebook is?” Light braved another step forward. “Teru, please. I am begging you. Do not make me do this. Surrender peacefully”

But Teru just kept eye contact with Light never looking away “Oh Light, I loved you so. You were my reason for being. My drive to fix this terrible world. But I see now...” His gaze turned dark “That bastard truly stole you away” Suddenly, Light was staring down the barrel of a gun.

The door to the warehouse burst open “Teru Mikami, you are under arrest!” Aizawa shouted as he and the rest of the Taskforce filed in with Ryuzaki among them. Light looked behind him just for a second. Long enough for Teru to grab him and make Light drop the gun and hold him to his chest. He then had the gun pressed against Light’s temple.

“Nobody moves or he dies!” Teru screamed a warning

Light screamed louder “Forget me, just shoot him!”

“Mikami. Lower your weapon. That’s an order” demanded Yagami trying to keep his composure despite his only son in such danger. Teru refused to budge keeping the gun against Light’s head. Light knew Teru wouldn’t shoot him. He still loved Light in his own sick way too much to let that happen.

Light had no choice “Ryuk! Do it now!” he shouted as loud as he could, demanding the Shinigami to keep his word.

Teru snarled looking down at Light “What are you talking about?”

The younger man just smirked sadly “I made a deal with Ryuk. I’m taking away the only thing you ever gave a damn about. Me” he watched as Teru’s face paled in realisation “That’s right. I’ll be dead in less than a minute, you bastard”

Yagami let out a pained noise “Light!?”

“Light...” Ryuzaki said getting Light’s attention

Light met his gaze with tears in his eyes “I’m sorry, Ryuzaki. I didn’t know what else to do” he made a show of throwing the Death Note at Matsuda who caught it “I’m who he wants. I’m the reason all this started. Please forgive me. I had no choice”

“But you’ll die!” his father wailed in horror

“I know” Light spoke sadly still looking at Ryuzaki “But Kira will die with me. Ryuzaki... I love you” he admitted blinking back tears. A minute passed and Light went limp in Teru’s arms. Out of shock, Teru dropped him letting Light’s limp body hit the floor. For a second everything went silent. No one believing their eyes. Then, Teru began to scream. The kind of scream you heard when someone was being murdered. And he was in a sense. His heart had been killed alongside his beloved Light. But that wasn’t enough for the Task Force.

Ryuzaki moved first. Socking Teru in the jaw so hard the man flew across the room. Ryuzaki’s chest heaved from the effort but he was far from done. Teru was shaken back to his senses from the punch. Though his love was gone and his power taken, he still tried to run.

Yagami fired his gun at the once prosecutor. Shooting him in the leg, shoulder, stomach, and back. Teru howled in pain. Yagami had ensured Teru would be too injured to run but not fatally enough to kill him. Teru rolled on the floor crying and wailing in pain. “Please! Please just kill me!” he begged “Let me be with him again!”

“No,” Ryuzaki said ice-cold staring down at the man he had hunted for years “I will make sure that you spend the rest of your miserable life in confinement. I will ensure you never see the gallows. You're going to live as long as God intended, and when you do eventually die, old and alone, you will never see Light again. Because where you’re going, Light won’t be waiting for you”

Through pained gasps, Teru pulled out the pen he always kept in his inner pocket. He smiled wickedly at Ryuzaki “Wanna bet?” Before Ryuzaki or anyone could stop him, Teru stabbed himself in the throat with the sharpened tip of the pen. A trick he had learnt from a murder case long ago. He cut through the vital arteries in his throat, blood spewing from the wound like a fountain.

“Somebody stop the bleeding!” Mogi shouted

“It’s no use” Ryuzaki announced watching Tru slowly grow limp and quiet at his feet. “He won’t survive that” all too soon, Teru took his last stuttered breath. His eyes fixated on Light until the last. It was over. Kira was dead. And much to their devastation, so was Light. Yagami was the first to break. Cradling his son’s lifeless body as he sobbed brokenly. It wasn’t long before the rest of the Task Force was crying too. Grown men who had seen death and horrors beyond comprehension mourned the death of Light.

Ryuzaki couldn’t even bring himself to look at Light’s body. All his life he had strived to hide his emotions. To be an unfeeling machine that never faltered. But now, his whole body trembled as silent tears ran down his cheeks. “Light... I’m sorry...”

“Uh...” Ryuk spoke from the rafters “Is now a bad time to say Light’s not actually dead?”

“W-what?” The father gasped. He had been so lost in grief that he hadn’t even checked for a pulse. He sobbed again, this time out of relief when he did indeed find a pulse. His son was alive. “But - But how?”

Ryuk landed on the ground next to Teru’s body “Light and I made an agreement. If Light couldn’t finish Teru himself, I would end Light so Teru would lose his drive to kill” Ryuk then laughed “But, Light never told me when I should kill him”

Wiping his eyes, Matsuda asked “I don’t get it. Light collapsed. We all saw it”

“A last laugh on my part” Ryuk said with another chuckle. “I made Light collapse by way of the Death Note, but not to kill him. Don’t get me wrong, he will die eventually, but not for a long, long time” he grinned wider “This place would have been sooooo boring without him”

“I - I don’t know how to thank you” Yagami said still holding Light in his arms “You've saved my son”

“Nah., He saved himself. He’s way smarter than people give him credit for” he took the notebook from Matsuda’s hands “Well. Time for me to go. I doubt we’ll meet again, so tell Light we’re square when he wakes up” Ryul bid them all a last farewell before vanishing from their lives forever along with the Death Note that started it all.

In his father’s arms, Light began to stir awake “Mm... Dad?” Light questioned blinking awake “What the – why am I -” His father just hugged him while crying his eyes out from relief

“Oh Light. Thank goodness. Thank god. You came back”

Light frowned in confusion. His eyes found Ryuzaki’s who was standing away from everyone else. In the blink of an eye, Light was out of his father’s embrace and in the arms of Ryuzaki. “Ryuzaki?” The detective pulled back slightly, looking Light deep in his eyes. He then slapped Light across the cheek. “Ow!”

“Don’t... you ever... pull a stunt like that again” the detective said with such finality that Light was scared he might kill Light himself if he did. Light nodded frantically in response holding his stinging cheek. Ryuzaki then hugged him tight once again, this time so tight he could hardly breathe.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be making our descent into Tokyo in ten minutes. Please put your seatbelts on and thank you for flying with Asian Airlines”

It took a few more days before arrangements could be made for everyone to return to Japan. Red tape that might as well have been the length of the Atlantic Ocean had kept them landbound until Ryuzaki could prove once and for all that Teru was indeed Kira. The recording Light managed to get was what finally convinced the world governments that Kira had been found and neutralised. Once that was done and dusted, Ryuzaki hired a private jet to get them all home.

Everyone else was in the main cabin of the plane while Light and Ryuzaki were in the private sleeping quarters in the back. “Light” Ryuzaki whispered shaking Light slightly “We need to take our seats” Light had been so emotionally exhausted from the whole ordeal that he had slept the entire flight back home. Finally able to sleep wrapped in Ryuzaki’s arms once again.

Light slowly sat up, bed head and all and yawned “Ok...”

The two sat across from Sayu who smiled when she saw them “Hey Light. Sleep well?”

“Pretty good actually. How was the flight?”

“Not bad. I kicked Matsuda’s butt on the game's console” she grinned

From Matsuda’s seat, he called back from over his shoulder “I still say you used cheat codes”

Ryuzaki suddenly remembered something very important “Apologies Light. I had completely forgotten to give this to you” Light was confused when Ryuzaki handed him a white envelope with his name on it. “It’s from Mitsuko. She asked me to give it to you after she passed”

Light was floored “You kept it all this time?” he asked in disbelief. He looked back at the envelope somewhat nervous to open it. Still, If Mitsuko deemed him important enough to write him a letter while she was dying, it wouldn’t be fair to her not to open it. He slowly opened the envelope and unfolded the letter.

Dear Light...

To be continued...

Chapter 43: Chapter Forty Two - Epilogue


A soft epilogue.


And thus this fic is FINALLY done!!! Thank you to all you lovely, amazing readers for sticking with me and being so patient with my frankly ridiculous upload schedule.

Chapter Text

Dear light.

My Dear, dear Light. As I sit down to write this letter, my heart is heavy with the knowledge that my time in this world is drawing to a close. I want you to know how much your friendship has meant to me and how deeply I cherish the memories we have created together.

Our friendship has been a source of strength, joy, and understanding, and I am endlessly grateful for the love and support you have given me. Your unwavering presence has been a beacon of light in my life, and I want to thank you for the countless moments of laughter and shared experiences that we have treasured.

Thank you for helping me reunite with my parents. Thank you for trying so hard to save my sister. Thank you for saving my life that night we first met.

As I prepare to leave, I want you to remember the profound impact you have had on my life. Your friendship has brought me immense comfort and happiness, and I want nothing more than for you to carry on with our shared memories close to your heart.

And so, I leave you with this. My final gift. Ryuzaki helped me with this after I was first diagnosed as a precaution. Since I won't be able to use it myself, there's no one else I would want to have it but you. In that way, a part of me will always live on with you if you so wish.

Take care Light. Know that I'll always be by your side. And tell Ryuzaki that if he ever breaks your heart, I'll haunt his ass till he joins me up here.

Yours always, Mitsuko xx


Gold and red leaves fluttered down to the ground as the teenage girl walked through the cemetery. In her arms was a small bouquet of flowers. A gust of wind blew some of her long brown hair into her face. She came to a stop in front of a familiar grave, a small smile on her face. “Hey, Auntie. Sorry I haven't visited in a while” she said placing down the flowers “Liam said he would come by later after he was done with work. I swear, he’s as bad as our dad when it comes to overworking himself” she shook her head fondly. It was their family tradition to visit that particular grave at least once whenever they were in the country.

Footsteps came up behind her “Thought I’d find you here” an older Light Yagami said coming to a stop next to the teen. Light too set down a bouquet of flowers and bowed respectfully at the headstone.

Years ago, when Light received the letter, he had wondered what gift Mitsuko had meant. Then Ryuzaki had explained it to him which had left him in tears. After Mitsuko had been diagnosed but before starting treatment, she had her eggs frozen with help from Ryuzaki so she could one day have children after she got better. That never happened and so when Mitsuko chose to forgo further treatment, she left the frozen eggs to Light to use after she died. Her final gift was to give Light the family he never thought he would have. Many, many tears were shed after reading that letter.

Light waited a few years before using the eggs to start a family alongside Ryuzaki. In that time, he had made a name for himself as another world-famous Detective and when same-sex marriage was legalised in the States, they married in a quiet ceremony with just their friends and Light’s family in attendance. After that, they chose to start a family.

Their eldest was Liam. A shockingly intelligent young man who took after Ryuzaki in both appearance and personality. Then they had their daughter who was Light’s child through and through. Just as bright as her brother and also not afraid to put her nose to the grind to get the job done. When Ryuzaki and Light learnt they were having a daughter, there was only one name they wanted to use.

Mitsuko smiled at her namesake’s headstone, the woman who gave her parents the chance to have her. “Like I wouldn’t see Auntie before we left. Are you finished with work?”

Light nodded adjusting his glasses. The older he got, the more he started to look like his own father Sorichio. “Finally. I swear, these cases get stranger every year. I don’t know why you and your brother decided to follow in our footsteps”

“We learnt from the best” she laughed “Anyway, we better get going. You know what Obachan is like if we’re late for dinner” She looked back at the headstone one last time “Goodbye, Auntie. And thank you again”

When Light was alone after his daughter gave him a moment by himself, he patted the white stone with a sad smile “Thank you Mitsuko. For everything”

Light never thought he could have a life like this. Where he was happy and fulfilled surrounded by family with the man he loved. He could only imagine what his old self would think of him now. He’d like to think that the past him, the one that did pick up that Notebook, would be glad at least some version of him lived a happy life.

Life continued on for the Yagami family. Their children grew into adults and forged their own paths. Liam taking over the mantle of L when Ryuzaki decided to retire and Mitsuko making the choice to follow in her grandfather’s shoes and join the police force. They then had families of their own which only added to Light’s already perfect life.

Sadly, all good things must come to an end. Ryuzaki died first well into his sixties, his sweet-centric diet finally catching up with him. A few years later, Light joined him. Unlike before when Light died in blood alone and hated, this time he passed peacefully surrounded by his children and grandchildren and his little sister with her husband Matsuda at his bedside.

When he opened his eyes, he was back in the in-between once more. As young as he remembered he once was. Waiting for him was his friend Mitsuko, his parents, Rey and Naomi, and most importantly, Ryuzaki.

“Took you long enough” Mitsuko joked helping him to his feet “Some of us have been waiting for decades”

Ryuzaki came forward taking Light’s hand in his “Are you ready to go?”

Light smiled at him lovingly and nodded “Yeah. I think I am. The kids -”

“Will be fine. We’ll see them again when it’s their time” Ryuzaki comforted. Hand in hand, Light entered the afterlife with Ryuzaki and his loved ones. Happy. Content. And redeemed from for his crimes as Kira. It had taken a lifetime and one hell of a journey to get there, but it was safe to say the Light Yagami had his redemption. Leaving behind a world for his children that truly was better for all the right reasons.

The End.

Death Note Redemption - doughnut_mind_if_I_do (2025)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

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Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.